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2006 Lebanon War

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2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
(Arab-Israeli conflict)
Part of the 2006 Middle East conflict
An IDF M109 self-propelled howitzer fires into Southern Lebanon.
Date12 July 2006 – present
Lebanon and northern Israel
Result Ongoing
File:Flag of Hezbollah.svg Hezbollah Israel Lebanon
note: AA only[1]
Commanders and leaders
Hassan Nasrallah (Secretary General) Dan Halutz (CoS)
Udi Adam (Regional)
Michel Sulaiman (CoS)
Casualties and losses
32 confirmed by Hezbollah[2]
Allied militants:
8 confirmed by Amal[3]
IDF claims 200+ killed[4]

18 killedCite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).
418 injured, 875 treated for shock[5]
Tens of thousands displaced[6]
33 killed[7] 95 wounded[7]

2 captured
398 killed[8]
1100 injured
800,000 displaced[9]
22 killed
63 wounded[citation needed]
(Lebanese government accounts)
Other casualties include 4 UNTSO observers killed by Israeli air raid[10]

Template:Campaignbox Arab-Israeli conflict

The 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict is a series of ongoing military actions and clashes in northern Israel and Lebanon between Hezbollah's armed wing and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). On 12 July 2006 Hezbollah initiated Operation Truthful Promise,[11] consisting of a cross-border raid resulting in the capture of two Israeli soldiers, including shelling into Israel.[12][13] Israel then responded with Operation Just Reward,[14] later renamed Operation Change of Direction.[15] Israel's strike has thus far encompassed bombing raids by the Israeli Air Force (IAF), an air and Israeli Sea Corps naval blockade of Lebanon (especially southern Lebanon and Beirut), a force of tanks and armored personnel carriers, and some small raids into southern Lebanon by IDF ground troops.[16] Meanwhile, Hezbollah has engaged in artillery rocket bombardment of Israel's northern cities and towns, including Haifa.[17]

The Lebanese government has disavowed Hezbollah's actions while urgently calling for international peacemakers to end the conflict by enforcing an immediate ceasefire.[18]

The attacks on civilian population centers and infrastructure by both sides in this conflict have sparked sharp criticism internationally.[19] [20]


Main articles: 2006 Middle East conflict and 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict

Hezbollah attack

At 9:05 AM local time (06:05 CET), on 12 July 2006, Hezbollah initiated a Katyusha rocket and mortar attack on Israeli military positions and villages of northern Israel as a diversionary tactic, injuring at least 8 Israelis[21]. Afterwards, a ground contingent of Hezbollah militants attacked two Israeli armored Humvees on a routine patrol along the Israel-Lebanon border near the Israeli village of Zar'it with anti-tank rockets, capturing two Israeli soldiers, and killing eight.[22] According to the Lebanese police force and Hezbollah, the Israeli soldiers were attacked and captured on the Lebanese side of the border on 12 July during a mission to infiltrate the Lebanese town of Ayta al-Sha`b,[23] although remains of the Humvees were found in Israel. [24]

The IDF confirmed the capture of the two Israeli soldiers on 13 July and identified them as Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, both reservists who were on their last day of operational duty.[25]

Hezbollah's attack was named after a "promise" by its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah to capture Israeli soldiers and swap them for Samir Kuntar and other Lebanese prisoners held by Israel.[26][27][28]

Israeli response

Amir Peretz
Israeli Minister of Defence.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Israel responded within 2 hours.

"[A] force of tanks and armored personnel carriers was immediately sent into Lebanon in hot pursuit. It was during this pursuit, at about 11:00 A.M. . . . [a] Merkava tank drove over a powerful bomb, containing an estimated 200 to 300 kilograms (440–660 Lb) of explosives, about 70 meters (230 ft) north of the border fence. The tank was almost completely destroyed, and all four crew members were killed instantly. Over the next several hours, IDF soldiers waged a fierce fight against Hezbollah gunmen . . . During the course of this battle, at about 3:00 P.M., another soldier was killed and two were lightly wounded." [29]

File:Lebanese Areas Targeted 7-15 to 7-21.png
Areas in Lebanon targeted by Israeli bombing, 15 July to 21 July 2006.

Hezbollah released a statement saying "Implementing our promise to free Arab prisoners in Israeli jails, our strugglers have captured two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon".[30] Later on, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah declared that "No military operation will return them… The prisoners will not be returned except through one way: indirect negotiations and a trade of prisoners."[31]

According to CNN:

The Israeli Cabinet authorized "severe and harsh" retaliation on Lebanon . . . Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told Israel's Channel 10, "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years."[32]

According to the Washington Post:

But retired Israeli army Col. Gal Luft, a former commander in the town of Ramallah, said, "Israel is attempting to create a rift between the Lebanese population and Hezbollah supporters by exacting a heavy price from the elite in Beirut. The message is: If you want your air conditioning to work and if you want to be able to fly to Paris for shopping, you must pull your head out of the sand and take action toward shutting down Hezbollah-land."[33]

Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert declared the attack by Hezbollah’s military wing an “act of war”, and promised Lebanon a “very painful and far-reaching response.”[34] Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz also said that “the State of Israel sees itself free to use all measures that it finds it needs, and the Israeli Forces have been given orders in that direction.”[35]

Israel said it held the Beirut government responsible for the attack, but Prime Minister Fuad Siniora denied any knowledge of the raid and stated that he did not condone it.[36] An emergency meeting of the Lebanese government reaffirmed this position.[37]

Early on 13 July 2006 Israel sent IDF jets to bomb Lebanon's international airport near Beirut, forcing its closure and diverting its arriving flights to Cyprus. Hezbollah then bombarded the Israeli towns of Nahariya and Safed, as well as villages nearby with rocket fire. The attacks killed two civilians and wounded 29 more.[38] Nahariya residents began leaving the city en masse in fear of further Katyusha attacks.[39] Israel is now imposing an air and sea blockade on Lebanon,[40][41] and has bombed the main BeirutDamascus highway.[42]

Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev claims the Hezbollah unit that captured the two soldiers is trying to transfer them to Iran.[43]

On 14 July, following Israeli bombing raids on Lebanon which result in killing 60 civilians [44] Nasrallah said, addressing Israel: "You wanted an open war, and we are heading for an open war. We are ready for it."[45] Also on 14 July, the US Congress was notified of a potential sale of $210 million worth of jet fuel to Israel. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency noted that the sale of the JP-8 fuel, should it be completed, will "enable Israel to maintain the operational capability of its aircraft inventory." and "The jet fuel will be consumed while the aircraft is in use to keep peace and security in the region."[46]

On Sunday evening Hezbollah militants attempted to infiltrate an Israel Defense Forces post on the Lebanese Border.[47]

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said that the ground operations would be limited.[48]

On 23 July 2006, Israeli land forces crossed into Lebanon in the Maroun al-Ras area, which overlooks several other sites said to have been used as launch pads for Hezbollah rockets.[49]

It was reported on 24 July that the United States was in the process of providing Israel with "bunker buster" bombs, which would allegedly be used to target the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrilla group and destroy its trenches.[50]

The EU has warned Israel about disproportionate attacks against Lebanon.[51][52][53] In addition spokespersons from the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization of Islamic Conference and an assortment of human rights organizations have condemned Israel for its ‘disproportionate’ response to Hezbollah’s attacks, although unprovoked by Israel.[54] However, speaking on Israeli army radio, Justice Minister Haim Ramon - a close confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert - said "everyone understands that a victory for Hezbollah is a victory for world terror". He said that in order to prevent casualties amongst Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops move in. "All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah," Mr Ramon said. [55] Mr Ramon's call for the use of greater firepower came as the Israeli cabinet was set to decide whether to broaden its military offensive.

