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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Tbc2 (talk | contribs) at 16:18, 14 April 2006 (Trees or shrubs: Gurjo, a Himalayan shrub that is used for tea). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Natural sciences: Astronomy and cosmology - Physics - Biology

Note: Mathematical topics now have their own page: Wikipedia:Requested articles/mathematics. Please put them there.

Affleck-Dine mechanism - American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac - causal patch - cosmological distance equations - Extended Scattered Disk - Extragalactic Background Light - Galactic Superwave - Gaunt factor - Gold universe - HUDF-JD2 - Kyoto DST & PFSS - Lyman-alpha emitters [1] - Pair-instability supernova - preon matter - Silk damping - Soapbubble Superstructure of Galactic Walls - Standard Solar Model - Synthesis imaging - de Vaucouleurs galaxy classification system - Zep Tepi - Ear stapling

(See: List of astronomers for more information)
A: Al Bayroni - Andrew Ronald Zentner - B: Bernard Dawson - C: Charles Thomas Bolton - D: David Anderson (SETI) - E: Edwin Francis Carpenter - Euxodus - F: Franjo Dominko - Friedrich Wilhelm Opelt - G: George W. Hough - George Wallerstein - Gerry Neugebauer - Gonzalo Tancredi - H: Herbert Friedman - J: James Kasting - James Steven Bullock - Jean Gay - Jean Richer - John M. Scalo - K: Karl August von Steinheil - L: Leo Goldberg - M: Muraoka Kenji - P: Pavla Ranzinger - Q: Qutb eddin Shirazi - R: Ruby Payne Scott - S: Samuel Herrick - Samuel Molyneux - Savvas Michael Koushiappas - Scott Forbush - Stephen Maran - Steinn Sigurdsson - W: Rogier Windhorst

(See also: List of observatories)

Brussels Observatory - Johannesburg Observatory - Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex - Panzano Observatory M-Maria Winkelmann-famous female astronomer in germany

Matti Pitkanen - Victor J. StengerTuomo Suntola (theory of dynamic universe (cosmology)) – Mendel Sachs (Quantum Gravity) - Alexander Franklin Mayer (Multiple Directions of Time Theory)


synchrony - friction torque

Electricity and Magnetism

Magnetic Field Power Spectrum

History of physics

Bernard Bruno Kinsey - Bernhard Mecking - Cartesian devil - Davy-Faraday Laboratory - Experimental method in the Islamic world - undefineds of List of physicists, including: Karl August von Steinheil - Karl Herzfeld - Song Jin-joo - Andreas von Ettingshausen - Shih-I Pai - Leo Piilonen - Silvan Schweber - Noyes Laboratory - Hermann Conring - Fu-Kwun Hwang - Willoughby Smith -

Named effects, theories & equipment

Efimov effect - Ericson fluctuation - Four-thirds conjecture in Brownian motion - Gravitomagnetic London Moment - Guglielmini's experience - Hagen-Poiseuille theory - Lockin effect - Newton-Wigner localization - Oberbeck cross - Pythagorean physics - Rare Isotope Accelerator - Vanilla state scenario (Einstein) - Weber bar

Optics and Wave Theory

A: anti-Stokes Raman Laser(ASRL) - Autocollimator - Acoustic phonon - B: Beam walking - Bidwell's disc - BK7 - breaking wave - C: Curve of growth (spectroscopy) - D: Diffraction Effects - Diffraction Grating - Diffusor - Dispersive and nondispersive media - E: External cavity diode laser - F: four-quadrant phase mask (FQPM) - G: Green Laser - Guoy Phase Shift - I: Impedance spectroscopy - Integrating Sphere - L: Laser protective eyewear (Price, material, effectiveness) - Lasing without inversion (LWI) - M: Mode competition - Modulation depth - Modulation sphere - O: Optical beam-induced currents (OBIC) - Optical bottle beam - Optical frequency comb - optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) - Optical phonon - optical vortices (Sometimes the terms "phase dislocations", "phase singularity lines" and "optical vortices" are used equivalent. ) - P: paralogue - like orthologue, means something about genes in evolution Parametric amplifier - Perfect lense - Phase locking in lasers - Pockels readout optical modulator - Polarization spectroscopy - Purkinje images R: Rotational diffusion - S: semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) - Siderostats - spectral imagery - T: Thermal lensing - W: Wavefront coding (Wavefront coded optics) - Z: Z-scan Lenslet.com

Particle physics

A: analytic regularization - anomaly inflow - anti-de Sitter supersymmetry B: Belinfante-Rosenfeld stress-energy tensor - Bern-Kosower formalism - C: cost effective solar power - chaotic quantization - charge condensate - closed time path formalism - Coleman-Weinberg potential - Connes-Lott model - Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action - D: desert (particle physics) - DHR analysis - Dielectric Traveling Wave Tubes - dispersion relations (QFT) - double scaling limit E: electron positron lattice - electron spin resonance dating - Eguchi-Kawai model F: Fayet-Iliopoulos action - form factor (QFT) - Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism - Frank-Hertz Experiment - Freund-Rubin compactification G: Generalized Parton Distributions - H: Haag-Ruelle scattering - hodoscope - holographic renormalization group - Holomorphy (SUSY) - Hosotani mechanism - J: Julia-Zee dyon K: Källén-Lehmann spectral representation - Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation - L: ladder approximation - Lee-Yang model - linear dilaton model - Liouville action - logarithmic conformal field theory - Luescher term - M: mass texture - N: Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem - nonequilibrium quantum field theory - P: parton model - Peskin-Takeuchi parameter - photon-gluon fusion creation process for hadrons - pion superfluid - potential well model - precision tests of electroweak theory - precision tests of QED - preon matter - Paschen notation - Q: QCD sum rule - Quark epoch quasiprimary field - "'R:"' renormalon S: Segal's axioms - sliding VEV mechanism - Slow Positrons - Spring-8 - swampland (string theory) T: 't Hooft matching condition - two particle irreducible - type 0A string theory - type 0B string theory - W: Wess-Zumino consistency condition - Wick-Cutkosky model - Wilson-Ginsparg action

Physical chemistry

allowed/forbidden electronic transitions - Anti-Material Bio-Catalysts - conservation of orbital symmetry - Covalent Compound - Electroosmotic drag - Flow Properties - Haber-Weiss reaction - Kac potential - Kirkendall void - landau expansion - LEPS potential - Liquid Color Measurement Indexes - Mass Absorption Coefficent - Mixing Oil and Water at Home Without a Suspension - neutron spin-echo spectroscopy - niter paper - orbital symmetry - Particulate theory - Powder of Projection - Proton accelerator - Pure Substance - reorganization energy - Residual Gas Analysis - Sabatier reactor - Skeletal catalyst - Slow Positrons - spectral profile - Table of freezing temperature for water/ethanol mixture - Table of volume for water/ethanol mixture - Changing color objects in a cold place - Major and Minor Rotamer Signals (NMR Spectroscopy) - Lepions - Osmotic Pressure Agent - MIP energy - Refractive Index Increment -

analog model of gravity - baby brane - bimetric theory / Rosen's bimetric theory - black hole remnant - black hole stability theorem - Bondi energy - brane bubble - Einstein pseudotensor - Friedel-Starodubtsev action - Landau-Lifschitz pseudotensor - lapse field - MacDowell-Mansouri action - Matter field - modified dispersion relation - Pauli-Fierz theory / Fierz-Pauli theory - Principle of Relativity as applied with space being a plenum - pseudostress-energy tensor / stress-energy pseudotensor potentiometric titration

10j symbol - 15j symbol - 3 body recombination - 3j symbol - 6j symbol - 9j symbol - Bethe-Salpeter equation - Coulomb staircase- Dark states - Exchange degeneracy - Heim-Dröscher space - Jaynes-Cummings model - Matter field - Optical Bloch equations - Optical pumping - phase-covariant cloning machine (PQCM) - Phonon drag - Photoassociation - Power broadening - preon matter - Quantum addresses - quantum cloning - Quantum Neural Network - Quantum Mechanical Laws - Saturated absorption - Strong and Weak Equivalence - Super Selection Rules - Sympathetic cooling - Thomas-Fermi profile - Quantum Critical - Feynman's relativistic chessboard model -

Solutions to (including transmission/reflection and diagrams)

Delta potential barrier (QM) - Delta potential well (QM) - Finite potential barrier (QM) - Heaviside-step potential (QM) - Spherical potential well (QM)

Adiabatic conductivity - Bicritical point - Combined law of thermodynamics - Convection from Electrical Conductors - critical line (thermodynamics) - Entropy production - Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation - Irreversible dynamics - Isothermal conductivity - Jarzinski Theorem - Jaynes' principle - Maxwell construction - molar enthalpy - Mollier Chart - Nonextensive thermodynamics - Partial molar entropy - Response theory - scaling relation - tetracritical point - Thermal Inertia - Thermodynamic diagram - Transport theory - Tricritical point- Replica Exchange-

