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Libertarian Party (United States)

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The Libertarian Party is a United States political party created in 1971. It claims to be the largest third party in the United States (see below), though it lacks elected officials above the county and municipal level. Republican Congressman Ron Paul is also a member of the Libertarian Party and is considered the leading libertarian voice in the US Congress.

The stated platform of the Libertarian Party holds some positions that are considered on the far left and others that are considered on the far right. Unlike traditional "left" parties, Libertarians favor minimally regulated, laissez-faire markets; unlike traditional "right" parties, Libertarians favor social freedom including legalization of drugs and strong civil liberties.


Key tenets of the Libertarian Party platform include the following:

Libertarians claim that their platform follows from the ultimate value of individual liberty. In their "Statement of Principles," they say "We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose." To this end, Libertarians want to reduce the size of government (eliminating many of its current functions entirely), and cut taxes.

Many Americans view politics on a spectrum between left and right, with the Democrats representing the center-left, and Republicans representing the center-right. Libertarians reject this description of political positions; instead, Libertarians refer people to the Nolan chart to communicate their perception of the political spectrum.

Many political commentators cannot seem to agree on how to classify the Libertarian Party. Prominent conservative Ann Coulter has accused the Libertarians of being a single-issue party because she disagrees with them on the Drug War, while others accuse Libertarians of focusing predominantly on issues of market regulation.

Within the larger framework of libertarian politics, the Libertarian Party's platform falls roughly in the realm of free market minarchism. The party advocates limiting the government as much as possible, within the framework of the United States Constitution. As in any political party, there is some internal disagreement about the platform, and not all the party's supporters advocate its complete or immediate implementation, but most think that the USA would benefit from most of the Libertarian Party's proposed changes. However, a few Libertarians are actually anarcho-capitalists who view minarchy as a first step towards the abolition of government.


Libertarian Presidential Tickets

1972: John Hospers and Theodora Nathan
    2,691 popular votes (0.003%); 1 electoral vote;
1976: Roger MacBride and David Bergland
    173,011 popular votes (0.21%)
1980: Ed Clark and David Koch
    921,299 popular votes (1.1%)
1984: David Bergland and James Lewis
    228,705 popular votes (0.25%)
1988: Ron Paul and Andre Marrou
    432,179 popular votes (0.47%)
1992: Andre Marrou and Nancy Lord
    291,627 popular votes (0.28%)
1996: Harry Browne and Jo Jorgensen
    485,798 popular votes (0.50%)
2000: Harry Browne and Art Olivier
    384,431 popular votes (0.36%)
2004: Michael Badnarik and Richard Campagna

The Libertarian Party was formed in the home of David Nolan on 11 December 1971, after several months of debate among members of the Committee to Form a Libertarian Party. This group included John Hospers, Edward Crane, Manual Klausner, Murray Rothbard, R.A. Childs, Theodora Nathan, and Jim Dean. Prompted in part by price controls implemented by President Richard Nixon, the Libertarian Party viewed the dominant Republican and Democratic parties as having diverged from what they viewed as the libertarian principles of the American founding fathers towards more authoritarian political positions.

By the 1972 presidential election, the party had grown to over 80 members and had attained ballot access in two states. Their presidential ticket, John Hospers and Theodora Nathan, earned fewer than 3,000 votes, but received the first and only electoral college vote for a Libertarian ticket, from Roger MacBride of Virginia, who was pledged to Richard Nixon. His was the first vote ever cast for a woman, in the united States Electoral College. MacBride became the party's presidential nominee in the 1976 presidential election.

In the 1980 presidential contest, the Libertarian Party gained ballot access in every state, the first party to accomplish this since the Socialist Party in 1916. The ticket of Ed Clark and David H. Koch spent several million dollars on this campaign and earned over one percent of the popular vote, the most successful Libertarian presidential campaign to date.

