Puxada de Rede
Puxada de Rede is a folkloric theatrical play, seen in many capoeira performances. This traditional Brazilian legend is about a fisherman that goes out to fish at night on a "Jangada" (handmade sea-worthysailingraft used by fishermen of northenwestern Brazil). His wife had a presentiment of something wrong and tried to stop him from going fishing that night. He went anyway, leaving his wife crying and his kids scared. His wife waited the whole night for him on the beach, and around 5:00am, the usual arrival time, she saw the "jangada". The fishermen had a very said expression and some were even crying, but she did not see her husband. The fishermen told her that her husband had fallen off the "Jangada" by accident. As they started to withdraw the net, they found his body amongst the fish. Then his friends carried his body on their arms, in a traditional funeral ritual on the beach.