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Michaud Affair

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File:Yves Michaud.jpg
Yves Michaud's picture

Yves Michaud, born February 13, 1930 in Acton Vale, near Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada, is a prominent sovereignist public figure and member of the Parti Québécois.

He began a career as a journalist for the Clairon in Saint-Hyacinthe. He was later chief editor of La Patrie and also had a chronicle for the magazine Sept jours.

He joined the ranks of the Liberal Party of Quebec and was elected in the Gouin riding in the 1966 Quebec election, which the Liberals lost. He became friends with fellow Liberals René Lévesque and Robert Bourassa, who would both later become Prime Ministers of Quebec.

He joined the Parti Quebecois and was defeated as a candidate in the 1970 election and the 1973 Quebec election. He returned to journalism at Le Jour, a newspaper which shut down in 1976.

In 1979, he was in charge of the Délégation générale du Québec in Paris.

Robin of the Banks

Sometimes called Robin des banques (Robin Hood of the banks), Yves Michaud is known by the population of Quebec for his cruisade against the practices of large corporations. In 1993, he founded the Association des petits épargnants et investisseurs du Québec (Association of small savers and investors) and won a number of victories in court.

Accusation of Antisemtism

What has been called the "Michaud Affair" started on December 5, 2000, in an interview on the Montreal radio station CKAC. Talk show host Paul Arcand asked: "Don't you feel that there is a lack of interest of a good part of the population on the question of sovereignty and the national question, people who have had enough, for whom it is all over, (who say) let's move on to something else?".

To which Yves Michaud replied: "Well, I will tell you an anecdote. I was... I went to get my hair cut about a month ago. There was a Liberal senator who I will not name who doesn't speak... even though he represents a French-speaking riding and who asked me: are you still a separatist, Yves? I said yes, yes I am separatist just as you are Jewish. It took 2000 years for your people to have its homeland in Israel. I said: me, whether it takes 10, 50, or 100 more years it can wait. So he told me: it's not the same.

It's never the same for them. So I said: it is not the same? The Armenians did not suffer, the Palestinians did not suffer, the Rwandans did not suffer. It's always (just) you. You are the only people who suffered in the history of humanity.

After that, I was fed up. And here we are, I am completely indignant... that some suggested to rename the metro station [named after] Lionel Groulx, who was the spiritual father of two generations of Quebecers and is almost a Quebec idol.

It's the B'nai B'rith that did that, which was the extremist phalange... There has been world Zionism... "

On December 13, Michaud presented a memorandum to Quebec's "Estates-General on the situation of the French language". He abandoned some parts of his text to say this, in front of members of the B'nai B'rith who were waiting their turn to speak:

"Groulx invited us 'to have, like the Jews, their rough will to survive, their invincible spirit of solidarity, their imperishable moral armor'. And the historian was giving the example of the Jewish people as a model to be followed so that Quebecers affirm their own national identity and fully assume the heritage of their history. This Groulx, who is one of the intellectual guides of two generations of Quebecers and the one that some wanted to see removed from the Lionel-Groulx station a few years ago, to probably replace it by the "Mordecai Richler" station, the Rene-Lévesque boulevard by, no doubt, "Ariel Sharon" boulevard, the Jacques-Cartier place by the "Galganov" place, and so on. It is a little satyrical, it is a little bit jokingly that I say that, but I think that some others are exaggerating and going a little too far. Immigrants, we want some. Yes, as much as possible and pushing up to the limit of our capacities to welcome them. Immigrants who will be not only have rights but also responsibilities with regard to one of the most generous societies in the world which welcomes them with arms and wallets open, immigrants with responsibilities, that is, understanding and speaking our language, open to our culture, our way of working, of doing things, of interpreting the world in the French language and accompanying us on the road which leads us to the control of all the tools for our development (...)

There is an ethnic vote against the sovereignty of the people of Quebec. If we do not integrate our immigrants and assimilate them, well then, we will enter on the slope of the Louisianization, and folklorization of our society."

The director of B'nai B'rith's Quebec chapter, Robert Libman, who was in the audience then sent a memo to then Prime Minister Lucien Bouchard requesting that he stop Michaud from being the PQ's candidate in the Mercier riding. The next day, the leader of the opposition Liberal Party, Jean Charest, presented to the National Assembly of Quebec a motion condemning the sentiments and ideas expressed by Yves Michaud at the Estates-General. The motion was adopted unanimously, without debate and without presentation of an auditive or textual record of the remarks in question.

As a result, former Quebec Prime Minister Jacques Parizeau, and many others signed an open letter condemning the hasty resolution and supporting Michaud's right to freedom of expression. The letter was published in several newspapers. Later, the full quotes of what Michaud had said were published.

The event, which is said to have been a reason for Lucien Bouchard's resignation on January 11, 2001, was not listed in B'nai Brith's annual compilation of anti-semitic events. During an interview for Voir magazine for the week of March 1st 2001, Robert Libman stated that he did not think Yves Michaud was an anti-semite and that his remarks had been distorted.

Michaud has been battling in court to defend his honor since that time.

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