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Asian Americans

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An Asian American is generally defined as a person of Asian ancestry or origin who was born in or is an immigrant to the United States. The term "Asian American" was used informally by activists in the 1960s who sought an alternative to 'Oriental', arguing that the term was derogatory and colonialist. Formal usage was introduced by academics in the early 1970s, notably historian Yuji Ichioka, who is credited with popularizing the term. Today 'Asian American' is the accepted term for most formal purposes, such as government and academic research. In common language, the full compound term 'Asian American' is rarely used; instead the single adjective 'Asian' is applied to people of Asian heritage.

As with other ethnic and racial groupings, formal and common usage have changed markedly through the short history of this term. The most significant change occurred when the Hart-Celler Act of 1965 eliminated highly restrictive "national origins" quotas. The new country-specific quotas enabled significant immigration from every country in Asia, which led to dramatic and ongoing changes in the Asian American population. As a result of these population changes, the formal and common understandings of what defines 'Asian American' have expanded to include progressively more of the people with ancestry from various parts of Asia.

The term 'Asian American'


Regions of Asia:

The term 'Asian American' has some ambiguity that results from varying uses of both 'Asian' and 'American'. The term "Asian" in the United States is most commonly refers to people of East Asian heritage. In this context, the term 'heritage' is used loosely and can refer to ancestry or cultural practices, but usually to some arbitrary combination of the two. Asians from the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia (including the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia) are frequently considered to be Asian Americans by the government and in academic work. To a lesser extent, some government agencies also classify Middle Easterners as "West Asians." For most of the history of South Asian Americans in the United States they have been classified as non Whites; however, South Asians were previously categorized in the white racial category together with immigrants from the Middle East by some independent organizations. Lobbying by South Asian business groups resulted in their placement into the "Asian" category.

Similarly, the term 'American' in 'Asian American' follows imprecision in and disputes about the use of the word American. In some contexts, 'American' refers specifically to citizens of the United States, although this is inappropriate for many purposes. For example, discussions of "Asian American businesses" rarely require the owners to be citizens. In other cases 'American' refers to people born in the United States (an immigrant and her "American" grandchildren), or people raised in the U.S. (e.g., someone who immigrated as a child and "acts" American), or people living in the U.S. 'American' also can refer to things created in the U.S. (American cars), or things associated with the U.S. ("American culture," the American flag).

Bobby Jindal, Louisiana Congressman

Asian American, like White Americans or Hispanic Americans, cannot be defined as a homogeneous group of people sharing similar cultures or physical features. For example, Chinese Americans, Filipino Americans, and Pakistanian Americans are very different from each other in both culture and physical features. Like the term "White American", saying that a person is "Asian American" is not specifically referring to a certain lifetyle or culture and could refer to a wide range of different Asian ethnic sub-groups. In other words, "Asian American" is not a very precise or accurate term, and some people prefer it being replaced by the use of separate terms for each Asian cultural or geographical group.

While immigrants from the Asian Middle East (e.g., Iran, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia) are all from the continent of Asia, they have generally neither been sufficiently visibly distinct as a group in America nor have they historically arrived in such large numbers to warrant attention as a major American racial or ethnic group until very recently (see September 11, 2001 attacks). As a result, they are not considered by most Americans to be "typical" Asians or Asian Americans, and are classified as "whites" for official racial purposes and popularly referred to as "Middle Eastern". For these same reasons, northern Asians such as Siberians and peoples from formerly Soviet Central Asian states are usually not spoken of as "Asian Americans" either and are part of Europe for the US Census racial purposes. Some people advocate use of Asian-Pacific American, which includes people of Pacific Islander ancestry, most notably Hawaiians.

Van Tran, California State Assemblyman

The history of this development can be seen in several key Supreme Court decisions that defined "white" with respect to people from different parts of Asia. In the 1922 case Takao Ozawa v. United States, Associate Justice George Sutherland wrote that only Caucasians were white, and therefore the Japanese, by not being Caucasian, were not white and instead were members of an "unassimmilable race", lacking provisions in any Naturalization Act. The next year, in United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind, Sutherland again ruled that Mr. Thind was not eligible for naturalized citizenship. Justice Sutherland wrote that "It may be true that the blond Scandinavian and the brown Hindu have a common ancestor in the dim reaches of antiquity, but the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakable and profound differences between them to-day."


