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Wikipedia:Wikipedia as a press source 2004

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Jengod (talk | contribs) at 18:29, 13 July 2004 (June 2004 (16 articles)). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Wikipedia is increasingly being used as a source in the world press—articles citing Wikipedia have been published in Australia, Germany, Iran, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. (See also: Wikipedia:Friends of Wikipedia, Wikipedia as a press source 2003)

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  • If the article is about Wikipedia itself, please add it to Wikipedia:Press coverage, rather than here.
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  • Also, please check to make sure this is the first publication of the article—newspapers often reprint things other papers published days and even weeks before.
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July 2004 (6 articles)

  • "The J2EE guy still doesn't get PHP" (Site Point, Internet, July 1, 2004) "Yes the subjects are related but scalability is more about what happens when you add more resources and how that increases the volume of requests your application an handle. See Wikipedia on Scalability."
  • "What does it all mean?" - Internet Magazine (July 1, 2004) tells its readers that "According to Wikipedia, antidisestablishmentarianism isn't the longest proper word after all."

June 2004 (16 articles)

  • "Eyes have it: Follow the stare to...?" (The Hook, United States, June 24, 2004) "She is one of some 30 documented cases of a human "tetragametic chimera," where two non-identical twins combine in the womb at an early stage to form a single organism, says online Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  • "Arcane detail rules in sports, why not in arts?" (Globe and Mail, Canada, June 24, 2004) "The on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia says [in football], '...if he is nearer to his opponents' goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent, unless he is in his own half of the field of play...A player in an offside position is only committing an offside offence if, at the moment the ball is touched or is played by a team-mate, the player is (in the Referee's opinion), involved in active play by...' This entry eventually gives up on practical details, admitting that the "exact positioning techniques can be quite complex."
  • "Let The Dogs Out" (America Daily Talk & Commentary, United States, June 21, 2004) "Sadly, America cannot and would not take the necessary steps that would shock the first Athenian lawgiver Draco." [Cites TheFreeDictionary.com's version of the Wikipedia article."
  • "Hot on the trail of dirty words" (The Daily Camera, United States, June 20, 2004) "And according to some sources, including the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, there is a small movement among feminists who seek to reclaim the c-word as an acceptable word, in much the same way that "queer" has been reclaimed by homosexuals."
  • "Google me: I married a murderer" (The New Zealand Herald, New Zealand, June 17, 2004) "In Coronation Street, poor old Gail married Richard Hillman, who went on to do viewers a service by dispatching some of the more annoying characters in the show (word IQ [Wikipedia])."
  • "Swing States: Where the Iranian-American Vote Counts Most" (National Iranian American Council, United States, June 16) "Wikipedia identifies the following states as swing states for the forthcoming Presidential election: Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin."
  • "Flogging blogging" (TheStar.com, Internet, June 8, 2004) "According to wikipedia.org, 'A weblog is kind of a continual tour, with a human guide who [sic] you get to know.' "
  • "Ask the Smarty Pants Panel" (Philadelphia Daily News, Internet, June 2, 2004) "This from Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia: A furlong is a British measure of distance, apparently used for measuring fields and related to the distance a horse could plough at once: 660 feet or 201.168 meters. The name furlong is a contraction of a furrow long. "
  • "Google Spawn: The culture surrounding Google" (Searcher, United States, June 2004) "On the Web, the Wikipedia Google article offers a good start for research. It has a relatively comprehensive hyperlinked entry detailing the company's history, the famous Google algorithm, legal issues, and other topics, including numerous links to relevant articles and Web sites."

