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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Social sciences

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 04:34, 8 March 2006 (→‎[[Philosophy]]). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Social sciences and philosophy: Anthropology, Sociology, Class Structure - Archaeology - Geography, cities, regions and named places - Governance / Governments / Politics / Political Science - History - Genealogy & Genealogists - Military / Military History - Linguistics - People - Philosophy - Psychology - Society / Culture

Anthropology, Sociology, Class Structure

A: Agokwa (Chippewa, Ojibwa) - Alternative Spring Break - Asabiya - B: Bhilala - Baule - C: Carlo M. Cipolla - Clyde Kluckholm U.S. anthropologist - Cultural broker - E: Elsie Clews Parsons - G: Guiseppe Sergi - H: Human Behavioral Ecology - Historical Particularism - I: Ian Goody - J: Jan Assmann - John Beddoe - Julie Pastrana - K: Kawelka (society from the Mount Hagen area of Papua New Guinea, known for their redistributive "moka" ceremony)- L: M: Matthew Spencer-Spencer, Cambridge Anthropologist - N: Name and Shame - P: Pattern Variables (redirect to variables) - S: Sacred Contagion - Social Exclusion Unit (United Kingdom) - social pendulum - Sonia Hamady southern aristocrat - Survival tactic - T: Third Worldism - Traditional Ecological Knowledge - W: Waunana - See Category:Anthropology.

Cultural Practices, Customs and Folkways

Culture-specific, Arrephoroi (Athenian temple maidens) - Bran pie (Bran-pie, gift exchange) - California culture / Culture of California - Februa - First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty - Fonkong - Gallopalooza-(Louisville Painted Horses) - Gangster culture - Garden Hermits - Geronticide (killin old, like Eskimos) - Ghost Bikes - Hand kissing - Indo-Caucasian - Introductions (How to properly introduce 2 parties) - jack-o'-lantern syndrome - Jñatjo - Kinship systems - Kuzbu - Manteis - Perth Regatta Day - pre-engagement - Pukhtunwali (Pashto tribal code) - regnant - Rhodesians (remaining Whites of Zimbabwe) - Rock water - Social intelligence - Tamaya and Kagiya - Thakkars - low latent inhibition -


A: acute disease - adultolescent - age grades - age structure - agency of socialization - agnotology - altruistic love - anti-humanism - approach - ascriptive characteristic - authentic act - B: background expectancies - barlowe girl - Berelson, Bernard - biomedic model - C: capital-intensive agriculture - capital-intensive manufacturing - chivalry in america - class reproduction - collective representation - collective violence - commodity chain - commodity riots - communal riot - conflict methodology - conscience collective - Contact high - contingency work - contradictory class locations - created environment - crisis medicine - crisis of representation - crude birth-rate - crude death-rate - cultural deprivation - cultural reproduction - cultural superstructure - cultural transmission - cultural universal - culture core - culture of honor - curative medicine - custodial care - D: defensive medicine - deinstitutionalization - deskilling - deviance amplification - deviant subculture - devil theory - domestic labor - domestic science (the historical movement, the teachings, or the practice thereof) - doubling time - dual career family - dual welfare system - durable inequalities - E: ecologism - egalitarian ethic - egalitarian family - emancipatory research - export-processing zone - F: family of orientation - finalism (as opposed to causalism) - formal relations - functional rationality - G: Giovanni Arrighi - Grass, Otto - H: Heterochronicity - high-context cultures - high-trust systems - Hippie Paranoia - Historical sociology - History of poverty in the United States - human mobility - I: Imperitively coordinated associations (Ralf Dahrendorf, author) - inclusivist - Income distribution in the United States - Indian Child Welfare Act - industrial production - informal relations - infrastructural determinism - instinctual theory - institutional capitalism - institutional demand - intensification - intergenerational mobility - international division of labor - interpersonal violence - interpretive - J: Japanization - K: khawalat - male transvestite dancers of the 19th century in Egypt kergymatic - Key stimulus - Kinetic Ethics - knowledge-constitutive interest - L: latent function - latent functions - legitimation crisis - liebenstrom - life-course - life-world - lifestyle changes - looking-glass self - low-context cultures - low-trust systems - M: macro-level - male inexpressiveness - Malthusian society - managerial capitalism - managerial class - manifest function - Maria Colwell - Mechtoid - medical model - medicalisation - Megatrend - mental superstructure - meta-narratives - micro-level - mode of reproduction - moral entrepreneurs - mortification of the self - Most recognized sounds by commercial products - munich wersonality rest (MPT) - N: National Children's Leukemia Foundation - negotiated order - neolocality - neotribalism - new international division of labour - non-speculative (culture, religion) - O: occupational personality questionaire - ontological security - open lineage family - P: patient dumping - personal is the political - political and social unrest in 21st century Africa - political commentary - post-intellectualism - post-socialist state - powerlessness - procastination - primary group structure - private health care - proto-globalization - psychological realism - R: radical sociology - Randall Collins - recursiveness of social knowledge - reflexive sociology - relative autonomy - religion of humanity - restratification - Robin Blackburn (academic, author & editor) - role conflict - ruling elite - S: secondary data - secondary group structure - self-mortification - semantic congruity - sexual script - sick role - situational identity - social closure - social disorganization - social disorders - social dysfunction in 21st century Africa - social forces - social reproduction - social trend - sociocultural materialism - sociological realism - sociology of mental health - solid waste - soul course - state society - status offence - symbolic immortality - symbolic world - T: Teen Violence - third space - total institutions - trading network - transformative movement - U: University of Chicago Committee on Social Thought, Bellow, Grene, Shils, Bloom, etc. - W: Welfare Queen - Z: zweckrational


A: Ah'med Ech Chiruani - Américo Paredes - Archer Taylor - Archie Green - Archive of American Folksong - Arthur Huff Faucet - C: California Folklore Society - Carl Wilhelm von Sydow - CityLore - D: Don Yoder - E: Edwin Sydney Hartland - Eliot Wigginton - European ethnology - F: fenario - Festival of American Folklife - folk museums - folklife festivals - Folklore Society - foodways - Francis Gummere - G: George Laurence Gomme - Gladys Reichard - J: Jólasveinar - Journal of American Folklore - Julius Krohn - K: Kaarle Krohn - Kurt Ranke - L: life-cycle rituals - M: Melville Herskovits - motif (folkloristics) - motif index - N: New Jersey Folklore Society - New York Folklore Society - Newbell Niles Puckett - O: occupational folklife - P: paremiology - R: Ralph Rinzler - Richard Dorson - Robert Winslow Gordon - S: Stith Thompson - T: tale-type - Tennessee Folklore Society - W: Warren Roberts - Y: Yuri Sokolov

Anatolian mythology; - Ancient Religions; - The Apocalypse - The End of the World; - Azazez; - Dictynna; - Felys - Hex and Curses - (Removal of); - Jurjung-Aiyiyi-Toijon; - Lycaean Pan; - Mythological cosmologies(including articles such as Norse cosmology); - nekuia; - Night Strike; - Epic Hero; - Rathgrith; - Spirit wife; - The Thebais; - Wulgaru (or possibly woolagaroo - Aboriginal Australian demonology); - The Alcis; - Divine Twins; - imrahma - Celtic myth resembling the Greek Odyssey and Aeneid; - Little Horn - Biblical term, possibly Old Testament character (Devil's son?); - Stygian - Mentioned in Roman literature but no article exists; -


