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Korean War

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Korean War
Part of the Cold War
File:Soldiers Climbing Sea Wall in Inchon.jpg
United States Marines storm ashore at Incheon
Date1950–1953 (disputed, see article for more detail)
Result United Nations tactical victory; strategic stalemate; continued partition of Korea; failure of communist goal to conquer South Korea.
Western Allied/UN combatants:
South Korea,
United States
Communist combatants:
North Korea,
People's Republic of China,
Soviet Union
Commanders and leaders

Douglas Macarthur Park Chang-Ju

Jang Tak-Sang

Kim Il Sung Oh Chol-Lyong Mun Dong-Gee

Choi Un-Hyeok

Note: All figures may vary according to source. this is stupid

Total: 933,845 to 1,100,000

Total: ~1,060,000@
Casualties and losses
1,271,244 to 1,818,410 1,858,000 to 3,822,000 Chinese and North Koreans,
315 Soviet KIA, died of wounds or disease (including 168 officers)
Territory changed hands in the early part of the war until the front stabilised

The Korean War, from June 25 1950 to cease-fire on July 27 1953 (the war has not officially ended), was a civil war between North Korea and South Korea. When conflicts began, North and South Korea existed as provisional governments competing for control over the Korean peninsula due to the Division of Korea. The Cold War-era conflict was a proxy war between the United States and its allies and the communist powers of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Soviet Union. The principal combatants were North Korea, supported by People's Volunteer Army (PVA) (Chinese:中国人民志愿军) of the People's Republic of China, and later Soviet combat advisors, aircraft pilots, and weapons; and South Korea, supported principally by the United States (U.S.), the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and the Philippines, although many other nations sent troops under the aegis of the United Nations (UN).

In South Korea, it is often called "6·25" (the date of the start of the conflict), or, more formally, Hanguk Jeonjaeng (한국전쟁). In North Korea it is formally called the "Fatherland Liberation War." In the United States, the conflict was termed a police action, as the Korean Conflict, under the aegis of the United Nations rather than a war, largely in order to remove the necessity of a Congressional declaration of war. The war is sometimes referred to in the West as "The Forgotten War," primarily because it is a major conflict in the 20th century that is rarely referred to in everyday life.


Outbreak (Jun.-Sep.1950)

During 15-24 June 1950, the North Koreans assembled some 90,000 men supported by 150 Soviet T-34 tanks near the 38th Parallel. At 4:00 AM on the 25th June the North Koreans launched a co-ordinated attack on South Korea that ran from coast to coast. The South Korean army numbering 95,000 on 25 June could account for only 22,000 men at the end of June.

The UN Security Council met on June 25th and passed a resolution that called on North Korea to cease hostilities and withdraw to the 38th Parallel.

UN intervention (Sep.-Nov.1950)

North Korean forces were soon driven out of South Korea by United Nations forces led by the U.S. By October the U.N. forces had retaken Seoul and captured Pyongyang, and the North Korean government were forced to flee to China. UN forces had launched amphibious operations, aiming to achieve a strategic surprise at Incheon. They threatened the North Korean Lines of Communication (LOC), which resulted in the retreat of North Korean forces.

Chinese intervention (Nov.1950-Jan.1951)

In November, Chinese forces entered the war and threw the U.N. forces back, retaking Pyongyang in December and Seoul in January 1951.

Restoring the balance (Jan.-July 1951)

In March U.N. forces retook Seoul.

Years of stalemate (Jul.1951-July 1953)

The front of July 1951 was stabilized along what eventually became the permanent Armistice Line of 1953.


Air war

The Korean War was the last major war where propeller-powered fighters such as the P-51 Mustang, F4U Corsair, A-1 Skyraider (though used with distinction in a ground-attack role in Vietnam), F4U-5N, and aircraft carrier-based Supermarine Seafire, Fairey Firefly, and Hawker Sea Fury, deployed by the British Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy, were used, as jet fighters (US Air Force F-80s, and US Navy or US Marine Corps Grumman F9F Panthers, and McDonnell F2H Banshees) came to dominate the skies, overwhelming North Korea's propeller-driven Yakovlev Yak-9s and Lavochkin La-9s.

