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Little Green Footballs

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Little Green Footballs is a political weblog run by a California web designer named Charles Johnson. Much like neo-conservative icon Irving Kristol, Johnson was "a leftist until he got mugged" - in this case, by September 11.

Before 9/11, Johnson's blog had been geared towards the discussion of programming, web page design and the occasional humorous news item. After 9/11 it turned into a very active warblog, focusing on the American War on Terror and Zionist political issues.

Little Green Footballs is known for its irreverent approach to hot-button issues, featuring photoshopped treatments of Rachel Corrie as "Saint Pancake" and jailed Palestinian miltants as Elvis. A vocal admirer of controversial pundits Daniel Pipes and Oriana Fallaci, Johnson is also responsible for coining the term "idiotarian" (an apparent reference to anti-war Libertarians).

Little Green Footballs has legions of dedicated fans, but - as with most open forums (SEE: usenet) - a small minority of these favor an angry, confrontational tone which inevitably veers into hate speech. This has lead some politically correct observers to charge LGF with encouraging racism and Islamophobia, accusations hotly disputed by the site's defenders, the "Lizardoids" (SEE: Reptilian humanoid).

Like most sites addressing controversial topics, LGF also attracts many Internet trolls (or Morlocks in LGF parlance).

On Thursday, October 16, 2003, Little Green Footballs was subjected to a Denial of Service attack for a few hours. Johnson claims that the attack was launched "by a group of Al Qaeda-affiliated web sites," but the guilty parties (Osama Bin Laden, presumably) have yet to be brought to justice.

On a more prosaic note, Johnson's "Lizardoids" have also participated in several high-profile flame wars, pitting Little Green Footballs against the users of metafilter, the daily kos, indymedia and others.

Recently, Johnson has implemented a registration-based posting system, but how this will affect the site's fascinating interplay of strongly-held opinions remains to be seen.