A: Aemiliik (Peru) - Ain Mallaha / Eynan (Natufian Settlement?) - Angmagssalik - An Yang Chiripa - Asikli Höyük - B: Bassit, Syria (Bronze Age to Byzantine coastal settlement) - Bayou La Batre Culture - Bromme Culture - Byllis, Albania - C: Calatis (Romania) - Castell Henllys - Choquequirao (lost city of the Incas) - D: Dan Y Coed - E: Eildon Hill North - F: Franz Xavier Kugler - G: Gebelein - Gene Savoy, archeologist, Peru explorer - Gough's Cave - Gurnah - H: Hen Domen - Homosapiens Sapiens - I: Indigenous Archaeology - J: Junius Bird - K: Kate Rustemeyer - Klekkende Høj - Kong Asgers Høj - Denmark's largest stone age burial passage tomb. - Krzemionki Opatowskie (Poland) - L Louis Dollo M: Mechtoid - Mine Howe - Mother Grundy's Parlour - N: Nebi Yunus - Nikolaos Platon - Normanton Down - O: Odry (Poland) - P: Paviland Cave - Pixie's Hole - Q: Quanterness - R: Reginald Campbell Thompson - Roland Chen - S: Sean Savoy, archeologist, Peru explorer - T: Tjongerian - U: Ulva Cave - V: Vegetalismo - W: worlebury camp - Y: Yeavering

Geography, cities, regions and named places

See also: World Heritage Sites


See: Wikipedia:Requested articles/Afghanistan




Austro-Hungarian Emprire:


Costa Rica:








See Towns of the Republic of Ireland









South Africa:

for more see List of towns in South Africa

South Korea:




United Kingdom:

See also UK Geography Wikiproject, List of towns in: Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales



See also neighborhoods of: Pittsburgh, PA; Seattle, WA; Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Baltimore, MD; Minneapolis, MN; Philadelphia, PA

Also, a category and/or list request for either U.S. county seats or a county/parish/borough seats category and/or list for each of the 50 states


Bluewater Bay Sucking Eggs

Political geography

A: Africa Growth and Opportunity Act [2] - Arturo Escobar - Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum APPF - Authoritarian nationalism - B: The Balanced Budget Act - 1997 - especially as it relates to Medicare Barry Jones (Australian Politician/Quiz Champion) - Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Blue-Ribbon Panel - Bridges, Sir Edward - Bush Commission - C: Campus Greens - Charles Foster Ruben - Chinese colonization of Tibet - Civic Association - Civic Competition - Coercive Diplomacy - Community Mental Health Act - conflict management group - Colombian Congress Colorado statute - Core Democratic Values - D: Defensive democracy - Developmental democracy - Democratic Consolidation - The Democrat's Public Education Policies - Direct Primary - The Drug-Free Century Act - Dual kingship - E: Effects of colonization on a region - Elmo Roper (the famous pollster) - Emergency AIDS Bill - Etta Federn-Kohlhaas - European Union withdrawal - F: Farheen Hakeem - Fiscal responsibility - FREE PRESS - G: Gary McDowell - Guided Capitalism - George Kolt H: Hoover Commission - I: Inherent Sovereignty - The Islands (Nine Nations) - List of Indian Laws - Institutional Framework J: Jack Ambroff - Joan Mondale - L: Lakovian frames - Liberal nationalism - List of Active Reunification Movements - List of disputed elections - List of government sponsored failures - M: Minority Appeasement - Model Worker - Mongolian Communism - Multi-party System - Municipal League (State) - N: nay sayer - Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party - nomocracy - O: Oplan1000 - P: party institutionalization - Peelian Reform - Policy of Russia - Political elites - Political transformations - presidential debates - ProjectQED - populists party Provisional National Defence Council - Public opinion and media - Q: quasi government - R: Rebel Alliance Forums - Reburger - Regulatory Impact Analysis - Rope line - S: Sergeant at law - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation [3] - Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act - South American Presidents - Southern Cameroon Youth League (SCYL) - staulking - synthetic terror - Sanford v. Kentucky - T: Theodore Lowi - The Treaty Obligations of the United States - Transformational Diplomacy - http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2006/59339.htm U: US aid to Israel - US Government Expansion, History of - W: we campaign in poetry but we must govern in prose - Constitutive political theory - Contemporary African Database - Corporate Republic - "Cry Harold!" - D: Dukedom of New Sealand - E: Environmental crime - European integration theory - G: G-33 - G-90 - Ganf of 500 - George Wolfe - Georges Weiss - Georges Weiss - Georges Weiss - H: Hama Thai - I: Indigenous Peoples' Rights - inquilinos - International Health - In proprio moto - K: Kadura Fares - KOMPAK - L: Lamfalussy, Alexandre - List of national capitals by population - Lusotropicalism - M: Max Fischer - Melanesian Spearhead Group - Meltzer Report - Monterrey consensus - Monopoly Capitalism - Moderate Socialism - Morill Act - N: Naji al-Hadithi - National United Front of Kampuchea - NEPAD Declaration on Democracy, Political Economic and Corporate Governance - NEPAD Progress Report - Neo-Nazism in Canada - New Thinking - No action motion - No Banana Union - P: Pan-African Parliament Trust Fund - Parliamentary Words and Meaning - Party Government - Program 863 - principal asylum applicants - Privileges and immunities abuse - R: Royal Government of the National Union of Cambodia - S: South American Presidents - Suez Conference - Stanford v. Kentucky - T: Tim Osman - Trans Atlantic Aerospace Agreement - U: United States Aid to Pakistan -


A: African and Malagasy Union (Brazzaville Group) - Assembly of European Regions - Australia House, London - B: Balkanism - Bikeshed - C: Child Poverty - Chinese colonization of Tibet - Coercive Diplomacy - Comity Clause of the U.S. Constitution - Commitment to Development Index - Committee of 300 - compradors - N: Portal:NATO - Timor Gap Treaty


#: 5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - A: Abalone Alliance (West coast movement related to Clamshell Alliance) - B: Banana Wara - Belgian nobility - Budget Affairs Commission - C: Chamberlain Case, The (Australia, started 1982) - Civilian Power - Cobell Litigation (US) - Constructive Engagement- D: David M. Barrett - David Elliott Ritch (Cayman Islands) - E: Emergency AIDS Bill - F: Federales (Mexican police/paramilitary force) - Fictional Chief Justices of the United States - FirstGov.org - G: Government by assassination (Japan 1930s) - I: Immigration in Egypt - Indiana Federation of College Republicans - indirect initiative - Integral Nationalism - Internal Leadership - J: James Goodby - Jury Duty - K: Kelly Ayotte - L: Little Bohemia - Lyle Hillyard - M: Matt Goldblatt (Rochester political force) - Midterm Elections - Monopoly Capitalism - Moon-Mars Initiative - N: National Security Letter(s) - Nevada Gaming Commission - O: P: Partai Reformasi Tionghoa Indonesia - Peacebuilding Commission - PhotoStamps.com - Prawn cocktail offensive - President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography - Presidential signing statements - R: Ricardo Granda - Robert K. Killian - S: Statute for Religious Freedom - Strategic adjustment - Strategic culture - T: Ted Sampley - TVA v. Hill (see: snail darter) - U: United States 2008 Election - United States Election audits and electoral fraud - United States Midterm elections, 2006 - W: William Warren Conolly (Cayman Islands) - Williamson v. Lee Optical - Dr Wolfgang Gerhard Guenter Ebel