From 1950, North Korea introduced MiG-15 jet fighters, piloted by experienced Soviet Air Force pilots, a casus belli deliberately overlooked by the UN allied forces who were reluctant to engage in open war with the Soviet Union and the PRC. At first UN jet fighters, which now included Royal Australian Air Force Gloster Meteor Mk.8s, had some success, but the superior quality of the MiGs soon held sway over the first generation jets used by the UN, leading to the loss of 3046 allied aircraft during the Korean war.

Even after the USAF introduced the more advanced F-86, its pilots often struggled against the Soviet jets, as the MiG-15 had an edge in ceiling, acceleration, rate of climb, and armament (3 cannons vs. 6 machine-guns), although overall speed and roll rate were slightly inferior. The U.N. gradually gained a numerical advantage, and their aggressiveness gave them an air superiority that lasted until the end of the war — a decisive factor in helping the U.N. first advance into the north, and then resist the Chinese invasion of South Korea. The Chinese also had jet power, but the American forces had superior training for their pilots.

Among other factors which helped tip the balance toward the U.N. jets were the F-86s' better radar gunsight, which led to installation of the first radar warning receiver on MiG fighters, better cockpit visibility, better stability and control at high speed and high altitudes, and the introduction of the first G-suits. U.S. pilots claimed to achieve impressive success (although probably exaggerated) with the F-86, stating to shoot down 792 MiG-15s and 108 additional aircraft for the loss of 78 Sabres, a ratio in excess of 10:1. Some post-war research has only able to confirm 379 victories, although the USAF continues to maintain its official credits. Direct comparison of Sabre and MiG losses seem irrelevant, as primary targets for MiGs were heavy B-29 bombers, and primary targets for Sabres were MiG-15s. Recently exposed Soviet documentation claims that 345 Soviet MiG-15s were lost during the Korean war.

Soviet sources claimed at that time, however, about 1300 victories and 335 MiG losses. China's official losses were 231 planes shot down in air-to-air combat (mostly MiG-15) and 168 other losses. The number of losses of the North Korean Air Force was not revealed. It is estimated that it lost about 200 aircraft in the first stage of the war, and another 70 aircraft since Chinese intervention. Soviet's claims of 650 victories over F-86s and China's claims of another 211 F-86s in air combats are regarded as exaggerated by the USAF. A recent publication showed that the total number of USAF F-86s ever present in the Korean peninsula during the war was only 674 and the total F-86s losses due to all causes were about 230. With each side making their own claims it is difficult to conclude on the actual losses and kills of the air war.

Throughout the conflict, the United States maintained a policy of heavy bombing, especially using incendiary weapons, against any and all North Korean settlements. Although images of the civilian victims of the weapon were to be ingrained upon the memory of the world in Vietnam, significantly more napalm was dropped on North Korea, despite the relative short length of the conflict. Tens of thousands of gallons were dropped on targets in Korea each day.

In May and June of 1953, the United States Air Force undertook a mission to destroy several key irrigation and hydroelectric dams, in order to critically hamper agriculture and industry in the North. The Kusǒng (구성), Tǒksan (덕산) and Pujǒn (부전) River dams were all destroyed, severely flooding vast areas of land, drowning thousands and ultimately starving many more.

See also British Commonwealth Forces Korea


Declassifed U.S. document: "The army has requested we strafe all civilian refugee parties approaching our positions. To date, we have complied with the army request in this respect". The document goes on to say that these actions are not right.
File:Korean War Massacre.jpg
Civilians massacred by retreating Communist forces during the Korean War are packed into trenches in Daejeon, South Korea, October 1950.

North Korean troops, South Koreans, Chinese and United States personnel targeted civilians and/or POWs in some cases. Specifically, there is extremely strong evidence to suggest:

  • North Korean and Communist Chinese troops repeatedly violated the Geneva Convention through reported mistreatment of prisoners of war.
  • American troops were under orders to consider any Korean civilian on the battlefield approaching their position as hostile and to neutralize them. The reason for these orders were rumors being spread at the time that Communist infiltrators had blended in among fleeing refugees. This led to unfounded fears among American forces of a "fifth column," and to the indiscriminate killings of hundreds of South Korean civilians by the U.S. military during the war at places like No Gun Ri, where several hundred defenseless refugees -- most of whom were women, children and old men -- were machine gunned by the U.S. Army and strafed by the U.S. Air Force. (The U.S. admitted having a policy of strafing civilians.)
  • Communist forces routinely rounded up and forcibly conscripted South Korean males of all ages in their area of operations. Regardless of whether they refused or not, thousands of them never returned home.
  • South Korean military and police executed without trial tens of thousands of alleged "Communist sympathizers" during the Daejon Massacre and the Jeju Massacre, among others.


