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Narbonic Vol. 1
Author(s)Shaenon K. Garrity
Current status/scheduleUpdating Daily.
Launch date2000 July 31
Genre(s)Comedy, Science Fiction

Narbonic is a webcomic written and drawn by Shaenon K. Garrity formerly syndicated through the Modern Tales website but hosted at Webcomics Nation since July of 2006. The comic is also a member of The Nice comics collective. The storylines center around the misadventures of the staff of Narbonic Labs, which is the domain of mad scientist Helen Narbon. The strip started on July 31, 2000. Garrity has announced that the strip is scheduled to finish on December 31, 2006.


About the strip


Narbonic is drawn entirely by hand and presented in the traditional American four-panel newspaper strip style. It centers upon the adventures of computer programmer Dave Davenport, superintelligent gerbil RT-5478 (or "Artie"), evil intern Mell W. Kelly, and mad geneticist Helen Beta Narbon. While the strip is essentially an ensemble piece, with storylines focusing on major and minor characters alike, Dave occupies the role of protagonist more often than any other character.

As one of the few characters with a semblance of normality, the blandly cynical Dave Davenport provides a convenient source of identification and emotional connection for the audience. In this strip's world, however, such a person is a natural target for misfortune. As a result, Dave suffers more calamity than any of the other characters, having been killed, sent to Hell, shot to the moon, transported helplessly through time, sent on a road trip with dozens of identical android fugitives, and experimented upon without his consent countless times.

The strip uses the Mad Scientist trope as its premise, hearkening back to Sappo by Elzie Segar and the inventions of Rube Goldberg in theme. The insane, pseudoscientific inventions and experiments of Helen Narbon and her nemesis and romantic crush, Professor Lupin Madblood, become the springboards for plotlines as the Narbonics Labs staff tries to deal with their consequences. These range from a revolution fomented by insane gerbils to Helen's mother murdering Dave with one of Helen's own death rays to a battle with the legions of Hell during a sleepover.


Narbonic contains many allusions to an eclectic array of literary and film works, ranging from cult movie classics to Victorian Era science fiction. The reference may be as short as a single strip, or the basis for an entire story-arc, but recognition is never a prerequisite for understanding the strip.

Among the works that Narbonic has referenced:

Narbonic makes few references to other webcomics, even though this is a fairly common activity within the community. Two of the rare occasions on which other webcomics make an appearance are as follows. First, at the end of the initial story arc, a news report implies that most of Helen's escaped giant ur-gerbils were slaughtered by Bun-Bun of Sluggy Freelance (with news reaction by Melonpool's Sammy the Hammy). Second, at the end of the Doppelganger Gambit arc, Garrity draws, in the background of a bar scene, the cast of the webcomic 1/0 in the human forms they received at that strip's end.

Major characters

Helen B. Narbon, a.k.a. "Beta"

The mad scientist who runs Narbonic Labs, Helen is cheerful, optimistic, and, definitionially, quite insane. Her favorite attire is a labcoat worn over jean shorts and a T-shirt reading "evil", with the "i" dotted by a pink heart. Though Helen's gerbil fixation is prominently featured in the strip, her well-justified fear that she will someday become identical to her mother, of whom she is a clone, may more deeply motivate her actions. It is, perhaps, this fear that feeds her second major scientific fascination: the biological underpinnings of mad genius.

Eventually, it is revealed that Helen has embarked on an ambitious research project to study just this question. Published under a pseudonym and known to the general mad science community only as the Tinasky Study (a probable allusion to Wanda Tinasky), Helen's project is a detailed, covert study of a "pre-mad" mad genius, who happens to be none other than her faithful technician, Dave Davenport.

Mell Kelly

Helen's evil intern Melody Kelly has long, dark hair and glasses, and usually wears an off-the-shoulder top, a skirt, and tights. While she begins her employment with few evil skills, save a flair for treachery and a rather terrifying passion for weaponry, she eventually learns the value of foresight and planning. By shifting her shifts her focus to the subtler fields of evil, such as law and politics, she soon grows into an effective villainess in her own right.