In the United States, the term has widely supplanted "Oriental" to describe East Asian people regardless of nationality, upbringing, or origin. Some have argued that "Oriental" is politically loaded and referenced a colonial "other" (see orientalism). To many people, the term "Oriental" is often seen as an unfriendly, even derogatory term. This is similar to the transition from "Negro" or "colored" to "black" or "African American."

Even though "Asian American" is now a very widely used term in the United States, it is mostly the younger generation of Asian Americans who refer to themselves this way. A simple analogy would be the use of terms "Irish American" and "Italian American". The double allegiance represented in such denominations (Asian and American) was largely discouraged in the early twentieth century. Ford Motor Company, for instance, encouraged all recent immigrants to think of themselves as American and not as Irish American. The civil rights movement (re)introduced the use of hyphenated names (although the hyphen is not used any longer). Today, many younger Asian Americans speak of "Asian Pride." First-generation Asians are more likely to refer to themselves as "Chinese," "Korean," "Vietnamese," etc. This is mainly because first-generation Asian Americans are much more conscious of their Asian sub-group backgrounds and cultures and tend to avoid generalizations. However, "Asian" is almost never considered an unfriendly word, and is still currently widely used in many English-speaking countries.


Metropolitan Areas with the Highest Proportion of Asian Americans (2000 Census)
Metropolitan Area Total population % of Asians
Honolulu, HI MSA 876,156 46.0
San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose, CA CMSA 7,039,362 18.4
Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County, CA CMSA 16,373,645 10.4
Sacramento/Yolo, CA CMSA 1,796,857 9.0
San Diego, CA MSA 2,813,833 8.9
Seattle/Tacoma/Bremerton, WA CMSA 3,554,760 7.9
New York/New Jersey/Long Island, NY/NJ/CT/PA CMSA 21,199,865 6.8
Washington, D.C./Baltimore, DC/MD/VA/WV CMSA 7,608,070 5.3
Houston–Sugar Land–Baytown, TX MSA 4,669,571 4.9
Las Vegas, NV/AZ MSA 1,563,282 4.7

The 2000 census recorded 12.3 million people who reported themselves as having either full or partial Asian heritage, 4.3% of the U.S. population. The largest ethnic subgroups were Chinese (2.7 million), Filipinos (2.4M), Asian Indians (1.9M), Vietnamese (1.2M), Koreans (1.2M), and Japanese (1.1M). Other sizable groups are Cambodians (206,000), Pakistanis (204,000), Laotians (198,000), Hmong (186,000), and Thais (150,000). The Asian American population is heavily urbanized, with nearly three-quarters of Asian Americans living in metropolitan areas with population greater than 2.5 million. Asian Americans are concentrated in the largest U.S. cities, with 40% of all Asian Americans living in the metropolitan areas around Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City. Half of all Asian Americans (5.4M) live in Hawai'i or the West Coast, mostly in California (4.2M). Census data show that Asian American populations are growing in most major metropolitan areas, with visible communities in areas in and around Washington, D.C./Baltimore, and Houston, to name the largest examples. Asian Americans are visible, growing, but "underrepresented" (against the national aggregate) in several of the largest areas, including Chicago, Philadelphia, and Boston, although sizable concentrations (double the national percentage) can be found in urban neighborhoods in such cities, as well as suburbs of these cities such as Naperville near Chicago; King of Prussia, Upper Darby, and Cherry Hill near Philadelphia; Lowell and Lexington near Boston.

2000 density of Asian Americans
Asian Americans as percent of population, 2000

Asian Americans tend to have larger families and earn less per capita than white populations[citation needed]. The proportion of Asian Americans at many selective educational institutions far exceeds the 3% national population rate.

Such conditions are common among Asians emigrating to the United States from southeast Asian countries such as Laos, and Cambodia, among others; many of these immigrants can be considered refugees from Communist and totalitarian states and as such, often do not have the educational or socioeconomic advantages of other Asian Americans. Many immigrants are often forced to work in minimum wage or below-minimum wage jobs, including in menial sweatshop or restaurant labor, because they fear that mainstream employers will not hire them or, if they have entered the country illegally, will report them to the government. Due to popular labeling of Asian Americans as model minorities, the critical issues of poverty and low educational attainment among southeast Asian immigrants and their Asian American children do not receive the attention that such issues receive in the African American and Hispanic communities.

Criminal issues

Although Asians comprise 3.6% of the population[1], they account for less than 1% of all jail inmates[2]. In fact, Asians make up such a small percentage of the criminal population that the Department of Justice often does not present specific data for Asians when accounting for criminals by race.