The Korean War was the first armed confrontation of the Cold War, and it set a model for many later conflicts. It created the idea of a limited war, where the two superpowers would fight without descending to an all out war that could involve nuclear weapons. It also expanded the Cold War, which to that point had mostly been concerned with Europe.

600,000 Korean soldiers died in the conflict according to US estimates. The total, including all civilians and military soldiers from UN Nations and China, was over 2 million deaths. More than a million South Koreans were killed, 85% of them civilians. According to figures published in the Soviet Union, 11.1% of the total population of North Korea perished, which indicates that 1,130,000 people were killed. In sum, about 2,500,000 people were killed, including North and South together. More than 80% of the industrial and public facilities and transportation works, three-quarters of the government offices, and one-half of the houses were destroyed.

The war left the peninsula permanently divided with a garrisoned pro-Soviet, totalitarian Communist state in North Korea and a pro-American dictatorial republic (democratized in the late 1980s) in the South. American troops remain in Korea as part of the still-functioning United Nations Command, which commands all allied military forces in the ROK - American Air Forces, Korea, the Eighth U.S. Army, and the entire ROK military. The DMZ remains the most heavily-defended border in the world.

See also: Division of Korea, Korean Demilitarized Zone, Korean reunification
The first American war dead were brought home aboard the USS Randall, shown here departing Yokohama on March 23 1953

There has been some confusion over the previously reported number of 54,246 Korean War deaths. That number was divided by the Defense Department in 1993 into 33,686 battle deaths, 2,830 non-battle deaths, and 17,730 deaths of Defense Department personnel outside the Korean theatre [1]. There were also 8,142 US personnel listed as Missing In Action (MIA) during the war. US casualties in Korean war are fewer than in the Vietnam War, but they occurred over 3 years as opposed to 13 years (1960-1973) in Vietnam. However, advances in medical services such as the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital and the use of rapid transport of the wounded to them such as with helicopters enabled the death rate for UN forces to be much lower than in previous wars. For service during the Korean War, the United States military issued the Korean Service Medal.

Later neglect of remembrance of this war, in favor of the Vietnam War, World War I and II, has caused the Korean War to be called the Forgotten War or the Unknown War. A memorial called the Korean War Veterans Memorial was built in Washington, D.C. and dedicated to veterans of the war on July 27 1995.

The U.S. military had been caught ill-prepared for the war. Accordingly, after the war, the American defense budget was boosted to $50 billion, the Army was doubled in size, as was the number of Air Groups, and they were deployed beyond American soil in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere in Asia.

The war also changed America's view of the Third World, most notably in Indochina. Before 1950 the Americans had been very critical of French endeavours to reestablish its presence there against local resistance; after Korea they began to heavily support the French against the Viet Minh and other nationalist-communist local parties, paying for up to 80% of the French military budget in Vietnam.

The Korean War also saw the beginning of racial integration efforts in the US military service, where African Americans fought in integrated units. President Truman signed Executive Order 9981 on July 26 1948, calling on the armed forces to provide equal treatment and opportunity for black servicemen. The extent by which Truman's 1948 orders were carried out varied among the branches of the military, with segregated units still in deployment at the start of the conflict, and eventually integrating towards the end of the war. The last large segregated operational unit was the U.S. 24th Infantry Regiment. It was deactivated on October 1,1951.

The United States still maintains a heavy military presence in Korea, as part of the effort to uphold the armistice between South and North Korea. A special service decoration, known as the Korea Defense Service Medal is authorized for U.S. service members who serve a tour of duty in Korea.

From official Chinese sources, PVA casualties during the Korean War were 390,000. This breaks down as follows: 110,400 KIA; 21,600 died of wounds; 13,000 died of sickness; 25,600 MIA/POW; and 260,000 more WIA. However various Western and Eastern sources estimate that about 500,000 to 1 million Chinese soldiers were either killed in action or died of disease, starvation, exposure, and accidents. Overall total Chinese killed, wounded and missing equal about 1 million. Mao Zedong (毛澤東)'s only healthy son, Mao Anying (毛岸英), was also killed as a PVA during the war.

