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List of political parties in Romania

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This is a list of political parties in Romania'.

Present-day parliamentary parties

This is a list of present-day political parties in Romania with current (2003) parliamentary representation, in order of the number or representatives they have in the Chamber of Deputies.

Present-day non-parliamentary parties

This is a list of present-day political parties in Romania that lack current (2003) parliamentary representation, in alphabetical order by their Romanian names.

  • Alianţa Natională Creştin Democrată (ANTCD) - National Alliance of Christian Democrats.
  • Alianţa pentru România (ApR) - Alliance for Romania.
  • Partidul Alianţa Civică (PAC) - Civic Alliance Party.
  • Partidul Democrat Agrar din România (PDAR) - Democratic Agrarian Party of Romania.
  • Partidul Ecologist din România - Ecology Party of Romania.
  • Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc, Creştin şi Democrat (PNTCD) - National Party of Christian Democratic Peasants.
  • Partidul Naţional Liberal - Convenţia Democrată (PNL-CD) - National Liberal Party - Democratic Convention.
  • Partidul Socialist (PS) - Socialist Party.
  • Partidul Socialist al Muncii (PSM) - Socialist Workers Party.
  • Partidul Umanist din România (PUR) - Humanist Party of Romania.
  • Partidul Unităţii Naţionale a Românilor (PUNR) - United Romanian Nationalist Party.
  • Partidul Vieţii Româneşti (PVR) - Party of Romanian Life?
  • Uniunea Forţelor de Dreapta (UFD) - Union of the Forces of the Right.
  • Uniunea pentru Reconstrucţia României (URR) - Union for Romanian Reconstruction.

Present-day Ethnic Minority parties

  • Comunitatea "Bratstvo" a Bulgarilor din România (CBBR) - "Bratstvo" Community of Bulgarians in Romania.
  • Comunitatea Italiană din România - Socola, Iaşi (CIRI) - Community of Italians in Romania - Socola, Iaşi.
  • Comunitatea Ruşilor Lipoveni din România (CRLR) - Community of Lippovans (Old Believer Russians) in Romania.
  • Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România (FCER) - Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania.
  • Forul Democrat al Germanilor din România (FDGR) - Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania.
  • Partida Romilor - Party of the Roma.
  • Uniunea Armenilor din România (UAR) - Union of Armenians in Romania.
  • Uniunea Culturală a Albanezilor din România (UCAR) - Cultural Union of Albanians in Romania.
  • Uniunea Democrată a Sârbilor si Caraşovenilor din România - Union of Serbs and Croatians in Romania.
  • Uniunea Democratică a Slovacilor si Cehilor din România - Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania.
  • Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România (UDMR) - Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania, (a parliamentary party).
  • Uniunea Democrată a Tătarilor Turco-musulmani din România (UDTTMR) - Democratic Union of Turkish Muslim Tatars (?) in Romania.
  • Uniunea Democrată Turcă din România (UDTR) - Union of Turks in Romania.
  • Uniunea Elenă din România (UER) - Union of Greeks in Romania.
  • Uniunea Polonezilor din România (UPR) - Union of Poles in Romania.
  • Uniunea Ucrainenilor din România (UUR) - Union of Ukrainians in Romania.

Other post-1989 parties

To the best of our knowledge, these parties are no longer active.

  • Convenţia Democrată Româna - Romanian Democratic Convention.
  • Frontul Salvarii Naţionale - National Salvation Front 1989 - ?
  • Partidul Democraţiei Sociale din România (PDSR)- Democratic Socialist Party of Romania - renamed as PSD
  • Partidul Social Democrat Român (PSDR) - Romanian Social Democratic Party - fusioned with PSD

Communist-era parties

Although distinct parties in the communist era were close to fictional, the following all did have some sort of existence.

  • Partidul Muncitoresc Român - Romanian Workers' Party, 1948-1965.
  • Partidul Comunist Român - 1965-1989.
  • Frontul Democraţiei şi Unitaţii Socialiste - Front for Democratic and Socialist Unity 1975-1989.
  • Uniunea Generală a Sindicatelor din România - General Union of Romanian Trade Unions 1948-1989.

Parties active in Interbellum Romania

The following parties were all active in Romania between in the years between the two World Wars and, in some cases, through World War II. Only the Romanian Communist Party was active after 1947. The list is in alphabetical order by their Romanian names. See also Kingdom of Romania.