May 2004 (12 articles)

  • Did you know?, San Antonio Express News, page A2, May 30, 2004 cites Memphis
  • "Gaming term 'croupier' relates to horses" (Florida Today, May 27, 2004 - article not online) "According to Wikipedia, the continuously evolving online encyclopedia, the term "croupier" stems "from the old French, where it referred to the hindmost person of two aboard the same horse." As www.wikipedia.org explains it, the person riding behind another on horseback is seated on the animal's rump, or "croup" in francais."
  • "Onetime One-Man Town Has Its Own Kind of Boom" (The New York Times, United States, May 24, 2004) "There were 45 towns in the United States with two to nine residents, according to an analysis of 2000 census data by Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia."
  • "Kerry's foreign policy trap" (Working for Change, Internet, May 12, 2004) "Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia sponsored by a Florida-based not-for-profit corporation, The Wikimedia Foundation Inc., defines the DLC as an organization of 'moderate' Democratic Party leaders 'which works toward moving the Party toward moderate centrist positions.' The DLC believes 'that leftist positions are not viable, citing the failed candidacies of George McGovern and Walter Mondale,' and touting the success of Bill Clinton, who 'is sometimes cited as evidence of the success of their policies.' "
  • "The Wiccan Way" (The Longview Washington, Daily News, United States, May 8, 2004) "According to Wikipedia.org, modern pagan religions—including Wicca—practice reverence for nature, veneration of a higher power usually in the form of a Goddess and a God, and belief in reincarnation. They do not worship or believe in Satan."
  • "Beverly Flynn thrown out of Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party" (Politics.ie, Internet, May 5, 2004) "Deputy Flynn accepted that the withdrawal of the whip was an appropriate response, however she made it clear she would contest the motion by the party to expel her on Friday. From WikiPedia: 'In politics, a whip is a member of a political party in a legislature whose task is to ensure that members of the party attend and vote as the party leadership desires.' "
  • "Merchant offers 'alternative' to spirituality" (Decatur Herald & Review, United States, May 1, 2004) "Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, defines 'new age' as a broad movement characterized by alternative approaches to traditional Western culture, particularly in the areas of spiritual exploration, holistic medicine and mysticism. No rigid boundaries exist."

April 2004 (28 articles)