Hezbollah rocket campaign

File:Nasrallah on al-Manar television.jpg
Nasrallah on al-Manar television.
Map showing some of the Israeli localities attacked by rockets fired from Lebanese soil as of Monday 24 July.

After the Israeli initial response, Hezbollah declared an all-out military alert, and said it had 13,000 rockets capable of hitting towns and installations far into northern Israel. As a result, Defense Minister Peretz told commanders to prepare civil defense plans and many of the nearly 1,000,000 civilians living in Northern Israel have been sent to bomb shelters or fled their homes to other parts of the country.[56][57][58] Hezbollah continued to fire hundreds of Katyusha rockets into northern Israel's towns and cities, including Nahariya, Safed, Hatzor HaGlilit, Rosh Pina, Kiryat Shmona, and Karmiel, and numerous small agricultural villages.[59][60][61][62]

Hezbollah attacks have penetrated as far south as Haifa, Israel's third largest city, as well as Atlit and the Jezreel Valley cities of Nazareth and Afula. Al-Manar has reported that the Hezbollah attack included a Fajr-3 and a Ra'ad 1 liquid-fuel missiles, developed by Iran.[63][64] One of the attacks hit a railroad repair depot, killing eight workers; Hezbollah claimed that this attack was aimed at a large Israeli fuel storage plant adjacent to the railway facility. Haifa is home to many strategically valuable facilities such as shipyards and oil refineries, and their targeting by Hezbollah is seen as an escalation.[65] [66]

CNN reported that many of the rockets that missed hitting cities or populated areas often caused wildfire (forest fire) inside Northern Israel.

Defence Minister Amir Peretz has declared martial law throughout northern Israel.[67]

So far, Israeli Magen David Adom emergency teams have been called to 505 rocket landing sites in which they have treated and evacuated 976 casualties (36 fatalities, 19 severely, 39 moderately and 278 lightly injured, and 604 anxiety attacks). [68]

On 25 July Nasrallah has announced the launch of the "second phase of our struggle" in which his long-range rockets would "go beyond Haifa," Israel's third-largest city. Israeli officials have been bracing for possible rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, which would mark a major escalation in the conflict.[8]

On 26 July 2006, 60 Iranian volunteers and Basijis set off to join in the holy war against Israel in Lebanon[69]. The 60 men prayed near Ayatollah Khomeini's mausoleum next to Hezbollah flags prior to departing. The Iranian government has said that it won't deploy regular military personnel.

Targeting of civilian areas

Attacks on civilian areas in Lebanon and Israel by combatants on both sides has been a major component in the conflict. Over 1/3 of the Israelis killed by Hezbollah were civilians, and the vast majority of the Lebanese killed by Israeli forces have been civilians[70].

UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland, while calling Israel's offensive "disproportionate" and "a violation of international humanitarian law", also accused Hezbollah of "cowardly blending" among Lebanese civilians and causing the deaths of hundreds during two weeks of cross-border conflict with Israel.

"Consistently, from the Hezbollah heartland, my message was that Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending ... among women and children," he said. "I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men."[71][72]

Salon journalist Mitch Prothero says that Hezbollah fighters, as opposed to political members and sympathizers, avoid civilians so as not to be betrayed by collaborators,[73] though others explain Hezbollah presence in civilian areas as being due to local support.[74]

Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, expressed "grave concern over the continued killing and maiming of civilians in Lebanon, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory." She suggested that the actions of Israel and Hezbollah may constitute war crimes. [75][76][77] Arbour called for Israel to obey a "principle of proportionality" and said, "indiscriminate shelling of cities constitutes a foreseeable and unacceptable targeting of civilians … Similarly, the bombardment of sites with alleged military significance, but resulting invariably in the killing of innocent civilians, is unjustifiable."

Amnesty International condemned both Israel and Hezbollah and called for UN intervention, stating: "The past few days has seen a horrendous escalation in attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure. Yet the G8 leaders have failed conspicuously to uphold their moral and legal obligation to address such blatant breaches of international humanitarian law, which in some cases have amounted to war crimes."[78]

One day after the call for a ceasefire by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on 20 July a UN-run observation post located near Zarit, Israel near the Lebanese border was hit by direct fire during fighting between Israel and the Hezbollah militia. The Israeli army claimed Hezbollah rockets hit the U.N. post; however, a U.N. officer said that the post "was hit by an Israeli artillery shell."[79]

By Israel

File:Tyre Mass Graves (PBS NewsHour).png
A mass grave of Lebanese, among them children (in the half-length coffins), killed in the Israeli attack on Tyre, 21 July 2006.
Southern suburbs of Beirut after heavy bombing by the Israeli Air Force

Strikes on Lebanon's civilian population and infrastructure include Beirut airport, ports, a lighthouse, grain silos,[80] bridges, roads, factories, medical and relief trucks,[81] mobile telephone and television stations,[82] fuel containers and service stations,[83] and the country's largest dairy farm Liban Lait.[84] UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland, called Israel's offensive "disproportionate" and "a violation of international humanitarian law." Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent, reported from Beirut, "It used to be that the Red Cross or the Red Crescent, or some sort of health care sign made you immune in some ways on a battlefield. Not so here. We're hearing stories, confirmed stories, now about ambulances actually being attacked. Hospitals actually being bombed, so much so, that they can no longer function."[85][86] The BBC reported that families evacuating the village of Marwahin in South Lebanon were struck on an open road by an Israeli missile attack; killing 17, many of them women and children.[87][88][89] Human Rights Watch called for an investigation into this incident.[90] There have been numerous reports of attacks on fleeing civilians; on 23 July 2006 three families fleeing Tyre at the command of the IDF were attacked by rockets fired from Israeli helicopters; all were prominently waving a white flag from their automobiles.[91][92] Human Rights Watch has also accused Israel of firing cluster munitions on the civilian area of Bilda. [93]

During Israeli bombing of Beirut, news cameras identified an object rising to the sky, exploding and then falling down to the ground. Hezbollah claimed that it was a downed IAF warplane, but Israel identified it as an Iranian built Zelzal-2 medium-range missile, capable of hitting Tel Aviv, that ignited after the lorry it was on was attacked.[94]

Israel has stated that "Hezbollah has a huge arsenal and has fired 1,000 missiles at us. We are acting in self-defence. We are targeting only military objectives, including transport facilities that Hezbollah can use, but you have to remember that Hezbollah often hides in civilian areas. We sent flyers and gave other warnings to civilians to leave before our attacks."[95] Vice Premier Shimon Peres said Israel has no intention to harm Lebanese civilians, but warned that civilians who live near Hezbollah weapon caches were in danger: "Because we know that some of their rocket caches, which are fired at Israel, are hidden in private apartments, I call on these residents to leave their homes. He who lives near a rocket is likely to get hurt."[96] Israeli Army radio reported that Israeli forces are under orders from army Chief of Staff Lt. General Dan Halutz to bomb ten multi-storey buildings in Dahaya (south Beirut) for every Hezbollah rocket fired at the Israeli port of Haifa.[97] [98].

The UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Jan Egeland, has said that one third of the dead are children,[99] and declared that the "horrific" levelling of "block after block" of buildings in Beirut "makes it a violation of humanitarian law."[100][101] By Egeland's estimates, in his address to the United Nations Security Council, more than 500,000 Lebanese have been rendered internal refugees in Lebanon, as they have fled from the ongoing bombardments from Israel, and there is a mounting humanitarian situation in the country. [102].

An IDF source said that in the fighting with Hezbollah in the Lebanese village of Bint Jbeil, aerial attacks have been ruled out in favor of ground troops for fear of harming the few hundred civilians thought to remain. Nine Israeli soldiers were killed in the operation. [103]

Claims of phosphorus incendiary bomb use

Lebanese President Émile Lahoud claimed Israeli forces have dropped "phosphorus incendiary bombs, which are a blatant violation of international laws ... against Lebanese civilians".[104][105][106] Information Minister Ghazi Aridi also said, "Israel is using internationally prohibited weapons against civilians".[107] Jawad Najem, a surgeon at a Tyre hospital, claims that he has treated patients with phosphorus burns. Other doctors in Southern Lebanon also suspect they are seeing phosphorus burns. The Israeli military says it is investigating the claims.[108]. Lebanese media reports that Israel had used phosphorus incendiary bombs and thermobaric/vacuum bombs, which could not be confirmed.[109]

Attacks on ambulances

File:Lebanese ambulance.jpg
Lebanese Ambulance in Qana

It was reported on 26 July that "at least 10 Lebanese ambulances bearing the emblem of the international red cross have [...] become targets in Israeli air strikes",[110] resulting in the death of more than a dozen patients and emergency workers.[111][112][113][114] Similarly, an ambulance struck by Israeli aircraft fire near Tyre was marked as belonging to the Shiite Amal militia, parts of whom have participated throughout the hostilities.[115][3] However, the United Nations has acknowledged that armed anti-Israel militias have in the past used neutrally marked ambulances in furtherance of military activities against Israel.[116]

According to CNN's Paula Zahn on 24 July, the Red Cross said that "an Israeli missile hit two clearly marked Red Cross ambulances that were parked inside the Lebanese town of Qana evacuating civilians—the wounded included a 60-year-old woman and 12-year-old boy who's now in a coma."[117]

By Hezbollah

Haifa train depot after Hezbollah rocket attack killed 8 people and injured 20.

Artillery rockets by Hezbollah were fired at civilian targets throughout the conflict, landing in all major cities of northern Israel including Haifa, Nazareth, Tiberias, Nahariya, Safed, Afula[118] Kiryat Shmona,Karmiel, and Maalot, and dozens of kibbutzim, moshavim, and Druze and Arab villages.[61][119] Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).[120][61][121] Rockets also landed and resulted in casualties in the Israeli Arab population, including a 15-year-old girl in the village of Mghar [9] and two young brothers in the mixed city of Nazareth[10].

Targets of rocket attacks included a post office [11] and two Israeli hospitals, according to the director general of the Israeli Ministry of Health, professor Avi Israeli.[86]

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has said that "In the beginning, we started to act calmly, we focused on Israel[i] military bases and we didn't attack any settlement, However, since the first day, the enemy attacked Lebanese towns and murdered civilians … Hezbollah militants had destroyed military bases, while the Israelis killed civilians and targeted Lebanon's infrastructure."[122]

However, Human Rights Watch stated on 18 July that "Hezbollah's attacks [on Haifa] were at best indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas, at worst the deliberate targeting of civilians. Either way, they were serious violations of international humanitarian law and probable war crimes." The reasoning was that "the warheads used suggest a desire to maximize harm to civilians. Some of the rockets launched against Haifa over the past two days contained hundreds of metal ball bearings that are of limited use against military targets but cause great harm to civilians and civilian property. The ball bearings lodge in the body and cause serious harm."[123]

A second problem is Hezbollah's apparent use of the Lebanese civilian population as "human shields." UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland, said that Hezbollah "must stop this cowardly blending ... among women and children. I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men."[124][125]

National Public Radio correspondent Ivan Watson reported that Hezbollah in southern Beirut were operating in civilian clothes and unmarked vehicles.[126] He also noted the control these members tried to assert on what the media could report, and the expulsion from Tyre of a journalist "who was apparently asking the wrong questions."[127]

Israeli military spokesman Capt. Eric Snider asserted that Israel's targets had direct military significance, because "A lot of the rockets are stored in people's homes in urban areas, fired from within villages and brought in from the Damascus-Beirut highway".[128] In addition, The Israeli Air Force informs Lebanese civilians of future operations by way of leaflet droppings. These leaflets indicate where and when it is unsafe to be in a particular area, giving civilian populations time to evacuate despite providing an early warning to the intended target, Hezbollah militants.[129] Also, general leaflets explaining Israel's desire not to bring harm to the Lebanese populace have been dropped, asking civilians to "Refrain from being located in places in relation to Hezbollah".[130][131] The IDF reports that Hezbollah militants are preventing or impeding the evacuation of civilians from southern Lebanon despite warnings by Israel to do so, thereby keeping civilians inside the military theatre and exposing them to danger.[132] New Republic reporter Annia Ciezadlo reported that Hezbollah kept Shia families in an abandoned underground parking garage in Haret Hreik, bringing them food and water, under the auspices of "keeping them safe from the enemy" but in actual fact preventing their evacuation from a combat zone. While the families were underground, under the impression that the garage somehow provided safety from bombs, Israeli UAVs searched above as armed Hezbollah went about their business just outside the parking garage.[133]

Use of wide dispersal pattern weapons

The Human Rights Watch said that "there is evidence that Israel has used cluster munitions in populated areas in Lebanon and that Hezbollah has launched rockets containing thousands of metal ball bearings towards Israeli towns and cities," and that neither should be used in or near civilian areas as a matter of international law.[134] "Meanwhile, the Israeli military has admitted it has been using cluster bombs."[135]

Attacks on United Nations personnel

The UN observation post that was destoyed by Israeli air strike. Courtesy of Finnish Defence Forces

The United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) was created by the United Nations, to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, restore the international peace and security, and help the Lebanese Government restore its effective authority in the area. During the current (as in past conflicts; see Qana shelling) the peacekeeping force has come under attack from both sides, but mainly from Israeli forces.[12] About 50 members of the unarmed UNTSO are being evacuated to lightly armed UNIFIL positions for security reasons.[136]

Shrapnel from tank shells fired by the IDF seriously wounded an Indian soldier on 16 July.[137]

On 24 July 2006, an unarmed UN military observer, attached to the Observer Group Lebanon (OGL), was seriously wounded while inside of the UN patrol base by small arms fire. Preliminary reports cite the gun fire from originating from the Hezbollah side of the conflict, the observer was evacuated to the Israeli side and taken to an IDF ambulance helicopter for transportation to a hospital in Haifa. The military observer is now in stable condition after being operated on.[138]