However, this does not mean that no Asians engage in criminal activity in the U.S. Some Chinese communities have had problems with Triads, some communities have Vietnamese, Filipino, and Cambodian gangs, and the Japanese Yakuza are known to conduct criminal business in the U.S.

Health issues

Researchers at the New York University School of Medicine report that East Asian immigrants in New York City are at a higher risk than other Americans for hepatitis B, a potentially deadly disease that can result in liver cancer. Approximately 1 in 7, or nearly 100,000, east Asians tested were carriers of the chronic disease. The 15 percent incidence of infection is more than 35 times the national average, with Chinese immigrants having the highest rate of infection.[1]

Asian American history

Early history

A large number of Chinese and Japanese began immigrating to the U.S. in the mid 19th century. Many of these immigrants worked as laborers on the transcontinental railroad. A surge in Asian immigration in the late 19th century gave rise to a fear from some, referred to as the "yellow peril."

In Hawaii, both Chinese and Japanese laborers were brought in during the 19th century to work on sugar plantations. Later, Filipinos were also brought in as laborers.

Effects of war

Asian participants in the American Civil War were not given citizenship, voting rights, or access to public schools because they were legally declared "neither black nor white."

The Japanese American Internment refers to the controversial, forcible relocation of approximately 112,000 to 120,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans, 62 percent of whom were United States citizens, from the west coast of the United States during World War II to hastily constructed housing facilities called War Relocation Camps in remote portions of the nation's interior. President Franklin Roosevelt authorized the internment with United States Executive Order 9066.

Despite the treatment, many Japanese Americans served in World War II in the American forces. The 442nd Regimental Combat Team/100th Artillery Battalion is the most highly decorated unit in U.S. military history. Composed of Japanese Americans, the 442nd/100th fought valiantly in the European Theater even as many of their families remained in the detention camps stateside. The 100th was one of the first units to liberate the Nazi extermination camp at Dachau.

Immigration trends of recent decades have dramatically altered the statistical composition and popular understanding of who is an Asian American. This transformation of Asian America, and of America itself, is the result of legislation such as the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 and the 1965 immigration reforms. The McCarran-Walter Act repealed the "free white persons" restriction of the Naturalization Act of 1790, but it retained the quota system that effectively banned nearly all immigration from Asia. But Asian immigration increased significantly after the 1965 Immigration Act altered the quota system.

Historically, Asian Americans have largely been perceived as members of the East Asian ethnic groups, specifically Chinese and Japanese, the two largest ethnic groups before 1965, as well as Filipinos who became colonial subjects of the US in 1898 due to the Spanish-American War (also see Philippine-American War). This occurred despite the early presence of Korean and Indian immigrants in the early 1900s as well.

This rapid change in Asian American demographics occurred after enactment of the 1965 Immigration Act. This act replaced exclusionary immigration rules of the Chinese Exclusion Act and its successors, such as the Reed-Johnson Act or 1924 Immigration Act, which effectively excluded "undesirable" immigrants, including Asians. The 1965 rules set across-the-board immigration quotas for each country, opening the borders to immigration from Asia for the first time in nearly half a century.

Two other influences, however, have been equally worthy of attention. First, in the wake of World War II, immigration preferences favored family reunification. This may have helped attract highly skilled workers to meet American workforce deficiencies. Secondly, the end of the Korean War and Vietnam War or so-called "Secret Wars" in Southeast Asia brought a new wave of Asian American immigration as people from Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia arrived. Some of the new immigrants, as in the case of the Korean War, were war brides, who were soon joined by their families. Others, like the Southeast Asians, were either highly skilled and educated or part of subsequent waves of refugees seeking asylum. Some factors contributing to the growth of sub-groups such as South Asians and mainland Chinese are higher family sizes, higher use of family-reunification visas, and higher numbers of technically skilled workers entering on H-1 and H-1b visas.

Japanese Americans and South Asians are emblematic of the dramatic changes since the immigration reforms of the mid-20th century. Japanese Americans are widely recognized as an Asian American sub-group. In 1970, there were nearly 600,000 Japanese Americans, making it the largest sub-group. Today, Japanese Americans are the sixth-largest group, with relatively low rates of births and immigration. In 2000, there were between 800,000 and 1.2 million Japanese Americans (depending on whether multi-ethnic responses are included). In 1990 there were slightly fewer South Asian in the US than Japanese Americans. By 2000, Indian Americans nearly doubled in population to become the third largest group. High rates of immigration from across Asia will make Asian Americans increasingly representative of the continent itself.