As the PVA rotated about 2 million troops during the war the casualties figure of most western sources would seem to be too high. If the PVA had suffered 500,000 casualties (1/4 of all troops rotated) or 1,000,000 casualties (1/2 of all troops rotated) the PVA would almost certainly have been so weakened that they would not have been able to defend the line let alone mount any meaningful offensive, and since the battle line hardly shifted from 1951 to 1953, meaning that the U.N. and Chinese were evenly matched, the high casualty figures should be regarded with some skepticism.

It also contributed to the decline of Sino-Soviet relations. Although Chinese had their own reasons to enter the war (i.e. a strategic buffer zone in the Korean peninsula), the view that the Soviets had used them as proxies was shared in the Western bloc. China had to use the Soviet loan, which had been originally intended to rebuild their destroyed economy, to pay for the Soviet arms. However, the fact that Chinese forces held their own against American forces in this war heralded that China was once again becoming a major world power. By many Chinese the war is generally seen as an honour in the People's Republic of China history as it was the first time in a century the Chinese army was able to withstand a Western army in a major conflict, in spite of China's heavy losses.

After the war was over, 14,000 of the Chinese prisoners of war hostile to communists of the People's Republic of China defected to the Republic of China (ROC) (in contrast, only 7,110 Chinese POWs opted to return to the PRC). The defectors arrived in Taiwan on January 23, 1954 and were referred to as "Anti-Communist volunteers"(反共義士). Each year Jan 23 is named World Freedom Day(自由日) [2] [3] in their honour in Taiwan.

The Korean War also led to other long lasting effects. Until the conflict in Korea, the United States had largely abandoned the government of Chiang Kai-Shek, which had retreated to Taiwan, and had no plans to intervene in the Chinese Civil War. The start of the Korean War rendered untenable any policy that would have caused Taiwan to fall under PRC control. Truman's decision to send American forces to the Taiwan strait further deterred the PRC from making any cross-strait invasion of Taiwan. The anti-communist atmosphere in the West in response to the Korean War contributed to the unwillingness to diplomatically recognize the People's Republic of China by the West until the 1970s. Today, diplomacy between the Republic of China and mainland China remains strained, and mainland China continues to claim the sovereignty of Taiwan.

Japan was politically disturbed both from the security threat to Japan because of the initial defeat of South Korea and from left-wing activities in support of North Korea and aiming to bring about a revolution in Japan. Additionally, as American occupation armies were dispatched to Korean peninsula, Japan's security became problematic. Under United States' guidance Japan established Reserved Police, later developed to the Japan Self-Defense Forces (自衛隊). The signing of the Treaty of Peace with Japan (日本国との平和条約; popularly known as the Treaty of San Francisco) was also hastened to return Japan back into international communities. In the eyes of some American policy makers, the non-belligerency clause in the constitution was already being considered a "mistake" by 1953.

Economically, Japan was able to benefit from the war. American material requirements were organized through a Special Procurements system, which allowed for local purchasing without the complex Pentagon procurement system. Over $3.5 billion was spent with Japanese companies, peaking at $809 million in 1953. The zaibatsu (財閥) went from being distrusted to being encouraged — Mitsui (三井), Mitsubishi (三菱), and Sumitomo (住友) were amongst the zaibatsu that thrived, not only on orders from the military but through American industrial experts, including W. Edwards Deming. Japanese manufacturing grew by 50% between March 1950 and 1951. By 1952, pre-war standards of living were regained and output was twice the level of 1949. Becoming an independent country due to the Treaty of San Francisco also saved Japan from the burden of expense of the occupation forces.


The outbreak of the Korean War convinced Western leaders of the growing threat of international communism. The United States began to encourage Western European countries, West Germany included, to contribute to their own defense. German rearmament, however, was perceived as a threat by its neighbours, especially France. As the Korean War continued, however, opposition to rearmament lessened and China's entry in the war caused France to revise its position towards German rearmament. To contain a newly-armed Germany, French officials proposed the creation of the European Defense Community (EDC), a supranational organisation, under the aegis of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

The end of the Korean War reduced the perceived Communist threat, and thus it reduced the necessity of such an organisation. The French Parliament postponed the ratification of the EDC Treaty sine die (i.e. without a clear date). This rejection in the French Parliament was caused by Gaullist fears that the creation of the EDC threatened France's national sovereignty. The EDC was never ratified, and the initiative collapsed in August, 1954.