An Israeli tank shell hit a UNIFIL position south of Rmaich on Monday 24 July, wounding four Ghananian soldiers.[139]

On 25 July 2006, Hezbollah members opened small arms fire on a UNIFIL convoy. The two Armoured personnel carriers (APC) units were returned and suffered damage, however no casualties were reported. The attack took place between Kunin and Bint Jubayl and forced the convoys return to Kunin.[140]

The worst of these came on 25 July 2006, when four unarmed UNTSO peacekeepers from Austria, China, Finland and Canada were killed in an Israeli air strike on a UN observation post in southern Lebanon. According to the UN, the four had taken shelter in a bunker under the post. It had been shelled 14 times by Israeli artillery over a period of 6 hours, during which the post called an Israeli liasion officer ten times to call off the bombardement. Every time he promised to do so.[141] Secretary General Kofi Annan said in a statement from Rome that he was " ... shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces."[142] The site of the observation post was well known, and both sides in the conflict had the coordinates of the compound. In press releases by UNIFIL on July 26 and July 27 it is noted that Hezbollah had been firing from close to 4 UNIFIL positions in Alma ash Shab, Tibnin Brashit and At Tiri. [143][144] Ireland's Foreign Ministry said a senior Irish soldier working for the UN forces was in contact with the Israelis six times to warn them that their bombardment was endangering the lives of U.N. staff.[145][146] A representative of Human Rights Watch said in an interview with BBC News that they are investigating the incident as a possible war crime. Israel has refused to allow the United Nations in any role in the investigation of the incident. [147] Israel expressed dismay at the allegation and conveyed deep sorrow over the deaths.[142]

According to Democracy Now!, 'The killings of the four UN observers brought the UN death toll in the current crisis to six. . . . Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council failed to agree on a statement responding to the Israeli attack after the United States refused to accept language condemning: "any deliberate attack against U.N. personnel."'[148]

Retired Canadian Major General Lewis MacKenzie, referring to an email he had received a few days previously from the killed Canadian peacekeeper Major Paeta Hess-von Kruedener, stated that "...what he was telling us was Hezbollah fighters were all over his position and the IDF were (sic) targeting them and that's a favorite trick by people who don't have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can't be punished for it." [13][14][15]

Opinions on civilian attacks

Hezbollah has been condemned for its deliberate use of Lebanese civilians as “human shields,” acting specifically from heavily populated areas and blending with the civilian population. On the 23rd of July, 2006, upon a visit to Lebanon, U.N. Humanitarian Chief Jan Egeland criticized Hezbollah for this tactic, stating, “Consistently, from the Hezbollah heartland, my message was that Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending ... among women and children… I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men.”

In response to American support and Israel's military tactics, Kim Howells, British Foreign Office minister, said in an interview with CNN, "I hope that the Americans understand what's happening to Lebanon: the destruction of the infrastructure, the death of so many children, and so many people. These have not been surgical strikes, and it's very, very difficult I think to understand the kind of military tactics that have been used. You know if they're chasing Hezbollah, well go for Hezbollah. You don't go for the entire Lebanese nation, and that's the difference."[149]

Louise Arbour, the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights has warned that Israel may be breaking international law and committing war crimes if it does not do more to protect civilians. "Indiscriminate shelling of cities constitutes a foreseeable and unacceptable targeting of civilians... Similarly, the bombardment of sites with alleged military significance, but resulting invariably in the killing of innocent civilians, is unjustifiable", said Arbour.[150]

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described the war on Lebanon as part of "birth pangs of a new Middle East" and urged Israel to ignore calls for a ceasefire because it would be a "false promise if it simply returns us to the status quo."[151]

Historical background

Israeli-Lebanon conflict

The history of conflict between Israel and Lebanon began in 1947, when Lebanon's founding Prime Minister Riad as-Solh sparked the Arab League decision to enter the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and sent his army into Palestine. The army was defeated, and retreated back into Lebanon, where it signed an armistance that lasted until shortly after the 1967 Six Day War. [citation needed] After the war, and following the Black September in Jordan, over 110,000 Palestinian refugees migrated to Lebanon, making up over 400,000 refugees today. [152]. By 1975, they numbered more than 300,000, creating an informal state-within-a-state in South Lebanon. The PLO became a powerful force and played an important role in the Lebanese Civil War. In response to numerous attacks launched from southern Lebanon, Israel invaded in 1978 in an attempt to rout out Palestinian militants. As a result the United Nations passed UN Resolutions 425 and 426, which called for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces and an end to military action in Lebanon.[153] At the end of the operation, Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon, leaving behind a UNIFIL force. Israel invaded again four years later in 1982, forcing PLO forces out of Lebanon (mostly to Tunisia), and Israel occupied the southern part of the country. In 1985, Israel withdrew its forces from parts of Lebanon and remained in a 4–6 kilometre (2.5–3.75 mi) deep[154] strip of southern Lebanon named by Israel “The Security Zone”, which Israel cited as a protective measure to defend its Northern towns against Katyusha rockets. This occupation lasted until 2000. On 24 May2000 after the collapse of the South Lebanon Army and the rapid advance of Hezbollah forces, Israel withdrew its troops from southern Lebanon.

Since then, Hezbollah has repeatedly attacked Israeli military positions, whilst Israel has carried out numerous attacks aimed at striking Hezbollah bases (see: Hezbollah activities).[155]


Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shi’a Muslim Islamist organization formed in 1982 "primarily to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation."[156]. Hezbollah's political rhetoric has consistently called for the destruction of Israel.[156]

It has a military and civilian wing, the latter participating in the Lebanese parliament, currently with 18% of the seats (23 out of 128) and the bloc it forms with others, the "Resistance and Development Bloc", a little less than 30% for a total of 35 seats (see Lebanese general election, 2005). It is a minority partner in the current Cabinet.

Hezbollah's military wing is called Al-Muqawama Al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance"). Hezbollah has engaged in humanitarian aid to civilians in its sectors of control, such as running water stations during the current bombing. [157]

Previous prisoner exchanges

During an attack in October 2000 on Shebaa Farms Hezbollah captured three IDF soldiers who were killed either during the operation or in its immediate aftermath. Hezbollah sought to obtain the release of 14 Lebanese prisoners in exchange, together with Palestinian prisoners.[158] A prisoner swap was carried out on 29 January 2004: 30 Lebanese and Arab prisoners, the remains of 59 Lebanese militants and civilians, 400 Palestinian prisoners, and maps showing Israeli mines in South Lebanon were exchanged for an Israeli businessman and army reserve colonel Elchanan Tenenbaum captured in 2000 in a business trip, and the remains of the three IDF soldiers mentioned above.[159]



  • According to various media, between 350 and 600 people are reported dead. Additionally, there have been between 480 and 1100 people wounded, and over 800,000 have been made refugees, with an unknown number of missing civilians in the south. There is no one reportedly treated for shock. [160][161][162][163]
  • On 28 July Lebanese Health Minister Mohammad Khalifeh announced that hospitals in Lebanon had received 401 dead Lebanese people since 12 July. He also reportedly said: "On top of those victims, there are 150 to 200 bodies still under the rubble. We have not been able to pull them out because the areas they died in are still under fire".[164]
  • Hezbollah acknowledges 27 killed.[165][166] IDF Chief of Staff Lt. General Dan Halutz has claimed that close to 100 Hezbollah fighters have been killed at 22 July, in land fighting in South Lebanon.[167] However he provided no evidence for the claim.


