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Houses from A Song of Ice and Fire

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The Houses in the fictional universe of the fantasy book series A Song of Ice and Fire are families and their households. They vary in size, and the most political, economic, and military power is wielded by the Great Houses, and their whims form the story of A Song of Ice and Fire. Smaller houses often pledge as bannermen to the Great Houses in return for some protection of their own interests. The smallfolk, or common folk, find themselves under the domain of these houses.

The Great Houses are discussed on individual pages; lesser houses are covered below.

Houses sworn to House Arryn

  • Baelish. House Baelish descends from a Braavosi mercenary. The current lord, Petyr Baelish, has risen above his humble roots to become Master of Coin and later Lord Paramount of the Riverlands with Harrenhal as castle
  • Belmore of Strongsong
  • House Borrell of Sweetsister. Sweetsister is one a trio of islands called the Three Sisters
  • Corbray of Heart's Home. The brother of the current lord wields the famous Valyrian sword Lady Forlorn
  • Egen
  • Hersy of Newkeep
  • Hunter of Longbow Hall
  • Melcolm of Old Anchor
  • Redfort of Redfort
  • Royce. House Royce is a powerful, ancient house descended from the First Man. In the books two branches are mentioned:
    • Royce of Runestone; the current lord is Bronze Yohn Royce, a famous warrior.
    • Royce of the Gates of the Moon. The Gates of the Moon is the castle which guards the way to the Eyrie
  • Waynwood of Ironoaks Castle

Houses sworn to House Baratheon

After the rebellion Lord Robert of House Baratheon became King Robert I. As Robert at that time did not have any rightful issue himself he continued the tradition of the Targaryen of giving Dragonstone to the heir to the throne which at time was his brother Stannis. Storm's End and the overlordship of the Stormlands he gave to his youngest brother Renly.

Sworn directly to King Robert at King's Landing

  • Blount. Ser Boros of House Blount is one of the Kingsguard
  • Chelsted. A member of Hous Chested was for a short time Hand of King Aerys Targaryen
  • Connington: the sigil of House Connington is a gryphon.
  • Kettleblack
  • Rosby of Rosby
  • Rykker of Duskendale. The Rykkers were given the lordship of Duskendale after the Defiance of Duskendale and the subsequent execution of all members of House Darklyn of Duskendale
  • Stokeworth of Stokeworth
  • Thorne

Sworn to Lord Stannis at Dragonstone

  • Bar Emmon of Sharp Point
  • Celtigar of Claw Isle
  • Seaworth. House Seaworth is a new house. The first of the line was Davos, a smuggler who was rewarded by Stannis Baratheon for his rescue of the garrison of Storm's End from starvation. Ser Davos is a point-of-view character.
  • Sunglass of Sweetport Sound
  • Velaryon of Driftmark. The Velaryons have come from Valyria and (probably for that reason) have intermarried with House Targaryen

Sworn to Lord Renly at Storm's End

  • Caron of Nightsong
  • Dondarrion of Blackhaven
  • Errol of Haystack Hall
  • Estermont of Greenstone. Lord Estermont is maternal grandfather to King Robert
  • Penrose of Parchments
  • Selmy of Harvest Hall. Ser Barristan the Bold, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, is from this house
  • Swann of Stonehelm
  • Tarth of Evenfall Hall. The only child of the Lord of Evenfall Hall is Brienne, a POV character
  • Toyne. In the history of Westeros a few members of House Toyne have played a part. Simon Toyne was a famous outlaw, and another Toyne was a Kingsguard knight who was executed for sleeping with Aegon IV's mistress. His two brothers tried to avenge him by murdering the king, but Aegon was saved by his brother Aemon the Dragonknight, who slew and was slain by the brothers
  • Trant of Gallowsgrey
  • Wylde of Rain House

Houses sworn to House Greyjoy

  • Blacktyde of Blacktyde
  • Botley of Blacktyde
  • Drumm of Old Wyk
  • Goodbrother. There are a few branches of this house. They reside on Orkmont, Shatterstone and Hammerhorn
  • Harlaw of Ten Towers
  • Merlyn of Pebbleton
  • Saltcliffe of Saltcliffe
  • Sparr of Great Wyk
  • Stonehouse of Old Wyk
  • Sunderly of Saltcliffe
  • Wynch of Iron Holt

Houses sworn to House Lannister

  • Banefort of Banefort
  • Broom
  • Clegane. House Clegane became in to existence when the first Clegane rescued Lord Tytos Lannister from a lioness at the cost of three hunting dogs and a leg. Clegane was rewarded with a knighthood. To remember his deed he chose three dogs as his sigil
  • Crakehall of Crakehall
  • Lefford of the Golden Tooth
  • Lorch
  • Lydden of the Deep Den
  • Marbrand of Ashemark
  • Payne. Ser Ilyn the headsman and Podrick, squire to Tyrion Lannister are from this house
  • Prester of Feastfires
  • Serrett
  • Spicer. House Spicer is seen as an upstart house. They descend from a spice merchant and a witch-woman famous in Lannisport for her potions
  • Swyft of Cornfield
  • Westerling of the Crag. The Westerlings were once a high standing prosperous house. A member of the house married King Maegor I. But during the years their mines faded and the house dwindeled.