Dave Davenport

Helen's computer technician, who is recruited directly from his college's graduation ceremony to fix a malfunctioning doomsday machine. Bespectacled, beflanneled, and bearded, and 6'1" when he isn't slouching, Dave Davenport is an unrepentant geek who generally expects the worst. Working at Narbonic Labs does little to correct this pessimism.

For much of the strip's run, Dave is a chain-smoker, but his attempts to change his past, present and future when one of Helen's experiments make him "come unstuck in time" result in his never having begun to smoke. This excursion to the past also offers Dave an opportunity to grapple with his own shortcomings, and thus gain the confidence he needs to approach Helen romantically. The romantic tension between Helen and Dave, and the conflict that results from Helen's attempts to experiment upon him unawares, provide a continuous story arc over most of the strip's run.

Davenport is almost certainly a mad genius, but, as of this writing, is unaware of this fact.

Artie, a.k.a. RT-5478

A superintelligent gerbil-human hybrid, created by Helen to do her taxes, with the I.Q. of 1.17 Stephen Hawkings. Artie tends to be the outsider of the group, whether by virtue of being the lone voice of sanity among a crew of obsessives, the lone good soul among a crew of the wicked, or just the lone gerbil among a crew of humans. An ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and a Green Party member, Artie is a vocal proponent of nonviolence. An episode in which Helen transmogrifies him into human form destabilizes his phenotype, and, as a result, he now shifts between his original gerbil form or as a very tall, attractive, young gay black man with the voice of Ted Koppel.

Minor characters

Antonio Smith, Forensic Linguist

A reader favorite, despite his infrequent appearances, Smith is "the scourge of the evil literati" and "the most dread linguist on Earth". First seen as a shortish, balding man, Smith is employed by the police to verify Helen's authorship of "The Gerbil Manifesto." His soul inflamed to action by Helen's grammatical atrocities, he dons a trenchcoat and slouch hat and scales her headquarters to apprehend her.

Although Helen and Mell approve of Smith's dashing style and approach him for his autograph, he is a surprisingly unpleasant person. When Dave attempts to escape his unnerving job interview at Narbonics Labs, Dr. Smith takes him hostage and straps him and his future employer into a deathtrap that features a giant, spinning sawblade. In addition, he may have stolen Dave's lighter.

(The character is likely based on the real life "literary detective" Donald Foster, who taught English at the cartoonist's alma mater.)

Professor Lupin "Wolf" Madblood

Helen's sometime romantic interest and sometime rival, Lupin Madblood is also a mad scientist, though his mad creations tend to be mechanical in nature, as opposed to Helen's mostly organic tinkerings. Bespectacled and slightly shorter than Dave, with neatly-trimmed dark hair, moustache and goatee, Madblood attempts to project the image of a suave, debonair conqueror. This image may or may not be entirely consistent with his close dependence upon his mother, with whom he lives for much of the strip's run.

The Madblood Androids

15,000 robotic duplicates of Lupin Madblood, created as foot soldiers for Madblood's efforts to conquer the Earth. Due to a number of unwise design choices, they slip from his control and became, instead, the army of power-mad "Generalissima" Mell. Her attempts to employ them end in failure and the destruction of Madblood's Moonbase, which they escape from to land on Earth. There, they attempt (with some success) to unionize machines, including cars and coffeemakers.

Zeta Vincent

An alternative journalist in her early twenties, Zeta acts as biographer to Dana the superintelligent gerbil, and later documents Dave's journey to Winnipeg with 15,000 Madblood androids. In the latter story arc, Helen reveals that Zeta is one of her own creations, a strange mix of human and gerbil that she created for a fifth grade science fair and then was forced give up for adoption. Zeta knows that she has some connection to Helen, but has not yet worked up the courage to confront her and ask what this connection might be.