File:Apache channel10.jpg
Crashed IAF Apache
  • 33 Israeli soldiers have been killed (including one pilot, killed in a collision between two helicopters, and two in another helicopter crash, also 4 sailors were killed after INS Hanit was hit), and 95 more wounded.[168][7]
  • 19 civilians have been killedCite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page)., while another 418 civilians were treated in hospitals, 19 of whom were seriously injured, and another 875 treated for shock.[5] Many civilians have left their homes in northern Israel and went south. Some Israeli cities and villages near the Israeli-Lebanese border have been deserted, such as Kiryat Shmona and Nahariya, from fear of rockets and mortar fire.
  • Over 1,200,000 Israeli civilians were evacuated to shelters and other safe locations in fear of Hezbollah's rocket attacks. Over 1600 have been fired by Hezbollah on Israel leaving over 600 buildings in damaged.

Foreign nationals

  • Seven Canadian members of a family from Montreal, including four children, were killed and six severely injured by an Israeli attack on Aitaroun in South Lebanon on 16 July. An eighth member of the family died later from injuries sustained in the blast.[169]
  • A family of four Brazilians, including two children, was killed in the Israeli bombings in Srifa,[170] drawing condemnation from foreign relations minister Celso Amorim.[171] Another Brazilian child was killed in an Israeli strike in Tallousa.[172]
  • Four members of a German-Lebanese family, including two minors, from Mönchengladbach, Germany were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Chehour in southern Lebanon while on vacation.[173][174]
  • The Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry has reported that two Kuwaiti nationals have been killed by Israeli bombing.[175]
  • One Sri Lankan was killed in an Israeli bombing.[168]
  • A Nigerian couple was killed by Israeli bombing.[citation needed]
  • One Iraqi was killed by Israeli bombing.[168]
  • One Jordanian was killed when Israeli missiles hit trucks near Zahleh in the mountains above the eastern Bekaa Valley.[168]
  • A Brazilian businessman was killed in an IAF missile attack on a factory he owned in Lebanon.[176]
  • A Palestinian was killed in an Israeli bombing that hit a Palestinian refugee camp at Rashidiyeh.
  • An Argentinean woman died 13 July in a Hezbollah rocket attack on Nahariya, Israel.[177]
  • A Nigerian domestic worker was killed during an airstrike as he rode his motorbike south of Tyre on 27 July.[178]
  • An Indian glass factory worker in Lebanon, Devendra Kumar Swain was killed on 21 July.[179]

United Nations

Position of Lebanon

While Israel holds the Lebanese government responsible for the Hezbollah attacks, Lebanon disavows the Hezbollah raids and states it does not condone them.[36] An emergency meeting of the Lebanese government reaffirmed this position.[37] Almost immediately after hostilities began, Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Siniora called for a ceasefire. On 14 July, following a phone call between Siniora and President Bush, the Prime Minister’s office issued the statement that “Prime Minister Siniora called on President Bush to exert all his efforts on Israel to stop its aggression on Lebanon, reach a comprehensive ceasefire and lift its blockade.”[181]

The next day, in a televised message to the Lebanese people, and afterwards in an interview with CNN, Siniora said “We call for an immediate ceasefire backed by the United Nations.”[182]

On 16 July, the Lebanese special envoy to the UN, Nouhad Mahmoud, claimed that the United States was obstructing the Security Council's attempt to broker a ceasefire.[183] In fact, "[t]he Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported the U.S. was the sole member of the 15-nation UN body to oppose any council action at all at this time."[184] Condoleezza Rice, speaking from St. Petersburg on 16 July, seemed to oppose an immediate cessation of violence, claiming that the ceasefire demanded by Siniora would be unworkable unless it addressed Hezbollah violence and the support it gets from Syria and Iran. She said the only way to deal with the problem is “to deal with the extremists, isolate the extremists, and put in place moderate democratic states”.[185]

Many Lebanese feel the international community is not doing enough to end the conflict and consider Israel's attack to be unjustly punishing a country that has hardly any control over Hezbollah. There is also anger at Hezbollah for provoking Israel into attacking Lebanon[186][187]. Due to a pro-American government coalition being in power in Lebanon since the assassination of Rafik Hariri, and the partial purging of Syrian influences over Lebanese society, many now feel betrayed by the reality of the American pro-Israeli response.[citation needed]

According to MSNBC, "Today, we sat down with Lebanon‘s prime minister. He said that in the last five days, Israel has set his country back 50 years."[188]

On 21 July Lebanese defense minister Elias Murr said that the Lebanese army would fight any ground invasion by Israel.[189]

Lebanon's social affairs minister said: she sees "monstrous and disproportionate retaliation" of the Israeli military against her country.[190]

On 26 July a poll released by the "Beirut Center for Research and Information" and it shows 87 percent of Lebanese support Hezbollah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hezbollah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hezbollah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis.[16]According to this poll, 70.1 percent of the Lebanese agreed with the capture of two Israeli soldiers on July 12. A full of 63.3 percent believed that Israel will fail to break down the Lebanese resistance. Some 56.9 percent opined that Israel and the United States cannot impose their conditions for cease-fire on the resistance movement Hezbollah and Lebanon while 89.5 percent said the U.S. cannot play the role of an impartial mediator in the Israel-Lebanon war and 85.6 percent believed the U.S. has not adopted a positive stance toward Lebanon in this war.[17]

Negotiations for ceasefire

On 14 July BBC News reported that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert would agree to a ceasefire if Hezbollah returned the two captured soldiers, stopped firing rockets at Israel, and if Lebanon implemented UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which calls for the group’s disarmament.[191] Two days later, it was reported that Israel would agree to a ceasefire under two conditions:

  1. The return of the two soldiers captured on 12 July and
  2. The Army/Government of Lebanon would have to ensure that Hezbollah would pull back to the Litani River.[192]

On Monday, 17 July Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the fighting in Lebanon would end when Hezbollah guerrillas freed two captured soldiers, rocket attacks on Israel stopped and the Lebanese army deployed along the border.[193]

But a spokesman for Hezbollah says it wants an unconditional ceasefire.[194]

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that a prisoner exchange was the only way to secure the release of the soldiers.[195] Hezbollah has demanded that Israel trade three Lebanese prisoners for the two captured Israeli soldiers but Israel has refused the offer.[196]

On Saturday 15 July the United Nations Security Council again rejected pleas from Lebanon that it call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported the U.S. was the sole member of the 15-nation UN body to oppose any council action at all at this time.[197]

On 19 July "The Bush administration has openly rejected calls for a ceasefire. The New York Times reports that U.S. and Israeli officials have agreed the bombings will continue for another week."[198] Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice rejected an immediate ceasefire and said one could only occur once certain conditions are met." John Bolton, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, rejected the call for a ceasefire: "The notion that you just declare a ceasefire and act as if that is going to solve the problem, I think is simplistic."[199]

On 26 July, foreign ministers from the United States, Europe and the Middle East meeting in Rome vowed "to work immediately to reach with the utmost urgency a ceasefire that puts an end to the current violence and hostilities," though the US maintained strong support for the Israeli campaign and the conference's results were reported to have fallen short of Arab and European leaders' expectations.[200]

One commentator suggested that it was time for the European Union to exercise its massive economic and political clout not only to bring about a cessation of violence but to revive the idea of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli settlement. Brussels-based journalist Khaled Diab believes that Europe possesses the kind of multilateral 'soft power' to make a tangible difference in the Middle East. What it lacks is the political will and unity to exercise it. But without proactive and constructive European involvement, conflicts in the region are likely to rage on.