Asian Americans today

In Politics

File:Simeon acoba takes office.jpg
On May 19, 2000, Simeon R. Acoba, Jr. became only the third Filipino American appointed to a state's highest judicial office. Acoba will serve as a Justice of the Hawai'i State Supreme Court until May 18, 2010.

In recent decades, many Asian Americans have entered politics, and succeeded in getting elected into political offices. In 1957, Dalip Singh Saund became the first Asian immigrant elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1959, he was followed by Daniel Inouye, who was subsequently elected to the Senate in 1962. As of 2006, he is the Senate's third-most senior member. In 1959, another Hawaii politician, Hiram Fong, was the first Asian American elected to the Senate.

George Ariyoshi became the first Asian American governor in 1974; twenty years later, in 1994, another Asian American, Benjamin Cayetano, was elected governor of the same state, Hawaii. They were followed in Washington by Gary Locke, who became the first Asian American governor on the mainland United States in 1996.

Mike Honda currently serves as U.S. Congressman for California's Fifteenth Congressional District. Van Tran is a Republican member of the California State Assembly. Norman Mineta is currently serving as the United States Secretary of Transportation, and Elaine Chao is serving as the United States Secretary of Labor. More recently, Bobby Jindal became the first Indian American congressman from Louisiana. In Texas, Dr. Martha Wong was the first Asian American elected to the Houston City Council (representing District C) and also was the first Asian American woman elected to the Texas State Legislature, defeating 20 year incumbent Debra Danburg in 2002 (Danburg's district was redrawn where the district was 55% Republican). It is rumored that Wong took donations from Texans for a Republican Majority although she is facing first-time candidate Ellen Cohen because of her "present, not voting" record on House Joint Resolution 6 during the 79th Texas Legislature.

In Texas during the 2004 election, Hubert Vo, a Vietnamese immigrant, became the first Vietnamese American elected to the Texas Legislature, making Vo and Van Tran the highest serving Vietnamese Americans holding public office.

In Business

Asian Americans are major contributors to the American economy. An Wang founded Wang Laboratories in June 1951. Jen-Hsun Huang co-founded the Nvidia corporation in 1993. Jerry Yang co-founded Yahoo! Inc. in 1994. Andrea Jung serves as Chairman and CEO Avon Products Inc. Vinod Khosla was a founding CEO of Sun Microsystems and is a successful general partner of the venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers. Sabeer Bhatia co-founded Hotmail which was bought over by Microsoft. In general Asian Americans are well represented in the professional sector relative to their population base and tend to earn higher wages, especially in the technology and business.

In Sports

Michelle Wie, professional golfer

Asian Americans first made an impact in Olympic sports in the late 1940s and in the 1950s. Korean-American Sammy Lee became the first Asian-American to earn an Olympic Gold Medal, when he won in platform diving in both 1948 and 1952. Harold Sakata won a weightlifting silver medal in the 1948 Olympics, while Japanese Americans Tommy Kono (weightlifting), Yoshinobu Oyakawa (100-meter backstroke), and Ford Konno (1500-meter freestyle) each won gold and set Olympic records in the 1952 Olympics. Konno won another gold and silver swimming medal at the same Olympics and added a silver medal in 1956, while Kono set another Olympic weightlifting record in 1956. Also at the 1952 Olympics, Evelyn Kawamoto won two bronze medals in swimming.

Eric Sato won gold (1988) and bronze (1992) medals in volleyball, while his sister Liane Sato won bronze in the same sport in 1992. Amy Chow won gold and silver medals in gymnastics during the 1996 Olympics. Apolo Anton Ohno won five Olympic medals in short-track speed skating (two gold) in 2002 and 2006, as well as a world cup championship. Korean born Toby Dawson won a 2006 Olympic bronze medal in Men’s Freestyle Skiing. Natalie Coughlin, a Filipino-American swimmer, has brought glory to American sports by attaining a number of medals, including two golds, from the recent 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. Bryan Clay, who is half-Japanese American, won the silver medal in the 2004 decathlon and was the sport's 2005 world champion.

In figure skating, Tiffany Chin won the US Championship in 1985. Kristi Yamaguchi won three national championships (one individual, two in pairs), two world titles, and the 1992 Olympic Gold medal, while Michelle Kwan has won nine national championships and five world titles.

