Index of cryptography articles
This page aims to alphabetically list articles that are primarily related to cryptography. There is a categorised and (somewhat) annotated list of the same articles in subject groupings at Topics in cryptography; it will probably be more useful to those attempting to make some sense of the field. This page is intended to be useful to those monitoring Wikipedia's coverage of the subject (e.g. for editing or maintenance purposes) by providing an easy way to track changes in the indexed articles by clicking on "Related changes" in the sidebar or the link below:
This list does not necessarily include all cryptography-related articles in the Wikipedia, though there is a concerted effort to keep it so. Nevertheless, if you see an article that should be here, but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the list accordingly.
Note: this page is also being made somewhat redundant by the new category system. See Category:Cryptography and its subcategories.
See also
- Topics in cryptography — an analytical list of articles and terms.
- Books on cryptography — an annotated list of suggested readings.
- List of cryptographers — an annotated list of cryptographers.
- Important publications in cryptography — some cryptography papers in computer science.
- WikiProject Cryptography — discussion and resources for editing cryptography articles.
Digits and symbols
3-Way -- 40-bit encryption -- 802.11i --
A5/1 -- A5/2 -- Abraham Sinkov -- Adaptive chosen ciphertext attack -- ADFGVX cipher -- Adi Shamir -- Advanced Encryption Standard -- Advanced Encryption Standard process -- Adversary -- Affine cipher -- Agnes Meyer Driscoll -- Al Bhed -- Alan Turing -- Alice and Bob -- AN/CYZ-10 -- Anonymous publication -- Anonymous remailer -- Arlington Hall -- Arne Beurling -- Arthur Scherbius -- Asymmetric key algorithm -- Atbash -- Attacker -- Auguste Kerckhoffs -- Authentication -- Autokey cipher -- Avalanche effect -- AxCrypt --
Babington Plot -- Baby-step giant-step -- Bazeries cylinder -- Beale ciphers -- Bernstein v. United States -- Bifid cipher -- Birthday attack -- Bit-flipping attack -- Biuro Szyfrów -- Blaise de Vigenère -- Bletchley Park -- Blind credential -- Blinding (cryptography) -- Blind signature -- Block cipher -- Block cipher modes of operation -- Block size (cryptography) -- Blowfish (cipher) -- Blum Blum Shub -- Bomba (cryptography) -- Bombe -- Book cipher -- Books on cryptography -- Boris Hagelin -- Bruce Schneier -- Brute force attack -- Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic --
Caesar cipher -- CAcert -- Cardan grille -- CAST-128 -- CAST-256 -- Camellia (cipher) -- Cayley-Purser algorithm -- CCMP -- Central Security Service -- Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm -- Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research -- Certificate authority -- Certificate-based encryption -- Certificateless cryptography -- Certificate revocation list -- Certification path validation algorithm -- Certicom -- Chaffing and winnowing -- Challenge-response test -- Challenge-response authentication -- Chosen ciphertext attack -- Chosen plaintext attack -- Cipher Block Chaining -- CipherSaber -- Cipherspace -- Ciphertext-only attack -- Ciphony -- Claude E. Shannon -- Cleartext -- Classical cipher -- Clifford Cocks -- Clipper chip -- Code (cryptography) -- Codebook -- Code talkers -- Codress message -- Colossus computer -- Collision attack -- Commitment scheme -- Common Scrambling Algorithm -- Communications security -- Communications Security Establishment -- Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems -- Computer insecurity -- Computer surveillance -- COMSEC equipment -- Confidentiality -- Confusion and diffusion -- Content-scrambling system -- Cover (telecommunications) -- Covert channel -- Crib -- CrossCrypt -- Cryptanalysis -- Cryptanalysis of the Enigma -- Cryptanalytic computer -- CRYPTO -- Crypto AG -- Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age -- Crypto system -- Crypto-anarchism -- CryptoBuddy -- Cryptochannel -- Cryptogram -- Cryptographic engineering -- Cryptographic hash function -- Cryptographic Message Syntax -- Cryptographic protocol -- Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator -- Cryptographically strong -- Cryptographie indéchiffrable -- Cryptography -- Cryptography newsgroups -- Cryptography standards -- Cryptologia -- Cryptology ePrint Archive -- Cryptomathic -- Cryptome -- Cryptonomicon -- CryptoStick -- Crypto-society -- CRYPTREC -- Cypherpunk --