Dates of founding and dissolution are given, where known. Failing that, we have attempted to list earliest and latest dates when we can verify that the party was active.

  • Blocul Muncitoresc-Ţărănesc - Farmer Labor Bloc (active 1931)
  • Legiunea Arhanghelul Mihail / Gruparea "Corneliu Codreanu" / Garda de Fier / Totul pentru Ţară - Legion of the Archangel Michael / "Corneliu Codreanu" Grouping / Iron Guard / "All for the Country" or "All for the Fatherland", fascist party, 1927 - c. 1945.
  • Liga Agrară - Agrarian League.
  • Liga Apărării Naţional-Creştine (LANC) - Christian National Defense League, nationalist, proto-fascist party. 1920 - 1935, merged into National Christian Party.
  • Liga Contra Cometei - literally, League Against the Comet (active 1931).
  • Liga Poporului - People's (or Populist) League, 1918 - 1921, merged into People's (or Populist) Party.
  • Liga "Vlad Tepes" - "Vlad Tepes" League (active early 1930s).
  • Frontul Plugarilor- Ploughmen's Front, closely associated with the Communists (active 1946).
  • Frontul Renaşterii Naţional, after 1940 Partidul Naţune - National Renaissance Front, after 1940 Party of the Nation, fascist.
  • Frontul Român- Romanian Front, right-wing offshoot of National Peasant Party.
  • Partidul Comunist din România, after 1944 Partidul Comunist Român (PCR) - Romanian Communist Party, 1922? - 1948. Under other names, this became (1948 - 1989 the ruling party during the Communist era.
  • Partidul Conservator - Conservative Party (active 1935).
  • Partidul Conservator-Democrat - Conservative Democratic Party (active 1919).
  • Partidul Conservator-Progresist - Progressive Conservative Party (active 1918).
  • Partidul Naţional - National Party.
  • Partidul Naţional-Agrar - National Agrarian Party, ? - 1935 (active 1931, merged into National Christian Party.
  • Partidul Naţională Creştină - National Christian Party 1935 - 1940?, fascist party.
  • Partidul Naţionalist-Democrat - Democratic Nationalist Party. Right-wing nationalist party 1910- c. 1940. See also Nicolae Iorga.
  • Partidul Naţional-Liberal - National Liberal Party 1918-1938, 1944-1947
  • Partidul Naţional-Liberal (P. Bejan) - National Liberal Party (P. Bejan).
  • Partidul Naţional-Liberal (Gh. Brătianu) - National Liberal Party (Gheorghe Brătianu)(active 1931 - 1935).
  • Partidul Naţional-Liberal (Gh. Tătărascu) - National Liberal Party (Gheorghe Tătărascu).
  • Partidul Naţional-Popular - National Populist Party
  • Partidul Naţional-Român - National Romanian Party (active 1919)
  • Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc - National Peasant Party, 1926-1938, 1944-1947, a relatively moderate nationalist party.
  • Partidul Poporului - Populist Party, 1921 - 1938? (active 1935).
  • Partidul Ţărănesc - Peasant Party (active in 1926, 1932).
  • Partidul Ţărănesc dr. N. Lupu - Peasant Party (Dr. N. Lupu) (active in 1931, 1932).
  • Partidul Ţărănesc I. Mihalache - Peasant Party (I. Mihalache)
  • Partidul Ţărănesc-Democrat (C. Stere) Peasant Democratic Party (C.Stere) (active in 1931).
  • Partidul Ţărănesc-Radical Peasant Radical Party.
  • Partidul Social Democrat (PSD) - Social Democratic Party, active 1927, 1932.
  • Partidul Social Democrat Titel Petrescu - Social Democratic Party (Titel Petrescu).
  • Partidul Socialist - Socialist Party (active 1918).
  • Uniunea Nationalã - National Union, a 1932 joint ticket of the National Party and the Democratic Nationalist Party.

Interbellum Ethnic Minority parties

  • Partidul Evreiesc din România - Jewish Party of Romania (active 1931, 1932).
  • Partidul German - German Party (active 1931, 1932). Generally aligned with National Peasant Party.
  • Partidul Maghiar - Magyar Party (active 1931, 1932).

See also