  • "BASIC set to turn 40" (Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, April 30, 2004) "According to Wikipedia, Kemeny and Kurtz first created the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System, one of the first time-share systems in the US; they then created BASIC so students could write programs to run on the General Electric GE-225 mainframe that was the heart of the system."
  • "The Register: Letters: Surveys are tosh, and so's your reporting" (The Register, Internet, April 28, 2004) "Now, since all most of this information can be found in a matter of seconds through Google, or at Wikipedia.org (where they have an excellent page on the Aland Islands), I can only assume that, instead of doing even the most basic research on the matter, you chose to use the age-old 'pull the facts out of your ass'-method, pardon my language."
  • "Guns and Roses..." (Pakistan Christian Post, Pakistan, April 25, 2004) "There are essentially three types of doctorates: research, first-professional, and honorary...The title of Doctor is used both by and of those holding research doctorates or a first-professional doctorate, but according to convention is not used by or of those holding honorary doctorates."
  • "Surfin': Are You in the Blog?" (American Radio Relay League Web, Internet, April 25, 2004) "A 'Weblog,' 'Web log,' or just 'blog,' is a Web site that "contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common Web page. Individual posts (which taken together are the Weblog) either share a particular theme, or a single or small group of authors" (according to WikiPedia).
  • "The Case Against John Negroponte" (Buzzflash.com, Internet, April 23, 2004) "'When John Negroponte was ambassador he looked the other way when serious atrocities were committed. One would have to wonder what kind of message the Bush administration is sending about human rights by this appointment. ' Excerpt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John Negroponte"
  • "Rose: Bellyaching over taxes" (Carolina Morning News, United States, April 23, 2004) "Their goal is to 'starve the beast' (see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) to bankrupt government so that it can no longer afford services such as Social Security and Medicare."
  • "Apple ditches HyperCard" (Macworld Daily News, Internet, April 22, 2004) "HyperCard was a free download to all Mac users. According to the definition in the Wikipedia encylopedia: 'It can be used for all sorts of hypertext and artistic purposes. Before the advent of PowerPoint, HyperCard was often used as a general purpose presentation program. Examples of HyperCard applications include simple databases, choose your own adventure-type games, and educational teaching aids.'"
  • "Murphy should brush up on his Latin" (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, United States, April 18, 2004) "Webster's New World College Dictionary defines it as 'one thing in return for another.' The online encyclopedia Wikipedia takes it a step further: 'Quid pro quo is widely used in the context of describing political favors, as given in apparent exchange for money.'"
  • "Web watch" (The Guardian, Internet, April 15, 2004) "If you have missed out on the Googlebombing phenomenon so far, Wikipedia has an excellent page charting its history." Links to Googlebomb.
  • "Porno Hen Hawks for Burger King" (Wired News, Internet, April 14, 2004) "Similarly, the command 'go vegan' gets a vehement thumbs-down from the chicken, who one suspects is considered something of a Lord Haw-Haw among the farmyard set." Links to Lord Haw-Haw without specific mention of Wikipedia.
  • "Join the brunch bunch: Don't wait for holiday to enjoy a big breakfast gathering" (Mansfield (Ohio) News Journal, United States, April 14, 2004) "According to Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia, it is a lavish breakfast served at or even after midday, invariably as a part of an entertainment. Wikipedia further defined brunch as a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch that can be served after a morning event or before an afternoon one, such as a wedding or sporting event."
  • "Cities should use 'Razor'" (L.A. Daily News, United States, April 12, 2004) "Occam's Razor, according to the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, is named for the 14th Century friar and logician William of Ockham."
  • "Parents sort through emotions, search for meaning in son's death" (The Tacoma News Tribune, United States, April 9, 2004) "The only definition we could find that seemed to apply to our situation was in the online dictionary Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgive): 'A quality by which one ceases to feel resentment against another for a wrong he or she has committed against oneself...It may be granted with or without the other asking for forgiveness.' "
  • "Who knew: Bunnies & bilbies" (Dallas Morning News, United States, April 8, 2004) Cites Wikipedia (presumably the Easter article) as the first of six sources used for a piece on the history and evolution of the Easter holiday.
  • "Looking into the eyes of terror" (Grand Valley Lanthorn, United States, April 1, 2004) In an article on the Madrid attacks, Wikipedia is used as a reference: "The attacks killed 190 people and wounded more than 1,800, making them the worst terrorist assault in Spanish history, according to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia." Links to 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks

March 2004 (30 articles)

  • "You've got to be in Tokyo" (JapanToday.com, Internet, March 30, 2004) "And when I talk of "Tokyo" actually I mean greater Tokyo: comprising the various cities in Chiba, Saitama, Tokyo, and Kanagawa, which collectively form the largest metropolis in the world (according to Wikipedia.org)." Links to Greater Tokyo Area.
  • "Fokken HAIL" (p2pnet.net, Internet, March 22, 2004) Links to the article fuck on an editorial about profanity and the FCC: "Hmm, Wikipedia reports differently and fuck, if you have any interest in this word, go to that site. It's a fucking trip!"
  • "Princess Juliana – an end of an era" (Expatica, Internet, March 22, 2004) mentions Wikipedia as a source on Princess Juliana: "Juliana quickly endeared herself to the Canadian people, displaying a simple warmth, asking that she and her children be treated as just another family during difficult times, according to the online Wikipedia encyclopaedia."
  • "Emus make themselves at home with Hi-Desert woman" (Hi-Desert Star, United States, March 19, 2004) Cites Cassowary on the fierceness of the bird: "On cassowaries, all sources attest to this species' fierceness, the Wikipedia Web page, for instance, stating: 'The bird is perfectly capable of inflicting serious injuries on an adult human - deaths are by no means unheard of.'"
  • "Slogan diminishes our commonwealth" (Carlisle Sentinel, United States, March 19, 2004) References Commonwealth: "Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, says the four [US commonwealths] do this to emphasize that they have 'government based on the common consent of the people.'"
  • "Oi, let's see wizard of 'was'" (Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, March 5, 2004) discusses the sports chant "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi" and offers explanations of its origins, including: "The online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, suggests the chant has origins in Cornwall, where tin miners' wives would shout 'Oggy Oggy Oggy' when delivering pasties known as Oggies to their husbands." Links to Oggy Oggy Oggy.
  • "Online: Father knows best" (Guardian, United Kingdom, March 4, 2004) Life pages, p. 22, "Some of the concepts were in place before the internet...there was the oNLine system, which Douglas Engelbart invented." Links to NLS.
  • "St. David's Day" (The Guardian, United Kingdom, March 1, 2004) discusses St. George's Day and brings up the place name "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch". "Wikipedia online encyclopaedia says it is the longest name in the UK, and it means: "St Mary's church in the hollow of the white hazel near a rapid whirlpool and the church of St Tysilio near the red cave."
  • "An Allegiance to Truth" (Opinion Editorials, United States, March 1, 2004) cites Pledge of Allegiance: "Wikipedia offers a good, concise synopsis of the rulings that have led to the upcoming Supreme Court hearing."