Daniel J. Bernstein -- Data Encryption Standard -- David Chaum -- David Kahn -- David Wagner -- David Wheeler -- DEAL -- Decipherment -- Decrypt -- DeCSS -- Defence Signals Directorate -- Deniable encryption -- Derek Taunt -- DES-X -- DES supplementary material -- Dictionary attack -- Differential cryptanalysis -- Diffie-Hellman key exchange -- DigiCipher 2 -- Digital Fortress -- Digital rights management -- Digital signature -- Digital Signature Algorithm -- Digital timestamping -- Dilly Knox -- Dining cryptographers protocol -- Diplomatic bag -- Direct anonymous attestation -- Discrete logarithm -- -- Dmitry Sklyarov -- Don Coppersmith -- Dorabella Cipher -- DRYAD --
ECHELON -- Edward Hebern -- EFF DES cracker -- EFS -- EKMS -- Electronic money -- Electronic signature -- Electronic voting -- ElGamal discrete log cryptosystem -- Eli Biham -- Elizebeth Friedman -- Elliptic curve cryptography -- Elliptic Curve DSA -- Encryption -- Enigma machine -- Enigmail -- Étienne Bazeries -- Export of cryptography --
FEAL -- FNBDT -- Feistel cipher -- Financial cryptography -- FISH (cryptography) -- Fortezza -- Frank A. Stevenson -- Frank Rowlett -- FreeLIP -- Frequency analysis -- Friedrich Kasiski -- Fritz-chip --
Garble -- Gardening (cryptanalysis) -- GDES -- Geheimfernschreiber -- George Scovell -- Gilbert Vernam -- Glossary of telecommunications encryption terms -- GMR -- GNU Privacy Guard -- GnuTLS -- GOST -- Government Communications Headquarters -- Great Cypher --
H.235 -- Hans Thilo-Schmidt -- Hardware random number generator -- Harold Keen -- Harvest (computer) -- HAS-160 -- Hashcash -- HAVAL -- Hebern rotor machine -- Helix (cipher) -- Henryk Zygalski -- Herbert Yardley -- History of cryptography -- Horst Feistel -- HTTPS -- Hugo Hadwiger -- Hushmail -- Hyperelliptic curve cryptography --
ID-based cryptography -- I. J. Good -- Illegal prime -- Index of coincidence -- Information security -- Information-theoretically secure -- Initialization vector -- Integer factorization -- International Association for Cryptologic Research -- International Data Encryption Algorithm -- Internet key exchange -- Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol -- Invisible ink -- IPsec -- Iraqi block cipher -- ISAAC (cipher) --
James Ellis -- Jefferson disk -- Jerzy Rozycki -- JN-25 -- Joan Daemen -- Johannes Trithemius -- John Tiltman -- Joseph Rochefort -- Joseph Mauborgne -- Josef Pieprzyk -- Journal of Cryptology --
Kasiski examination -- KASUMI -- KCDSA -- Kerberos (protocol) -- Kerckhoffs' law -- Key-agreement protocol -- Key authentication -- Key (cryptography) -- Key derivation function -- Key distribution center -- Key escrow -- Key exchange -- Key generation -- Key management -- Key schedule -- Key server -- Key signature -- Key signing party -- Key size -- Keyed-hash message authentication code -- KHAZAD -- Khufu and Khafre -- KL-7 -- Knapsack problem -- Known-plaintext attack -- KOV-14 -- Kryptos -- KW-26 -- KW-37 -- KY-57 --
Lars Knudsen -- Laurence Safford -- Le chiffre indéchiffrable -- Leo Marks -- Leonard Adleman -- Leone Battista Alberti -- LibTom Project -- Linear cryptanalysis -- Linear feedback shift register -- Link encryption -- List of cryptographers -- List of cryptographic key types -- List of cryptography topics -- List of famous ciphertexts -- LOKI -- LOKI97 -- Lorenz cypher -- Louis W. Tordella -- Lucifer (cipher) --
M-94 -- M-209 -- MacGuffin (cipher) -- Madryga -- MAGENTA -- Magic (cryptography) -- Malleability -- Man in the middle attack -- Marian Rejewski -- MARS -- Martin Hellman -- Max Newman -- McEliece -- MD2 -- MD4 -- MD5 -- MD5CRK -- Meet-in-the-middle attack -- Merkle-Hellman -- Merkle's Puzzles -- Message Authentication Code -- Message forgery -- Microdot -- MI8 -- MISTY1 -- Mitsuru Matsui -- MMB -- Mod n cryptanalysis --
National Security Agency -- National Cryptologic Museum -- Needham-Schroeder -- NESSIE -- NewDES -- New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau -- N-Hash -- Niels Ferguson -- NSA encryption systems -- NTLM -- NTRUEncrypt -- Null cipher -- Numbers station --
Oblivious transfer -- OMAC -- One-time pad -- One way function -- Online Certificate Status Protocol -- OpenPGP -- OpenSSH -- OpenSSL -- OTFE -- Otway-Rees --