Atomic form factor - Crowdion - Deformation Potential - disinclination - Gross-Pitaevskii equation - Heavy Fermions - impenetrability of matter - Lee-Yang model - Onsager's solution - preon matter - Ranque-Hilsch vortex-tube effect - second sound - spin liquid - strongly correlated electrons - surface photovoltage - t-J model - transfer matrix (condensed matter physics) - Quantum Critical

E: Eulerian fluid dynamics - Eliassen-Palm flux - H: Homogeneous turbulence - L: Lagrangian fluid dynamics

Other terms to be sorted

A: Anderson Physics Laboratories - Atlas (pulsed-power generator) - B: barbotage - Bond albedo - C: click illusion - Collisionless - consistent anomaly - constitutive law - Corrosion in Shipwrecks - covariant anomaly - D: Dirac cone - E: Electron temperature - Energetic Particles - Ergodic problem - Escape distance - F: Fundamental mode - Fluence G: geodetic effect - Geometric albedo - Gravitoelectric field - Gravitomagnetic field - Greninger chart - H: Halogen Counter - Healing length - Hydrofield - K: kink instability - M: Measurement of quantum entanglement - misalignment mechanism - Modulation sphere - Motionless electromagnetic generator - Motor effect - O: OPDrms - ORMUS - Overunity - P: Point of percussion - Petrophysics - Q: Quantum point contact - S: Simple albedo - special enthalpy change - Structure factor - T: Taylor-Couette cell - Trisops

Australian snake habitats - Biodiversity informatics - Black Willow - Buxus microphylla - Champion tree - Clavipes purpurea - Fascicled - botany term - Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 - Imaginal Discs - Integrative biology - Klinotaxis - Ligustrum sinense - MicroPenis - microtechnique (art of preparing specimens for microscope study) - Multiple Surface Use Mining Act of 1955 - Nasal Cycle - palaeodictyon - Phylotaxis - species distribution - Telonemus farai, Telonemus remus (parasitic wasps) - epsilon15 bacteriophage - Spodoptera exempata - Vesicle mediated transport Reverse correlation - Reproductive isolation - Golden dewdrop - Shewanella oneidensis [2] Spine (zoology) - Noodleous doubleous[3]] -

See also The list of missing anatomy terms
A: aerolae - B: Bacillus polymyxa - brachial cleft - button nose - C: Cest Pool - colony hybridization - culminicorn - D: dental worms - diffuse competition - dorsal tubercle - G: goink - H: hypertriatum (part of brain/seat of bird intelligence) - I: Inimicus filamentosus (general information about it, another name is devilfish) insect anatomy (general diagram of the body parts of insects, but my real question is, can insects hear? Do they have organs like ears?) K: kinesthiology - kerosene shale L: locophore - lens fiber - latin terminology in anatomy - M: male breast feeding - musculocutaneus nerve - N:

O: organicity P: pigeon chest - R: retrograde tracers - roman noses - S: stereoencephalotomy (stereotaxis) - V: vaginal clock - vascular recruitment

See also talk:list of biologists
Bengt Berg - William D. Brackenridge - Joseph Ecker - Gustav Embden - William T. Hornaday - Rusell Lande - Gordon Ling - Alfred E. Mann - Lennart von Post - William Rich Alexander Skutch - Gottfried Fraenkel - Ann de Wees Allen Robert Whytt

Russian biologists

Vishva Dixit (Genentech) - Gregory Filippov - Georgii Karlovich Meister = Georgii Meister - Frank Mendel Clyde Roper -


Ludwig Koch - Frank Bellrose - ~William T. Sanders~

Physcomitrella patens [4] important model organism - Polytrichum commune

Taxus chinensis - Taxus floridana - Taxus globosa - Taxus sumatrana - Taxus wallichiana -


catastrophic mortality - Desert fungi - The deviation of Autosomal, Sex-linked (X-linked) inheritance and Polygenic inheritance from the Mendel's Inheritance of Characteristics - Differential adhesion hypothesis - Dissimilatory nitrate reduction - extracellular space - Feral Hog - Fleming-Viot process - Forcing factors - Heterotroph hypothesis - High Content Screening - Hyperandrogynism - Locking the knees - Sea surface microlayer - Supernormal Stimuli - True navigation - Weed identification - sieve cells - Krumholtz effect - pharyngula - Hyperspermia


5 beta-reductase deficiency Canine Epileptoid Cramping Disease (Spike's Disease) - Clostridium sordellii - Dioctophyme renale (Dioctophyma renale) - Disease causing fungi - Dystrophia - Feline Cutaneous Asthenia - Fibrogenesis - HERV-R (ERV3) - Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis - Larnygopharyngeal reflux disease - laitai - mastopathy - Mixed Connective Tissue Disease - plexiform neurofibroma - somnorexia - stomatopyrosis - telangectasia - Toxomplasmosis vulval Crohn's (Crohn's disease of the vulva) - Prostate Infection (Redirect to Prostatitis) - Dercum's disease - Peripheral Arthritis - Rogue bacteria - Animal disease - Human disease -

antiDarwinism - Evolutionary Divergence - Evolutionarily stable strategies - Genetic assimilation - NeoGenesis - Dehalobacter restrictus Convergent Evolution in Humans - Hermaphroditic reproduction - Gender reproduction - Delbrueckii - Patricia Princehouse - Phylogony - reticulation - mitochondrial divergence - Ed Conrad - Aptation, Coaptation, etc. Archaeologist William T. Sanders - Archaeologist Margaret Cropper -

Biochemicals and Drugs

#: 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate - 4-deoxypyridoxine HCL - 4-Dimethylaminophenol A: AK602 - Alpha agonist - Alpha-1 globulin - Alpha-2 globulin - Ampligen - anticarcinogen - aporphine - arbutin - aywaska (perhaps requester did a phonetic spelling of ayahuasca?) - B: beta-glucosidase - borotutu - bretylium - biosimilar - biogeneric - C: Cellobiase - cytomel - E: eserine salicylate- F: fluoro sulfuric acid - folin reagent - formazan - G: Glucocorticosteroids H: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose - M: monacolin - monacolin K - N: N-formylmethionine leucyl-phenylalanine - N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor - N-methylaspartate - neurotensin - Norshin - P: P-Nitrophenol/[P-nitrophenol]] - pann leaf - picamilon - polymyxin B - procyanidin - propolene - R: rasagiline S: sincalide - synthol - T: trizadone

Concepts in biochemistry and molecular biology

A: adrenodoxin - autophagolysosome B: biochemical pathway brain derived neurotropic factor C: chloride shift - cooperativity cellular respiration - cotransport metabolism - cyclic peptide - cytoplasmic and nuclear receptor - chemomechanical energy - D: dextroamph E: energy decomposition cycles - endoplasmic reticulum golgi intermediate compartment - expression cloning - F: fenton process - Fibrogenesis - G: guanethidine - I: immunocytochemistry - immunodiffusion - immunoglobulin joining region - immunologic receptor - immunoserology - integration sites Intramolecular force - invertebrate photoreceptor - ion channel gating - K: Kynurenine pathway [5] - M: macromolecular system - molecular sequence data - menthol cigarette- N: nucleic acid regulatory sequence - nucleic acid repetitive sequence - O: ortho tri-cyclen ortho tri-cyclen lo P: peptide fragment - peptide initiation factor - peptide receptor - peptide termination factor - phosphomannan - phosphopeptide - protein precursor - pyruvate oxidation - R: Recaldent - recombineering - residual body - retinal photochemistry- rod outer segment - RxFISH - S: steric repulsion - synthetic vaccine - subunit vaccine - stabilized liquid oxygen - T: Tessering - Transamination reaction - Tritiated water exchange- U: Usnic acid


