List of battles before 301
List of battles - List of battles 1400 BC-1400 - List of battles 1401-1800 - List of battles 1801-1900 - List of battles 1901-forward
Before The Common Era (BC)
- 1469 BC Battle of Megiddo Egypt defeats Canaan
- 1184 BC Battle of Troy After ten year Trojan War, Troy falls
- 885 BC Battle of Karkar -- indecisive, Assyrian Shelmanasar III faced a military alliance of king of Damascus and princes representing Tyre
- 605 BC Battle of Carchemish Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylonia begins reign by defeating Necho
- 540 BC Battle of Alalia
- 490 BC Battle of Marathon Greece under Militides defeat Persia under Darius, Pheidippides dies after running a long distance
- 480 BC Battle of Thermopylae Aug. 11 Persians under Xerxes defeat Greeks under Leonidas
- 480 BC Battle of Salamis Sep. 23 Greeks under Themistocles defeat Persia
- 479 BC Battle of Mycale
- 479 BC Battle of Plaetea Aug 20 Ends Persian invasion of Greece, Mardonius routed by Pausanius
- 418 BC Battle of Mantinea (418 BC)
- 405 BC Battle of Aegospotami late Battle in Peloponnesian War
- 401 BC Battle of Cunaxa
- 387 BC Battle of Rome Gauls sack Rome
- 371 BC Battle of Leuctra
- 362 BC Battle of Mantinea (362 BC)
- 338 BC Battle of Chaeronea Aug 2 Philip of Macedon crushes Athens and Thebes in their struggle for independence
- 333 BC Battle of Issus
- 331 BC Battle of Arbela Oct. 1 Alexander defeats Darius III, gets Persia
- 260 BC Battle of Chengping Army of Qin under Bai Qi routed army of Zhao and massacred 500,000 prisoners of war. Military superiority of Qin over all other states of China. Unification became a matter of time.
- 216 BC Battle of Cannae Hannibal defeats Romans
- 202 BC Battle of Zama Oct. 19 Scipio Africanus Major defeats Carthage and Numidia under Hannibal
- 197 BC Battle of Cynoscephalae in Thessaly Romans under Flaminus defeat Philip V of Macedon
- 190 BC Battle of Magnesia near Smyrna Romans under Scipio Asiaticus defeat Antichus III of Syria
- 168 BC Battle of Pydna Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paulus defeat and capture Macedonian King Perseus
- 160 BC Battle of Elasa Jewish leader Judah Macabee dies
- 149 BC Battle of Carthage (149 BC) - Third Punic War
- 102 BC Battle of Aix Romans under Marius defeat Teutones
- 101 BC Battle of Campi Raudii Romans under Marius defeat Cimbri
- 82 BC Battle of Colline Gate Romans under Sulla repel Samnites
- 53 BC Battle of Carrhae Parthians defeat Rome
- 52 BC Battle of Alesia
- 48 BC Battle of Pharsalus Julius Caesar defeats Pompey
- 42 BC Battle of Philippi Marc Antony and Octavian defeat Cassius
- 31 BC Battle of Actium Octavian defeats Marc Antony and Cleopatra
- 9 Battle of the Teutoburg Forest Rhine established as boundary between Romans and Germans
- 24 Battle of Kunyang June, After being sieged for 2 months, 9000 insurgents under Liu Xiu defeated 450,000 of Wang Mang's troops, ushering in the fall of Wang Mang and restoration of Han Dynasty.
- 43 Roman invasion of Britain Romans under Claudius invade Britain
- 44 Battle of Antioch
- 61 British Uprising Boedicea rebels against Romans in Britain
- 69 Battle of Bedriacum Apr. 19 Vitellius defeats Otho
- 73 Masada Romans besiege Judean mountaintop
- 84 Battle of Mons Graupius
- 312 Battle of Milvian Bridge October 28
- 323 Battle of Adrianople (323) July 3 Flavius Julius Crispus son of Constantine defeats naval forces of Licinus
- 323 Battle of Chrysopolis Sep. 18 Flavius Julius Crispus defeats Licinus
- 378 Battle of Adrianople (378) Hadrianople Aug. 9 Visigoths kill Roman Emporer Valens, first cavalry battle
- 383 Battle of Feishui
- 402 Battle of Pollentia Apr. 6 Stilcho stymies Visigoths
- 410 Battle of Capture of Rome Visigoths under Alaric capture Rome
- 451 Battle of Chalons Attilla Hun loses to Rome under Aetius
- 455 Battle of Sack of Rome Vandals Sack Rome
- 500 Battle of Mons Badonicus or Battle of Mynydd Baddon
- 507 Battle of Vouillé Franks under the lead of Clovis I defeat the Visigoths under Alaric II
- 528 Battle of Daras Justinian's commander Belisarius defeats Persians in his first major battle of the campaign to regain empire
- 533 Battle of Carthage (533) - Battle of Ad Decimum
- 552 Battle of Tagina Eunuch general Narses replaces Belisarius and defeats Ostrogoths under Totila
- 577 Battle of Deorham
- 627 Battle of Nineveh (627)
- 631 Battle of Wogastisburg - King Samo defeats Austrasian forces, led by Dagobert I, Merovingian.
