Wattlebird is a term applied to two unrelated groups of birds. One group is comprised of the entire Callaeidae family of New Zealand. The other includes several birds of the Meliphagidae (Honeyeater) family of Australia.
Australia's wattlebirds are the Little Wattlebird, the Red Wattlebird, the Brush Wattlebird, the Yellow Wattlebird and the Wattled Honeyeater. New Zealand's Wattlebirds are the Saddleback, the Kokako and the extinct Huia.
Wattlebirds are characterized by their wattles. These are bare fleshy appendages, usually wrinkled and often brightly coloured, hanging from the cheeks, neck or throat. The exception is the Little Wattlebird, which lacks wattles.
Other birds with wattles include the Turkey and the Vulture, although the term "Wattlebird" is not generally applied to them.