Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1 is a television series based upon the 1994 science fiction movie Stargate. The show is owned and licensed by MGM. The first episode was broadcast on July 27, 1997 on SHOWTIME, which aired the series' first five seasons. Seasons six, seven and eight were awarded to the SciFi Channel. During the 8th season the SciFi Channel is also airing the first season of the spinoff series Stargate Atlantis. It is possible that the show may continue beyond eight seasons, as millions of loyal fans world wide have already made Stargate SG-1 the SciFi Channel's biggest hit. The show has undeniable popularity, in part because unlike other sci-fi franchises such as Star Trek or Babylon 5 it is set in the present day.
See Stargate for a more general summary of the universe this series is set within.
The series follows the adventures of a group of four explorers designated as SG-1, who use an alien artifact called a 'Stargate' to travel the vast distances between planets under the aegis of the United States Government. The Stargate's very existence and all of its activities are operated as SCI-classified ("Sensitive Compartmented Information"), utilizing a covert top secret cover.
Led by Major General George Hammond, Stargate Command is based out of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. The U.S. Air Force is in direct charge of the Stargate program, although there is at least one SG team comprised of Marines.
One of the most endearing qualities of the Stargate SG-1 series is that it takes place in the present day. Whereas we as humans, as depicted in the series, may be technologically behind some of the other races the Stargate teams have met, we are rapidly gaining the ability to fight, defend and benefit from the advances we have been exposed to in both significant and material ways.
The primary goal of the SG teams is to travel to other worlds through the Stargate and procure alien technology to help defend Earth against the Goa'uld, who became aware of us after we recovered Earth's Stargate and used it to destroy Ra, the supreme Goa'uld System Lord. Continually frustrated in their initial attempts to acquire technology from more advanced species and other offshoots of humanity, three attempts were made to reverse-engineer alien technology so that Earth could build its own starships, leading to the production of the F-302 and BC-303 models.
The USAF cooperates closely with the makers of the program. This cooperation is such that two successive Chiefs of Staff of the USAF, Generals Michael Ryan and John Jumper, have appeared in the show, playing themselves.
Alien Races
There are several alien races in Stargate SG-1.
- Goa'uld: snake-like aliens who burrow into the upper spinal cords of humans or humanoids and take control of the "host's" body and mind. They have trace amounts of Naquadah in their blood.
- The Jaffa: Humanoid species with marsupial-like pouches, genetically engineered from humans, who constitute the majority of the military strength of the System Lords.
- Tok'ra: Opposing the Goa'uld are the Tok'ra (literally "Against Ra") a rogue race of Goa'uld who have come to ally with the Tau'ri against the System Lords.
- The Unas: the first host for the Goa'uld, they coexisted with them on their original planet.
The "four great races"
A group who, at one time, would come to a particular planet (unknown to the Goa'uld) and interact as "a sharing of clans to share a common interest".
- The Asgard: a benevolent, highly advanced and evolved race who have visited Earth on many occasions from another galaxy (Ida), who also gave rise to the Norse legends. Fortunately for Earth, they also oppose the Goa'uld.
- The Ancients: an advanced originally humanoid race, possibly originating on Earth in the distant past, credited with building the system of Stargates.
- The Nox: a peaceful and fairy-like people, capable of reviving the dead and rendering even large objects invisible.
- The Furlings: Nothing is known about the Furlings, save that they are a member of the alliance of four great races. However, occasional artifacts attributed to the Furlings have been identified.
- The Replicators: a mechanical life form composed of building blocks using Nanotechnology. They strive to increase their numbers by assimilating advanced technologies. They are opposed primarily by the Asgard.
- The Gadmeer: existed for thousands of years, before being wiped out. They created a ship for the purpose of terraforming a new planet for them.
- The Re'tu: Enemies of the Goa'uld. They appear to be large spider-like creatures. They exist 180 degrees away from the normal making them invisible except under a TER.
- The Re'ol: Almost wiped out by the Goa'uld, the Re'ol have a unique natural defense: one of their secretions is used to create memories. A Re'ol managed to infiltrate SG-1 in the episode "The Fifth Man" as Lt. Tyler.
- The Oannes: Nem and Omaroca are the only members of this species known. In the episode "Fire and Water". Nem kidnaps Daniel Jackson to find out what happened to his mate.
- The Surrakin: Seen in "Forsaken" and "Space Race", the Surrakin helped free the Hebridans from the Goa'uld.
There are also several non-named alien races: in "Spirits" the 'Spirits', in "One False Step" the aliens of PJ2-445, in "Foothold" the aliens originating from P3X-118, in "Crystal Skull" the 'Giant Aliens' (Quetzalcoatl, etc.), in "Tin Man" and "Double Jeopardy" the robot clones (Harlan and cloned SG-1 members), the 'Entity' in "Entity", the energy-based life forms in "Prodigy".
Human Civilizations on other planets
The Goa'uld used Stargates to transport large numbers of humans to other planets for use as slaves. Some of these groups were later abandoned and developed on their own to a level of technology far greater than our own. The premise is that had we not experienced the Dark Ages, we would also have developed to such advanced levels.
Advanced Human Civilizations
- Aschen: A seemingly benevolent race, we came in contact with them through the Stargate (which they had not yet learned to use). They agreed to help, although it was discovered they had another agenda.
- The Hebridans: Descended from Celtic Islanders, this race is perhaps one or two hundred years ahead of us. First seen in "Forsaken".
