Wikipedia:Historical archive/Logs/Offline reports
This page serves as the index of a set of reports generated periodically from an offline copy of the Wikipedia database, along with the scripts and instructions needed to regenerate them.
These reports are always a bit out of date and should not be considered authoritative, but may provide useful guidance as to which articles may benefit from attention in particular areas.
Link Analysis Database
A Link Analysis Database is created by running a set of scripts on a MySQL database into which a Wikipedia database dump has been loaded. It can be used to generate among others the reports dealing with articles and links to and from them below. Instructions on how to construct a Link Analysis Database can be found here.
- Article lengths
- Articles which have nothing in them (See also: Wikipedia:List_of_blank_pages)
- Shortest pages (See also: Wikipedia:Shortpages)
- Longest pages (See also: Wikipedia:Longpages)
- Article classification
- Outgoing wikilinks
- Pages with no wikilinks (See also: Wikipedia:Deadend_pages)
- Pages with a very large number of wikilinks
- Pages with greatest number of red links
- Pages with multiple wikilinks to the same article
- Articles containing links to redirect pages back to themselves (See also: Wikipedia:Redirects with possibilities)
- Incoming wikilinks
- Orphaned articles (See also: Wikipedia:Orphaned_Articles)
- Orphaned stubs
- Articles with greatest number of incoming links (See also: Wikipedia:Most_Referenced_Articles)
- Stubs with greatest number of incoming links (See also: Wikipedia:Most_wanted_stubs)
- Disambiguation pages with greatest number of incoming links (See also Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links)
- Redirect pages with greatest number of incoming links
- Missing articles and links