List of cities in the United States with over 100,000 people
This is a list of cities in the United States with over 100,000 people as of 2000
New York City is the largest city in the country. It has 5 boroughs, each conterminous with a county. It is also the most densely populated city in North America.
See also
- Michael Bloomberg, Mayor
- September 11, 2001 attacks
- World Trade Center, destroyed in the attacks
- New York metropolitan area
External links
Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the 2nd in the entire country. It is larger than both New York City and Chicago in area.
See also
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Chicago, also called The Windy City or Chitown is the 3rd largest city in the United States.
See also
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Houston is the largest city in the state of Texas and the fourth-largest in the United States.
See also
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Philadelphia is the 5th largest city in the country.
See also
- Philadelphia County, the county that Philly is conterminous with
- Philadelphia Metropolitan Area
- John F. Street Mayor of Philadelphia
External links
- Official website
- Wikitravel travel guide
- Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Philly Parking Authority Wiki
Phoenix is the 6th largest city in the United States and the state capital of Arizona.
See also
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San Diego is the 7th largest city in the United States.
See also
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San Antonio is the 8th largest city in the United States.
See also
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Dallas is the 9th largest city in the United States.
See also
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Detroit is the 10th largest city in the United States.
See also
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San Jose is the 11th largest city in the United States.
See also
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Indianapolis is the 12th largest city in the United States and the capital of Indiana. The name is actually Indianacity, a judge merged Indiana and polis, city in Greek.
See also
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San Francisco is the 13th largest city in the United States.
See also
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Jacksonville is the 14th largest city in the U.S. and is consolidated with Duval County.
See also
External links
Columbus is the 15th largest city in the country and the state capital of Ohio.
See also
External links
Louisville, official long form: Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government, official short form: Lousiville Metro is the 16th largest city in the United States.