A: A (aminoacyl) site - A form DNA - Adaptionism - Adaptive landscape - Adaptive peak - Adaptive surface - Additive model - Adjacent segregation - Affected - Allelic exclusion - Allogeneic - Allotype - Allozygosity - Amber suppressor - Antimutator mutation - Anti-oncogene - Assignment test - Attached X - Attenuator stem - Autoregulation - Autosomal set - Autozygosity - Avimers - B: Bended DNA - Blastoderm - Blunt-end ligation - Bombay Trait - Branch migration - Breakage and reunion - Bridging cross - Buoyant density - C: Capillary array - Carrier testing - Chimeraplasty - Chemical footprinting - Chromosome banding - Code dictionary - Coimmunoprecipitation - Col plasmid - Colicinogenic factor - Colinearity - comet assay - Complementation Analysis - Complete linkage - Complete medium - Complex trait - Component of fitness - Composite transposon - Confidence limits - Conjugation tube - Conservative change - Constant region - Contiguous genes - Continuous variation - Copy-choice model - Corepressor - Cosegregation - Cot value - Cotransduction - Cotransformation - Crossover suppressor - CYP1A1 - Cytohet - Cytoplasmic trait - D: Deletion chromosome - Deletion map - Deletion mapping - Denaturation map - Denominator element - Depauperate fauna - Derepressed - Dicentric chromosome - Dictyotene - Differential Display - Dihybrid - Directed sequencing - Discrete generations - Divergent Allele Advantage - D-loop - DNA marker - DNA surgery - Docking protein - Dominance variance - Double infection - Double reduction - Doublesex - Draft sequence - E: E (exit site) - Ectopic integration - Eiken syndrome - ELSI - Endogenote - Enforced outbreeding - Enhancer trap - Enriched medium - Enucleate cell - Equational division - Equivalence group - Evolutionary rate - Exconjugant - Exogenous DNA - Exon shuffling - Expanded simple tandem repeat - Eye color Generator - F: F- cell - F factor - F' factor - F2 generation - Familial cancer - Familial trait - Family selection - Fate map - Fecundity selection - Fetal Dilantin Syndrome - Filial generation - Filter enrichment - Fitness (W) - Fixed allele - Fixed breakage point - Flow karyotyping - Fluctuation test - Focus map - Forward mutation - Fragile site - Frequency histogram - Functional allele - Fundamental number - G: Gametic selection - G-banding - GC-rich area - Gene cloning - Gene dose - Gene library - Gene pair - Genetic dissection - Genetic shift - Genetic variance - Genetics experiments - Genic balance theory - Genome map - Genomic Conflict - Germinal mutation - Germ-line theory - Gray crescent - GRNA - Group 1 intron - Group II intron - Guide RNA - H: Harlequin chromosome - Helper phage - Hemizygous gene - Hereditary cancer - Heteroduplex mapping - Heterogametic sex - Heterokaryon test - Heteroplasmon - Heterothallic fungus - Heterozygous DNA - Homogametic sex - Homothallic fungus - Homothallic - Homozygous gene pair - Hothead gene - Housekeeping genes - Human Artificial Chromosome - H-Y antigen - Hybrid DNA - Hybrid plasmid - Hybrid zone - Hypervariable locus - Hypervariable region - Hypostatic gene - I: Idiogram - Idiotypic variation - Idling reaction - Immunoglobulin gene - In vitro mutagenesis - Inducible opera - Inducible operon - Infectious transfer - Initiation codon - Initiation complex - Initiator protein - Inside marker - Interkinesis - Interrupted mating - Interstitial region - Introgressive exchange - Iojap - Isoaccepting tRNA - K: Kappa particle - L: Lambda dgal - Leader peptide gene - Leader transcript - leak transfunction - Leaky mutant - Library (genetics) - Linear tetrad - Linkage analysis - Linkage equilibrium - Lipid Mobilization - Lysate - M: Macrorestriction map - Malformation - Mapping function - Mapping population - MARCM system - Marker retention - Mate-killer - Mating type - mediterranean caucasian - Meiospore - Melting of DNA - Metafemale - Metagon - Metamale - Metamere - Metrical variation - Microbial genetics - Microinjection - Midparent value - Minimal medium - Mitotic recombination- Mixed codon family - Modern geese - Modifier gene - Molecular farming - Molecular medicine - Monosomic - Morbid map - Mouse model - Mu particle - Mu phage - Multihybrid - Multimeric structure - Multiple allelism - Mutability - Mutant site - Mutation breeding - Mutator mutation - N: N segment - Narrow heritability - Neddylation - Negative control - N-end rule - Neutral mutation - Nickase - Nicking - Nitrogen base - Non-histone protein - Non-linear tetrad - Non-Mendelian ratio - Non-parental - Non-recombinant - Nonsense suppressor - Nu body - Nucleotide pair - Numerator element - O: Octad - Oligogenic - Opal codon - Outside markers - Overlapping clones - P: P (peptidyl) site - Paramecin - Paraspeckles - Parental - Partial diploid - Partial dominance - Path diagram - Permissive condition - PEST hypothesis - Phyletic evolution - R: Race and Physiology - Ribonucleoproteins - S: SOB (Super Optimal Broth) and SOC (C for catobolite repression) - split gene U: Unertan W: Worm Gene


  • Please sort these proteins into more specific categories below, if applicable

A: adenovirus E1A protein - adenovirus E1B protein - adenovirus E2 protein - alpha-globulin - alpha-macroglobulin - alpha-MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) - ankyrin - annexin II - arrestin - B: beta-thromboglobulin - C: calcitonin gene-related peptide - CD4 antigen (p55) - CD45 antigen - CD95 antigen (Fas antigen) - CDC28 protein kinase - complement factor B - cyclin A - cyclin B - cyclin E - cystatin - cytochrome B - cytochrome-C oxidase - E: eIF-2 - eIF-2 kinase - endothelin-1 - env gene product - G: gag-onc fusion protein - galanin - glycophorin - H: H-Y antigen - haemagglutanin decapeptide heavy-chain immunoglobulin - helminth protein - hemagglutanin decapeptide hemopexin - herpes simplex virus protein vmw65 - I: IKK2 [6] - inhibitory gi G-protein - intercellular adhesion molecule-1 - interferon type I - interferon type II - interferon-alpha - interleukin-3 - intermediate filament protein - K: kallidin - L: lactalbumin - leucine-2-alanine enkephalin - leukotriene B4 receptor - M: macrophage colony-stimulating factor - maturation-promoting factor - myristolation - MAP2 - N: nectine - nef gene product - nerve tissue protein S 100 - neurokinin A - neurokinin K - neuronal cell adhesion molecule - Norvaline - O: osteocalcin - P: P42 MAP kinase - peptide elongation factor - peptide elongation factor tu - protein localization - protein P16 - protein P34cdc2 - pUC18 - R: ras p21 protein recombinant interferon-gamma - retinol-binding protein - ribosomal protein S6 kinase - 11-cis retinal- all-trans retinal S: serine/threonine kinase - sp1 transcription factor - steroid 17 alpha-monooxygenase - steroid 21-monooxygenase - stimulatory gs G-protein - T: tax gene product - transcription factor AP-1 - tyrosine 3-monooxygenase


I: Inositol phosphate multikinase, syn. IPMK, lecithinase

Receptor proteins

A: alpha-1 adrenergic receptor - alpha-2 adrenergic receptor - alpha-beta T-cell antigen receptor - aryl hydrocarbon receptor - atrial natriuretic factor receptor - B: beta adrenergic receptor - beta-1 adrenergic receptor - beta-2 adrenergic receptor - bombesin receptor - bradykinin receptor - C: calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor - calcitonin receptor - calcitriol receptor - CCR5 receptor - colony-stimulating factor receptor - complement receptor - corticotropin receptor - corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor - CXCR4 receptor - cyclic AMP receptor - cyclic AMP receptor protein - cyclic AMP-responsive DNA-binding protein - cytokine receptor - D: delta opioid receptor - dopamine D1 receptor - E: endothelin receptor - erythropoietin receptor - estradiol receptor - F: flippase] - fibroblast growth factor receptor - FSH receptor - G: gamma-delta T-cell antigen receptor - gastrointestinal hormone receptor - glucagon receptor - glutametergic fibers - granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor - granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor - growth factor receptor - H: haemagglutanin hemagglutanin histamine H1 receptor - histamine H2 receptor - HIV receptor - I: IgE receptor - IGF type 1 receptor - IGF type 2 receptor - Immunoreactive Trypsinogen - interferon receptor - interleukin receptor - interleukin-1 receptor - interleukin-2 receptor - interleukin-3 receptor - invertebrate peptide receptor - K: kainic acid receptor - kappa opioid receptor - L: LH receptor - LHRH receptor - M: macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor - mineralocorticoid receptor - mitogen receptor - N: neurokinin-1 receptor - neuropeptide receptor - neuropeptide Y receptor - neurotensin receptor - O: oxytocin receptor - P: parathyroid hormone receptor - pituitary hormone receptor - pituitary hormone-regulating hormone receptor - platelet-derived growth factor receptor - prostaglandin E receptor - prostaglandin receptor - purinergic P1 receptor - purinergic P2 receptor - purinergic receptor - R: retinoic acid receptor - S: somatomedin receptor - somatostatin receptor - somatotropin receptor - syndecans (transmembrane adhesion proteins) - T: tachykinin receptor - thrombin receptor - thromboxane receptor - thymidylate synthase - thyroid hormone receptor - thyrotropin receptor - thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor - tumor necrosis factor receptor - V: vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor - vasopressin receptor