February 2004 (19 articles)

  • "Between the grooves" (The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, February 7, 2004) "Folk metal: Yes, really. A sub-genre of black metal, its best-known (well, it's all relative) exponents are Skyclad and Waylander, says online encyclopedia wikipedia.org."

  • "Moscow goes for homegrown TVMs" (International Railway Journal, United Kingdom, February 1, 2004) mentions that Wikipedia (presumably Moscow metro) was used as a source for an article "Metro Ticketing to Be Fully Automated in '04" in The Moscow Times (December 23, 2003).

January 2004 (18 articles)

  • "Counting some numerically able animals" (The Pocono Record, United States, January 30, 2004) "The largest weapon ever detonated, says 'Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia,' was the 'Tsar Bomba' (King of Bombs) at 50 megatons..." Cites Tsar Bomba. REPRINTED: The Hook, Internet, April 1, 2004; SignOnSanDiego.com, Internet, April 21, 2004
  • "All the Queen's men and the tales of knights" (The Philadelphia Inquirer, United States, January 29, 2004) Also reprinted as "Gates and others, all knight long," (Wichita Eagle, United States, February 9, 2004) Article about Bill Gates knighthood; "The Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia being written by its own users, and is surprisingly good. The article on the British 'honours' system has links for details on the various orders of chivalry, including the Order of the Garter and the Order of the Bath." Links to British honours system.
  • "Hip-hop dance history" (San Jose Mercury News, United States, January 28, 2004) Lists Wiki's breakdancing article as a "Breakdancing Encyclopedia" in "On the Web: Hip-hop dance history" source for this article.
  • "Jaffa insult quoted" (The New Zealand Herald, New Zealand, January 27, 2004) The Sidewipe columnist Ana Samways quotes the Wikipedia entry for the Jaffa (insult) used by non Aucklanders to describe Aucklanders. The Herald is based in Auckland.
  • "In the money" (The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, January 24, 2004) Nick Galvin links to Wikipedia as a reference for the Australian dollar: "For some background on the Aussie dollar, you might turn to the excellent Wikipedia. Here you'll find a brief history of our currency, which first appeared in wallets in 1966, plus links to some impressive-looking charts showing the dollar's values against gold and the CPI." Links to Australian dollar.
  • "Happy Chinese New Year" (Coeur d'Alene Press, United States, January 22, 2004) Sholeh Patrick recommends wikipedia's Chinese zodiac article if you want to know more about years of monkeys and rats, and so on.
  • "How it Sounds to the German Ear" (Swiss Revue: official publication for Swiss abroad, Switzerland, January 2004) Uses the German Wikipedia article on Swiss German and translates this. Source and link to original article given.