"The European Union needs to realise that the Middle East with all its problems and challenges will not go away. Pragmatism should dictate that they need to take a deep, engaged and sustained involvement in its problems. Justice demands that Europe acknowledges and takes responsibility for the seeds it planted – both intentionally and accidentally – during colonial times that contributed quite significantly to the current sorry state of affairs," he writes.[201]

International reaction

Lebanese protest in Sydney

Diplomatic reaction

International reactions to the conflict for the most part have condemned both Hezbollah and Israel, with many nations expressing concern over a possible escalation of the conflict.[202] Some nations, including the United States,[203] United Kingdom, Germany, France and Canada, have asserted Israel's right to self-defense. The nations of the G8 blamed the upsurge in violence in the Middle East on "extremists" and accepted Israel's right to self-defense whilst exercising restraint.[204][205] On the other hand, a number of European countries criticize the Israeli offensive which they fear may lead to war, while middle eastern countries are split in their support; Iran, Syria and Yemen have given support to Lebanon and Hezbollah,[206] and the Arab League "condemns the Israeli aggression in Lebanon which contradicts all international law and regulations". However, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia also criticised Hezbollah for harming Arab interests and blame them for starting the conflict (while simultaneously criticizing Israel for what they view as an over-escalated response).[207]


Demonstrations against the Israeli bombings in Lebanon have been staged all over the world. In USA, demonstrations have also been held in support of Israel. Demonstrations specifically for Hezbollah have been staged in various countries including Pakistan,[208] Iraq,[209] Iran,[210] and Syria.[211]

Evacuation of foreign nationals

Various foreign governments have stepped in to assist in the evacuation [212] of their citizens from Lebanon. France and Italy have shipped 1,600 Europeans to Cyprus, and UK warships are set to move thousands of Britons. India has diverted four of their warships which were in the area under on a goodwill visit. The evacuation is being carried out by the Indian Navy under the code name Operation Sukoon, besides their own citizens, India is also evacuating the citizens of Sri Lanka and Nepal.

Up to 120,000 Lebanese nationals have fled to neighboring Syria. International airlines have sharply increased daily frequencies to Damascus International Airport in an effort to evacuate the additional passengers.

See also

News and Analysis

Frontline blogs

Israeli blogs

Lebanese blogs

Frontline photographs

Warning: the following links contain graphic wartime imagery.