Members of the U.S. Congress

Alfonso E. Lenhardt - Brian D. Kerns - David D. Phelps - Felix J. Grucci, Jr. - Gary Lee Sisco - George W. Gekas - James H. Maloney - James V. Hansen - James W. Ziglar - Jeff Trandahl - Jeri Thomson - John Cooksey - John J. Rhodes - Lloyd John Ogilvie - Martin Heller - Robert A. Borski - Ronnie Shows - Stephen Horn - William J. Coyne


Albion Nation - District council - Free State of San Francisco - Homeowner's associations - Interstate Driver’s License Compact - Jimmy Griffin (former mayor of Buffalo, New York) - Medical Board of California, http://www.medbd.ca.gov/ - Policy Commissioner - Purpose of city/county governments - Senator Derek Schmidt - Virg Bernero - Tom Nelson (politician) (State Representative - Wisconsin) - Kathleen A. Donovan (County Clerk, Bergen County, NJ) - Wyre Forest District Council


1982 Debt Crisis - 5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - Conference on Children and Youth (WFMH) - Expert Committee on Questions of Population and Racial Policy (Third Reich, Germany, 1933) - Federal Ministry of Family, Youth and Health (Germany) - Federalist 57 - Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring (Third Reich, Germany, January 1, 1934) - Nazi Anti-Flag Desecration Law - United States Government Expansion, History of - Universal Service Fund -

Human Rights

If removing a country-specific human rights article from this list please ensure that it is listed at Human_rights#Country-specific_articles

A: Agrarian Justice - Alan Berkman - C: Chinese colonization of Tibet - D: Darfur Accountability Act - E: Ear squats - H: Horseshoe Theory of Political Alignment - Human Rights Commission - Human rights in Albania - Human rights in Andorra - Human rights in Armenia - Human rights in Austria - Human rights in Azerbaijan - Human rights in Belgium - Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Human rights in Chile - Human rights in Croatia - Human rights in Cyprus - Human rights in Denmark - Human rights in Egypt - Human rights in Estonia - Human rights in FYR Macedonia - Human rights in Georgia - Human rights in Greece - Human rights in Hungary - Human rights in Iceland - Human rights in Ireland - Human rights in Israel - Human rights in Italy - Human rights in Latvia - Human rights in Libya - Human rights in Liechtenstein - Human rights in Lithuania - Human rights in Luxembourg - Human rights in Malta - Human rights in Mexico - Human rights in Moldova - Human rights in Monaco - Human rights in Norway - Human rights in Palestine - Human rights in Poland - Human rights in Portugal - Human rights in Romania - Human rights in San Marino - Human rights in Serbia and Montenegro - Human rights in Sierra Leone - Human rights in Singapore - Human rights in Slovakia - Human rights in Slovenia - Human rights in South Africa - Human rights in Spain - Human rights in Sweden - Human rights in Switzerland - Human rights in Syria - Human rights in the Czech Republic - Human rights in the Netherlands - Human rights in the Vatican City - Human rights in Ukraine - Human rights in Zimbabwe - I: Ivan Cherevko - J: Julia Kruk - P: Patient's rights - Q: Quincy Railways v. Chicago - S: Secretary of State for the Home Department -v- Limbuela - W: Willie Lynch Process (Unsure about the category picked.)


A Connecticut Party - Ana Dolidze - Animal Defenders International - Dictionary Society of North America - GOW Clan - Jesuit Volunteer Corps Transportation Safety Institute - World Beyond Borders - Above Ultimate

Indiana Magazine of History - Journal of the Early Republic - Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era - Pacific Historical Review - Western Historical Quarterly - William and Mary Quarterly

AMICC (American NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court) [4] - CONCERN worldwide - Emergency drought relief organization in sub-Saharan Africa - Employment Policy Foundation - Foundation Center - German Association of Psychiatry - German Research Institute of Psychiatry - ICYE International Cultural Youth Exchange www.icye.org - IJM International Justice Mission - Illuminanti - Jason Czop - Joint Action Group on Gender Equality - Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala - Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism[5] - Roundabout PlayPumps - Tibetan Youth Congress - Ulster Liberation Army - UNA-USA (United Nations Association of the United States of America) [6] - Women's Commission For Refugee Women and Children - www.roundabout.co.za Harvard Association Cultivating Inter America

Best Available Science - Ethical materialism - Horizontal inequality - Human Security Report [7] - JAKIM - Kal Holsti - Monterrey consensus - Nation branding - None Dare Call it Conspiracy - Obschina - Ontological materialism - Orange Anarchism / Festivalism - Plebiscitarian democracy The Orange Party - Political marketing - Political opposition - Post-Marxism - Ranney Index- Political competition indeces - Sovereign order - Sympathy vote - David Easton - domino blackmail - american future.net uti possidetis juris - public policy group - economic law - Democratic Audit- Kilbourn v. Thompson

Barbara Lawton (Wisconsin) - Jack Dalrymple (North Dakota) - James E. Risch (Idaho) - Jane E. Norton (Colorado) - John Cherry (US politician) (Michigan) - Sally Pederson (Iowa)Kilbourn v. Thompson

History of Portland, Oregon - Pierre Picaud - Anthony Jansen van Salee - Book of Nature - Justicar - Benedictine reform/revival (in Anglo-Saxon England) - Cardinal date - Period of Disunity in Chinese history - Cursus Honorem - Ancient Egyptian eating and drinking - Rothari's edict - Tri Yin Yang - Reniassance Reformation - Declaration of Abroath - Collectanea Satis Copiosa - Motecuzoma II - Garland Wars - Ferdinand van Olmen - Main Shifts of History -

Ancient History

17th Century

Henry Wriothesly (third Earl of Southampton) - Isaak de Luca - Restoration of Independence (Portugal) - Valentine Hollingsworth (colonial America) - Indian Mourning Wars (Colonial America) - Wenro - Dutch Republicans (context of 17th century relations with UK and France and House of Orange) Millenary Petition

18th Century

Romantic Education - Colonial American Education - José Antonio Galán, leader of the "Comuneros" peasant movement in 17th century Colombia - Manumission Society - Life of a common soldier - maria theresa of austria - Ignacio de San Caetano - Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy (1786-1851) - sap roller -

19th Century

Baldknobbers, Vigilantes of the Ozarks - Era of Good Stealings - Old Republican Party - History of electricity - Melun Act of 1851 - Nashville Convention - Treaty of Pontotoc - "Five Glorious Days" - Organic work - Civil Code of 1898 - Public Health Act 1875 - French Socialism before the Paris Commune of 1871 - Liberal Revolution of Oporto- Benjamin Singleton Nonagression Pact Laslo Újházy Juana Belen Gutierrez