- 632 Battle of Akraba
- 636 Battle of Yarmak Islamic forces conquer Syria from Byzantines
- 642 Battle of Nehaward Arabs gain final victory over Persians, Sassarian dynasty ended
- 656 Battle of Jamal or Battle of Camel
- 677 Battle of Syllaeum Arab fleet destroyed by Byzantium, menace to Europe ended
- 680 Battle of Kerbela Oct. 10 Husain killed, becomes Shi'ite martyr
- 685 Battle of Nechtansmere Picts defeat Northumbrians in Scotland
- 692 Battle of Sevastapol Arabs defeat Justinian II
- 698 Battle of Carthage (698) - Moslem Conquest of North Africa
- 709 Battle of Kabul (709) - Moslem Conquest of the East
- 718 Battle of Covadonga - Spain first time Christians defeat Moors (date uncertain 718 - 725
- 732 Battle of Tours near Poitiers Oct. 11 Moors lose to Charles Martel
- 757 Battle of Suiyang
- 778 Battle of Roncesvalles Charlemagne's rear guard Roland devastated by Basques
- 891 Battle of Leuven - Arnulf of Carinthia defeats Normans
- 917 Battle of Anchialus August 20 Tsar Simeon I of Bulgaria invades Thrace and drive Byzantines out.
- 923 Battle of Soissons June 15 Robert Rollo of Normandy killed by Charles III, but Charles is defeated and imprisoned by Rudolf duke of Burgundy who succeeded Robert
- 955 Battle of Lechfeld Aug. 10 Otto the Great defeats Magyars, ends invasion of West
- 972 Battle of Cedynia
- 991 Battle of Maldon
- 1014 Battle of Clontarf Irish King Brian Born ends Norse rule of Ireland
- 1018 Battle of Vlaardingen Count Dirk III defeats an army sent by Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor at Vlaardingen
- 1054 Battle of Dunsinane Malcolm defeats Macbeth
- 1057 Battle of Lumphanan
- 1066 Battle of Stamford Bridge another battle of 1066
- 1066 Battle of Hastings William the Norman changes the course of Western civilization
- 1071 Battle of Manzikert Byzantines lose Asia Minor, Emporer Romanus IV Diogenes leads Christians against Seljuk Turks
- 1071 Battle of Bari Byzantines lose Italy tto Norman Robert Guiscard
- 1097 Battle of Nicaea Moslems defeated by Byzantines and Crusaders
- 1106 Battle of Tinchebrai Henry I defeated brother Robert of Normandy in NW France
- 1108 Battle of Ucles May
- 1109 Battle of Naklo Boleslav III of Poland defeats Pomeranians
- 1109 Battle of Hundsfeld Boleslav III of Poland defeats German king Henry V
- 1119 Battle of Sarmada August 1
- 1138 Battle of of the Standard near Northallerton
- 1157 Battle of Grathe Heath
- 1176 Battle of Legnano May 29Lombard League defeats and wounds HRE Frederick Barbarossa
- 1205 Battle of Adrianople (1205) - Fourth Crusade
- 1212 Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa July 16 Moors expelled from most of Iberia a joint army of the Christian kingdoms of Castile, Leon, Portugal, Navarre and Aragon.
- 1214 Battle of Bouvines France conquers Flanders
- 1214 Battle of Tournai France defeats HRE Frederick II and King John of England
- 1223 Battle of Kalka River Subutai leads Mongols as they show force in Russia
- 1241 Battle of Liegnitz Mongols of Golden Horde defeat feudal nobility including Knights Templar in Silesia and then retire to Asia
- 1245 Battle of Evesham August 4 - (Baron's War)
- 1242 Battle of Lake Peipus Apr. 5 Alexander Nevski defeats Teutonic Knights
- 1250 Battle of Fariskur Apr. 6 Egyptians defeat 7th Crusade forces of Louis IX
- 1254 Battle of Adrianople (1254) - Byzantine-Bulgarian Wars
- 1263 Battle of Largs
- 1266 Battle of Benevento
- 1268 Battle of Xiangyang First war ever involving the usage of firearms.
- 1288 Battle of Worringen -Germany
- 1279 Battle of Yamen
- 1296 Battle of Dunbar (1296)
- 1296 Battle of Curzota Genoa defeats Venetian fleet including Marco Polo
- 1297 Battle of Stirling Bridge
- 1298 Battle of Falkirk July 22 in Stirlingshire, English Archers defeat Scots led by William Wallace, longbow's first great victory
- 1302 Battle of the Spurs July 11 in Flanders, Flemish burghers led by Count Guy de Dampierre defeat French cavalry
- 1314 Battle of Bannockburn Robert Bruce VIII defeats Edward II, takes Stirling Castle and frees Scotland
- 1315 Battle of Morgarten Nov. 15 Swiss defeat Leopold of Austria
- 1322 Battle of Muhldorf Sep. 28 German Louis IV defeats Frederick of Austria
- 1332 Battle of Plowce Sep. 27 Poland's Ladislas IV Lokietek defeats Teutonic Knights
- 1333 Battle of Halidon Hill July 19 Edward III avenges Bannockburn
- 1340 Battle of Rio Salado Oct. 30 Alphonso XI of Castile defeats Moslems
- 1340 Battle of Sluys June 24 Edward III beats back fleet of Philip VII of France and gains control of Channel
- 1346 Battle of Crecy Aug. 26 England?s longbowmen defeat French cavalry at Abbeville
- 1354 Battle of Sapienza Genoans destroy Venetian fleet
- 1356 Battle of Poitiers Edward the Black Prince capture King John II of France, France is in chaos
- 1362 Battle of Helsingborg - Danish-German War
- 1365 Battle of Adrianople (1365) Capture by Ottoman Turks
- 1380 Battle of Kulikovo Dmitri Donskoi of Moscow stops Mongols
- 1385 Battle of Aljubarrota Aug. 14 Portugal gains independence from Castile, Joao I establishes Avis dynasty in
- 1386 Battle of Sempach July 9 Swiss defeat Leopold III and Austria
- 1389 Battle of Kosovo Ottoman Murad I defeats Serbs, ends Serb empire under Prince Lazar