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Wahhabism (sometimes spelled Wahabbism or Wahabism) is a movement of Islam named after Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab (1703 - 1792). It is a fundamentalist movement of the Sunni form of Islam and has become an object of increased interest because it is the major sect of the government and society of oil-rich Saudi Arabia, and claimed to be followed by Osama bin Laden, who was raised in Saudi Arabia.

The term "Wahhabi"

Followers dislike the term Wahhabi (sometimes spelled Wahabbi or Wahabi), which simply means "true" or "pure", as it was historically used by opponents (e.g. the Ottoman Sultans) as a derogatory term. The term was derived after this famous scholar Muhammad ibn Abd, called "al Wahhab" (1703 - 1792). "Wahhabism", as its adherents point out, follows many other scholars, many of whom lived centuries prior to Muhammad bin Abd al Wahhab, for Islam has experienced repeated waves of purifying movements. The term "Wahhab" is derived from "Al-Wahhab": the Generous Giver, a name of Allah in Islam. Some "Wahabbis" take this as an argumentative compliment when faced with "Wahabbi" as a derogatory term.

Historically, members of this movement call themselves al-Muwahhiddun, or "the monotheists", or al-Ikhwan (the "brethren"). The name al-Muwahhidun should not be confused with al-Muwahhidun movement and dynasty in 12th century Morocco, the name being the only commonality between them, the theology being different in many aspects.


"Wahhabism" follows Islam, so the Quran and the prophetic Hadiths are its basic text. It also uses explanations of Quran and Hadiths from the writings of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, from such books as Kitab al-Tawhid (Arabic, "Book of Monotheism") and works of scholars before him such as Ibn Taymiyya (1263 - 1328).


"Wahhabis" follows many other scholars, many of whom lived centuries prior to Muhammad bin Abd al Wahhab, for Islam has experienced repeated waves of purifying movements.

"Wahhabis" are following the Sunnah and the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace).


"Wahhabi" theology advocates a literalist legalistic stance in matters of faith and religious practice, being very puritanical in nature.


"Wahhabism", also known as Salafism, although named after Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab, traces its origins and call all the way back to Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) and his Companions. Its call is to restore Islam from what it sees as innovations, superstitions, deviances, heresies and idolatries in the religion. These not having been present during the time of Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) or his Companions.

During the time of Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab, whose prominance gave name to this movement, there were lots of practices that were contrary to Islamic beliefs, such as:

  • Invoking any prophet, saint or angel in prayer, other than Allah alone (this is considered polytheism)
  • Grave worship, whether to saints' graves, or the prophet's grave
  • Celebrating annual feasts for dead saints
  • Wearing of charms, and believing in their healing power
  • Practicing magic, or going to sorcerers or witches seeking healing
  • Innovation in matters of religion (e.g. new methods of worship)
  • Erecting elaborate monuments over any grave

Ibn Abdul Wahhab sought to purify Islam from such practices with a "back to basics" approach. He called the Muslims to Tawheed, Oneness in worshipping Allah alone. Worship in Islam being defined as "any action or deed done to please Allah" and Oneness in worship meaning making the religious practices only for Allah and calling only upon Allah for anything, thus doing away with the practices that had been introduced into Islamic beliefs.

Ibn Abdul Wahhab called the muslims to the pure religious practices of Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) and the first three generations of Islam, these being described by Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) as the rightly guided generations and as a result doing away with the innovations that had crept into the religion during the time of the subsequent generations.

"Wahhabi" teachings are puritanical, calling the muslims to follow only the teachings of the Qu'ran and Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace). Ruling in religion according to "Wahhabies" are ultimately only to be taken from these two primary sources with the "Sunnah", teachings and practices of Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), helping to clarifying and explaining the teachings of the Qu'ran. Thus the law of Shariah, derives its authority ultimately from the Qu'ran alone.

The "Wahhabies" call to the way of the "Salaf as-Salee", the 'rightly guided or pious predecessors'. This being the way and practice of Prophet Mohammed(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) and his Companions. It is also why they are sometimes known as Salafies, i.e. people who are upon the way of the pious predecessors, pious predecessors as afore mentioned, being from the first three generations in Islam and all those who are seen as having followed their path.

Adherents insist on a literal interpretation of the Qu'ran, not unlike many Christian fundamentalists' approach to interpreting the Bible.

They are unquestionably deemed Fundamentalist, but they themselves feel that a return to the pure and fundamental tenets of the religion is the ideal.


"Wahhabism" is often maligned and attacked by adherents of Ash'ari belief as being anthropomorphism, which was a common accusation of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal by his Mu'tazilite detractors, and Ibn Taymiyya by Ash'ari contemporaries.

Some critiques of "Wahhabism" are as follows:

  • Since they developed within a desert and tribal environment, not in a metropolis, they were affected by that environment. They were confined to tribal customs and practices in many areas, for example, the minority view of women having to cover their face becomes the only valid view, despite centuries of scholars from more liberal sects of Islam saying otherwise.
  • Having not been exposed to non-Muslims, or to a more vibrant and open society (such as a metropolis), their views are not favorable towards non-Muslims, and depends mainly on hearsay (compare that with Christians who never saw Muslims), ironically they are the fastest growing Muslim way in western countries!
  • They are literalist and legalistic to the extreme
  • They lack flexibility
  • They are more open to non-Muslim religions than other branches

American political economist Francis Fukuyama condemned "Wahhabism" for its lack of flexibility and general intolerance towards other religions, calling it "Islamic fascism".

Early history of Wahhabism

"Wahhabism" in Saudi Arabia began with a surge of reformers seeking to reclaim orthodox Islam from innovation by various sects of Sunni Muslims. In the 18th century, it spread in Najd along with the expansion of the First Saudi State under Muhammad bin Saud and his successors.

Modern spread of Wahhabism

"Wahhabism" is the official practice of Islam in Saudi Arabia. In 1924 the "Wahhabist" al-Saud dynasty conquered the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, creating the Saudi state. The spread of "Wahhabi" Islam has been facilitated by Saudi oil revenues; Saudi laypeople, government officials and clerics have donated many tens of millions of dollars to create "Wahhabi"-oriented religious schools, newspapers and outreach organizations.

"Wahhabis" claim that many Muslim Brotherhood scholars are corrupted due to their innovations in Islam and due to their call to revolution and rebellion against the rulers of Muslim countries. The Muslim Brothers Sayyed Qutb, and Yusuf al-Qaradawi straided away from the clear path of Mohammad(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), being as ones who have innovated into the religion of Islam with their open call to rebellion against the rulers of Muslim countries and this is wath the "Wahhabis" percieve as innovations into the religion of Islam. "Wahhabis" claim that Osama bin Laden is not a "Wahabi", but a Qutbee (follower of Sayyed Qutb), due to his rebellion against the rulers of Saudi Arabia.

Most "Wahhabis" ban pictures, photographs, musical instruments, singing, video, suicide bombings, and celebrating Prophet Mohammed his birthday, among many other things and that based on prove from the hadiths(saying) of the Propeth Mohammad(may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace).

Many contend that "Wahhabism" is or has become a dominant form of Islam through proselytization driven by Saudi funding; others contend that its influence is less widespread and that the practice and observance of "Wahhabism" and the political manifestations that flow therefrom are more nuanced than its most doctrinaire interpretations. It is however the fastest growing islamic movememnt gaining more non-muslims converts in the west than any sect of islam.

Wahhabi groups are shown (or by some believed) to have strong ties with the British and US governments. In the case of the British it goes so far as a synchronised cooperation in order to change the historical geographical names such as the name of the Persian Gulf.

See also