20th Century

Harbo and Samuelson - The Plostina Tragedy - Bureau of Corporations - The First United Front - Enrico Toti see it:Enrico Toti Juaquín Murrieta- Germaine Berton - Dr. Hans Fishboeck - Stanisław Pyjas - House-Grey Memorandum - Sonderveg - The Jdanov Doctrine -

21st Century

CIA Drug Trafficking - French army mutinies of 1917 - Geodetic Airframe Construction - History of WW2 Detention Camps in India - human-powered flight across the English Channel, 1980 - Journalism during WWII - Malinta Tunnel (Philippine base of operations during WWII) - Normand Bethune - Patriarch Nicodim - Paulskirche Movement - Post-9/11-modernity - Turkish Guest Workers- Poile- Buenos Aires Conference of 1936-

African history

See Wikipedia:List of Africa topics

African-American history

Benjamin Singleton - Luther Jackson - Niagra Movement - Eldredge Cleaver - James Bevel -


A: Abbé Brizard - Alain Besançon - Alexander von Roes - 'Ali 'Abd al-Raziq - Andre Thevet - Anna Daube - Archinov - Arno Borst - B: Bartholomew of Lucca (also known as Tolomeo da Lucca) - C: Carlton J. H. Hayes - Chester G. Starr - Constance Classen - D: Dolorses Hayden - Dom Pezron - E: Edmond Faral -`[[ Enrico de Michelis - Erna Hackenberg - Ernest Labrousse - Freidel,Frank Yury Felshtinsky - G: Gilbert Chinard - Giovanni di Viterbo - H: Hans Matter - Hans Kohn - Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg - Herbert Schöffler - J: Johann Mascov - Johann Naukler - John Boardman (historian) - Joseph Barre - Noble Johnson K: Kenneth Sisam - L: Laweman - Leonard Schapiro - M: Marc Gilbert - Mario Guarnacci (18th century historian) - Martin Litchfield West (Classicist at All Souls College, Oxford) Maurice Gravier - Metreveli Roin - Moet de la Forte-Maison - Michael Rostovstev O: Olwen Hufton - Oscar Handlin - Otto Scheel - P: Paul Buhle - Paul Joachimsen - R: R. Douglas Cope - Richard Verstegen - Raymond Parks (husband of Rosa) - Robert Minder - S: Stephen Koss - T: Tony Judt - Twinger von Königshofen - V: Vasily Krukovsky - Vincenzo Cuoco - W: Walter Licht - Werner Fritzemeyer -

Genealogy & Genealogists

Bradley Wogsland - Cyril Toumanoff

General and unsorted

#: 1904 Date System - 21st century societal chaos in Africa - 5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - A: Anglo-French rivalry - Antiking - Asiatic Registration Act - B: bezprizorni (wandering street children of 1917 Russian revolution) - Bloody June Days - Budek, Polish Priest, Krakow Riots 1407 - C: Cannons of Construction - Constructive Engagement Policy - Conversion of Iceland - Convict Labor - Convict Leasing - customs racketeering (1770's) - D: Damage Control (News) - De Scandalis Magnatum - E: Eastern Establishment - Elizabeth Hayward - F: Fanciullacci - Feoff system - Franco-British Union (a proposed union in 1940) - Free Kashmir Movement - G: Gaitan, Jorge - Genopro (Genealogy Computer Software) - Gertrude Mukangango - Groltzius - H: Harrison Antinarcotic Act - Henry Trendley Dean (1893-1962, pioneer fluoridationist) - History of Indian influence on Southeast Asia - Howard (1066) pre-1066 Germanic Origins [Huguard ?] - J: Jean Ren? Sigault - Joseph Gauderique Aymerich - K: Kalmar Agreement, 1397 - Kenneth Trentadue - Kingdom of England and Wales - Kings of Granada - Kotynos - The olive wreath crown that were worn by Roman emperors and given to winners of the Olympics. - L: Ladies National League - Long hunter [8] - M: Maria Kisito - Mark Mazower - Mary Draper - Mediobarbus - Metallurgy during the Industrial Revolution - Minyue Kingdom - N: Native American Tribal Termination - Nebuchadnezzer Chronicle - Necropolitics - Nihonmachi (Japan towns) in the 17th Century - P: Peking To Paris Rally, 1907 [9] - Persecution of Communists and Socialists during the Holocaust - Phelamanga - Pioneers of the Western Frontier 1860-1890 - Political instability in modern Africa - Political Mythology - Post Office Occupation - Pre-colonial Indonesia - Q: Quataert, Donald - R: Red Serbs - Reich Law Gazette - Rise of modern states - S: Scottish Reformation - Scramble for Concessions - Stele of Vultures - Submarine Pens - T: Thormodus Torfaeus the author of "the Orcades", Copenhagen,1715 - Trade between India and the Greco-Roman World - Treaty of Long Island - The Treaty of Turin - Turkish Spy, The - Two power standard [10] - U: Unit 1855 - Unit 2646 - Unit 8604 - Unit 9420 - W: White Serbs - Y: Yanone

Historic places

Armenian Apostolic Church , Armenia Church built by The Apostols of Jesus in Armenia. - Artaxarta - Christ Church (Alexandria) (Alexandria, Virginia) - City of Laurelwood (Laurelwood, Oregon) - Elijah Miller House (White Plains, New York) - Fairmount Boulevard Historic District (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) - Fort de Chicago - George Washington's Grist Mill Historical State Park (Mount Vernon, Virginia) - Hollenden Hotel (Cleveland, Ohio) - List of tallest lighthouses in the United States - Litzmannstadt Ghetto (Lodz, Poland) - Lux Hotel - Mission of the Guardian Angel - Montiel - Park Synagogue (Cleveland, Ohio) - Pattala - Pohick Church (Lorton, Virginia) - River Farm (Alexandria, Virginia) - Samuel Building (Cleveland, Ohio) - San Diego history - Takht-i-Soleiman (Iran, Armenia). - Llancaich Fawr. Wales. Haunted House Sparrow's Point, Maryland - Washington Elm (Cambridge, Massachusetts) - Whittington Castle - Shropshire, England, once belonged to Fulk Fitz Waryn, possibly the "real" Robin Hood

Historic individuals


5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - Borislav Herak (didn't he plead guilty?) - Macedonian War - September 11th - Patriots Day

Enganche Labour System - Gila Expedition (1857) - Kiowa-Comanche War (1860) - Klamath and Salmon Indian Wars (1855) - Las Cuevas War (1875) - Osage Indian War (1837) - Pecos Expedition (1859) - Pitt River Expedition (1850) - Red River Expedition of 1806 (1806) - Sabine Expedition (1806) - Sabine-Southwestern War (1836–1837) - Spokane-Coeur d'Alene-Paloos War (1858)

Espionage & Intelligence

Green Salt Project - Ralph McGehee


Battle of Belgorod - Battle of Belorussia - Battle of Breakneck Ridge - Battle of Chernikov-Poltava - Battle of Dingjunshan - Battle of Königsberg - Battle of Longarone - Battle of Lvov-Sandomir - Battle of Pinjarra - Battle of Signal Hill - Battle of Smolensk (1943) - Battle of the Lower Dnieper - Battle of Voronezh (1943) - Battle of West Ukraine (1941) - Battle of West Ukraine (1944) - Siege of Budapest (1944-45) - St. Mere Eglise - Union General - Battle of Vafankou -