Protein families

A: ankyrin - B: bacterial outer membrane protein - bacterial protein - biogenic amine receptor - Brn-3b - bromodomain containing proteins - C: C-Protein - calcium-binding protein - calmodulin-binding protein - carrier protein - cell cycle protein - chemokine receptor - cystatin - cytoskeletal protein - D: deoxyribonucleoprotein - E: equine gonadotropin - extracellular matrix protein - F: fetal protein - fungal protein - fusion oncogene protein - I: immediate-early protein - insect protein - K: kappa-chain immunoglobulin - L: luminescent protein - lymphocyte homing receptor - M: membrane glycoprotein - monelin - microfilament protein - monosaccharide transport protein - myeloma protein - N: neoplasm protein - nerve tissue protein - neurofilament protein - nuclear protein - O: oncogenic retroviridae protein - P: plant protein - platelet membrane glycoprotein - pregnancy protein - proliferating cell nuclear antigen - PCNA - R: recombinant fusion protein - retroviridae protein - ribosomal protein - S: src-family kinase - V: viral oncogene protein

Protooncogene proteins

C-abl - C-bcl-2 - C-fo - C-jun - C-mo - C-raf


principal of complementarity antibiosis - Bacillus siliceus - bioamplification - Bromodomain - cardiac hypoplasia - Cetyl Myristoleate - chemoton - clinostat - comet assay - computational viewpoint - foreign body granulomatous reaction - Leucomaine - Nonpolar Bond - postdisplacement - photomorphology - platelet glycoprotein GPIb-IX complex - polyomavirus transforming antigen - receptor protein-tyrosine kinase - somatomedin - somatotropin-releasing hormone - tachykinin - talin - minor histocompatibility antigens - Mason-Goldner (Trichrome) stain


16S rDNA - Acervulus - Chemostat - Dilute Nutrient Broth (DNB) - Minimal Medium A (MMA) - Schizont - Tindillization - Nutrification - transcription bubble - reticulopodia - Phagus - Physarum - Somatid - Ultraviolet Irradiation Therapy - in vitro run-off transcription assay

Life forms, species

See also WP:PRIM#Task list and progress & WP:CEPH#Task list and progress for lists of primates and cephalopod articles to be created
auqaspirrilum serpens - Tabulata- Scleractina- Nautliodea

Trees or shrubs

Chinese Orange Tree or Chinese Orange Shrub - Betula pendula var. carelica or Betula pendula carelica - Prunus incisa - Malus sylvestris - Possum Grape - Gurjo


King Alfred's Cakes - Leucocoprinus birnbaumii - Devil's Boletus - Boletus erythropus - Parasol mushroom - Macrolepiota

Vascular plants

Habitats: Megaphorb Demersal

Orchid species: White Helleborine - Narrow-leaved Helleborine - Marsh Helleborine - Dark-red Helleborine - Violet Helleborine - Broad-leaved Helleborine - Young's Helleborine - Narrow-lipped Helleborine - Green-flowered Helleborine - Common Twayblade - Lesser Twayblade - Autumn Lady's-tresses - Summer Lady's-tresses - Irish Lady's-tresses - Creeping Lady's-tresses - Fen Orchid - Bog Orchid - Musk Orchid - Greater Butterfly-orchid - Lesser Butterfly-orchid - Small-white Orchid - Heath Spotted-orchid - Early Marsh-orchid - Southern Marsh-orchid - Northern Marsh-orchid - Narrow-leaved Marsh-orchid - Lapland Marsh-orchid - Dense-flowered Orchid - Loose-flowered Orchid - Early-purple Orchid - Burnt Orchid - Monkey Orchid - Man Orchid - Early Spider-orchid - Late Spider-orchid

Species (English names): Bull Horn Acacia - cinnamon fern - Club sedge - Great Water Dock - Ivy Broomrape - Karanda [7] - lote tree - Loddon Pondweed - Malotira ("Μαλοτηρα"; also "Malotera"; also "Greek Mountain Tea"; possibly "Sideritis syriaca" or "Fideritis cretica") - Prickly Sedge - Shore Dock - Wall Whitlow-grass - Wall-rocket - urukum palm -

Species (Scientific names): Carex buxbaumii [8] - Carex pendula - Dracaena deremensis - Ecballium elaterium - Micromeria Brownii - Myrciaria cauliflora - cresses - Verbena bonariensis

Insects - Coleoptera

pine weevil - Summer Chafer - Titanus giganteus - tree tick - sruce beetle -

Insects - Hymenoptera

Polistine wasps -

Insects - Lepidoptera

A: Alder Moth - Annulet (moth) - B: Barred Sallow - Barred Umber - Barred Yellow - Beaded Chestnut - Beautiful Golden Y - Beautiful Hook-tip - Black Arches - Black Rustic - Blair's Shoulder-knot - Blue-bordered Carpet - Bordered Grey - Bordered Straw - Brindled Beauty - Brindled Pug - Brindled White-spot - Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing - Broken-barred Carpet - Brown Rustic - Brown Silver-line - Brown-spot Pinion - Buff Footman - Burnet Companion - Burnished Brass - C: Callitæra (a.k.a., Calliteara) - Canary-shouldered Thorn - Centre-barred Sallow - Chimney Sweeper - Chinese Character - Chocolate-tip - Clay Triple-lines - Clouded Brindle - Clouded Drab - Clouded Silver - Common Heath - Common Lutestring - Common Rustic sp. - Coronet (moth) - Cypress Pug - D: Dark Sword-grass - Dingy Footman - Dotted Chestnut - Drinker (moth) - Dusky Sallow - Dusky Thorn - Dwarf Pug - E: Ear Moth sp. - Early Grey - Early Thorn - Elephant Hawk-moth - Engrailed (moth) - F: Fan-foot - Flame Carpet - Flounced Rustic - Frosted Green - Frosted Orange - G: Galium Carpet - Garden Tiger - Gold Swift - Grass Emerald - Green Arches - Green Carpet - Green Silver-lines - Grey Pine Carpet - Grey/Dark Dagger - H: Herald (moth) - Humming-bird Hawk-moth - I: Iron Prominent - J: Jersey Tiger - July Highflyer - K: Knot Grass - L: Lackey (moth) - Lappet (moth) - Large Ranunculus - Least Black Arches - Least Yellow Underwing - Lesser Swallow Prominent - Light Arches - Little Emerald - Lobster Moth - Lunar Marbled Brown - M: March Moth - Mottled Grey - Mullein (moth) - Muslin Footman - Muslin Moth - N: Nut-tree Tussock - O: Oak Beauty - Oak Eggar - Oak Lutestring - Oak Nycteoline - Orange Footman - Orange Sallow - Orange Swift - P: Pale Mottled Willow - Pale Prominent - Pale Tussock - Pale-shouldered Brocade - Pearly Underwing - Pebble Hook-tip - Pebble Prominent - Phoenix (moth) - Pinion-streaked Snout - Pink-barred Sallow - Plain Golden Y - Pretty Chalk Carpet - Privet Hawk-moth - Purple Bar - Purple Clay - R: Red Twin-spot Carpet - Rosy Rustic - Royal Mantle - Ruby Tiger - S: Sallow Kitten - Satin Wave - Scallop Shell - Scarce Footman - Scarlet Tiger - Scorched Carpet - Scorched Wing - Shaded Broad-bar - Sharp-angled Peacock - Shears (moth) - Shoulder Stripe - Shuttle-shaped Dart - Silver Y - Single-dotted Wave - Small Blood-vein - Small Dotted Buff - Small Elephant Hawkmoth - Small Emerald - Small Engrailed - Small Fan-foot - Small Phoenix - Small Quaker - Small Rivulet - Small Waved Umber - Small White Wave - Small Yellow Wave - Snout (moth) - Spectacle (moth) - Spinach (moth) - Straw Dot - Streamer (moth) - T: Tawny-barred Angle - Toadflax Pug - Treble Brown Spot - Treble Lines - Twin-spot Carpet - Twin-spotted Quaker - V: Vapourer - Vine's Rustic - W: Water Carpet - Waved Umber - Welsh Wave - White Ermine - White-pinion Spotted - Wood Tiger - Y: Yellow Shell - Yellow-line Quaker

Insects - Odonata

Families: Cordulegastridae - Gomphidae -

Species: Alpine Emerald - Banded Darter - Black Saddlebags - Black Darter - Blue Dasher - Blue-faced Meadowhawk - Bird Spider - Brilliant Emerald - Carolina Saddlebags - Club-tailed Dragonfly - Common Winter Damselfly - Dainty Damselfly - Golden-ringed Dragonfly - Hairy Dragonfly - Highland Darter - Large White-faced Darter - Norfolk Damselfly - Northern Damselfly - Northern White-faced Darter . - Northern Emerald - Red-eyed Damselfly - Red-mantled Saddlebags - Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly - Scarce Emerald Damselfly - Scarlet Dragonfly - Small Emerald Damselfly - Small Red Damselfly - Southern Damselfly - Southern Darter - Southern Migrant Hawker - Southern Skimmer - Spot-winged Glider - Subarctic Hawker - Tumbu Fly - Twelve-spotted Skimmer - Two-spotted Dragonfly - Vagrant Emperor - White-faced Darter - White-legged Damselfly - Willow Emerald Damselfly - Yellow-legged Dragonfly