Houses sworn to House Martell

  • Allyrion of Godsgrace
  • Dalt of Lemonwood. Ser Andrey Dalt is a close companion of Princess Arianne Martell
  • Dayne of Starfall. Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, was a famous knight of the Kingsguard under Aerys II Targaryen.
  • Fowler of Skyreach
  • Jordayne of the Tor
  • Santagar of Spottswood. Sylva Santagar is a close companion of Princess Arianne Martell
  • Toland of Ghost Hill
  • Wyl of the Boneway
  • Yronwood. Lord Anders is the foster father of Prince Quentyn Martell

Houses sworn to House Stark

  • Bolton of the Dreadfort. The Boltons were the last lords who submitted to the supremacy of the Starks. They have a dark reputation
  • Glover of Deepwood Motte
  • Flint. Three branches of House Flint are known: House Flint of Flint's Finger, the Flints of Widow's Watch and the Flint clan of the mountains.
  • Karstark of Karhold. The Karstarks are descended from a younger son of House Stark (Karlon) who defeated a rebel lord. He was rewarded with the land on which a castle was built that was named afther him.
  • Manderly of White Harbour. The Manderleys originally come from the Reach (where the river Mander was named after them or vice versa) until their land were forfeited by the King of the Reach. The Starks took them on as vassals and gave them White Harbour. Because of their southern roots the Manderleys follow different customs than the other Northern houses, like worshipping the Seven instead of the Old Gods
  • Mormont of Bear Island. The Mormonts were given the island after King Roddrick Stark took it over from the Ironborn
  • Reed of Greywater Watch. The ruling lord, Howland, is a good friend of Eddard Stark and stood by him during the fight at the Tower of Joy
  • Tallhart of Torrhen's Square
  • Umber of Last Hearth. Last Hearth is near the Wall. Because of that the Umbers are used to fighting wildling raiders from the north

Houses sworn to House Tully (now sworn to House Frey)

  • Blackwood of Raventree Hall since 100 years feuding with House Bracken
  • Bracken of the Stone Hedge since 100 years feuding with House Blackwood
  • Darry of Darry. In Robert's Rebellion they were notabel Targaryen loyalists
  • Mallister of Seagard. Seagard was build as defence against Iron born raiders. The motto of House Mallister is “Above the Rest.”
  • Piper of Pinkmaiden
  • Ryger of Willow Wood
  • Vance consists of various branches. One is in pocession of Wayfarer's Rest an other of Atranta
  • Whent of Harrenhall. Malisse Whent was the wife of Hoster Tully. Like other pocessors of Harrenhal the Whents are in decline

Houses sworn to House Tyrell

  • Crane of Red Lake
  • Florent of Brightwater. An ambitious house which is said to have a superior claim to Highgarden.
  • Fossoway existing of the Red Fossoway of Cider Hall and the cadet branch Green Fossoway of New Barrel. The cadet branch descends from Ser Raymun Fossoway who choose the side of Ser Duncan the Tall in the Trial of the Seven against his cousin Ser Steffon Fossoway. To distinct him from his kinsman Ser Raymond took a green apple as his sigil.
  • Hightower of the Hightower. Hightower in Oldtown is the highest tower in Westeros and the place where Maesters are trained. As master of Oldtown the Hightower family is very influentual
  • Mullendore of Uplands
  • Oakheart of Old Oak. Ser Arys (POV), member of the Kingsguard is an Oakheart
  • Osgrey of Standfast. The_Hedge_Knight is about the service of Ser Duncan the Tall to Ser Eustace Osgrey
  • Redwyne of the Arbor. The Redwyne provides the fleet for the Tyrells. The Arbor area is famous for its wine
  • Rowan
  • Tarly of Horn Hill. The current Lord of Horn Hill is Lord Randyll. He is a famous soldier who defeated King Robert at the battle of Ashford. His eldest son Samwell Tarly (POV) was send to the Night's Watch where he befriended Jon Snow.
  • Vyrwel of Darkdell