Cyclone class patrol ship - Edward N. Hall - EMP nuke - Japanese Swordsmith Association - Kaskara - Spike Bayonet - Straightsword - Ya - Lerlec - Anything redlinked from list of firearms

A: Abingdon Male Academy - Admiral Billard Naval Academy - Admiral Farragut Academy - Advance Military Academy - Aiken Military Academy - Alabama Military & Scientific Institute - Alabama Military Institute - Alachua Military Institute - Alamo Military Academy - Albany Military Academy - Albemarle Military Institute - Alexander Institute - Alexander Military Institute - Allen Military Academy - Allen Military School - Amarillo Military Academy - American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - American Military Academy - Ames Military School - Anchorage Classical and Military Academy - Anderson Military Academy - Arizona Military Academy - Arkansas Military Academy - Arkansas Military Institute - Army & Navy Preparatory School - Arrow Rock Military Academy - Asheville Military Academy - Ashfield Military Academy - Astoria Military Academy - Atlanta Air Academy - Auburn Military Academy - Augusta Military Academy - Austin Military Academy - Austin Normal Military School - B: Bailey Military Institute - Barbour Hall Junior Military Academy - Bard Hall - Barnard Military School - Bastrop Military Institute - Bealey Military Academy - Beaumont Military Academy - Belmont Military Academy - Benedictine Military Institute - Bethel Military Academy - Betts Military Academy - Bingham Military School - Bingham's Military School - Bishop Military Academy - Bishop Quarters Junior Military Academy - Bishop Scott Military Academy - Black Foxe Military Institute - Blackstone Military Academy - Blakely Military Institute - Blees Military Academy - Bolles School of Florida - Bordentown Military Institute - Bowden Collegiate & Military Institute - Brandon State Military Institute - Branham and Hughes Military Academy - Breck Military School - Brennan's Military Academy - Brentwood Military Academy - Brentwood Military Academy - Briarley Hall Military Academy - Bridgeport Commercial & Military Academy - Brier Patch Military School - Brook Military Academy - Brown Military Academy - Brown Military Academy - Brownsville Military Academy - Bunker Hill Military Academy - Burbank Military Academy - Burlington Military Academy/College - Burnside Military School - C: California Military Academy - California Military Academy - Calvary Military Academy - Camden Point Military Institute - Cape Fear Military Academy - Captain James D. Cobb's Military School - Cardinal Farley Military Academy - Carlin Military Academy - Carlisle Military Institute - Carlisle Military School - Carolina Military Academy - Carolina Military Institute - Carolina Military-Naval Academy - Carson Military and Naval Institute - Castle Heights Military Academy - Caswell Academy - Catawba Military Academy - Catawba Military Academy - Cayuga Lake Military School - Chaddock Boys School - Chamberlain Military Institute - Chapultepec Military Academy - Charlotte Hall Military Academy - Charlotte Military Institute - Chauncey Hall School - Cheltenham Military Academy - Chesire Military Academy - Chester Military Academy - Cheviot Hills Military Academy - Chicago Military Academy - Chicago Military Academy - Christian Brother College Military High School - Church Military School - Churchill's Military Academy - Clason Point Military Academy - Clinton Liberal Institute & Military Academy - Coe Military Academy - Collegiate Institute - Colonel Edgar's Military Academy - Colorado Military School - Columbia Military Academy - Connecticut Military Academy - Cook Academy - Coral Gables Military Academy - Cornado Military Academy - Corpus Christi Military Academy - Cromwell Military Academy - Crossed Rifles Military Academy - Croton Military Institute - D: Danforth Military Academy - Danville Classical & Military Institute - Danville Military Institute - Davis Gun - Davis Military Academy - Davis Military School - De La Salle Military Academy - De La Salle Military Academy - De Meritte Military Academy - De Veaux School - De Vitte Military Academy - Del Monte Military Academy - Delaware Military Academy - Donaldson Military School - Dr. Holbrook's Military Academy - E: East Florida Seminary - Eastern Military Academy - Eastern Military Academy - Edgar Military School - Edgehill Military School - Edwards Military Institute - El Paso Military Institute - Elberton Military Academy - Elm City Military Institute - Elsinore Naval & Military School - Endymion Military School - Episcopal Military Institute - Epworth Military Academy - Etowah Military Institute - Everest Military Academy - F: Fayetteville Literary, Scientific and Military School - Fayetteville Military Academy - Ferrell Military School - Ferrell's Military Institute - Fitzgerald and Clark School - Fleetwood Academy - Florida Collegiate & Military Institute - Florida Military Academy - Florida Military Academy - Florida Military Institute - Florida Military School & College - Florida Naval Academy - Forest Military Academy - Forest Military School - Fort Worth Military Academy - Francis Military Academy - Franklin Military Institute - Franklin Military School - Frederick Military Academy - Free Military School - Freehold Military School - French Camp Military Academy - G: Garden Military Academy - General McArthur Military Academy - General Pantops Academy - Georgia Southern Military College - Gibson F. Hill's Military Academy - Gideons Military Academy - Glen Turner Military School - Glenville Male Collegiate & Military Institute - Golden State Military Academy - Golden West Military Academy - Gordon Military College - Goss Military Institute - Grand Prairie Seminary - Green Gate Military School - Greenville Military Academy - Greenville Military Institute - Gulf Coast Military Academy - Gymnasium and Military Institute - H: Haggett Military Academy - Hampton Military Academy - Hanson's Military Academy - Harding Military Academy - Harding Military School - Harker Academy - Harris Military Institute - Harrisburg Military Academy - Harvard Military Academy - Henderson Military & Female Institute - Highland Military Academy - Highland Park Military Academy - Hill Military Academy - Hill Naval Academy - Hillsboro Military Academy - Hillsborough Military Academy - Hinfield Academy - Hitchcock Military Academy - Hoge Memorial Military Academy - Hogsett Military Academy - Hollywood Military Academy - Hollywood Military Academy - Honolulu Military Academy - Horner Military School - Hudson River Military Academy - Huntsville Military Academy - Hurt Military School - I: Illinois Military School - Ingles Military High School - Inter-American Military Academy - Irving Military Academy - Isaac Shelby County Military Academy - J: Jackson Military Academy & School of Fine Arts - Jarvis Hall Military Academy - Jarvis Military Academy - Jefferson Military College - Jefferson Military School - John F. Kennedy Military School - John Holbrook's Military School - Jones Military School - Jordan Hall Military School - Junior Military Academy - Junior Military Academy - K: Kamehameha Military School - Kanawha Military Institute - Kansas Military Academy - Kearney Military Academy - Kelley Military Academy - Kemper Military School & Junior College - Kenyon Military Academy - King's Mountain Military School - Kinston Military Institute - Kirkwood Military Academy - Kyle Military Institute - L: La Fayette Military Academy - La Grange Military Academy - La Monte Military Academy - Lagrange College & Military Academy - Lagrange Military Academy - Lancaster Military Academy - Latah Military Academy - Lawrenceburg Military Academy - Lee Military Academy - Lenoir