  1. ^ "Lebanese Army Seen As Key to Mideast Peace". Associated Press. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ "Hezbollah's news website (latest updates)". Moqawama. 2006-07-24.
  3. ^ a b "Israeli troops suffer largest one-day loss". CNN. 2006-07-27.
  4. ^ "IDF: Some 200 Hezbollah men killed". Haaretz. 2006-07-28.
  5. ^ a b "Some 1,300 Israelis hurt since fighting began". Ynetnews. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. ^ Dazed Refugees Flood Beirut
  7. ^ a b c "13 IDF casualties reported in Bint Jbeil". YnetNews. 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help) Cite error: The named reference "KBCI2" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  8. ^ "Israel vows to avoid Hezbollah trap". CNN. 2006-07-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ [1]
  10. ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5217176.stm
  11. ^ "Escaping Lebanon". Porterville Recorde. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ Hezbollah Raid Boosts Group's Image
  13. ^ "It's war by any other name". 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Text "publisherAsia Times" ignored (help)
  14. ^ "Israel for rules change in south Lebanon". United Press International. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  15. ^ "Israel to Lebanon: No to ceasefire". Ynetnews.com. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  16. ^ "Lebanon-Israel Developments". Forbes. 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ "Rockets fired at Meron, Safed; no injuries". Ynet. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  18. ^ "Middle East Situation; Siniora Addresses Lebanese People (transcript)". CNN. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  19. ^ "Vatican condemns Israel for attacks on Lebanon". Reuters. July 14 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  20. ^ "World Leaders Press Syria to Stop Backing Hezbollah". Fox News. July 23 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  21. ^ "Hezbollah Captures Two Israeli Soldiers". NPR. 2006-07-12.
  22. ^ "8 soldiers killed, 2 snatched in Hezbollah border attacks". Haaretz. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  23. ^ "Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers". Yahoo News. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  24. ^ "IDF retrieves bodies of four tank soldiers killed in south Lebanon". Haaretz. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  25. ^ "Kidnapped soldier's kin: Stop the killing". CNN. 2006-07-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  26. ^ "Press Conference with Hasan Nasrallah". Al-Manar. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  27. ^ Hezbollah Raid Boosts Group's Image
  28. ^ "It's war by any other name". 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Text "publisherAsia Times" ignored (help)
  29. ^ [2]
  30. ^ "Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers". NewKerala Online Newspaper, India. 12 July 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |access= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  31. ^ Hizbullah leader calls for prisoner exchange
  32. ^ "Israel authorizes 'severe' response to abductions". CNN. 12 July 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  33. ^ [3]
  34. ^ "Regional tensions fuel Lebanon-Israel clashes". MSNBC. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  35. ^ "Tel Aviv: Lebanon govt held responsible for attack". United Press International.
  36. ^ a b "Statement by Prime Minister Fouad Siniora". Daily Star (Lebanon). 2006-06-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  37. ^ a b "Siniora's Cabinet makes clear it had nothing to do with 'what happened'". Daily Star (Lebanon). 2006-06-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  38. ^ "Woman killed in Hizbullah attack in Nahariya". Jerusalem Post. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  39. ^ "haaretz.com News Flash". Haaretz. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  40. ^ "Israel Imposing Blockade on Lebanon". Associated Press. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  41. ^ "Israel targets Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut suburb; IAF attacks Beirut airport, Hezbollah TV station". Haaretz. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  42. ^ "Bombing highways out of Beirut". BBC News. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  43. ^ "Hizbullah wants soldiers moved to Iran". Jerusalem Post. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  44. ^ Hezbollah leader vows 'open war'
  45. ^ "Israeli Attacks Increase; Hezbollah Vows 'Open War'". NPR. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  46. ^ Defense Security Cooperation Agency news release 14 July 2006, Transmittal No. 06-40, [4]
  47. ^ "Rockets fired at Meron, Safed; no injuries". Ynet. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  48. ^ "Halutz: Ground operations will be limited in scope". Haaretz. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  49. ^ "Israel 'seizes' Hezbollah village". BBC News. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  50. ^ Israel to get U.S. "bunker buster" bombs - report, Reuters, 24 July, 2006
  51. ^ Middle East: EU Rues Israel's 'Disproportionate Action'
  52. ^ EU concerned over Israel's 'disproportionate' force
  53. ^ European Parliament groups express 'alarm' over Israel war
  54. ^ Malignant Neglect
  55. ^ "World 'backs Lebanon offensive'". July 27, 2006. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |pub= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help)
  56. ^ "Israeli Couple Weds in Bomb Shelter". Associated Press. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  57. ^ "Israel battles militants on two fronts". Reuters. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  58. ^ "14 people remain hospitalized in Ziv hospital in Safed". Ynetnews. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  59. ^ "Safed: Man seriously injured in Katyusha attack". Ynet. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  60. ^ "Anxious northern Israel endures rocket fire". CNN. {{cite news}}: Text "date2006-07-14" ignored (help)
  61. ^ a b c "Katyusha rockets hit Galilee". Ynetnews. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  62. ^ "Northern Israel under attack; missile fired at Haifa". Ynetnews. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  63. ^ "Hezbollah rockets kill 9 in Israeli city". Associated Press. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  64. ^ "Hizbullah: One of the rockets is a Ra'ad 1". Ynet. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  65. ^ "2 wounded in Hezbollah strike on Haifa". The News-Sentinel. 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  66. ^ "Israel hammers at Lebanese infrastructure". The Associated Press. {{cite news}}: Text "2006-07-17" ignored (help)
  67. ^ "Martial law declared in the North". Jerusalem Post. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  68. ^ "Mada daily report". MDA spokesman. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  69. ^ "Iranian volunteers set off for Lebanon"26 July 2006
  70. ^ "US 'outrage' over Israeli claims". BBC News. 2006-07-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  71. ^ "UN humanitarian chief blasts Hizbullah". Jerusalem Post. 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  72. ^ "U.N. Exec Blames Hezbollah for Deaths". Forbes. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  73. ^ http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2006/07/28/hezbollah/
  74. ^ http://mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=540908
  75. ^ "UN warning on Mid-East war crimes". BBC. 2006-07-20. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  76. ^ "Toll Rises in Middle East". New York Times. 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  77. ^ "'Is this the price to pay?' Lebanese PM asks". CBC. 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  78. ^ "Amnesty International. "UN: Security Council must adopt urgent measures to protect civilians in Israel-Lebanon conflict". Amnesty.org.
  79. ^ "U.N. post hit in Israel-Hezbollah fighting". Associated Press. 2006-07-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  80. ^ "Howard says Lebanon evacuation possible by ferry". ABC. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  81. ^ "UAE aid truck bombed by Israel". Gulfnews. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  82. ^ "Israel hits Lebanon telecoms, plans more incursions". Reuters. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  83. ^ "By the numbers: heavy damage to infrastructure". FT.com. 2006-07-18. Retrieved 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  84. ^ "Mayhem in middle east: it gets worse". The Daily Mirror. 2006-07-20. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  85. ^ "CNN Live Saturday". CNN. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  86. ^ a b "House Call With Dr. Sanjay Gupta". CNN. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  87. ^ "Israeli aircraft attack central Beirut for first time in 4-day offensive". Macleans. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  88. ^ "'Their bodies litter the road'". BBC. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  89. ^ "Israeli Attacks Kill 13 Lebanese Civilians". All Headline News. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  90. ^ "Israel: Investigate Attack on Civilians in Lebanon". Human Rights News. 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  91. ^ "Morning Edition". NPR. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  92. ^ "To Flee or to Stay? Family Chooses Too Late and Pays Dearly". NPR. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  93. ^ "Israeli cluster munitions hit civilians in Lebanon". HRW. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  94. ^ "Israel Destroys Long-Range Iranian Missile". China Radio International. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  95. ^ Q&A: Mid-East war crimes?
  96. ^ "IPeretz: We'll break Hizbullah". ynetnews.com. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  97. ^ "'10 buildings for each rocket'". Aljazeera/AFP. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  98. ^ "Israel to Bomb 10 Residential Blocks for Each Rocket Attack Against Haifa". Focus News Agency. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  99. ^ Fighting inside Lebanese borderBBC News, Thursday, 20 July 2006
  100. ^ "UN appalled by Beirut devastation". BBC. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  101. ^ "Israel 'breaking humanitarian law'". Al-Jazeera. 2006-07-23. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  102. ^ "Israel to Let Food, Medicine Into Lebanon". The Guardian. 2006-07-21. Retrieved 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  103. ^ "9 IDF troops killed in day of fighting". Ynet. 2006-07-26. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  104. ^ "Lebanon under Israeli attack: Sunday Roundup". Daily Star (Lebanon). 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  105. ^ "Lebanon Accuses Israel of Using Internationally Prohibited Weapons Against Civilians". Naharnet. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  106. ^ "Updated report on the war in Lebanon — Day 8". Ya Libnan. 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  107. ^ "Israel uses banned weapons against Lebanese civilians". Al Jazeera. 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  108. ^ "Israel urged to shun cluster bomb". BBC. 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  109. ^ "Israel, Lebanon Wage War Of Words". CBS News. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  110. ^ Martin Chulov, Civilians killed as Israelis target ambulances, The Australian, 26 July, 2006
