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User:Charles Matthews/New - mathematics

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Charles Matthews (talk | contribs) at 09:25, 2 October 2004 (→‎Mathematics: Morava K-theory). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


Euler product - Class field theory - Iwasawa theory - Rational function - Projective space - Projective geometry - Homogeneous co-ordinates - Incidence (mathematics) - Monomial - Tensor algebra - Symmetric function - Invariant theory - Algebraic variety - Dimension of an algebraic variety - Intersection number - Algebraic curve - Birational geometry - Italian school of algebraic geometry - Grothendieck's Séminaire de géométrie algébrique - Étale cohomology - Kähler manifold - Abelian variety - Arithmetic of abelian varieties - Local zeta-function - Algebraic group - Linear algebraic group - Flag manifold - Congruence subgroup - Weil restriction - Algebraic form - Riemann-Roch theorem - Line bundle - Serre duality - Moduli problem - Ramification - Commutative algebra - Radical of an ideal - Tensor product of fields - Tensor product of R-algebras - Separable polynomial - Separable extension - Grothendieck's Galois theory - Localization of a ring - Projective module - Elimination theory - Hypergeometric series - Sheaf - Locally ringed space - Local homeomorphism - Seifert-van Kampen theorem - Introduction to topos theory - Simplicial complex - Combinatorial topology - Characteristic class - Isometry - Affine geometry - Erlangen programme - Homogeneous space - Principal homogeneous space - Semisimple - Lie group decompositions - Integral geometry - Several complex variables - Value distribution theory of holomorphic functions - Weierstrass preparation theorem - K-theory - Cobordism - Geometry of numbers - Quadratic form - Multilinear algebra - Tensor field - Foliation - Diagonal - Free abelian group - Group ring - Group algebra - Regular representation - Induced representation - Free product - Partial fraction - Gauss lemma - Hodge conjecture - Mordell conjecture - Weil conjectures - L-function - Totally real number field - Analytic number theory - Diophantine approximation - Local analysis - Infinite descent - Effective results in number theory - Bieberbach conjecture - Existence theorem - Jordan normal form - Gelfand representation - Pontryagin duality - CW complex - Betti number - Morse theory - Braid theory - Atiyah-Singer index theorem - Hardy space - Maximal torus - Universal enveloping algebra - Contact (mathematics) - Monad (category theory) - Structure (category theory) - Fredholm integral equation - Isospectral - Rigged Hilbert space - Support - Cofinite topology - Finer topology - Index set - Formal system - Artin-Wedderburn theorem - Associated bundle - Operator norm - Brauer group - Closed and exact differential forms - Piecewise - Almost periodic function - Monodromy - Charts on SO(3) - Abelian and tauberian theorems - Symmetry of second derivatives - Substructural logic - Cyclic order - Moving frame - Homology theory - primitive element theorem - field norm - trivial representation - Gaussian period - Galois extension - field trace - pure mathematics - block matrix - conjugate element (field theory) - Dirichlet's unit theorem - Shift operator - Exponential sum - Fundamental domain - Logarithmic derivative - Localization of a module - Formal group law - Galois module - Inclusion (mathematics) - Real projective plane (spun out) - pullback - Projective line - Riemann-Hurwitz formula - Hodge theory - Poisson summation formula - algebraic torus - spectral theory - Solid geometry - Unit (ring theory) - cusp - Zariski tangent space - Group scheme - Pisot-Vijayaraghavan number - Transcendental curve - Schur's lemma - Hecke operator - Ankeny-Artin-Chowla congruence - Chebotarev's density theorem - Integral curve of a vector field - Complex multiplication - compact operator - Kummer theory - singularity theory - invertible sheaf - theory of equations - simplicial approximation theorem - barycentric subdivision - homology sphere - Integer-valued polynomial - invariant subspace - Nerve of an open covering - Kakeya needle problem - Borel subgroup - trigonometric polynomial - Szeméredi's theorem - Functional equation (L-function) - Tschirnhaus transformation - Chowla-Mordell theorem - Chowla-Selberg formula - Class number problem for imaginary quadratic fields - Sato-Tate conjecture - algebraic K-theory - Brill-Noether theory - Coherent sheaf - Kähler differential - Schinzel's hypothesis H - Cesàro mean - Kronecker's theorem - Duality (mathematics) - cusp form - localization of a category - Sobolev space - Hadamard's inequality - Cartan's theorem - Cartan's theorems A and B - geometric topology - Cousin problems - Littlewood conjecture - Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry - Arithmetic group - Mumford conjecture - Mahler's compactness theorem - Fixed point theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces - Differential geometry of curves - Adjoint - Transfer (group theory) - Algebraic surface - Positive-definite function - Mordell-Weil theorem - Cubic curve - Euclidean group - Symmetric algebra - Infinitesimal transformation - Fundamental class - Local classfield theory - modular curve - Artin conjecture - Hilbert-Smith conjecture - Stefan problem - Deformation theory - Deligne conjecture - Borel-Bott-Weil theorem - Tarski monster group - Ample vector bundle - canonical bundle - compact group - Boolean function - hat problem - one-parameter group - Complexification - Lyusternik-Schnirelmann category - Hurwitz quaternion - Mac Lane's planarity criterion - Bott periodicity theorem - Automorphic form - Ramanujan-Peterssen conjecture - Thue-Siegel-Roth theorem - Projective Hilbert space - Clifford-Klein form - Fermat curve - Hodge cycle - Semistable elliptic curve - Sard's lemma - Künneth theorem - Dinitz conjecture - Sparsity - functional calculus - minimal counterexample - Lie subgroup - Addition theorem - Algebraic function - Whitehead theorem - Combinatorial group theory - Selberg trace formula - Ehresmann's theorem - Blaschke product - Singular point of an algebraic variety - star refinement - double coset - derived category - Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra - Codimension - Universal coefficient theorem - Class function - Dirac measure - special functions - Morava K-theory

