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Bács-Kiskun County

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Bács-Kiskun county
Bács-Kiskun county
Region Southern Great Plain
County seat Kecskemét
Area 8,445 km²
Population 547,000
Population density 65/km²
Municipalities 119

Bács-Kiskun is a county (megye in Hungarian) located in southern Hungary. It was created as a result of WWII, merging the pre war Bács-Bodrog and Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun counties. With an area of 8,445 km², Bács-Kiskun is the largest county in area. The county seat and largest city of Bács-Kiskun is Kecskemét.

The county is also part of the Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa euroregion.


The county is Europe-wide known for its natural beauty. Kiskunság National Park is located in the area.


Bács-Kiskun borders Baranya, Tolna, and Fejér on the west (across the Danube River); Pest to the north, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Csongrád on the east, across the Tisza River. To the south Bács-Kiskun shares the international border with Serbia.

Bács-Kiskun lies on the Great Alföld. The difference between its highest and lowest elevations is only 80 m.




Bács-Kiskun county was created after World War II from the pre-1938 counties Bács-Bodrog and Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun (southern half).


Although the population is decreasing, the birth rate in the county is positive, unlike in any other regions in Hungary.


The population of the county is almost homogeneous, with a Hungarian majority. Some Croatian and German people live around Hajós and Baja.


The people of Bács-Kiskun are predominantly Christians, belonging to several different denominations.




Highway M5 and Road 5 go through Bács-Kiskun. There are many second-class roads throughout the county, that way easy excess is available to every village. The international railroad Budapest-Subotica-Belgrade and the national rainroad Budapest-Cegléd-Szeged pass through Bács-Kiskun as well.

Regional structure

Two-thirds of the population lives in the twenty cities/towns, among which the largest is the county seat, Kecskemét, where one-sixth of the total population resides. The town with the largest population density is Kalocsa (353/km2), the lowest population density is in the village of Újsolt (6/km2). City/towns have an average population density of 126, while villages have an average of 36/km2.

Even though Bács-Kiskun is the fifth largest county of Hungary by population, the population density is less than half of the country's average. The villages are typically large. 13% of the population lives on farms and homesteads.

City with county rights

Cities and towns

(ordered by population, according to the 2001 census)

Baja (38,143) Kunszentmiklós (9,078)
Kiskunfélegyháza (32,081) Soltvadkert (7,782)
Kiskunhalas (29,688) Bácsalmás (7,694)
Kalocsa (18,449) Solt (7,063)
Kiskőrös (15,263) Szabadszállás (6,680)
Kiskunmajsa (21,091) Izsák (6,187)
Tiszakécske (11,878) Kerekegyháza (6,051)
Lajosmizse (11,159) Tompa (4,899)
Jánoshalma (9,866) Dunavecse (4,249)
Kecel (9,259)


Ágasegyháza Csólyospálos Géderlak Kunpeszér Soltszentimre
Akasztó Dávod Hajós Kunszállás Sükösd
Apostag Drágszél Harkakötöny Ladánybene Szakmár
Bácsbokod Dunaegyháza Harta Lakitelek Szalkszentmárton
Bácsborsód Dunafalva Helvécia Madaras Szank
Bácsszentgyörgy Dunapataj Hercegszántó Mátételke Szentkirály
Bácsszőlős Dunaszentbenedek Homokmégy Mélykút Szeremle
Ballószög Dunatetétlen Imrehegy Miske Tabdi
Balotaszállás Dusnok Jakabszállás Móricgát Tass
Bátmonostor Érsekcsanád Jászszentlászló Nagybaracska Tataháza
Bátya Érsekhalma Kaskantyú Nemesnádudvar Tázlár
Bócsa Fajsz Katymár Nyárlőrinc Tiszaalpár
Borota Felsőlajos Kelebia Ordas Tiszaug
Bugac Felsőszentiván Kéleshalom Orgovány Uszód
Bugaspusztaháza Foktő Kisszállás Öregcsertő Újsolt
Császártöltés Fülöpháza Kömpöc Páhi Újtelek
Csátalja Fülöpjakab Kunadacs Pálmonostora Városföld
Csávoly Fülöpszállás Kunbaja Petőfiszállás Vaskút
Csengőd Gara Kunbaracs Pirtó Zsana
Csikéria Gátér Kunfehértó Rém

Miscellaneous topics

List of famous residents

See also