In 1983, the party was divided by internal disputes; former party leaders Edward Crane and David Koch left the party, taking a great deal of support with them. In 1984, the party's presidential nominee, David Bergland, only obtained ballot access in 40 states and earned only one-quarter of one percent of the popular vote.

A new strategy brought former Republican Congressman Ron Paul to the LP's presidential ticket in 1988; that year, the party regained ballot access in all 50 states. Andre Marrou, a Libertarian elected to the Alaska state legislature and Ron Paul's running mate in 1988, led the 1992 ticket. Investment adviser Harry Browne headed the 1996 and 2000 tickets; in all of these cases, the party's presidential nominee drew in between one third and one half of one percent of the popular vote.

The 2004 election cycle saw the Libertarian Party's closest presidential nomination race to date. Three candidates -- gun-rights activist and software engineer Michael Badnarik, talk radio host Gary Nolan, and Hollywood producer Aaron Russo -- all came within two percent of each other on the first two ballots at the 2004 national convention in Atlanta. Badnarik was chosen as the party's presidential nominee on the third ballot after Nolan was eliminated, a comeback many saw as surprising, as Badnarik had not been viewed as a frontrunner for the nomination — the majority of delegates were won over during the convention itself, due to Badnarik's perceived strength in the debates compared to Russo and Nolan.

As of 2004, the Libertarian Party's national chair is Michael Dixon and its national director is Joe Seehusen.

Relationship to Major Parties

The Libertarian Party has substantial points of disagreement with both the Democratic and the Republican parties. However, the party has historically had more influence on and closer ties with the Republican Party. For example, former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich claimed to be influenced by Libertarian principles, and was praised by many Libertarians for attempting to shrink government. Analysts within the American right have used the language and social critiques of Libertarians with regard to market deregulation (for example, the frequent citing of studies by the Cato Institute).

Libertarian candidates have even occasionally thrown their support behind Republican contenders. In a 2002 South Dakota election for Senate, for example, Libertarian candidate Kurt Evans suspended his campaign a week before Election Day and urged voters to support Republican candidate John R. Thune. The Libertarian Party supported Republican efforts to impeach Bill Clinton, although for different reasons (citing several actions they deemed to be unconstitutional). In 1992, after incumbent Georgia Senator Wyche Fowler won a plurality but failed to achieve 50% and was forced into a runoff, the Libertarian candidate publicly threw his support to Paul D. Coverdale, who then won the election.

On the other hand, the Libertarian Party has also worked towards defeating some prominent Republicans, such as Bob Barr and George W. Bush. It opposes the Republican Party on some issues of civil liberties: for example, the Libertarian Party has sharply attacked the USA PATRIOT Act for its perceived infringements of civil rights. The party has also made the repeal of drug prohibition laws one of its highest priorities, a position that puts them at odds with the Republican Party.

Political position of the Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party claims to be the third largest party in the United States. Libertarians point to successes, such as:

