This is the original haha169 page. No one may put this on their own websites, however, they may use my format, but not my wording. The original one is right here on
If you got went here by clicking on egandude123's signature, that means I'm egandude123 hehe
If you are *Mystic* and you read that Walden West message I gave you and came here, 'YOU GOT TRICKED! hehe
Other people: If you are concerned that *Mystic* will kill, me, he probably can, we know each other, but he won't, because it is illegal, but practical jokes are not, so I can do that pratical joke I did to *Mystic*.
Im haha169 and i've been a wikipedia member for about three to four months. I have edited and created many pages, most of them related to TV or my hometown. Its great sharing my knowledge with others. I believe I have edited 190 pages. In case anyone is wondering why the IP address user: is editing my user page, its because that's my IP address.
For those of you too stupid to figure this out, I go to Egan.
If you did not figure this out sign below:
fakesignature223: I never knew! 11:43 30 June 2006 (UTC)
If you know where the statue is-->>, write the answer below:
"Actually, I happen to know where the statue is. It's at Egan Junior High School.