County Military School - Linsly Military Institute - Linton Hall Military School - Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Livingston Military Academy - Lodwick Aviation Military Academy - Long Beach Military Academy - Los Angeles Military Academy - Los Ceritos Military Academy - Louisiana Military Academy - Louisiana State Seminary & Military Academy - Louisville Military Academy - Lovejoy Military Academy - Lowery-Phillips School - Lukin Military Academy - Lynnland Military Institute - M: Macon Military Academy - Madison Military Academy - The Manlius School - Mantua Classical & Military Academy - Marcell Military Academy - Marengo Military Institute - Marmaduke's Military Academy - Maryland Military & Naval Academy - Marymount Military Academy - Massachuetts Nautical School - Massey Military School - McCallie Military School - McDonogh Military Academy - McMinn Military Academy - Media Military Academy for Young Boys - Meridian Military School & College - Miami Military Academy - Miami Military Institute of the Ohio Military College - Midwest Junior Military School - Millard Preparatory School for West Point - Miller School of Albemarle - Mississippi Military Academy - Missouri Literary, Scientific & Military Academy - Mitchell Military Boys School - Mobile Military Institute - Mohegan Military Academy - Mohican Military Academy - Montclair Military Academy - Montrose Military Academy - Morgan Park Military Academy - Mount Saint Joseph Semi-Military Academy - Mount Sterling Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Mount Tamalpais Military Academy - Mountville Military Institute - Moye Military School - Mt. Beacon Military Academy - Mt. Lowe Military Academy - Mt. Pleasant Military Academy - Mt. Vernon Military Academy - Murphreesboro Military Academy - N: Nashville Military Academy - National Scientific and Military Academy - Nazareth Hall Military Academy - Nazareth Hall Military School - Nebraska Military Academy - New Bern Military Academy - New England Military Academy - New Hampshire Military Academy - New Jersey Military Academy - New Jersey Naval Academy - New Orleans Military Academy - Newport News Military Academy - Newton Hall Military Academy - North Carolina Military Academy - North Carolina Military Institute - North Carolina Military Institute - North Granville Military Academy - North Shore Military Academy - Northern Missouri Academy - Northridge Military Academy - Northwestern Military & Naval Academy - Northwestern Military Academy - O: Oak Hill Military Academy - Oakland Military Academy - Oakland Military Academy - Ogden Military Academy - Ohio Military College - Ohio Military Institute - Oklahoma Air Academy - Oklahoma Military Academy - Old Dominion Military Academy - Old Point Comfort Military School - Onarga Military School - Oneonta Military Academy - Orange Military Academy - Oregon Military Academy - P: Pacific Maritime Academy - Pacific Military Academy - Page Military School - Palm Beach Military Academy - Palo Alto Military Academy - Park Military Academy - Park Ridge Military Academy - Partridge Military Academy - Paterson Military Academy - Patrick Military Institute - Peacock Military Academy & College - Pecks Military Academy - Pennsylvania Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Pennsylvania Military Academy - Pennsylvania Military College - Pennsylvania Military Institute - Pershing Military Institute - Petersburg Military Academy - Phelps Military Academy - Philadelphia Military Academy - Pillsbury Military Academy - Pine Forest Military Academy - Pine Ridge Military Academy - Ponca Military Academy - Porter Military Academy - Poughkeepsie Military Institute - Puget Sound Naval Academy (aka Hill Naval Academy) - Pullman Military Academy - Putnam Military Academy - Q: Quincy Military Academy - R: Racine Military School - Raenford Military School - Raleigh Military Academy - Ramsey Military School - Rappahannock Academy & Military Institute - Redondo Military Academy - Rhodes Military Institute - Rice Creek Spring Military Academy - Ridgewood Military Academy - Ringgold Military Academy - Riverview Military Academy - Rock River Military Academy - Rockingham Military Institute - Rockland Military Academy - Roosevelt Military Academy - Roosevelt Military Academy - Rugby Military Academy - Russell Military Academy - Rutherfordton Military Instiute - Rutland Military School - S: Sackett Harbor Military Academy - Sacred Heart Military Academy - Sacred Heart Military Academy - Salem Military Academy - Salisbury Military School - San Diego Army and Navy Academy - San Diego Military Academy - San Rafael Military Academy - Sanford Naval Academy - Schatlock Hall Military Academy - Schreiner Institute - Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute - Seale Military Academy - Selleck Overlook Military Academy - Selma Military Institute - Sepulveda Military Academy - Sewanee Military Academy - Shattuck Military School - Shelby Military Institute - Sierra Military Academy - Silver Lake Military & Naval School - Sing Sing Military Academy - South Carolina Military Academy - South Florida Military Academy - South Florida Military Institute - South Norwalk Military Institute - Southern California Military Academy - Southern Military Academy - Southwestern Military Academy - Southwestern Military Academy - Southwestern Military Academy - Spears-Langfod Military Academy - Springside Military Institute - St. Alban's Academy - St. Aloyisius Military Academy - St. Austin's Military School - St. Charles Military College - St. Edwards Military Academy - St. Emma Military Academy - St. James Military Academy - St. James Military Academy - St. John's Academy - St. John's Military Academy - St. Joseph College & Military Academy - St. Joseph's Military Academy - St. Louis Military Academy - St. Matthew's Hall Military School - St. Matthews Military Academy - St. Matthews Military Academy - St. Norbert Military College - St. Patrick's Military Academy - St. Paul Military Academy - Stamford Military Academy - Stamford Military Academy - Starr's Military Academy - Stella Niagara Cadet School - Stonehurst Military and Naval Academy - Suffield Military Academy - Suffolk Military Academy - Sumter Military Academy - Sweetwater Military College - T: Talladega Military Academy - Tampa Military Academy - Taylor Military School - Tennessee Military Institute - Texas Military College - Texas Monument & Military Institute - Torrance Military Academy - Transylvanian rug -http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF4334B67836F053C0 Trinity Military Institute - Tugalo Institute - Tupelo Military Institute - U: Unity Scientific & Military Academy - University Military Academy - University Military School - University Military School - Urban Military Academy - V: Verner Military Institute - Vireum Military Academy - Virginia Literary, Scientific, & Military Academy - W: Warren County Military Institute - Webster Military Institute - Welch Military Academy - Wenonah Military Academy - West Alabama Institute - West Coast Military Academy - West Florida Seminary - West Lake Military Academy - Westchester Military Academy - Western Military Academy - Western Military Institute - Western Springs Military Academy - Westover Military Academy - Weymans Military School - Williams Military Academy - Williamsburg Military Academy - Wilmington Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Wilson Military Academy - Worrall Hall Military Academy - Worthington Military Academy - Wright's Military Academy - Wyler Military School - Wytheville Military Academy - Y: Yonkers Military Institute


Army Reserve Officer Training Corps - Hanjar S.S. Waffen - Polo Step - icasualties.org