  111. ^ Six Lebanese Red Cross medics injured in strike, Reuters, 23 July, 2006
  112. ^ Red Cross ambulances destroyed in Israeli air strike on rescue mission, Guardian UK, 25 July, 2006
  113. ^ Where No One Is Safe, Time, 25 July, 2006
  114. ^ Megan Stack, Agonies anew for team on the side of the angels, The Age, 26 July, 2006
  115. ^ Ulrike Putz, Lebanese Victims: Please Don't Ask any more Questions, Der Spiegel, 25 July, 2006
  116. ^ United Nations, [5]
  117. ^ "Paula Zahn Now". CNN. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  118. ^ Major Attacks in Lebanon, Israel and the Gaza Strip, New York Times
  119. ^ "Safed: Man seriously injured in Katyusha attack". Ynet. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  120. ^ "Anxious northern Israel endures rocket fire". CNN. {{cite news}}: Text "date2006-07-14" ignored (help)
  121. ^ "Northern Israel under attack; missile fired at Haifa". Ynetnews. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  122. ^ "Hizbullah leader promises enemy 'more surprises'".
  123. ^ "Lebanon: Hezbollah Rocket Attacks on Haifa Designed to Kill Civilians". Human Rights Watch. 2006-07-18.
  124. ^ "UN humanitarian chief blasts Hizbullah". 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |pulisher= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help)
  125. ^ "U.N. Exec Blames Hezbollah for Deaths". Forbes. 2006-07-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  126. ^ "Violence May Aid Hezbollah in Lebanon". NPR. 2006-07-18.
  127. ^ "Hezbollah Fighters Hard to Spot in Battle Zone". NPR. 2006-07-27.
  128. ^ "Military analysts question Israeli bombing". Associated Press. 2006-07-20. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  129. ^ "With Israeli Use of Force, Debate Over Proportion". New York Times. 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  130. ^ "Israel Leaflets Warning to the Lebanese People".
  131. ^ "Hundred Thousand New warning leaflets dropped on downtown Beirut".
  132. ^ "IDF: Hizbullah preventing civilians from leaving villages in southern Lebanon". Ynetnews. 2006-07-18.
  133. ^ "Entombed". TNR. 2006-07-20.
  134. ^ "Questions and Answers on Hostilities Between Israel and Hezbollah". Human Rights Watch. 2006-07-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  135. ^ Headlines for July 28, 2006
  136. ^ "UN removes observers from border". The Jerusalem Post. 2006-07-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  137. ^ http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unifil/pr01.pdf UNIFIL Press Release, Naqoura, 17 July 2006
  138. ^ UNIFIL (2006-07-24). "United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Press Release 24, July 2006" (PDF). United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  139. ^ http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unifil/pr09.pdf UNIFIL Press Release, Naqoura, 25 July 2006
  140. ^ UNIFIL (2006-07-25). "United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Press Release 25, July 2006" (PDF). United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  141. ^ http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,428698,00.html
  142. ^ a b "Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea". BBC News. 2006-07-26. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  143. ^ UNIFIL (2006-07-26). "United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Press Release 26, July 2006" (PDF). United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  144. ^ UNIFIL (2006-07-27). "United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: Press Release 27, July 2006" (PDF). United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  145. ^ "Israel promises full probe into UN deaths". cbc.ca. 2006-07-26. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  146. ^ "Olmert orders investigation into deadly IAF strike on UN base". Haaretz.com. 2006-07-26. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  147. ^ Wadhams, Nick (2006-07-27). "Israel nixes major U.N. role in Lebanon". Yahoo News. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  148. ^ Headlines for July 27, 2006
  149. ^ "CNN International Live". CNN. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  150. ^ "UN warning on Mid-East war crimes". BBC News. 2006-07-20. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  151. ^ [6]
  152. ^ CIA Factbook
  153. ^ "Lebanon — UNIFIL Background". United Nations. 2005. Retrieved 2006-07-14.
  154. ^ Israel-Lebanon border, June 1982
  155. ^ "Israeli jets hit Lebanon targets". BBC News Online. 2004-01-20. Retrieved 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  156. ^ a b "Who are Hezbollah?". BBC News Online. 2002-04-04. Retrieved 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  157. ^ "Hezbollah's secret weapon". CNN. 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  158. ^ "Factfile: Hezbollah". Aljazeera. 2006-07-12. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  159. ^ "Israel, Hezbollah swap prisoners". CNN. 2004-01-29. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  160. ^ "Lebanon 'torn to shreds'". Al Jazeera. 2006-07-20. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  161. ^ "Lebanon shudders under deadly strikes as toll soars". AFP. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  162. ^ Dozens die in fresh Lebanon raids, BBC News Wednesday, 19 July 2006
  163. ^ "Crude Oil Rises From One-Week Low as Lebanon Conflict Continues". Bloomberg. 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  164. ^ "WRAPUP 14-Lebanon says up to 600 killed in Israel's assault". Reuters. 2006-07-27. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  165. ^ "Israel 'to control Lebanon strip'". BBC. 2006-07-25. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  166. ^ "Israeli Forces Gather at Border". Washington Post. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  167. ^ IAF strikes religious building in southern Lebanon, 4 wounded
  168. ^ a b c d "Mideast Casualties at a Glance". Associated Press. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  169. ^ "Eight Canadians killed in Lebanon: Ottawa". Reuters. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  171. ^ Template:Es icon "IBrasil consternado por ataque que mató a cuatro brasileños en el Líbano". La Tercera. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  172. ^ Template:Pt icon "Leia íntegra do Itamaraty sobre morte de criança brasileira no Líbano". Folha de S. Paulo. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  173. ^ Template:De icon "Deutsch-libanesische Familie umgekommen". Süddeutsche Zeitung. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  174. ^ Template:De icon "Urlauber getötet". n-tv.de. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  175. ^ "Israel targets Lebanese air bases, Kuwaiti nationals among dead and UN prepares envoy to Region". The Daily Star. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  176. ^ "Two more Brazilians killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon". People's Daily. 2006-07-19. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  179. ^ "First Indian casualty in Lebanon". The Tribune, Chandigarh, India. 2006-07-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  180. ^ [7]
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  182. ^ "Lebanese PM demands ceasefire". ABC News. 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  183. ^ Al Jazeera.net (2006-07-16). "Lebanon blames US for UN silence". Al Jazeera. Retrieved 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  184. ^ "Headlines for July 17, 2006". Democracy Now!. 17 July 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  185. ^ "Rice tells Israel US concerned about casualties". Reuters. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  186. ^ Al Jazeera. "Lebanese question world's silence". AlJazeera.net.
  187. ^ "Retaliation monstrous and disproportionate". Al Jazeera. 2006-07-22. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  188. ^ "'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for July 16". MSNBC. July 16, 2006.
  189. ^ "'Lebanese defense minister: Army will fight ground invasion'". Haaretz.
  190. ^ 'Retaliation monstrous and disproportionate'
  191. ^ "Israel hits Hezbollah leader's HQ". BBC News. 2006-07-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  192. ^ "Israel sends instructions to Lebanon through Italy". Jerusalem Post. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  193. ^ "Rockets Fired From Lebanon Rain Down on Israel". 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  194. ^ "Hezbollah wants an unconditional ceasefire". 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  195. ^ "Reserve IDF division called up in wake of attack; Nasrallah: Prisoner swap only way to free soldiers". Haaretz. 2006-07-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  196. ^ "In Israel, fury mixed with fears". USA Today. 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  197. ^ "Headlines for July 17, 2006". Democracy Now!.
  198. ^ "Headlines for July 19, 2006". Democracy Now!. 19 July 2006. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  199. ^ "Headlines for July 20, 2006". Democracy Now!.
  200. ^ "Rome talks yield no plan to end Lebanon fighting". Reuters. 2006-07-26. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  201. ^ "From complete failure to comprehensive solutions". Diabolic Digest.
  202. ^ Developments in Israel-Lebanon Crisis
  203. ^ Office of the Press Secretary (2006-07-13). "President Bush and German Chancellor Merkel Participate in Press Availability". The White House. Retrieved 2006-07-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  204. ^ "G8 says Israel has right to self-defence".
  205. ^ "G8 urges 'extremists' to stop Middle East attacks". ABC. 2006-07-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  206. ^ Arabs divided over Hezbollah's role in Lebanon crisis - Deutsche Presse-Agentur - 15 July 2006
  207. ^ Al Jazeera (2006-07-16). "World divided over Mideast conflict". Al Jazeera.net. Retrieved 2006-07-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  208. ^ Pakistani's burn Israeli, US flags
  209. ^ Israel widens its offensive on Lebanon
  210. ^ Middle East: War Has Only Just Begun, Iran's House Speaker Tells Anti-Israel Rally, AKI - Adnkronos international
  211. ^ Warren, Alex, Syria watches and waits, Aljazeera.Net, 17 July 2006. Accessed 26 July 2006.
  212. ^ "Lebanon evacuation gathers pace". BBC News. 2006-07-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)

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