The war was a political disaster for the Soviet Union. Its central objective, the unification of the Korean peninsula under the Kim Il-sung regime was not achieved. Boundaries of both parts of Korea remained practically unchanged. Furthermore, relations with the People's Republic of China was seriously spoiled, while the war united the countries within the capitalist bloc: the Korean war accelerated the conclusion of a peace agreement between the USA and Japan, the warming of Germany's relations with other western countries, creation of military and political blocs ANZUS (1951) and SEATO (1954). However, the war was not without their pluses: the authority of the Soviet State seriously grew, which showed in its readiness to arrive in the aid of developing states in the countries of the third world, many of which after Korean war embarked on the socialist path of development, after selecting the Soviet Union as their patron.

The war was a heavy burden on the national economy of the Soviet Union, which was still suffering from the effects of World War II. Expenditures for defense grew sharply. However, despite all these expenses approximately thirty thousand Soviet soldiers in one way or another, obtained the priceless experience of waging local wars. The war also allowed them the opportunity to test several newest forms of armaments, in particular the MiG-15 combat aircraft. Furthermore, numerous models of American military equipment were seized, which made possible for Soviet engineers and scientists to use American experience for development of new forms of armaments.


Artistic depiction

Pablo Picasso's 'Massacre in Korea' (1951; in the Musée Picasso, Paris).

Artist Pablo Picasso's painting Massacre in Korea (1951) depicted violence against civilians during the Korean War. By some account, civilian killings committed by U.S. forces in Shinchun, Hwanghae Province was the motive of the painting. In South Korea, the painting was deemed anti-American, a longtime taboo in the South, and thus was prohibited for public display until the 1990s.

In the United States far and away the most famous artistic depiction of the war is M*A*S*H, originally a novel by Richard Hooker (pseudonym for H. Richard Hornberger) that was later turned into a successful movie and television series. All three versions depict the misadventures of the staff of a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital as they struggle to keep their sanity through the war's absurdities through ribald humour and hijinks when not treating wounded.

Although M*A*S*H gave a fairly accurate depiction of a US Army field hospital in the Korean War, there were a few flaws in the TV series. For instance, there were far more Korean doctors in the M*A*S*H units than shown in the series. In the series, nearly all the doctors were American. The first few episodes featured an African-American doctor, Spearchucker Jones. This character was removed upon the revelation that there were no African American doctors serving in Korea. Furthermore, the television series lasted for eleven years, while the actual war lasted only three (of course, one cannot blame the screenwriters and the producers for creating a popular show); among other things, the characters aged far more visibly over the course of the series than they might have done during the actual three-year conflict. Additionally, the series was filmed in California, which has a very different physical environment than the Korean peninsula.