Insects - Orthoptera

Species: Bog Bush-cricket - Cepero's Groundhopper - Common Green Grasshopper - Common Groundhopper - Dark Bush-cricket - Field Cricket - Field Grasshopper - Great Green Bush-cricket - Grey Bush-cricket - Heath Grasshopper - House Cricket - Large Marsh Grasshopper - Lesser Marsh Grasshopper - Long-winged Conehead - Meadow Grasshopper - Mole Cricket - Mottled Grasshopper - Oak Bush-cricket - Rufous Grasshopper - Scaly Cricket - Short-winged Conehead - Slender Groundhopper - Speckled Bush-cricket - Stripe-winged Grasshopper - Wart-biter - Wood Cricket - Woodland Grasshopper


A: Australasian Grebe - Australian Bustard - Australian King-parrot - Australian Pipit - B: Bassian Thrush - Black-faced Cormorant - Black-faced Cuckooshrike - Black-naped Tern - Black-tailed Native-hen - Blue-eyed Shag- Brown Gerygone - Brown Honeyeater - Brown Songlark - Brown Treecreeper - Buff-banded Rail - Buff-rumped Thornbill - C: Chestnut-crowned Babbler - Chestnut-rumped Thornbill - Collared Sparrowhawk - Common Bronzewing - Crimson Chat - D: Dusky Woodswallow - E: Eastern Curlew - Eastern Ringneck - F: Fairy Martin - Fan-tailed Cuckoo - Forest Owlet - G: Glossy Black-cockatoo - Grauer's Broadbill - Green Catbird - Grey-crowned Babbler - H: Hoary-headed Grebe - Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo - J: Jacky-winter - L: Large-billed Scrubwren - Little Friarbird - Logrunner - M: Masked Woodswallow - Mistletoebird - N: Noisy Pitta - P: Pale-headed Rosella - Pinguin - R: Red-backed Fairy-wren - Red-browed Finch - Red-capped Plover - Red-capped Robin - Red-kneed Dotterel - Red-necked Avocet - Red-tailed Black-cockatoo - Regent Bowerbird - Rose Robin - Rufous Songlark - Rufous Whistler - Russet-tailed Thrush - S: Singing Honeyeater - Southern Whiteface - Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater - Striated Thornbill - Striped Honeyeater - Superb Lyrebird - Superb Parrot - T: Tawny Grassbird - Tawny-crowned Honeyeater - Tree Martin - V: Varied Sittella - W: Wandering Whistling-duck - Western Bowerbird - Western Gerygone - Western Ringneck - White-browed Babbler - White-eared Honeyeater - White-fronted Chat - White-necked Heron - White-winged Fairy-wren - Y: Yellow Rosella - Yellow-plumed Honeyeater - Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoo - Yellow-throated Miner - Yellow-throated Scrubwen


See also WP:PRIM#Task list and progress for a list of primate articles to be created
Category:New Mexico mammals - Banana Rat (from Cuba) - Bornean Red Cat- Cetaformia anthalopus (from Cambodia, gilled antelope) - Feral Desert Horses (of Namibia) - Gaucho Shepherd (Ovelheiro Gaúcho, a breed of dog) - ice weasel - Iriomote Mountain Cat or yamaneko (from Iriomotejima off of Okinawa) - rock badger - rock squirrel - soala - Stone's Sheep - Tepesquintli or Tepisquintli - Whale Conservation Act - The Great Mole Rat - South American Coati Mundi -



Bangaii cardinal - Bear Lake cutthroat trout - Bear Lake sculpin - Black bullhead - Blobfish - Blue groper - Bonnevile cisco - Egyptian mouth breeder - Hyporhamphus - Mexican horn shark - Seed fish - Silver langur - Silver carp - Spotted razorfin - Spotted sucker - Undulate ray - Utah sucker - White bullhead - Yellow bullhead

Amarsipidae - Amphiliidae - Apistidae - Aploactinidae - Ariidae - Ariommatidae - Artedidraconidae - Astroblepidae - Ateleopodidae - Aulopidae - Aulorhynchidae - Aulostomidae - Bagridae - Bedotiidae - Bembridae - Berycidae - Brachaeluridae - Caesionidae - Callorhinchidae - Caracanthidae - Centrogeniidae - Centrophrynidae - Chacidae - Champsodontidae - Chilodontidae - Chimaeridae - Chlopsidae - Citharidae - Citharinidae - Coiidae - Colocongridae - Comephoridae - Cottocomephoridae - Cranoglanididae - Crenuchidae - Cryptacanthodidae - Dentatherinidae - Dichistiidae - Dinopercidae - Diplomystidae - Eleginopidae - Emmelichthyidae - Erethistidae - Ereuniidae - Fundulidae - Geotriidae - Gibberichthyidae - Gigantactinidae - Glaucosomatidae - Gobiesocidae - Gymnarchidae - Harpagiferidae - Helogeneidae - Hemigaleidae - Hemiodontidae - Hemiscylliidae - Hepsetidae - Heptapteridae - Heterenchelyidae - Heteropneustidae - Hispidoberycidae - Hoplichthyidae - Hypopomidae - Hypoptychidae - Kneriidae - Kraemeriidae - Lactariidae - Latimeriidae - Leptobramidae - Leptochariidae - Leptochilichthyidae - Lophichthyidae - Luciocephalidae - Megalomycteridae - Melanonidae - Menidae - Microdesmidae - Mirapinnidae - Monognathidae - Moringuidae - Muraenesocidae - Myrocongridae - Nematogenyidae - Neoceratiidae - Neoscopelidae - Neosebastidae - Notocheiridae - Notograptidae - Notosudidae - Olyridae - Oneirodidae - Oplegnathidae - Oreosomatidae - Ostracoberycidae - Parabembridae - Parabrotulidae - Parakysidae - Parascorpididae - Parascylliidae - Paraulopidae - Parazenidae - Parodontidae - Pataecidae - Pegasidae - Perciliidae - Percopsidae - Phallostethidae - Pholidichthyidae - Platycephalidae - Platytroctidae - Plectrogenidae - Prochilodontidae - Profundulidae - Proscylliidae - Psettodidae - Pseudaphritidae - Pseudocarchariidae - Pseudomugilidae - Pseudopimelodidae - Pseudotriakidae - Pseudotrichonotidae - Psilorhynchidae - Radiicephalidae - Rhinochimaeridae - Rhyacichthyidae - Rivulidae - Samaridae - Schilbeidae - Scoloplacidae - Scopelarchidae - Scytalinidae - Sillaginidae - Siluridae - Sisoridae - Solenostomidae - Sphyrnidae - Sternopygidae - Sundasalangidae - Symphysanodontidae - Telmatherinidae - Tetrabrachiidae - Tetrarogidae - Thaumatichthyidae - Triacanthidae - Triacanthodidae - Trichodontidae - Trichonotidae - Umbridae - Valenciidae - Veliferidae - Zaniolepididae


Ceriodaphnia dubia - Cellana tramoserica - Cubomedusae - Discomedusae - Goniopora - Anthomedusae - Mastigias - Mictyris platycheles - Narcomedusae - Peripetus - Peromedusae - Theridion grallator - Trachomedusae - Trichonympha - Turbo undulatus - Uga - Viviparus malleatus - Wucheria brancrofti - Social spiders - Anelosimus eximius - Orconectes immunis (Blue Crayfish) - Leptomedusae


epsilon15 bacteriophage - Shistosomes


paleofaeces -

To be categorised

A: Achotillo - B: Bat Eating Centipede[9]] - Bergamotto - Blob Sculpin - C: Careta-Careta - Ceratopteris Richardii(c-fern) - Chilean Corralero - Castorcauda lustrasimilis D: Dinichthys - Djerma - Dutch Draft - E: Edestus giganteus - Estonian Native - F: Fossil egg - G: Ganoderma - Giganatosaurus - Goliath Bird Eater - Gonyleptidae - Green-blooded skink (Prasinohaema virens, Prasinohaema flavipes) [10] - Guanlong wacaii - Gyrostemonaceae - H: I: Iniopterygianus - J: Judean Date Palm - Jarkov Mammoth - K: Kisber Feiver - L: Laurelia philippiana - Laurelia sempervirens - Lokai - M: Mammillaria dioica - Marapuama - Megarachne servinei [11] - Meripilus - Mouse Spider - O: Oblongus Spider - P: Paramecium caudatum - Priapula - R: Raft Spider - Rossette Plant - S: Scaenops ocellatus - Schwarzwalder Fuchs - T: Toona sinensis - Turtle leech (Placobdella ornata) - U: Ultramicrobacteria - V: Velvet Mite - Vietnamese Centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes) - Viper gecko W: Watusi cattle - White Squirrel - Y: Yellow Dung Fly - Z: Zamiifolia - Zhemaichu

aspiration pump - bellows lung (reptile lung) - circulatory lung (bird lung) - cutaneous respiration - dual pump - gurnig - pulse pump

