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User:Helgus/ Mathematical eventology

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Mathematical eventology, is a mathematical language of eventology – a new direction the probability theory; is based on the principle of eventological duality of notion of a set of random events and a random set of events; studying eventological distributions of a set of random events and eventological structures of its dependencies.

Unlike probability theory, theory of random events focuses mainly on direct and regular studying of random events and their dependencies.

— can be considered as the basic results of mathematical eventology.

The basic achievements of mathematical eventology in actual fileds of application are:

Following fields have been developed recently:

The basic eventological terms

  • Event, probability and value
  • Conditional event, conditional probability and conditional value
  • Set of events and random set of events
  • Event-terrace
  • Eventological duality
  • Eventological distribution
  • Eventological language
  • Eventological glossary
  • Additive set-functions and measures
  • Set-formulae of Mobius inversing events-terraces
  • Formulae of Mobius inversing eventological distributions
  • Set-means characteristics of a random set of events
  • Eventological Bayes's theorem
  • Frechet's covariances and correlations
  • The structure of dependencies of a set of events
  • Eventological copula

Applications of eventological theory

  • Eventological theory of fuzzy events
  • Eventological foundation of Kahneman and Tversky theory
  • Eventological portfolio analysis
  • Eventological system analysis
  • Eventology of making decision
  • Eventological theory of set-preferences
  • Eventological foundation of economics
  • Eventological scoring
  • Eventological direct and inverse Markowitz's problems
  • Eventological market "Marshall's Cross"
  • Eventological explaination of K.Blayh's paradox in theory of preferences

At bounds of eventology

  • Subjective events, subjective probability and subjective value
  • Gibbsean eventological model "probability of event — value of event"
  • The phantom eventological distributions

Eventological sections on International conferences

PhD theses on eventology (phys.-math. sciences, in Russian)

  • Vorob'ov Alexei (1998) Direct and inverse problems for models of spreading space risks. Krasnoyarsk: ICM of RAS
  • Goldenok Ellen (2002) Modeling dependence and interaction structures of random events in statistical systems. Krasnoyarsk: KGTEI
  • Kupriyanova Tatyana (2002) A problem of classification of subsets of random set and its application. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk University
  • Semenova Daria (2002) Methods of constructing statistical dependencies of portfolio operations in market systems. Krasnoyarsk: ICM of RAS
  • Fomin Andrew (2002) Set-regressional analysis of dependencies of random events in statistical systems. Krasnoyarsk: ICM of RAS
  • Klotchkov Svyatoslav (2006) Eventological models of distributing and filling resources. Krasnoyarsk: KGTEI
  • Baranova Iren (2006) Methods of bipartitional sets of events in eventological analysis of complicated systems. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk University
  • Tyaglova Hellena (2006) Game theory methods of analysis of random sets of events. Krasnoyarsk: ICM of RAS

Bibliography (in English)

  • Vorob'ov O.Yu. (1991) Set-summation. Soviet Math. Dokl. 1991, Vol.43,p.747-752
  • Vorob'ov O.Yu. (1993) The calculus of set-distribution. Rissian Acad. Sci., Dokl. Math., 1993, Vol.46, 301-306.
  • Vorob'ov O.Yu., A.O.Vorob'ov (1994) Summation of set-additive functions anf the Mobius inversion formula. Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math., vol. 49, No. 2, 340-344.
  • Stoyan Dietrich, and Helga Stoyan (1994) Fractals, Random Shapes and Point Fields. Methods of Geometrical Statistics. John Wiley and Sons. Chichester, New York
    (pp.107-116: Vorob'ov's set-means of a random set)
  • Vorob'ov O.Yu., A.O.Vorob'ov (1996) Inverse problems for generalized Richardson's model of spread. Computational Fluid Dynamics'96, John Wiley & Sons, 104-110.
  • Vorob'ov O.Yu. (1996) A random set analysis of fire spread. Fire Technology, NFPA (USA), v.32, N 2, 137--173.
  • Vorob'ov Oleg Yu., Arcady A. Novosyolov, Konstantin V. Simonov, and Andrew Yu. Fomin (2001) Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools. Risks in Investment Accumulation Products of Financial Institutions. Simposium Proceedings held in January 1999, New York. Schaumburg, USA: The Society of Actuaries, 43--66.

Bibliography (in Russian)


  • ^ Blyth C.R. (1972) On Simpson's Paradox and the Sure --- Thing Principle. - Journal of the American Statistical Association, June, 67, P.367-381.
  • ^ Dubois D., H.Prade (1988) Possibility theory. - New York: Plenum Press.
  • Feynman R.P. (1982) Simulating physics with computers. - International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 21, nos. 6/7, 467-488.
  • ^ Fr'echet M. (1935) G'en'eralisations du th'eor'eme des probabilit'es totales - Fundamenta Mathematica. - 25.
  • Hajek, Alan (2003) Interpretations of Probability. - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2003 Edition), Edward N.Zalta (ed.)
  • ^ Herrnstein R.J. (1961) Relative and Absolute strength of Response as a Function of Frequency of Reinforcement. - Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 4, 267-272.
  • ^ Kahneman D., Tversky A. (1979) Prospect theory: An analysis of decisios under risk. - Econometrica, 47, 313-327.
  • ^ Lefebvre V.A. (2001) Algebra of conscience. - Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, Boston, London.
  • ^ Markowitz Harry (1952) Portfolio Selection. - The Journal of Finance. Vol. VII, No. 1, March, 77-91.
  • ^ Marshall Alfred A collection of Marshall's published works
  • ^ Nelsen R.B. (1999) An Introduction to Copulas. - Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer-Verlag, New York, v.139.
  • ^ Russell Bertrand (1945) A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, New York: Simon and Schuster.
  • ^ Russell Bertrand (1948) Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, London: George Allen & Unwin.
  • Schrodinger Erwin (1959) Mind and Matter. - Cambridge, at the University Press.
  • ^ Shafer G. (1976). A Mathematical Theory of Evidence. – Princeton University Press.
  • ^ Smith Vernon (2002) Nobel Lecture.
  • ^ Stoyan D., and H. Stoyan (1994) Fractals, Random Shapes and Point Fields. - Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  • ^ Tversky A., Kahneman D. (1992) Advances in prospect theory: cumulative representation of uncertainty. - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 5, 297-323.
  • ^ Vickrey William Paper on the history of Vickrey auctions in stamp collecting
  • ^ Zadeh L.A. (1965) Fuzzy Sets. - Information and Control. - Vol.8. - P.338-353.
  • ^ Zadeh L.A. (1968) Probability Measures of Fuzzy Events. - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. - Vol.10. - P.421-427.
  • ^ Zadeh L.A. (1978). Fuzzy Sets as a Basis for a Theory of Possibility. – Fuzzy Sets and Systems. - Vol.1. - P.3-28.
  • ^ Zadeh L.A. (2005). Toward a Generalized Theory of Uncertainty (GTU) - An Outline. - Information sciences (to appear).
  • ^ Zadeh L.A. (2005). Toward a computational theory of precisiation of meaning based on fuzzy logic - the concept of cointensive precisiation. - Proceedings of IFSA-2005 World Congress.} - Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, Springer.

See also