The Dave Conspiracy

Every man on Earth named Dave knows of this massive conspiracy, aimed at world conquest, which includes ex-MIT student Dave Barker and, for much of the strip's run, Dave Davenport. Dave Davenport is expelled for breaking Dave Law, having revealed the conspiracy's existence to Helen and Mell. Helen later discovers that the topmost leadership of the conspiracy, the Circle of Five, are the ones who had hired her mother to kill Dave.

Dr. Noah

A short, balding dentist with a scar on his left cheek, Dr. Noah is Narbonic Labs' downstairs neighbor until the end of the first story arc, when a battle with Antonio Smith demolishes the building. While he is outwardly genial to most, he has an intense dislike of Helen and company, whom he has evicted.

In Two Willows, Iowa, Dr. Noah befriends the golden hamsters created by Dana as an eco-terrorism force. Later, when Dave drives the Madblood Androids to Winnipeg, the dentist is revealed to be the mysterious figure who had extended the offer to free the robots of their obedience programming. Dr. Noah apparently meets an ignominous end, dissected by the hamster collective.

Helen's mother, a.k.a. Dr. Helen "Gene Dicer" Narbon

Helen Narbon's mother, Dr. Helen Narbon, is a feared mad scientist in her own right. She is Helen Beta's sole biological parent, having cloned herself in a landmark experiment intended both to determine the genetic roots of mad genius and to provide her with a supply of spare parts. In addition, Dr. Narbon has created a daunting number of mad scientists simply by driving many with a predisposition to madness into shrieking insanity. Given these evil credentials, her fondness for boxed wine and her distressing tendency to discuss her nail fungus generally pass without comment.


In his first appearance in the strip, Caliban is a minor demon Dave encounters in Hell after being killed. Later, when Dave's mind travels back to his six-year-old body, Dave discovers that Caliban was the monster under his bed when he was a child. In the final years of the comic, Caliban incurs a large debt with the Malebrache, a group of demonic loansharks, and flees from Hell to the protection of Narbonic Labs. Upon renouncing his demonic immortality, he incarnates as a scrawny, short man with a British accent. Unsurprisingly, this fails to deter his pursuers. However, for unknown and unnerving reasons, Mell takes a liking to him and negotiates for his freedom. At the time of this writing, he and Mell are dating.

Titus Misanthropie

Latest scion of an ancient and proud family of henchmen, and dedicated supporter of the Henchman's Union, Titus Misanthropie first makes Dave's acquaintance as a fellow proponent of organized labor, having heard of Dave's efforts to help 15,000 robotic duplicates of Lupin Madblood gain self-governance. Later, after a revealing conversation with Artie, wherein the gerbil admits that Dave constructed a tiny quantum computer using little more than a paper clip, Titus becoems one of the first outsiders to realize that Helen is the unknown author of the mysterious Tinasky Study and has been covertly experimenting on Dave. However, Helen and Mell capture him before he is able to inform Dave of his suspicions and wipe his memory of the entire affair.

Octavius Winter

Octavius Winter was the Narbon family's current Evil Attorney during Helen Beta's college years. The storyline in which he appears is published as part of the filenames of the Monday through Saturday comic strip image files, which consist of the date (in mmddyy format) followed by the next one to three words of the story.

Criticism and honors

Shaenon Garrity was nominated for "Best New Talent" in the 2001 Friends of Lulu awards. In 2005 she won their "Lulu of the Year." Garrity also won the 2005 Web Cartoonist Choice Award for "Outstanding Writer." Scott McCloud listed her as one of his 20 favorite web cartoonists in July 2004, saying, "Garrity is emerging as one of our best online humor writers."[1]


  • Boxer, Sarah (August 17, 2005). "Comics Escape a Paper Box, and Electronic Questions Pop Out". The New York Times, p. 1E.
  • MacDonald, Heidi (December 19, 2005). "Web Comics: Page Clickers to Page Turners; It's like manga five or six years ago: a cult audience that is increasing steadily". Publishers Weekly, p. 24.

See also