- The Orbanians: A Race that uses Nanotechnology to greatly enhance and accelerate learning. First seen in "Learning Curve".
- The Tollan: Highly advanced race of humans on the planet Tollana. They have a policy strictly forbidding the sharing of technology with less-advanced races, for fear they would destroy themselves with it.
Less Advanced Human Civilizations
- Bedrosians:
- Cimmerians:
- Edorans:
- Latonans:
- Kelownans: Jonas Quinn's people.
- Nasyans:
- Madronans:
- Pangarans:
- Salish:
- Tagreans:
- Volians:
- Vyans:
There exist a number of more technologically advanced races and societies on the show, who have produced a variety of highly-advanced weapons, tools, and spacecraft. Some of these are listed below.
- Earth Technology:
- X-301. Initial attempt to reverse engineer a space craft using alien technology.
- X-302. Second attempt to create a craft using alien technology, included first use of a man-made FTL device, a hyperspace window. Went into production as F-302.
- X-303. Third attempt to create a craft using alien technology. Larger craft capable of creating a hyperspace window. Went into production as BC-303.
- P90. The weapon of choice for SGC personnel.
- GDO (short for "Garage Door Opener). Used to transmit a coded radio signal to transmit an IDC to Stargate Command through the event horizon of the Stargate.
- Iris to prevent other alien races from just dialing Earth and invading, the Iris was developed. It blocks incoming traffic and is deactivated by a GDO.
- MALP. Robotic probe device used to explore alien planets without endangering personnel.
- FRED. The Field Remote Expeditionary Device is a six-wheeled cargo transport vehicle used to carry supplies through the Stargate.
- Goa'uld Technology:
- Zat. A commonly used weapon, the zat'nik'tel is typically used to render a victim unconscious.
- Staff weapon. Originally seen in the movie Stargate, it's an energy blast weapon, and the standard firearm for the Jaffa.
- Sarcophagus. Used to revive the dead and heal the wounded. It also serves to extend the life of the Goa'uld.
- Tollan Technology
- Ion cannon. Served to protect the Tollan planet of Tollana from Goa'uld attack.
- weapon disabler. Does just as the name suggests, disabling weapons of the visitors to the Tollan homeworld. Typically placed in the entrance-ways of important government buildings. To emphasize this point the only use seen in the series is while SG-1 is entering into the Triad room, similar to a courtroom.
- The Tollan also possessed portable devices that allowed person-sized objects to pass through solid matter.
- Ancient Technology
- The Stargates were created and distributed by the Ancients, along with DHDs (short for "Dial Home Device") to control them.
- Time Travel Machine, failed Ancient attempt to make a time travel device to save themselves.
- Repository, device that stores the collective knowledge of the ancients. Seen in the episode "Fifth Race", and more recently in "The Lost City, Part 1". The knowledge transfer from this device can cause serious problems for beings whose physiology is not prepared to take the strain.
A number of different planets are seen throughout the series.
- Earth: The homeworld of not only the Tau'ri (humans from Earth) but also the Ancients.
- Chulak: a Jaffa homeworld, controlled by Apophis.
- Abydos: the planet visited in the original Stargate movie, as well as several times during the series.
- Tollana: the homeworld of the Tollan until their destruction.
- Hanka: P8X-789, the homeworld of Dr. Fraiser's adopted daughter, wiped out by a plague set in motion by Nirrti.
- Altair: P3X-989, the homeworld of Harlan, the first robotic lifeform seen in the series.
- Langara: homeworld of Jonas Quinn
- Halla: The Asgard world of origin, currently holding all existing replicators.
- The Alpha Site: an uninhabited world set up in case Earth has to be evacuated.
Also, several lesser planets: Cartago, Vyus, Vorash, Edora, Cimmeria, Nasya, Orban, Kheb, Delmak, Vedrona, Euronda, Juna, Madrona, and Argos
Major Characters | |||
• | Maj Gen | George Hammond | – Don S. Davis |
• | Brig Gen | Jack O'Neill | – Richard Dean Anderson |
• | Lt Col | Samantha Carter | – Amanda Tapping |
• | Dr. | Daniel Jackson | – Michael Shanks |
• | Teal'c | – Christopher Judge | |
• | Jonas Quinn | – Corin Nemec | |
• | Dr. | Janet Fraiser | – Teryl Rothery |
Recurring Characters | |||
• | Maj Gen | Jacob Carter | – Carmen Argenziano |
• | Master | Bra'tac | – Tony Amendola |
• | Senator | Robert Kinsey | – Ronny Cox |
• | Col | Maybourne | – Tom McBeath |
• | Col | Frank Simmons | – John de Lancie |
• | Major | Paul Davis | – Colin Cunningham |
• | MSgt | Walter Davis | – Gary Jones |
• | MSgt | Siler | – Dan Shea |
• | Lord | Apophis | – Peter Williams |
• | Lord | Anubis | – David Palffy |
• | Lord | Yu-huang Shang Ti | – Vince Crestejo |
• | Thor | – Michael Shanks (voice) | |
• | Loki | – Peter DeLuise (voice) | |
• | Aldwin | – William deVry | |
• | Martouf | – JR Bourne | |
• | Rya'c | – Neil Denis | |
• | Kasuf | – Erick Avari |
- Stargate Infinity (animated)
- Stargate Atlantis