  • The Libertarian Party is the only third party organized in all fifty states.
  • In the 2004 elections, there are 377 Libertarian candidates for state legislative seats, compared with 108 Constitution Party candidates, 94 Green Party candidates, and 11 Reform Party candidates.
  • In the 2002 elections, Libertarian candidates for state House of Representatives received more than a million votes -- more than twice the votes received by all other minor parties combined.
  • In the 2000 elections, the party ran about 1,430 candidates at the local, state, and federal level. More than 1,600 Libertarians ran for office in the 2002 mid-term election. Both numbers are more candidates than all other third parties combined ran in these elections.
  • Following the 2002 elections, more than 300 Libertarians hold elected state and local offices. In the past, Libertarians have been elected to the legislatures of at least three states.
  • In 2000, 256 candidates ran for seats in the House of Representatives. In 2002, 219 candidates ran for House seats. These are the only two times in over 80 years that any third party has contested a majority of House seats.
  • In 2000, Libertarian candidates for U.S. House won 1.73 million votes. This count is more than any other third party in U.S. history by raw vote totals, although not by proportion of the electorate.
  • In 2000, Massachusetts U.S. Senate candidate Carla Howell won a record 11.9% of the vote. Then in 2002, Michael Cloud won 19% of the vote for the other Massachusetts seat in the U.S. Senate. (In the latter case, the Republican candidate failed to meet ballot access requirements.) Such success has not been met by any other third party as of 2004.
  • In 2002, Ed Thompson won 11% of the vote for governor of Wisconsin despite being excluded from the debates. As a result, one of the eight members of the Wisconsin Election Board is a Libertarian. No other third party holds a seat on the Election Board of any state.
  • The Libertarian Party has run in all 50 states in four elections: 1980, 1992, 1996, and 2000. No other third party in U.S. history has managed to run a presidential candidate in all 50 states more than once. 50 state ballot access is so difficult that only the Democrats, Libertarians, and Republicans are even attempting it in 2004. As of early September 2004, the Libertarians have won ballot access for their presidential candidate in 48 states and the District of Columbia, more than any other third party, although their failure to win ballot access in New Hampshire means they will not win ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2004. [1]
  • Libertarian candidates have finished third in a presidential election twice, in 1984 and 1988. No other current third party has ever finished third in a presidential election more than once.
  • In Washington State the Libertarian Party is considered a major party.

Evidence opposing the view that the Libertarian Party is the third largest include:

  • As of October 2002, the Libertarians ranked fifth in voter registration nationally. The Constitution Party ranked third with 317,926 registrants, next to the Greens' 274,740 and the Libertarians' 208,456. However, according to Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News, of the 299,231 California voters affiliated with the Constitution Party, who are actually registrants of California's American Independent Party, nearly all registered in the belief that they were registering as independents i.e. not associating with any political party. Also, excluding New York (where Libertarians are not counted) and California (where the American Independent Party skews the results), Libertarians rank third in voter registration. The Libertarians ranked third in eleven states, the Greens ranked third in eight states, the Constitution Party ranked third in two states, Reform ranked third in one state, and Natural Law didn't rank third anywhere. (The total is twenty-two because most states don't allow voters to register with third parties.)
  • Low performance for its presidential candidates relative to more successful third party candidates such as Ralph Nader and Ross Perot.

Members of third parties often complain that the U.S. electoral system is biased against third parties by first-past-the-post voting and, in many states, by onerous ballot access laws. Despite their difficulties winning elections to high offices, however, Libertarians have been credited with helping to defeat both Democrat and Republican candidates, a charge they do not dispute. For example, Libertarian U.S. Senate candidates polled past the margin of victory in Georgia (1992, 3 times the margin), Nevada (1998, 21 times the margin), Washington (2000, 29 times the margin), and South Dakota (2002, 6 times the margin), respectively. In these elections, one Democrat (in Georgia) and three Republicans (in the other states) were defeated. Critics contend, however, that to credit the Libertarians with this outcome, one must believe that Libertarian voters would probably have turned the election over to the loser, rather than staying home or increasing the margin of victory. Since Libertarians are drawn from both the left and the right and many would never vote for a Republican or a Democrat, it is difficult to be sure how an election would have proceeded without a Libertarian candidate. In fact, a Libertarian Party press release of January 2003 admitted that "in the past, the LP's use of the 'spoiler effect' has been essentially random, and often unintentional", and that only in 2002 did they make a concerted effort to play "spoiler" in elections. This led to the defeat of the Libertarian Party's number one target: Republican Bob Barr.

During the 2004 U.S. presidential election, some commentators have speculated that the Libertarian presidential ticket could draw a significant number of disaffected Republicans and thus "swing" several key states, most notably in the southwest, for the Democrats. No national polls including Michael Badnarik has put him above 1.5%, though one poll puts him at 5% in Nevada and another at 3% at New Mexico. [2] A Rasmussen Group poll on October 26 2004 put Badnarik at 3% in Arizona. [3]

Prominent party members

See also: List of political parties in the United States


Libertarians as "spoilers"