Other biology terms (not yet sorted)

!: ΦFX174 phage - #: 1-antitrypsin - 2-aminopurine - 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid -




Acceptor stem - Accessible surface - Achaete-scute complex - Achilles' cleavage - Acridine dye - Actin polymerization toxin - Active site-directed irreversible inhibitor - Active-site titrant - Adenylate charge - Adenylylation - ADP-ribosylation - Affinity electrophoresis - Affinity labeling - Affinity selection - Aggrecanase -


Aligning sequences - Allelic exclusion - Alliminuim - Alloantibody - Allophenic - Alpha-bungarotoxin toxin - Alpha-helix formation - Alpha-lactalbumin - Amber mutation - Amber suppressor - Amidination - Amino acid analysis - Aminopeptidase -


Androgenesis - Animal pole - Animal virus - Ankyrin - Annealing (nucleic acid) - Anomalous dispersion - Antennapedia complex - Antibody-antigen interaction - Antibody-conjugated toxin - Antigen presentation - Antigenic variation - Anti-idiotype immunoglobulin - Antiparallel beta-barrel motif - Antisense oligonucleotide - Antisera - Antitermination control of gene expression - Ap endonuclease - Apurinic site - apyrimidinic site - Ara operon - Aspartyl proteinase inhibitors - Asymmetric unit - Attenuation of transcription -


Auditory Processing - Autonomous controlling element - Autonomously replicating sequence - Avidin-biotin system - Azurin -



Bal 31 nuclease - Barnase - Base-pair substitution - B-cell receptor - Bence-jones protein - Beta-bulge - Beta-galactosidase of escherichia coli - Beta-helix - Beta-meander - Beta-mercaptoethanol - Beta-strand - Beta-turn - Bicoid - Bifunctional crosslinking reagent - bioluminescence imaging - Biotin repressor - Bisubstrate analogue - Bithorax complex - Biuret reaction -


Blastoderm - Blot overlay - Blotting matrix - Blunt-end ligation - Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor - Bowman-Birk inhibitor - Bragg angle - Bubble-form intermediate - Buoyant density - Bzip domain -


C genes of immunoglobulin - C0t curve -


Caenorhabditis - Caged ATP - Calcium-binding protein - Calnexin/calreticulin - Cap-binding protein - Capillary zone electrophoresis - Carbon isotope - Carboxyl proteinase - Carboxypeptidase - Cassette mutagenesis - catabolite gene activator protein - Catabolite repression - Catalytic antibody - Caudal protein - C-banding - Cell compartment - (or cell compatrments) - Cell hybrid - Cell lineage - Cell surface adhesion receptor - Cen sequence -


Chaotropes: kosmotrope - Chemical modification - Chemiosmotic coupling - Chi site - Chironomus - Cho cell - Cholera toxin and enterotoxin - Chorion genes and protein - Chromatofocusing - Chromocenter - Chromogenic substrate - Cilia and eukaryotic flagella - Circadian rhythms and clocks in fungi - Circular chromosome - Cis/trans isomerization - Cis-dominance - Clamp loaders - Class switching - Cleveland map - Clonal selection theory - Childrens python -


Co(salen) - Codon usage and bias - Cointegrative vector - Cold-sensitive mutant - Colicin - Combinatorial library - Combinatorial synthesis - Competitive labeling - Complement fixation - Complex loci - Computer simulation of biological molecule - Concatemer - Conservative substitution - Constant region - Contact map - Contiguous gene - Contrast variation - Cordycepin - Corepressor - COS cell - Cosy spectrum - Counting residue - Covalent catalysis -


Cpg island - C-terminu - Cubitus interruptus gene - curare-mimetic toxin - Cyclic AMP receptor protein - Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase - Cystatin - Cysteine proteinase inhibitor - Cystine knot - Cytoplasmic inheritance - Cytosolic ADH - Cytotoxic t lymphocyte -


D gene segment -


Dansyl chloride - Dead domain - Dead-end inhibition - DEAH domain - Deamidation - Decapentaplegic - Degeneracy of the genetic code - Denaturants stabilizer - Denaturation (nucleic acid) - Denaturation (protein) - Denaturation mapping - Density gradient centrifugation - Deoxycytidylate deaminase - Deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis and degradation - Deoxyuridine triphosphatase - desmocollin - desmoglein - desmoplakin - Dg-dc tailing -


Diafiltration - Diagonal method - Dicentric chromosome - Dictyota menstrualis - Dideoxy DNA sequencing - Difference fourier - Difference spectroscopy - Diffusion-controlled reaction - Diphtheria toxin - Direct method - Direct repeat - Disc electrophoresis - Discontinuous DNA replication - Disease resistance gene - dithioerythritol -


DNA degradation in vivo - DNA dynamic - DNA Methyltransferase - DNA polymerase sliding clamp - DNA replication protein - DNA structure - DNA-dependent DNA polymerase - DNA-dependent RNA polymerases - DNAk/DNAj protein - DNA-protein binding specificity - DNA-protein interaction thermodynamic - DNAse 1 sensitivity - Domain (chromosomal) - Domain shuffling - Dorsal/cactus complex - Dorsoventral polarity - Dosage compensation effect - Dot plot - drooling plants - Drosophila egf receptor - Duplication (chromosomal) - Dynactin - Dynamic light scattering -


Effective molarity - Ef-hand motif - EGF motif - Eglin c - Ehrlich cell - Electron imaging - Electron tomography - Electron transfer protein - Electrostatic interaction - Ellman's reagent - Elongation factor - Engrailed gene - Enzyme immobilization and conjugation - Epigenic patterning - Epimers and epimerization - Equilibrium dialysis - Erenkov radiation - Ethyl-nitrosourea - Evolutionary distance - Evolutionary rate - Excluded volume - Exon shuffling - Expansibility - Expression library - Expression system - Extended x-ray absorption fluorescence spectroscopy - Extrachromosomal inheritance -


F plasmid - Factor xa - Farnesylation - Farr assay - Fate map - Ferguson plot - Fiber diffraction - Filamentous fungi - Fill-in reaction - Fingerprint (protein) - Fingerprinting DNA - Fluctuation test - Fluorescamine - Fluorescence quenching - Fluorodeoxyuridine - Fluorography - Fmet - Focal contact - Footprinting protein - Founder cell - Four-helix bundle motif - F-prime - Frameshifting - Free energy calculation - Free energy relationship -


G banding - Gal operon - Gamma-carboxyglutamic acid - Gamma-turn - garlic poisoning - GC box - Gel retardation assay - gelatinase - Gelsolin - Gene cluster - Gene rearrangement - Gene recruitment - Gene structure - Gene targeting - Genetic suppression - Genomic structure and function of the udp-glucuronosyltransferase - Giemsa binding - Glucocorticoid response element - Glutaredoxin - Glutathione transferase - Gpi anchor - Grande weasel - Grandelius weseilus - Greek key motif - Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia - Guanidination - Guanidinium salt - Guanine nucleotide exchange factor - Guanine quartet - Guide RNA - Gurken -



Haldane relationship - Heat-shock response - Hedgehog signaling - Helix-coil theory - Helix-turn-helix motif - Helper plasmid - Helper virus - Hemoglobin mutation - Heterotrimeric g protein - HFR - High mobility group protein - Hill plot - His operon -


Hofmeister series - Holocentric chromosome - homing instinct - Homokaryon - Homological modeling - Hoogsteen base pairing - Hormone response element - how to distinguish jackdaws, crows, magpies and ravens - Hu and related protein - Hybrid cell - Hybrid individual - Hydrodynamic volume - Hydrogen exchange - Hydrogen isotope - Hydrophobic chromatography - Hydrophobic electrophoresis - Hydrophobic-interaction chromatography - Hydroxyapatite chromatography - Hypersensitive site - Hypervariable locus -



Idiotype - Illegitimate recombination - Imaginal disc - Immunoelectron microscopy - Immunoglobulin biosynthesis - Immunoglobulin structure - Immunophilin - I-motif -


Infoceutical - Initiation codon - Initiation complex - Initiation factor - Initiation of DNA replication - Insulinemic index - Integrative suppression - Interallelic complementation - Interband - Interleukin-1 motif - Intermediate junction - Internal guide sequence - Interspersed DNA element - Inverse folding problem - Inverted terminal repeat - iodoacetate - Ion channel receptor - Ion-exchange chromatography - Iron-binding protein - Iron-response element -