Padding (cryptography) -- Paillier cryptosystem -- Passive attack -- Passphrase -- Password -- Password cracking -- Paul Kocher -- PC Bruno -- Perforated sheets -- Permutation cipher -- Peter Gutmann -- Phil Zimmermann -- Physical security -- Pike (cipher) -- Piling-up lemma -- PKCS -- Plaintext -- Playfair cipher -- PMAC -- Poem code -- Polyalphabetic cipher -- Polybius square -- Power analysis -- Pretty Good Privacy -- Preimage attack -- Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail -- Probabilistic encryption -- Product cipher -- Pseudonymity -- Pseudorandom number generator -- Public key certificate -- Public-key cryptography -- Public key infrastructure -- PURPLE --
Quadratic sieve -- Quantum computing -- Quantum cryptography --
Rabin cryptosystem -- Ralph Merkle -- Random oracle -- RC2 -- RC4 -- RC5 -- RC6 -- RED/BLACK concept -- Red Pike -- Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 -- Replay attack -- RIPEMD -- Robert Tappan Morris, Sr. -- Ron Rivest -- Room 40 -- Root certificate -- Ross Anderson -- ROT13 -- Rotor machine -- RSA -- RSA-100 -- RSA-110 -- RSA-120 -- RSA-129 -- RSA-130 -- RSA-140 -- RSA-150 -- RSA-155 -- RSA-160 -- RSA-170 -- RSA-180 -- RSA-190 -- RSA-200 -- RSA-210 -- RSA-220 -- RSA-230 -- RSA-232 -- RSA-240 -- RSA-250 -- RSA-260 -- RSA-270 -- RSA-280 -- RSA-290 -- RSA-300 -- RSA-309 -- RSA-310 -- RSA-320 -- RSA-330 -- RSA-340 -- RSA-350 -- RSA-360 -- RSA-370 -- RSA-380 -- RSA-390 -- RSA-400 -- RSA-410 -- RSA-420 -- RSA-430 -- RSA-440 -- RSA-450 -- RSA-460 -- RSA-470 -- RSA-480 -- RSA-490 -- RSA-500 -- RSA-576 -- RSA-617 -- RSA-640 -- RSA-704 -- RSA-768 -- RSA-896 -- RSA-1024 -- RSA-1536 -- RSA-2048 -- RSA Factoring Challenge -- RSA number -- RSA Security -- Rubber-hose cryptanalysis -- Running key cipher -- Russian copulation --
S-1 -- SAFER -- Salt (cryptography) -- SAVILLE -- Schnorr signature -- Scott Vanstone -- Scrambler -- Scytale -- SEAL (cipher) -- Secret sharing -- Secret decoder ring -- Secrets and Lies -- Secure channel -- Secure Communication based on Quantum Cryptography -- Secure copy -- Secure File Transfer Protocol -- Secure cryptoprocessor -- Secure key issuing cryptography -- Secure multiparty computation -- Secure shell -- Secure Terminal Equipment -- SecurID -- Security engineering -- Security protocol notation -- Security through obscurity -- SEED -- Self-certifying key -- Self-signed certificate -- Semantic security -- Serpent (cipher) -- Session key -- Sftp -- SHACAL -- SHA family -- Shafi Goldwasser -- SHARK -- Shrinking generator -- Shugborough House inscription -- Side channel attack -- SIGABA -- SIGINT -- SIGSALY -- Simple public key infrastructure -- Simple XOR Cipher -- Skipjack (cipher) -- S/KEY -- S/MIME -- Snake oil (cryptography) -- Snefru -- Snuffle -- Solomon Kullback -- Square (cipher) -- Ståle Schumacher Ytteborg -- Steganalysis -- Steganography -- Straddling checkerboard -- Stream cipher -- STU-III -- Stunnel -- Strict avalanche criterion -- Substitution box -- Substitution cipher -- Substitution-permutation network -- Superencryption -- Symmetric key algorithm -- SYSKEY --
Tabula recta -- Taher ElGamal -- Tamper resistance -- TEMPEST -- Template:Block_ciphers [[Talk:MediaWiki:Block_ciphers| ]] -- Template:Classical_cryptography [[Talk:MediaWiki:Classical_cryptography| ]] -- The Alphabet Cipher -- The Codebreakers -- The Code Book -- The Gold Bug -- The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage -- TICOM -- Tiger (hash) -- Timing attack -- Tiny Encryption Algorithm -- TKIP -- Tommy Flowers -- Topics in cryptography -- Torus based cryptography -- Traffic analysis -- Transport Layer Security -- Transposition cipher -- Trapdoor function -- Trench code -- Triple DES -- TrueCrypt -- Trusted third party -- TWINKLE -- TWIRL -- Twofish -- Type 1 encryption -- Type 2 encryption -- Type 3 encryption -- Type 4 encryption -- Typex --
Ultra -- Undeniable signature -- Unicity distance --
VENONA project -- VIC cipher -- Vigenère cipher -- Vincent Rijmen -- VINSON -- Visual cryptography -- Voynich Manuscript --
WAKE -- Weak key -- Web of trust -- Whitfield Diffie -- WHIRLPOOL -- Wide Mouth Frog -- Wi-Fi Protected Access -- Wikipedia:WikiProject Cryptography -- William F. Friedman -- Wired Equivalent Privacy -- World War II cryptography -- W. T. Tutte --
X.509 -- XSL attack -- XTEA --
Yarrow algorithm -- Yuliang Zheng --
Zero-knowledge proof -- Zeroise -- Zimmermann Telegram -- Zimmermann-Sassaman key-signing protocol --