Manik The Hedgehog
Manik The Hedgehog first appered in the TV show Sonic Underground. Sonic Underground follows the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his siblings Sonia(His sister) and Manik(His brother). Manik (along with Sonic and Sonia)is the offspring of Queen Aleena who was the original queen of Mobius before Princess Sally's family ruled Mobius. Manik looks alot like Sonic in apperence exept the fact that Manik's fur color is green and his first two quills are replaced by spiky hair. Like his siblings Manik has an amulet that resembles a musical instrement that doubles as a weapon(The amulets turn into weapons only when Sonic and his siblings are in harmony with each other).Sonic's amulet is an electric guitar/gun,Sonia's amulet is a keyboard/gun,and Manik's amulet is a drumset/earth controller. According to my fanfics Manik's amulet belonged to the court wizard of The Royal Family of Hedgehogs. He was said to be a Earth Elemental's son so when he created Manik's amulet he gave it the power of Earth. In the Archie comic Manik is Sonic and Sally's son. This change is in the Sonic miniseries Mobius:25 Years Later. This miniseris started in Sonic issue 131.