A: Abstract Humor - Actancy - C: Carleton Taylor Hodge - Cohort model - Common latin terms - Complete list of English swearwords - Converb - D: DARPAbet - Diathesis - E: epistemic commitment - F: Feature geometry - François Recanati - H: Hysterica passio - I: Implicative "we" - Interfix - Interrogatives in Ido - J: Joint Incrementation - L: List of English words sorted by frequency of use - Lilias Homburger (1880 - ?, French linguist, much work on African languages) M: Mantaro Hashimoto - Morphophonemic Alternations - P: Pseudopassivization Piaget's theory of language development - Pierre Maillard (c1710-1762)[11], with attention to - prison slang - provection - Plurocrat - R: Relevance Theory - S: Scrambling language - Semantic saturation - Spirantization (a lenition process) - Subjonctif (french grammar) T: Talmy Givon - Textual Analysis (should be linked to content analysis) - type of writing - W: Word-recognition - Wrathful Dispersion - Y: Yule's K

australian icons - carve the joint - coin the term - donet rat[12] - dresden doll - et wot - furry tooth - guilty pleasure - hat tip - hey snapperhead - let the sun creep on you - linguistic pet peeves - on the pipe - ongliding - "oriented" v. "orientated" - panagrams - slap mah fro! - structural linguistics - the cat sat on the mat - waxing philosophical - when the glass falls low - where zero meets fifteen - forninst - to have legs - hedge phrase -

Mascuence - Moleste - Schmilblik - Xíriga

C: Chinese Profanity - Chechen Language - E: English Language in Japan - English Slang - Esperanto Most Frequently Used Words Wordlist - F: Fey (Language) - G: Gibson Code - Got(h)landic - I: Icelandic Grammar - J: JLRT - K: Kikerewe - L: Languages of Angola - Languages of Cameroon - Languages of Ghana - Languages of Nigeria - Languages of Sudan - Languages of Tanzania - Languages of Togo - Languages of Zimbabwe - List of unregulated languages - List of Zapotec languages - M: Mediaglyph - O: Ocracoke dialect - P: Pham Xuan Thai - Phonemic Principle - S: Shabaki language - Snapshack - Sudre François - T: Toki Pona dictionary - Translation Theory - U: Unilingua - Untranslatable phrases - V: Voksigid - Z: Zapoteco language -

Asheninka - John Simpson (Lexicographer) - Six links rule (see discussion on Dictionary article) - Tsetsêhestâhese

All red links from the List of Kyoto Prize winners, it's like not having the Nobel prize winners mentioned in Wikipedia.
#: 13twelve - A: Abdelmalek Sayad - Alice Crimmins - Andrew Sledd - B: Baruch Vladeck - Béla Kiraly - Billy Talen - C: Calvin H. Goddard - Cassim Chilumpha - D: David Finkelhor - Douglas Besharov - E: Edmund Perry - Elvia Alvarado - Eustace Conway - F: Francisco Bulnes - H: Herbert Anaya - Hernan Bermudez - J: Jacques de Baerze - Jeff Getty - John Jeremiah Johnston - Jiri Levy - John Kizon - John Willke - Jörg Syrlin - June Fisher - K: Kody Scott - Kropotnik - L: Leila Waddell - Lemhi Shoshone - Letitia Baldrige - M: Mark Kendall - N: Nick Land - O: Our Lady of the Wayside (Patron Saint of California) - P: Piotr Saburov - Prior Silkstede - R: Robert Cook (Engineer) - Ray Raphael - Robin Ashton - Rohini Choudhury - S: Scott Krueger - T: Tomy Schoenfeld - W: William Bright - Z: Zefrank

Historical figures

Anyone redlinked from Lists of U.S. county name etymologies

Nogi Maresuce japanese general, 19. century.

Adel Mohanned Abdul Almagid Bary, - Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali, - Ibrahim Hussein Abdel Hadi Eidarous, - Khalid al Fawwaz, - Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali, - Mohammed Odeh, - Muhsin Musa Atwalli Atwa, - Sheik Ahmed Salim Swedan, -

Cabinet secretaries (Former U.S.)

A: Abul al-Hasan ben Ahmad - Anders Severin Donner - Andre Couder - Arnold Kohlschütter - B: Bernard Walter (Walther) - C: Casimir Marie Gaudibert - Charles Wesley Elmer - Christian August Hausen - Christian Gärtner - Christian Thomas Elvey - Clarence Augustus Chant - Cleostratus - D: Daniel Barbier - Daniel Chalonge - E: Eduard Heis - Edward Skinner King - Edwin Francis Carpenter - Ernest Debes - F: Felix De Roy - Ferdinand Ellerman - Francis Gano Benedict - Friedrich Hayn - Friedrich Karl Ginzel - G: Gabir Ben Aflah - Georg Christoph Eimmart - Georg Samuel Doerfel - George Cary Comstock - Georges Furner - Giovanni Valentino Mattia Fabbroni - Gottfried Heinsius - Grigory Moiseevich Kramarov - H: Hans Fisher - Harlan James Smith - Harold Knox-Shaw - Hendrik Anton Kramers - Hermann Ganswindt - Hermann Joseph Klein - I: Igor V. Belkovich - Imre Izsak - J: Jacob Robert Emden - Jean Dufay - Jean Felix Gambart - Jeff Gropper - Joel Shamel Alexander Rogers - Johann Hommel - Johann Karl Burckhardt - Johann Matthias Hase - John Howard Dellinger - John Stuart Foster - Josef Hopmann - Julius Bart - Julius Bartels - K: Kirill Pavlovich Florensky - Kurt Heinrich Debus - M: Marc-Auguste Pictet - Mary Beth Norton - Maurice Darney - Mervyn Archdall Ellison - N: Nicholas Erasmus Golovin - Nikolai N. Artamonov - P: Palon Heinrich Ludwig von Boguslawsky - Paul Guthnick - Peter Crüger - Peter Hédervári - Philipp Johann Heinrich Fauth - Priscilla Fairfield Bok - R: Robert Curry Cameron - Roy Healy - T: Theodore Maximillian Bilharz - Thomas Logie McDonald - V: Vladimir Artemyev - W: Walter Grotrian - Werner Kolhörster - Wladimir Wáclav Heinrich -
Note: See the NASA Lunar Atlas for Crater nomenclature.

Albert Oppel - Pierre-Marie Termier - Sainte-Claire Charles Deville -
Note: See the NASA Lunar Atlas for Feature nomenclature.


