Kovbasa (ковбаса) is the generic Ukrainian word for sausage.
Specifically, it usually refers to a smoked ham and garlic sausage ring, in a natural pig's intestine casing.
In Ukrainian is it properly pronounced kov-ba-SA, but in English is usually pronounced KU-ba-saw.
In English kovbasa is sometimes called Ukrainian sausage or may be called by the Polish loanword kielbasa.
The world's largest kovbasa replica is a roadside attraction in Mundare, Alberta, Canada.
In addition to being the name of a sausage, Kovbasa was also the name of a Soviet sniper who, during the Battle of Stalingrad used fake white flags to deceive Germans who rose out of their trenches to take a better look at it. Kovbasa would shoot them when they came out of cover.