Wikipedia:Requested articles/science
CBP histone acetyltransferase - how to distinguish jackdaws, crows, magpies and ravens (in a similar style of how to tell bees from wasps) - Humongous Fungus - Lycopodium - smart breeding - sympodial rhizome bamboo- urodele amphibians- vapor pressure dificit - self-incompatibility in plants - Agaricus Blazei Murill Mushroom - AHA-1 - immunotoxins - hypotonia - pedigree (dog) - pedigree (cat)
19-norandrosterone - acid dissociation constant - bentofamine - clenbuterol - cryolithe - demeton-S-methyl - endosulfan sulphate - ethion - exopolymer - fenitrothion - green chemistry - isoxathion - metandienone - metenolone - mole map - nikethamide - nortestosterone - op-DDT - phenolic compounds - phosalone - physiologically active compound - polyvinyl butyral (PVB) - precipitate hardening - prothiophos - recognition motif
Broadcast Storm - Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern - Database Abstraction Layer - EbXML Architecture - Federated Database - Information leakage - Junction table - Liberty Alliance - Markov predictor - PO (Portable Object) - pinwheel calculator - Telekiosk - Traffic grooming - Z-variant (Unicode) - PIO Mode port knocking
Environment and Geology
Blowhole - Brunhes-Matayama reversal - Calymmian - Cretaceous long normal - Cryogenian - Ectasian - Geological engineering - Geomagnetic excursion - Hotspot volcano - Ice cave - Icecap - Induced seismicity - Mass Wasting - Mesoarchean - National Wildlife Federation (led once by Jay Hair) - Neoarchean - Orosirian - Paleoarchean - PPMD Compression method - Primeval forest - Rhyacian - Siderian - Statherian - Stennian - Tonian - Magnetic reversal (reversal of earth's magnetic poles periodically)
Adjustable gastric banding surgery - Apheresis - Balmis Expedition - Behavioral medicine - Calcium supplementation after gastric surgery - Childhood disease Chromotherapy - Color therapy - Corneal endothelium - Cranial osteopathy - Daffy's Elixir - Devon colic - Duodenal switch surgery - Endothelial dysfunction - Epizooty - Fatty liver - Fecal elastase test - Fuch's dystrophy (a leading cause of corneal transplantation) - Hypertrichosis - Irritant - Lead colic - Lovaas technique - Paroxysmal hypertension - Penetrating keratoplasty surgery - sympathomimetic (or adrenergic) - Single Payer healthcare - Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery - Water retention - Apicoectomy - Probiotics - Abdominal Breathing
Meteorology and Weather
Active vibration control - Cluster decomposition theorem - Evanescent wave coupling - Experimental method in the Islamic World - Free electron laser - Group Evolutionary Theory - Isothermic reaction - Measurement of Quantum entanglement - Optical Coherence Tomography - Oscillon - Parallel force - Peccei-Quinn theory - Peierls bracket - Smart materials - special enthalpy change - Strong-CP problem - Vortex cooler - Zippe-type centrifuge -
Scientists and Engineers
Jack E. Bresenham - Milan Mrksich
Sexuality, Sexology, Urology and Gynecology
Fundiform ligament - Genital tubercle - Genitourology - Geriatric sexology - Hindu view of marriage - Internal pudendal artery - Islamic view of marriage - Lordosis behavior - Male dominant sex position - Partialism - Rape fantasy - Relationship counseling - Religious views on sex - Sex therapist - Sex therapy - Sexual behavior in the human female - Sexual behavior in the human male - Sexual frustration - Sexual medicine - Sphincter urethrae membranaceae - Tunica albuginea - Undinism - Urogenital diaphragm
Technology and tools
Audio environment - Bessel filter - Co-construction (Concept within Science and technology studies) - Elliptic filter (base off of Butterworth filter and Chebyshev filter) - Lost Technology - Spectral band replication - Super-resolution - uRPF (unicast reverse path filtering) -