Isocratic elution chromatography - Isofunctional protein - Isoionic point - Isomorphous replacement - Isopropyl-1-thio--d-galactopyranoside - Isotope exchange at equilibrium - Isotope filtering -


J chain - J gene segment - Jak/stat signaling - Jelly roll motif - Junctional diversity - Kappa and lambda light chain - Kex-2 gene - Kinetic mechanisms -


La proteinase - Lambda ci and cro repressor - Lampbrush chromosome - Laue diffraction - Leucine-rich repeat - Leupeptin - Lexa repressor - Licensing factor - Lifson-roig model - Ligase chain reaction - Light-activated biological ligand - Linker DNA - Linker scanning - Linking number of DNA - Lipid metabolism - Long terminal repeat -



Macropinosome - Mads-box protein - Magnetic force microscopy - Magnetization transfer - Maltose binding protein - Mannose 6-p receptor - Map kinase - Marker exchange mutagenesis - Master chromosome - Matrix attachment region - Medium-chain dehydrogenase - Medium-chain reductase - Melittin and membrane-perturbing toxin - Membrane anchor - Meroblastic cleavage - Merodiploid - Metacentric chromosome - Metal response element - Metalloproteinase inhibitors - Metal-requiring enzyme - Methionine regulon - Methionine repressor - Methyltransferase -


Microinjection - Microstrains - Micturating Cystograms - Minicell - Minigene - Mitomycin c - Mitotic recombination - Mobile element - modified Chee's medium - Molecular averaging - Molecular replacement - Molecular sieve resin - Molecular surface - Monocentric chromosome - Monte Carlo calculation - Mosaic protein - Moving protein - Mu phage - Multifunctional protein - Multigene family - Multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion mad - Multivalent - Mutator gene - Myb oncogene - Myc oncogene - Myeloma protein -


Nad-binding protein - Nanos gene - Near-field scanning optical microscopy - N-end rule - Neoplastic transformation - Nested hierarchy - Neutral mutation - Neutron diffraction and scattering - N-glycosylation - N-hydroxysuccinimide - Noesy spectrum - Nonautonomous controlling element - Nonpermissive condition - Nonrepetitive DNA - Nonsense suppression - Nonsynonymous substitution - non-volant (relating to birds) - N-region diversity - Nuclear export - Nucleoplasmin - Nucleotide-binding motif -


Ochre mutation - Ochre suppressor - O-glycosylation - Oligo dT - Oligomeric protein - Oligomycin - O-linked oligosaccharide - Omega loop - Ompa - oncoprotein - oozing plants - Opal suppressor - Organizer - Origin recognition complex - Oskar gene - Osteolytic lesion - Ouchterlony double diffusion - Oxidation/reduction potential - Oxygen-binding protein -


P22 bacteriophage -


Paired helical filament - Pair-rule gene - Paralogous gene - Parasexual cycle - Partial specific volume - Particle electrophoresis - Parvalbumin - Pathogenesis in fungi - Patterson map - Pax gene - PCNA - Pectinella Magnifica - Penicillin-binding protein - Pepstatin - Peptide antibiotic biosynthesis - Peptide library - Peptide mapping - Peptidyl prolyl cis/trans isomerase - Perinuclear space - Permissive condition - Perpetual transmutation - Pest region -


Phage display library - Phenotypic lag - Phosphate buffer - Phosphatidylinositol kinase - Phosphorous isotope - Phosphorylase kinase - Photon correlation spectroscopy - Physarum - Pili phase variation - Plant genetic engineering - Pmsf -


Point contacts - Poison sequence - Pol gene - Polar plasma - Poly adp-ribosylation - Polyadenylate polymerase - Polyamino acid - Polyclone - Polycomb group - Polyglycine - Polylinker - Polynucleotide phosphorylase - Polyproline - Polyprotein - Polytene - Pore gradient electrophoresis - Post-transcriptional regulation - Pou domain -


Prebiotic evolution - Pre-breeding - Precession photograph - Precipitin reaction - Preferential binding - Preferential hydration - Pre-pro-protein - Pre-protein - Pre-replicative complexe -


Processivity complex - Product inhibition - Proenzyme - Progenote - Prokaryotic genetics - Proliferating cell nuclear antigen - Promiscuous DNA - Pronase - Pro-protein - Pro-sequence - Protein a - Protein detection - Protein evolution - Protein folding in vitro - Protein folding in vivo - Protein secretion - Protein stability - Proteinase inhibitor - Proteinase k - Protein-DNA recognition -


psychophilous - Puff (chromosomal) - Pulse-chase experiment - Pumilio gene - Purine ribonucleotide metabolism - Pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolism - Pyrophosphatase -


Q replicase - Qßreplicase - Quantum Biology - Quantum Mechanical Laws - list and definition of QM laws


R0t curve -


Racemic and racemization - Radiation hybrid - Random x-inactivation - Rat Genome Database and redirect from


- Reactive hyperaemia - Readthrough - Reassociation (nucleic acid) - Receptors linked to tyrosine kinases - Recessive lethal mutation - Recombinase - Recombinational repair - Relaxation spectrometry - Release factor - Renaturation - Repeated DNA sequence interspersion - Repetition frequency - Replication foci - Replicative form - Reporter group - Response element - Restriction map - Restriction-modification system - Retinoblastoma gene - Retroregulation - Reverse translation - Reversed-phase chromatography - Revertant -


R-factor (crystallographic) - Rflp - Rgs protein - Rho gtpase - Ri plasmid - Ribonuclease h - Ribonuclease p - Ribophorin - Ribosome-inactivating plant toxin - Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RNA cap - RNA degradation in vitro - RNA helicase - RNA ligase - RNA sequencing - RNA structure prediction - RNA structure - RNA-dependent RNA polymerases - Rod monochromasy - Roesy spectrum - Rolling circle DNA replication - Rossmann fold - Rushton turbine -


S-adenosyl-l-methionine - S1 nuclease -


Saltatory DNA replication - Salting in - Salvage pathways to nucleotide biosynthesis - Sarkosyl - Scalar coupling - Scanning hypothesis - Scanning probe technique - Scatchard plot - Scattering intensity distribution -


Sec mutant sec protein - Secretion vector - secretory granule - Secretory vesicle - Sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation - Sedimentation velocity centrifugation - Self-splicing intron - Semi-conservative DNA replication - Seminal ribonuclease - Semliki forest virus - Sendai virus - sephacryl - Sequence code - Serine proteinase - Serine proteinase inhibitors - Serine/threonine kinases and phosphatase - Serum dependence - Serum response element - Shotgun experiment -


Signal peptidase - Silencer (gene) - Single particle reconstruction - Single-stranded DNA binding protein - Single-stranded DNA replication - Slow-binding enzyme inhibition - Small cytoplasmic RNA - small cytoplasmic rnp - Small nuclear rnp - Small-angle scattering - Solvent flattening - Solvent perturbation spectroscopy - Soybean trypsin inhibitor - Sphingomyelinase - Spin labeling - Spindle pole body - Sponging - spontaneous alternation - Src gene - Src homology domain -


Stabilization and destabilization by co-solvents - Staggered cut - Sterol response element - Stop-transfer sequence - Stringency - Stringent control Structure database - Structure factor - Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy - Substrate (marine biology) - Substrate inhibition - Subtilisin - Subtractive hybridization - Suicide inhibitor - Sulfate salt - Sulfation - Sulfur isotope - Superantigen toxin - Supercoiling of DNA - Superhelical DNA energetics - Suppressor mutation - Suppressor tRNA - Surface wrapping of DNA - Switch region -


syngenic - Syntenic gene - Synthase/lyase - systemin -


T antigen - T7 bacteriophage -


Tac promoter - Tansposon Immunity - Taqman - T-box gene - T-complex - Telocentric chromosome - Temnospondyl - Temperature factor - Temperature-sensitive mutation - Tentoxin - Terminal redundancy - Terminal repeat - Terrapin Institute - Tetranitromethane - T-even bacteriophage - Teacup Poodle -


Thermolysin - Thin-layer chromatography/electrophoresis - Thiol proteinase - Thiol-disulfide exchange - Thiotemplate mechanism of peptide antibiotic synthesis - Threading protein sequence - Threonine operon - Thymidylate synthase - Tibial Anteversion - Tim barrel - Tocsy spectrum - Tolerance (immunological) - Topogenesis -


Tracking dye - Trans-acting - Transfer free energy - Transferrin receptor - Transformation of fungi - Transgenic technology - Transit peptide - Transition mutation - Transition state analogue - Translation repressor - Translational editing - Transmembrane alpha-helix - Transposon tagging - Transverse gradient gel electrophoresis - Transversion mutation - Treadmilling -


