Generationism is the belief that a specific generation has inherent traits which may be labeled inferior or superior to the traits of another generation. The term is usually applied to claims of superiority in the expressed values, valuations, lifestyles and general beliefs of one generation compared to those of another, where objectively verifiable criteria substantiating the claim of superiority in themselves are lacking. Generationism is most commonly used as an accusation against the belief that the contemporary generation in itself is inherently superior to previous generations, for example when ancient peoples are pejoratively referred to as primitive, although an older generation's opposition to the values and lifestyles of a younger generation may also popularly be referred to as generationist.
Generationism as a recurring sociological phenomenon has been studied in detail by the Swedish philosophers Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist in their work "The Global Empire" (published in Swedish in 2003). Bard and Söderqvist regard generationism as a close but far less frequently analyzed relative to racism.