Dat Nguyen was an All-American linebacker at Texas A&M University and later became the first Vietnamese American in the National Football League. Norm Chow is the offensive coordinator for the Tennessee Titans after helping lead USC to several NCAA championships. Another Asian American hapa, the Korean American and African American wide receiver Hines Ward was the MVP of Superbowl XL while playing for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Hikaru Nakamura became the youngest American ever to earn the titles of National Master (age 10) and International Grandmaster (age 15) in chess. In 2004, at the age of 16, he won the U.S. Chess Championship.

Famed golfer, Tiger Woods, happens to be part Thai, Chinese, Black, Native American, and Dutch. Jeanette Lee is a former number one ranked pool player. Korean American Sonya Thomas is one of the world's top competitive eaters.

In Arts and Entertainment

Architect IM Pei shot to international prominence in 1964 following his selection by Jacqueline Kennedy to design the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library [2]. Minoru Yamasaki designed the World Trade Center the following year (construction was completed in 1972). In architectural design, Maya Lin designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Yo-Yo Ma is considered by some as the best cellist in the world. Zubin Mehta also remains a prominent name among modern conductors. Most recently, ImaginAsian Entertainment has made a major contribution by starting the first national 24/7 Asian American television network. Asian American jazz is a musical movement in the United States begun in the 20th century by Asian American jazz musicians. In music, American R&B singer, Amerie, is considered one of the most talented R&B singers of today. She has won numerous awards, and is often referred to in America and elsewhere as “Korean-American R&B singer, Amerie…”. Amerie is half Korean and half Black. Amerie and her younger sister are both conversational in the Korean Language, and identify as being Korean American and Black. This also includes James Iha, lead guitarist of rock band The Smashing Pumpkins.

Asian American involvement in the entertainment industry extends all the way to the first half of the 19th century, with Chang and Eng Bunker (who became naturalized American citizens). Nevertheless, significant progress by Asian Americans in the fields of television, cinema, and comedy has only come about slowly. Early Asian American forays into cinema such as those made by Anna May Wong and Bruce Lee encountered a movie-making culture that wanted to typecast them as caricatures. As a result, the San Francisco born Lee achieved world-wide fame only after first abandoning the West and finding success in Hong Kong. George Takei and Pat Morita fared somewhat better domestically playing secondary roles on the small screen during the 1960's and 1970's. Today, the situation is much improved for Asian American women, as there are a number of famous actresses such as Lucy Liu. Margaret Cho won the American Comedy Award for Best Female Comedian in 1994. Leading role opportunities for Asian American men in the movies and television continue to be rather limited.

In Science and Technology

Chinese Americans Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang received the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work in particle physics. In 1976, Chinese American Samuel C.C. Ting shared the Nobel Prize with Burton Richter in physics for discovering the existence of a new particle called j/psi. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics. Chien-Shiung Wu worked on the Manhattan Project and disproved the conservation of parity. She was known to many scientists as the "First Lady of Physics". In 1984, Taiwanese American Dr. David D. Ho reported for the first time the "healthy carrier state" of HIV infection, which identified otherwise healthy individuals who tested positive for the virus but did not show any physical signs of the disease. In 1986, Taiwanese American Yuan T. Lee shared the Nobel Prize for chemistry with Dudley R. Herschbach and John C. Polanyi for his work in the nature of chemical reactions. In 1994, the mathematician Shiing-Shen Chern won the prestigious Wolf Prize in Mathematics as an American citizen for his work in differential geometry. American born Stephen Chu shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 for his research on cooling and trapping atoms using laser light. Daniel Tsui shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998 for his contributions to the discovery of the fractional Quantum Hall effect.

Mainstream Attitudes towards Asian Americans

Some significant incidents involving Asian Americans do not receive much attention in news media or history textbooks. Examples of much-ignored landmark events in American history include the murder of Vincent Chin, and Wataru Misaka's breaking of the NBA color barrier the same year of Jackie Robinson's much-acclaimed breaking of the MLB color barrier.

Another concern is that Asian fetishism, which has gained attention recently, portrays Asian women in a negative light. It has its roots in notions of the "exotic Orient," and was exacerbated after WW II and during the Korean War, when U.S. servicemen were stationed, or took leave, in Japan. Modern Magazines such as Asian Boston have been accused of propagating such stereotypes.

