List of political parties in the Netherlands
The political parties of the Netherlands: see also politics of the Netherlands.
Parties with representation in the Eerste Kamer or Tweede Kamer, as of December 2002:
- Christen-Democratisch Appèl (CDA) - Christian Democratic Appeal
- ChristenUnie - Christian Union
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- Democraten 66 (D'66) - Democrats 66
- GroenLinks - Green Left
- Leefbaar Nederland (LN) - Liveable Netherlands
- Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) - party established by Pim Fortuyn
- Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie - Independent Senate Faction
- Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) - Labour Party
- Socialistische Partij (SP) - Socialist Party
- Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (SGP) - Politically Reformed Party
- Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD) - People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
Other parties registered to take part in the January 2003 Tweede Kamer elections:
- Alliantie voor Vernieuwing en Democratie
- Duurzaam Nederland
- Lijst Veldhoven
- Nieuwe Communistische Partij
- O O Den Haag
- Partij van de Toekomst
- Partij voor de Dieren
- Vooruitstrevende Integratie Partij
Other existing parties:
- De Groenen - Green Party, taking part in municipal and provincial politics.
Parties that no longer exist:
- Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (ARP) - merged into Christen-Democratisch Appèl
- Christelijk-Historische Unie (CHU) - merged into Christen-Democratisch Appèl
- Communistische Partij Nederland (CPN) - merged into GroenLinks
- Evangelische Volkspartij (EVP) - merged into GroenLinks
- Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond (GPV) - merged into ChristenUnie
- Katholieke Volkspartij (KVP) - merged into Christen-Democratisch Appèl
- Pacifistisch-Socialistische Partij (PSP) - merged into GroenLinks
- Politieke Partij Radicalen (PPR) - merged into GroenLinks
- Reformatorische Politieke Federatie (RPF) - merged into ChristenUnie
Parties with uncertain status:
- Algemeen Ouderen Verbond (AOV)/Unie 55+ - General Senior Union/Union 55+
- Boerenpartij (BP) - Farmer's Party
- Centrumdemocraten (CD) - Central Democrats
- Centrumpartij (CP) - Centrum Party (later Centrumpartij '86)
- Democratisch Socialisten '70 (DS'70) - Democratic Socialists '70
- Nederland Mobiel - Mobile Netherlands
- Nieuwe Midden Partij (NMP) - New Middle Party
- Partij van de Vrijheid (PvdV) - Freedom Party
- Senioren 2000 - Seniors 2000
- Socialistische Arbeiders Partij (SAP) - Socialist Workers' Party
- Verenigde Senioren Partij (VSP) - United Senior Party
- Vrije Indische Partij (VIP) - Free Indonesian Party
- Vrijzinnig Democratische Bond (VDB) - Free Thinking Democratic Union
Descriptions of some of the parties follow.
The Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Party), a European social democratic party, is left of center. Its programe is based on greater social, political, and economic equality for all citizens, although in recent years the party has begun to debate the role of central government in that process. Although called the Labor Party, it has no formal links to the trade unions.
The Christen-Democratisch Appèl supports free enterprise and holds to the principle that government activity should supplement but not supplant communal action by citizens. On the political spectrum, the CDA sees its philosophy as standing between the "individualism" of the Liberals and the "statism" of the Labor Party.
The Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD) is "liberal" in the European, rather than American, sense of the word. It thus attaches great importance to private enterprise and the freedom of the individual in political, social, and economic affairs. The VVD is generally seen as the most conservative of the major parties.
Democraten 66 (D'66) has had widely fluctuating electoral fortunes since the party's founding in 1966. It is a center-left party, generally portrayed as between the CDA and PvdA, with its strongest support among young, urban, professional voters. It professes a pro-European platform of ethnic and religious toleration.