Mathematical biography

Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi - Giacomo Albanese- Emil Artin - Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch - Enrico Betti - G. D. Birkhoff - Salomon Bochner - Armand Borel - Raoul Bott -Élie Cartan - Henri Cartan - Claude Chevalley - Shiing-shen Chern Alexis Claude Clairaut - Gabriel Cramer - Harold Davenport - Pierre Deligne -Israel Moiseevich Gel'fand - James Whitbread Lee Glaisher - Roger Godement - I. J. Good - Mikhail Gromov - Hugo Hadwiger - John Hammersley - Harish-Chandra - Helmut Hasse - Friedrich Hirzebruch - W. V. D. Hodge - Adolf Hurwitz - Camille Jordan - Erich Kähler - Kunihiko Kodaira - Solomon Lefschetz - Jean Leray - Rudolf Lipschitz - George Mackey - Stefan Mazurkiewicz - Louis Mordell -Thomas Muir - David Mumford - Sergei Petrovich Novikov - Kiyoshi Oka - Subbayya Sivasankaranarayana Pillai - Lev Semenovich Pontryagin - Ilya Pyatetskii-Shapiro - Johann Radon - Georges de Rham - Jacopo Riccati - J. Barkley Rosser - Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin - Mikio Sato - Donald C. Spencer - Peter Ludwig Mejdell Sylow - John Tate - John Arthur Todd - Alexandre-Théophile Vandermonde - Adriaan van Roomen - J. H. C. Whitehead - Hassler Whitney - Oscar Zariski

Mathematical listings

Other somewhat mathematical



Rigour - William Nicholson (artist) - James Pryde - Nancy Nicholson - Three for a pig - List of glaciers - Skerry - Official - Paperless office - Visionary - J. D. Bernal - Norman Cohn - J. C. Mardrus - Chatto and Windus - Jonathan Cape - The Bodley Head - Routledge - Cultural pessimism - Antoine Varillas - Gorboduc (play) - Norman Douglas - Desmond Chute - William Cooper (novelist) - Hachette - Hachette Livre - Ignorabimus - Anglican terminology - Victoria, Lady Welby - F. Anstey - Vox populi - Walter Allen - chapbook - Peter Opie - Robert Wilson Lynd