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Dwarf (folklore)

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Dwarves are a humanoid race, much like humans, but generally live underground or on the sides of mountains strong communities. They are famed miners and smiths, though, like humans, specialize in any number of trades. Generally shorter than humans, they are, on average stockier and hairier, usually sporting a full beard. Dwarves are long lived, living at least four times the age of man, but are not prolific breeders having children rarely and spaced far apart. Dwarvish children are cherished by their parents, and are defended at all costs from their traditional enemies (Such as giants, goblins and orcs) Dwarves are famed smiths, creating some of the greatest and most powerful items of power in the distant past, for which their race was cursed (Some say) and now they have few or no mages within their ranks.Dwarves are implacable foes, with terrific endurance, strength and determination. They tend to use heavy armour, large axes, and rarely give up.