Referring to Asian Groups

It is considered offensive by some people to label an Asian person with a specific nationality without certainty. For example, when one sees someone who looks South Asian, they could make the mistake of referring to them as an "Indian". This may be offensive to Pakistani Americans and other South Asians who do not see themselves as being of Indian origin. Another example would be for someone to call an East Asian "Chinese" without knowing their specific national origin. This may be considered offensive to some Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, and other East Asians, who do not see themselves as falling under the classification of "Chinese". It is considered polite, if one is using racial terms, to use "South Asian," "Southeast Asian," "East Asian," or "Asian."

"Model Minority" Myth

The reference to Asian Americans as "model minorities" has to do with the work ethic, respect for elders, and high valuation of family and elders present in their culture. Despite the fact that this concept seems to valorize Asian Americans, it comes with an underlying notion of their apoliticality. Moreover, such a label one-dimensionalizes Asian Americans as having those traits and no other human qualities, such as vocal leadership, negative emotions, or intolerance towards oppression. Asian Americans are labeled as model minorities because they have not been as much of a "threat" to the U.S. political establishment due to a smaller population and less political advocacy. This label seeks to suppress potential political activism through euphemistic complements. (Reference: Asian Americans and Politics: Perspective, Experiences, Prospects by Gordon H. Chang.)

In the environment of public education, Asians--especially people of Chinese, Korean, or Indian descent--are often stereotyped as over-achieving students. Surprisingly, many Asians tend not to be classified in the "nerd" category because much of their achievement in academics stem from parental support. The "smart" stereotype is attached with the concept that Asians play the violin, flute, and/or piano. The trend is a stereotype, and many Asians are not over-achievers.

Asian Americans are also labeled as the middlemen minority, in which they act as a liasion between the white society and the African and Latin Americans.[citation needed]

See also




Further reading

  • Frank H. Wu Yellow: Race in American Beyond Black and White New York: Basic Books, 2002. ISBN 0-465-00639-6
  • Ronald Takaki Strangers From A Different Shore Boston: Back Bay Books, 1989. Updated and rev. ed., Boston [etc.] : Back Bay Books 1998 ISBN 0316831301
  • Chang, Gordon H Asian Americans and Politics: Perspectives, Experiences, Prospects Washington, D.C: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2001
  • Kineda - Asian American Entertainment, Pop Culture and Lifestyle.
  • Asian-Nation: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues by C.N. Le, Ph.D.
  • Azn Forum - An online Asian American community forum
  • Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund - A national civil rights organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education, and organizing, AALDEF works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all.
  • Asia Society - A multinational site with headquarters in the US, Hong Kong, Australasia, and more. This site is an "Asian" resource for everything from food to politics
  • Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance - Information about Asian American workers, labor history, and union organizing.
  • Asian American News Journalism Unlimited Daily news and information of Asian American interest
  • R-Toyz.com - The World's Premiere Online Performance Community for Filipinos
  • Photo exhibit of a Japanese American community in Florida
  • AMWD - Asian Media Watchdog - One of New York based premier Asian American media watchdog organizations. Known for activist-like approach towards stereotypical portrayals of Asian/Asian Americans in American entertainment. The group has organized numbers of successful protest campaigns. At the same time, it boasts some solid connections in New York show business scenes (and some Hollywood), as shown in series of high profile interviews with Asian American entertainment professionals.
  • Asian Skin This website discusses the skin color of different Asian groups.
  • Media Action Network for Asian Americans - This is Los Angeles based. Boasts for being the first Asian American media watchdog group in the US. Obviously it has the deepest contacts in Hollywood.
  • Angry Asian Man One of the most popular Asian American blog.
  • Asian Genes This website discusses the genetic distance of different Asian groups.
  • Asian American Arts and Culture - manja: News site promoting Asian American Artists in the community
  • [3] - Official 2000 US Census PDF for Asian Americans
  • The Asians in America Project - A national clearinghouse for news and information on Asian America
  • Asian-American Race Definition Asian-American Race Definition and an argument for the religious body of Asia.
  • Model Minority - A Guide to Asian American Empowerment. Its message board contains some radical, unfiltered point of views from Asian American community. Good tool to learn how Asian Americans feel about various issues.
  • Yellowworld - A website dedicated to cultivating Asian American political consciousness.
  • Asian American television network
  • Yellow Rage - A popular spoken word duo that challenges mainstream misconceptions of Asianness.
  • Sepia Mutiny A South Asian American blog about pertinent social issues.
  • Rice Bowl Journals An Asian online journal and blogging community celebrating the Asian Experience and its diversity.