A: Abdi İpekçi - Admiral Edward Hughes - Aiven "The Great" Andrians - akhbar - B: Bart Huges - Bertrand Denis d' Ogeron de la Bouere - Bernard Second - Bridget "Bride" Fitzpatrick - C: Cheif Tammany - Chevalier de la Luzerne - D: Dandemis - Daniel Payseur - David Hansemann - David Philipson - Death Valley Scotty - Dima Yurasov - E: Edward Paisnel - Eugene Grace - Eugene Sanger - F: Figarella - Francisco Bulnes - Frits Clausen - G: George Coker, Lt. - Guzman Blanco - H: Hartman Chester - J: Jean Clemens - Jean-Christophe Napoléon - Jeanette Enmanuel Tejada - John Swinton - Juan Manuel - K Mahabat Khan - M: Madame Montour and Andrew Montour - Medieval Economy - Robert McDonough N: - Nomi, Toshitaka - Nusaybah - N: Nikolai Nikolayevitch - O: Orion Mountain Dreamer - Opal Whiteley - P: Peg Luksik - Peter Llewellyn-Davies - Pietro Fedele - Q: Queen Isabella of Bavaria - R: Richard J. F. Day - Raoul Wüthrich - Ruthann Aron - S: Sahok The Great - Sara Elizabeth Young - Sucre Figarella - T: Toksyun - V: W: Wapasha - William Bean - Franklin Pierce, Jr. - Oreste Pinto - Christan Linderman -

Watergate figures (Major)

Charles Nuzum - Cord Meyer, Jr. - Robert Gebhardt

Chester Plummer

A: Abomunists - aequanimitas - Ars inveniendi - Associationist Psychology - In Particular that of David Hume B: Bernard Stiegler - British Enlightenment - C: Chris Bobonich - Christian Adolph Klotz - Conjunctive forks - D: Desire utilitarianism - E: Enumerative induction - Error Theory - Existentialist ethics - F: Fabre d'Olivet - Feminist philosophy - "Fido"-Fido principle - G: Graphomania - H: Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht - I: Idealistic pluralism - idios kosmos - J: J.N. Findlay - John-Michael Kuczynski - K: Ken Wilbur - Knowledge-constitutive Interest - koinos - L: Luisa Muraro - M: Martin Rowlands - Marx and Engels on religion - Metaconstitution - Metatheory - Michael Scriven - Mongolian communism - Moral fallibility - N: Nadeem Hussein - Nick Land - Non-maleficience - Nonconceptual content - Noneism - O: Oppositional logic - P: Paradox of analysis - Per Bylund - Philosophy of humour - Pluralistic idealism - The Political Unconscious - Post criticality - postpostmodernism Preferential option for the poor - Principle of empirical verifyability - R: Radical orthodoxy - Ray Billington] - S: Shane Mercer (New Zealand philosopher) - Stonepeace Buddhist philosopher (?) - Susanna Siegel (Harvard Philosopher) - synthetic a priori - T: Terence Parsons - Transcendental Realism - Timothy E. Quill - U: Univocity - V: Vasudeva Kudumbakam - W: Wei Wu Wei - William Cleghorn -

Autocannibalism - Anti-Hebbian Learning - Cartesian Culture - Dartmouth Medal - domestic science (particularly the women's movement occurring late 19th, early 20th centuries) - Ethnozoology - Gender categorization - German Society for Eugenics (founded by Alfred Ploetz in 1905) - Hitler (name) - Minimum Smoking Age In Countries - Minute of silence - Radical Honesty - Respect Agenda - Singapore Kindness Movement - Zhao Fusan (Chinese intellectual)- Power Name- Social Issues in France-

anthrophage - North American Native Warriors Association - postqueer movement - postqueer politics - Tara Foundation - Trinh Minh-ha - United Slaves organization- Pangaea Institute for Gender Studies

Anti-essentialism - Capitalist patriarchy - Carol Queen - Claudie Broyelle - Combahee River Collective - DJ Kuttin Kandi - domestic science (the women's movement) - dominant narrative - Fat Feminism - Fat Liberation - Inclusivity - Joan Riviere - Lookism - Michelle Mone [17] - raunch culture - third space - Women in Development - the UN Third World Conference on Women (held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1985) - Carrie Chatman Catt- Women in the Punk Scene- Neo-Feminism-

The Cerne Society (circa 1805, England) - Dartmouth's Greek Organizations - Drinking society (incl. Oxford and Cambridge) - The Jungstadt - Pink Hat Society Poulain de la Barre Anti - Masonic War

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender

(Margaret) Barusch - Brad and Guiermo - Galimony - Gaysploitation - Jason Gage - Josh Altesman - Lipstick Feminism - Mogenic - OUTniagara - Thai Gay History - Una Vincenzo, Lady Troubridge - Zeb Atlas - Nina Arsenault - FreeZ or Free Zach - See also: List of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community centers and List of LGBT publications Buck Angel - femal to male pornstar and pioneer

Alwyn Collinson - Captain Sticky - A self-appointed general advocate in San Diego ChaoClub - http://newchaoclub.proboards29.com/index.cgi - cHix0r - Dr. B. Keith Murphy...Pop Culture Scholar, author, professor - http://www.keithmurphy.info - gmart - Leah Hollinsworth - The bicycle courier in this photo series - http://www.citynoise.org/article/2770#19190 Dave Salmoni - The Wildcat training expert with shows on the Discovery Channel, etc. - Misogyny and Raeggaton - Monkeemobile - Tucker Estron - Twinkee house - http://twinkiehouse.ytmnd.com/ - ualuealuealeuale - Votefortheworst.com - welfare queen Teddy Girls - honger

Updated weekly top 100 television ratings

work marriage, work husband and work wife based on this discussion


The Arm (Buffalo, NY mafia) - Charlotte Kates (Leader of movement against Israel) - Dejan - male name - Deformed Chakra - Harry Potter slash (There's already an article on Slash fiction) - History of Maralinga - Humphrey the Wayward Whale (Humpback whale who got stuck in San Francisco Bay twice) - ijazah (Islamic practice) - Manson Lamps - May-December Relationships - Piranian The Partnership (Detroit mafia) - Patriarca crime family (New England mafia) - stone bow - Trafficante crime family (Florida mafia) - Vilnius Brigade (Lithuanian mafia) - Winebox Inquiry New Zealand (Inquiry into Certain Matters Relating to Taxation in the 90's) - LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman (two teens that created a radio documentary entitled "Ghetto Life 101" for NPR and later another documentary called "Remorse: The 14 Stories of Eric Morse".) - Sociophysics (statistical science that serves to bring Asimov's Psychohistory to the realm of an actual science) - Celtic Calendar and the corresponding zodiac

Not Familiar Enough To Know Where It Goes

Francis Arzine Agori Tribe - Bill Roggio - Blog Against Racism Day - Bureaucratic-burgeoisie/comprador class - Cyberwhore - Emil L. Fackenheim - Famous Jewel/Diamond/Art Thefts/Heists - Girl Friday (probably referring to His Girl Friday) - Guatemala Coup D'etat - Hoover Resolution Ignatius Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln - Hungarian-born Jewish British politician & spy & con-man, Canadian missionary, German journalist & revolutionary, Chinese Buddhist monk Julie La Maupin - 17th-18th century French Opera star and fencer. - Killhamster - Neo-Medievalism - NinthState.net - (http://www.ninthstate.net/) NH based online web-blog, politics, news, editorials, conservative. Tom Hogan/Ryan Lirette. Nuclear Emergency Response Team - Nuclear Emergency Search Team - the Platzspitz Pan-Jun-Shun - Paper Angels by Ginny Lim 1991 - Regulatory Fit - Remittance Man - Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River - Roxanne Pallet - Semantic Saturation - Switzerland aka Needle Park - Taisai Chi-Fu-Lin - Treaty of kunta hora - True to the Union Monument -- Only Monument to the Union below the Mason-Dixon line Arthur Marwick - Overreact - Hixploitation List of U.S. Military Departments- Nichols College based in Dudley, Massachusetts (http://www.nichols.edu/) Southern New Hampshire University based in Manchester, New Hampshire (http://www.snhu.edu/). Suicidal Ideation