  • Fixed Bayonets (1951). U.S. soldiers in Korea surviving the harsh winter of 1951. Directed by Samuel Fuller.
  • Shangganling Battle (Shanggan Ling, Chinese: 上甘岭, BW-1956),in the Korean war in early 1950s, a group of Chinese People's Volunteer soldiers are blocked in Shangganling mountain area for several days. Short of both food and water, they hold their ground till the relief troops arrive. d: Meng Sha, Lin Shan; C: Gao Baocheng, XuLIinge, Liu Yuru; M: changchun.
  • M*A*S*H (1970), about the staff of a Korean War field hospital who use humor and hijinks to keep their sanity in the face of the horror of war. Directed by Robert Altman.
  • M*A*S*H (1972-1983) was also a long-running television sitcom, inspired by the movie, and featuring Alan Alda. The television series lasted longer than the Korean Conflict (up until the cease-fire was signed in 1953).
  • Inchon (1981). The movie portrays the Battle of Incheon, a turning point in the war. Controversially, the film was partially financed by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Movement. It became a notorious financial and critical failure, losing an estimated $40 million of its $46 million budget, and remains the last mainstream Hollywood film to use the war as its backdrop. The film was directed by Terence Young, and starred an elderly Laurence Olivier as General Douglas MacArthur. According to press materials from the film, psychics hired by Moon's church contacted MacArthur in heaven and secured his posthumous approval of the casting.
  • Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (2004). When two Korean brothers are drafted into the military to fight in the war, the older brother tries to protect the younger by risking his own life in hopes of sending his brother home. This results in an emotional conflict that wears away at his own humanity. Epic in scope, the movie has a touching family story backdropped by a brutal war. Directed by Je-Kyu Kang or Kang Je-gyu.
  • Welcome to Dongmakgol (2005). During the height of the Korean War, three North Korean soldiers, two South Korean soldiers and an American Navy pilot accidentally get stranded together in a remote and peaceful mountain village paradise called Dongmakgol. All three wayward factions learn that the village is naively oblivious to the raging war outside. These newcomers must somehow find a way to coexist with each other for the sake and preservation of the village they all learn to love and respect. Directed by Park, Gwang-hyeon.
  • Joint Security Area (film) (Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA) (2000). In the DMZ (Korean Demilitarized Zone) separating North and South Korea, two North Korean soldiers have been killed, supposedly by one South Korean soldier. The investigating Swiss/Swedish team from the neutral countries overseeing the DMZ (Korean Demilitarized Zone) suspects from evidence at the crime scene that another, unknown party was involved. Major Sophie E. Jean, the investingating officer, suspects a cover-up is taking place, but the truth is much simpler and much more tragic. It unravels as the story follows the development of a relationship between two North Korean and two South Korean soldiers that hang out together in an empty building in the Joint Security Area. Starring Lee Young Ae, Lee Byung-Hun, Song Kang-ho, Tae-woo Kim, and Shin Ha-kyun. Directed by Park Chan-wook.


The most common English term for the war is "Korean War".
The following are terms used by the participants of the Korean War:

  • Korean Conflict, Korean Police Action
  • Fatherland Liberation War (조국해방전쟁; 祖國解放戰爭)
  • June 25th Incident (육이오 사변; 六二五 事變)
  • Korean War (한국전쟁; 韓國戰爭)
  • The War To Resist America And Aid (North) Korea (抗美援朝; kàng měi yuán cháo)
  • War of Chosun (朝鲜战争; 朝鮮戰爭; cháoxiǎn zhànzhēng) A more politically correct term
  • Other Chinese-speaking communities
  • Korean War(韩战; 韓戰; hán zhàn) abbreviation of Korean War

See also


  • Breakout : The Chosin Reservoir Campaign, Korea 1950, Martin Russ, Penguin, 2000, hardcover 464 pages, ISBN 0140292594
  • The British Part in the Korean War, General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley, HMSO, 1995, hardcover 528 pages, ISBN 0116309628
  • History of United States Naval Operations: Korea, James A. Field Jr., University Press of the Pacific, 2001, paperback 520 pages, ISBN 0898756758
  • translated by Bin Yu and Xiaobing Li, Mao's Generals Remember Korea, University Press of Kansas, 2001, hardcover 328 pages, ISBN 0700610952
  • Korea: The Limited War, David Rees. MacMillan and Company, 1964, hardcover 511 pages
  • The Origins of the Korean War, Vol. 1: Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes, 1945-1947, Bruce Cumings, Princeton University Press, 1981, ISBN 0691101132
  • The Origins of the Korean War, Vol. 2: The Roaring of the Cataract, 1947-1950, Bruce Cumings, Princeton University Press, 1990, ISBN 0691078432
  • The Forgotten War, Clay Blair, Times Books, NY, 1987
  • MiG Alley: Sabres vs. MiGs Over Korea, Warren E. Thompson and David R. McLaren, Specialty Press, MN, 2002, ISBN 1-58007-058-2.
  • Fire & Ice: The Korean War, 1950-1953, Michael J. Varhola, Savas, 2000, ISBN 1882810449.
  • This Kind of War: The Classic Korean War History, T.R. Fehrenbach, Potomac Books, 50th Anniversary edition, 2001, paperback 512 pages, ISBN 1574883348.
  • Truckbusters From Dogpatch, the Combat Diary of the 18th Fighter-Bomber Wing in the Korean War, 1950-1953, Tracy D. Connors, BelleAire Press, 2006, soft bound, 712 pages, +1,000 photographs, ISBN 0-9640138-2-7.

See also


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