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Neuigkeiten von der Redaktionskonferenz am 11. und 12. Februar:
Ein weiteres Brettspiel (= Drachenjäger von Xorlosch?) und noch ein nettes Gimmick (Überraschung) erfreut das Sammler- (und Brettspieler-) –herz.
Und nicht zuletzt soll es in 2007 endlich losgehen mit dem von Geheimnis umwobenen Projekt „TNBT“, das bereits seit längerer Zeit durch die Foren kursiert, dessen erste Anfänge sich bereits in einem Abenteuerband mit viel Rot auf dem Cover angekündigt haben, und das seine Schatten bereits vor 2007 voraus werfen wird. (Ja, ich weiß, ich könnte mich auch mal etwas konkreter ausdrücken – darf ich aber nicht. ;-)) Und wo ich gerade dabei bin, noch ein paar weitere Stichworte ohne weitere Erklärung und ohne weiteren Kommentar: Donnergrollen, Gischt und eine Herausforderung, die man erst annimmt und sich danach fragt, ob eine Dame nicht vielleicht etwas zu übersteigerte Vorstellungen vom Leistungsvermögen einer Heldengruppe hat. Zwei dieser Stichworte gehören zusammen, ein weiteres bildet den Anfang einer weiteren Kampagne, der ich jetzt einfach mal eigenmächtig eine Abkürzung geben werde, die alles besagt, aber nur aus den Anfangsbuchstaben des Aussagesatzes besteht: PKMTUVUVC. ;-)
Should we vote on countries on a one-by-one basis or in groups of countries?
If in favour, conduct the actual votes on countries or groups.
Negotiations with ETA soon to start after they declared an unconditional and indeterminate ceasefire.
Thanks to the ongoing democracy movement, monarchy in Nepal either to be abolished – and Nepal to become a republic – or to be turned into a constitutional one? Other democratic improvements to be expected if Maoists are successfully included.
18 May: Mandate of current president of Italy expires, new one to be sworn in. After legislative elections. Prodi to assemble new government afterwards?
2–3 June: Legislative elections in Czech Republic. Incumbent leftist to be re-elected? Rightist leading in the polls, though the current coalition could be renewed with the addition of the Greens...
Euro banknote design to be changed: Cyrillic version of "euro" (EBPO) to be added for Bulgaria, abbreviation for ECB to be added in additional languages, Cyprus to be added on the map.
Euro coin design to be changed: Maps to be updated to include the whole of Europe.
Poland to join ESAPECS (Plan for European Cooperating States).
Referendum on minor changs to the constitution in Spain (changes regarding hereditary order for royalty), to be held just before the next legislative elections.
Referendum to be held on the new constitution in Bhutan, first elections to be held later this year.
Euro banknote design to be changed – addition of Cyrillic for Bulgaria, addition of ECB abbreviation in additional languages, addition of Cyprus on the map.
Iceland (to be discussed between 2007 and 2010), Norway (to be discussed after 2009 elections), Switzerland (currently pursuing "bilateral way"; policy to be reviewed until summer 2006) (matter of time)
…to decide on establishment of Département Pays Basque, to secede from Département Pyrénées-Atlantiques. 45,000 votes (10% of population) to be gathered, to be followed by a referendum.
IraqiKurdistan's boundaries and de-arabization to be decided by referendum in 2007 at the latest, including whether some regions shall become part of it (especially Kirkuk).
Philippines to resolve Bangsamoro issue: Moro Islamic Liberation Front has been fighting for more autonomy or independence for decades. A referendum will be held soon on the establishment of an autonomous Muslim homeland on the southern islands.
Russia to reduce number of federal subjects from 88 to between 40 and 50.
Tokelau rejected free assocation with New Zealand in a referendum in February 2006 (a majority of aroudn 60% was in favour, but not the required supermajority of 66.6%). The issue will likely be revisited in a few years' time. (Had the result been in favour, a new flag (and anthem and symbol) would have been adopted.) [12][13][14]
Bermuda currently discussing independence from United Kingdom, likely to hold a referendum in 2006 or 2007. Already held a referendum in 1995, which failed with only 25% in favour.
Nevis actively working towards independence from Saint Kitts and Nevis, referendum to be held. Already held a referendum in 1998, which failed to pass although more than 60% were in favour, since 66.6% were required.
Palestine to become independent from Israel, consisting of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank; Israel will have to pull out of the West Bank first; reconstruction in the Gaza Strip is currently starting. (ISO code exists.)
Western Sahara to hold a referendum on independence from Morocco... hopefully. Morocco has been less than forthcoming, however. Western Sahara enjoys support from Algeria and Spain, among others. (ISO code exists.)
Could secede, insufficient support
Faroe Islands postponed plans for independence from Denmark for economic reasons.
Indonesia to deal with West Papua independence movements, as well as implement the autonomy agreement for Aceh and help sustain Timor-Leste's development.
Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey to resolve conflict over Kurdistan issue: Rebels have been fighting in eastern Turkey for an independent Kurdistan for decades, and the Kurdish Autonomous Region in northern Iraq might break away.