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Style Change

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Style change is a fictional gameplay element in the video game series Megaman Battle Network. It replaced a generic elemental armor used in the first Mega Man Battle Network and MegaMan Network Transmission. It bestowed the player with variable system attributed to their playing styles. Gained as a minor part of the plot, the Style Change allows the player to deal with enemies much more effectively than with MegaMan.EXE's initial form. It was replaced by the Soul Unison system in MegaMan Battle Network 4.


The Style Change is a downloadable program used by MegaMan.EXE appearing in MegaMan Battle Network 2 and appearing in MegaMan Battle Network 3. It allows MegaMan.EXE to change his battle abilities based on his performance in battle, or his "style", hence the name. Styles are gained after the player fulfills the conditions of a particular style after 100 battles, and are accompanied with an elemental strength and weakness. In MegaMan Battle Network 2, the player was allowed to sustain 2 styles at a time, and could switch between them at will. In MegaMan Battle Network 3, the player could only keep one, but could earn useful programs after leveling the style up, allowing style abilities to be mixed and matched between one another. This new concept of the Style change was utilized in a program named a "Navi Customizer", a square-like grid that restricted larger, more complex programs, and required the player to choose program enhances carefully.



  • Transforms the MegaBuster into a powerful ChainGun and doubles attack rate.
  • Gained by deleting enemies with Buster.

|File:Normal HeatGuts.jpg |- |Custom Style |

  • A greater selection of BattleChips become available during NetBattles.
  • Gained by using BattleChips.

|File:Style custom.jpg |- |Shield Style |

  • MegaMan can reflect or negate enemy attacks with a shield.
  • Gained by using protective and recovery BattleChips.

|File:Style shield-thumb.jpg |- |Shadow Style |

  • Megaman gains the ability to turn invisible as well as use other defensive programs like ANTIDAMAGE.
  • Gained by using chips that prevent damage such as invisibility, shadow, etc. (Only available in Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue)

|File:Normal 6~1.jpg |- |Ground Style |

  • Gains the ability to break panels with a charged buster as well as gaining programs that alter the field of battle to the player's advantage. (Only available in Megaman Battle Network 3 White)
  • Gained by using field chips that change the terrain (such as magma, sand, ice. etc.)

|File:Style ground-thumb.jpg |- |Bug Style |

  • Randomly gives Megaman advantageous or disadvantaged abilities at the start of each battle such as a maxed out buster, a protective shield, or the loss of HP at various speeds, among others.
  • Gained by incorectly formatting Megaman with programs; ie. getting syntax errors, therefore bugging up Megaman's programming code

|File:Normal 4~1.jpg.jpg |- |Saito (Hub) Style |

  • MegaMan's buster becomes much more powerful, but his HP and rate of fire decreases.
  • In the manga, this is what happens when MegaMan and Lan's brainwaves totally fuse together. It is very difficult to control, and almost costs each of their lives, as well as ProtoMan's.

|File:Style hub-thumb.jpg |- |Muramasa Style (Protoman) |

  • This style is only available to Protoman in the manga Megaman NT warrior.
  • In this style Protoman can use a sword called Muramasa, which was given to Protoman by Serenade, the lord of the Undernet to fight the DarkPower.

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