Trifluoroethanol - Trigger factor - Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid - Triple helix - Triple resonance - Triple-helical protein - Trithorax group gene - Triton X-114 - tRNA biosynthesis - tRNA ligase - Trp operon - True breeding -


Tulip library - Tumor promoter - Turns - Twist (DNA) - Ty element - Type II DNA-binding protein - Tyrocidine - Tyrosine kinase receptor - Tyrosine phosphatase -


Ultrabithorax gene - Unassigned codon - Uncompetitive inhibition - Unfolded protein response - Unfolded protein - Unidentified reading frame - Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep - Up-and-down barrel - Urea gradient gel electrophoresis - V gene - Vapor phase crystallization - Variable domain - Variable region - Vegetal pole - Vertical gene transfer - Virus structure - Water metabolism - Western Palearctic Wilson plot - Wobble pairing - Writhe (DNA) - Xenogeneic -


Zinc-binding protein - Zones of physiological stress - Zoo blot

Chemistry concepts, classes of compounds

Diathermancy - Ladder-Up Reactions - Diastereotopic groups - dicyclohexyl methyl-2-methyl succinate (DCMMS) - Enantiotopic groups - Exodiffusion - energy gap variation - gel point - Homotopic groups - Colors of compounds - Ligand group orbitals - liquidus temperature - Moisture sorption isotherm - Standard Reduction Potentials - Super solids (a solid with odd characteristics) - uncommon phases of water ice - Molecular Polarity - Hammett equation (has to do with reactivity in organic chemistry) - rate of combustion - Aphanmol I - Depolarizer - Pseudochirality Chemistry of radioactive waste( what makes it so radioactive?) Neutralization Equivalent (NE) how to find molecular weight of unknown


Mikhail Usanovich - Franklin C. Bing

Chemical compounds

#: 2-phenethyl propionate - 2-phenyl-hexane - 3-hydroxypropionic acid - A: aluminoxane (R2Al-O-AlR2) - aluminum sulfide - B:' bismuth chloride - bismuth slicon oxide - C: cetrimonium chloride - copper asprinate - copper salicylate - crotonyl alcohol - cyclopentasiloxane - D: dicyclohexyl methyl-2-methyl succinate (DCMMS) - dehydroacetic Acid - dimethyl-bicarbonate - F: fuctic Acid - H: hafnium carbide - hydroxytyrosol - hypoglycin - M: miotine - molar conductivity - O: organic fullerenes - osazone - P: Polycal - potassium argentocyanide - potassium hydrogen glutamate - potassium phosphite - phthalimide - pyrimidone - S: SAM polymer - sodium caseinate - sulfanilic acid - sulfur trioxide pyridine complex - sodium myristate - T: Tetrathionate - Z: zinc phosphide


dibromochloropropane - dimethoate - fenoxycarb - methomyl - Phosphorus trioxide - pirimicarb - pirimiphos-methyl - Procymidone - Propargite - propiconazole - pyrimethanil - Tebufenpyrad - tetradifon- dicyclohexylitaconate n-propyl benzoate

Other, unsorted chemistry terms

Antifoggants - Bond site - Charge transfer - Chromatogram (What does it look like and how is it read?) - Degree of Dissociation - Fat Substitutes - Fleaker Induction point - Hazardous polymerization - mesoionic compound - molar solubility - Photodeposition - potential of hydrogen - Potentiometric analysis - Total-reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis - Refractive Index Increment (used in static light scattering measurement) -

Bio-Fido-Remediation - Biomanipulation - Burn Barrels - Ciliotoxic - Conservation Finance - Cumberland Bone Graveyard - Crane Rain Zone - Dissolved air floatation - Electrogravitics - frequency reuse - glassification temperature - Gober Gas - Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) - Macrocrystaline Million Solar Roofs - NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme - ocean thermal gradients - Ocean Nourishment - photosynthetic capacity - Pollution Tolerance Index - Production Planning - USLE - E85 Ethanol - nicholas lenssen - boney piles (waste rock piles)

Geologic time periods

Eifelian - Emsian - Gorstian - Gzhelian - Homerian - Kasimovian - Lochkovian - Ludfordian - Moscovian - Paibian - Pragian - Pridoli - Rhuddalian - Sheinwoodian - Stennian - Telychian - Flandrian Transgression -

Geologic features & environments

Nazare Canyon - sediment and organic matter fluxes African superswell - Bunter (geology) - Composite Cone (Stratovolcano is the same feature) - Desoto Caverns, Alabama - dome volcano - Fiumelatte -river, Italy Gilgai - Groyne Field - Hoba West - (and maybe the meteor too) - Hodges Seamount - Ice cave - (small section already written in cave) - Intrusive Structure (see Intrusion) - La Sal Mountains - Lahontan Basin - Lavalake - List of earthquakes by fault - Omega Gaia - Paleomegalandslide - Phacolith - Primary forest - Seabed Hydrates (see Methane clathrate) - Silver River - (Part of the St. Johns River System) Seaton Marshes - South Patagonian Icefield - Tafoni- Montane Cordillera - (Ecozone in western canada, covers most of B.C) Tuya - Seismic Shock - Kufra and Sareer Basins - Bio-char - Synthetic Seismogram - Extractive reserve - Michoud fault [12] [13]

Other, environment and geology

A: Agriculture Appropriation Act - 1905 - Agua Fria Aquifer - B: ball clay - Black dirt - Block mountains - C: Charles Forsling - Clark McNary Act - 1924 - Classification and multiple use act - Combinatorial auction - Congo Basin Forest Partnership - Cretaceous thermal maximum - Cross grain - D: Dan Peter McKenzie - Deglaciation - Delta switching (see Atchafalaya River) - Devil's Lake outlet - Didier Sornette - Dieoff - Drummond Hoyle Matthews - E: Edith Flanigen - Elutriator - F: Farrington Carpenter - Forest Inventory Analysis - Forest Management Act - 1897 - Forest Reserve Act - 1891 - Frederick John Vine - Folding and Faulting - G: Geophysical Oceanography Geostrophy - Geosystems - Gravity map - Grazing service - grewingkia canadensis - H: History of water - I: Impact glass - Iron silicate - K: Knutson Vandenberg Act - 1930 - Kahna National Tiger Reserve L: Land and Water Conservation Fund Act - Leather's tensile strength - Lords of Yesterday - Lynch's Crater - M: Marine ecosystems - McSweeny McNarey Act - 1928 - Midnight Reserves (Roosevelt / Pinchot Forest Reserves) - Mineral physics - Jim Motavalli N: National Forest Commission - North American Sylva (by Andre Francois Michaux) - O: Ogden River (Utah) - Oil pollution - Oribital tuning - P: patti katla (mineral) - pisolite PPMD compression method - progradation - Provo River (Utah) - Public Rangeland Improvement Act - 1978 - R: Rainbow Basin (California) - Receiver function - Rubylite - Resonance Coupling - S: Sehoo Highstand - Sludge Retention Time - Strawberry River (Utah) - T: Terkezi oasis - Terra Research - Thematic Maps- Turlough (geology) - Tsingy (Madagascar) - U: Unglaciated - W: Waldsterben - Weber River (Utah) - Weeks Act - Piper diagram (Speleogenetic models)

Angstrom Exponent - Arnt Eliassen - Bolling-Allerod - Geological equipment - Geotech - Hard Frost - Marine layer/marine inversion - North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation - San Francisco Fog generation - Saturation Vapour Pressure (alternate capitalization of saturation vapour pressure) - Sea swell (see Swell) - Single Scattering Albedo - Spy Weather Balloon Program - Water budget graphs - Water vapour concentration - WeatherQuests - Weather reconnaissance - Woodpecker grid Waning Gibbous Carbon-Silicate cycle GMST - General Mean Surface Temperature

Blizzard of 1983 - Blizzard of 1994 - Blizzards of 1885-1887 - Holland dike disaster of 1421 - Presidents' Day Storm I (1979) - Presidents' Day Storm II (2003) - Tornado season - Paint Creek (Ohio) - heaving -

Currently unsorted

(Please try to place items in the appropriate category)

3D Visual Haptizing - Bill S. 517 - bimodal structure - Black Hair - Dingle Johnson Act - Dowker-Kent critique - Fish and Wildlife Act - Focal Plane Arrays - Forest Products - Fortnightly Review - Gerta Keller - Grindal worm - Hatch-Slack hypothesis - Herping - Holovision - Information physics Maritime Disasters - Kona Nigari - Joseph Pardee - Monell Chemical Senses Center - National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act - Quantum Sheep - Rinsing illusion - Sergiu Gorun - Storm Wallet - teleconnection - Torsion Field - Trotter Prize - William Alan Jeffrey - Fulminant Shock - Thanatron - Tufoil - Danylions (Dandelions?)