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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Applied arts and sciences

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Katefan0 (talk | contribs) at 06:39, 13 November 2004 (→‎Members of the U.S. House of Representatives). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Applied Arts and Sciences

Agriculture - Architecture - Communication - Education - Engineering - Family and consumer science - Government - Health science - Law - Library and information science - Politics - Public affairs - Software engineering - Standards - Technology - Transport - exact science - exact sciences

Food politics - Food technology - Farm co-op - Functional Food - Haugh unit -Integrated farming - Pesticide side effects - Processing food - SWEEP (Soil and Water Environmental Enhancement program) - TERON (Tillage erosion) - WEELS (Wind Erosion on European Light Soil) - Horton Overland Flow cold frame dust abatement tippage fee corn stover baggasse crax dried distiller's grain carageean

Equitable Building of New York City (already a page but currently just a redirect to Zoning) - Arena Chapel in Padua - Common room - Green and Green Architects (masters of the California Bungalow- Movie palace - particleboard - Antonio Sant'Elia, Futurism Architect - Steeple (instead of disambiguation pages to Steeple named towns) - St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral (in Brussels) - That Sri Song Hak - domestic architecture - Heinrich Tessenow -

Central Hights, Alabama - Michalovce - Oakland, Alabama - Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas - Rhodesville, Alabama - Water Mill, New York - Wright, Alabama -

Afghan Wireless Communication - Alternative media - Child Focus [1] - Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees - EBONE (former European backbone Internet network, now defunct) - Key Signing Party - line terminator (in the telecommunication networks) - Local telephone service - Long distance - Poldhu (Marconi's radio station) - RCMAC - Special service- Stratellite - Telecom Development Company Afghanistan - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan - XFP -


Ability grouping - BICS - CALP - Dual enrollment - Educational acceleration - German model - PRISM model - Rubric -

Famous Educators

Vartan Gregorian - Amanda Reed - Theodore Streleski

Schools and Organizations

Academy for Young Scholars [2] - Advanced Academy of Georgia [3] - Alaska Pacific University [4]- American Medical Student Association (AMSA) [5] - Baldwin-Wallace College - Bard High School Early College [6] - Boston University Academy [7] - Center for Talent Development [8] - Cleveland Institute of Music - David N. Myers College - Davidson Institute for Talent Development [9]- Early Entrance Program [10] - Early Honors Program [11] - Filton College - Fulbright Association [12] - Georgia Academy of Mathematics, Engineering and Science [13] - International Mentoring Network [14] - Indiana University Northwest - Ivy Tech State College - Lon Morris College - Meiji University - MentorshipART [15] - National Academy of Arts, Sciences and Engineering [16] - Northwest Missouri State University - Notre Dame College - Novosibirsk State University - Ohio Northern University - Resident Honors Program [17] - Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London - Texas Academy for Leadership in the Humanities [18] - The Clarkson School's Bridging Year [19] - The Early College at Guilford [20] - Transition School and Early Entrance Program [21] - University of Abertay, Dundee - University of St. Francis (Indiana) - Walsh University -


birdstrike simulator - Dynamic similitude - Euler-Bernoulli Beam Equation - Hydraulic Press - Principle of Virtual Work - Rotary Biological Contactors - stuck drill string (why do wells get stuck? what are the cost ramifications i.e. cost of downtime what can be done to prevent??) - Thermogravimetric Analysis - Auger - Sound trap

David Hager - Greg Thielmann - Oplan1000 - presidential finding - republican democracy - Surveyor General - Co-decision (this probably has something to do with the EU... maybe) -

Health Science

Antaphrodisiac - Cardiomelanosis (probably a redirect to melanosis) - Chest physiotherapy - human kinetics - Incarnation Children's Center[22][23] - Melanosis - Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center[24] - Noni Juice - Semantic Dyslexia - Walter E. Fernald School[25][26] - Wetlands Ecology[27] - Whey Allergy - pleomorphism - Project Daniel Ramp effect see Talk:Ramp effect Holder, Lennox, and Blose referred to this as the "pre-intervention ramp effect' (alchohol abuse/drug abuse reference)


Damage (disambiguation) - Jus gentium - Rationae loci - Jus Tam - Qui Tam (connection with private prosecution, how do countries deal with it?) - Right of reply - de in rem verso action/actio - Subrogation (HMO cost recovery) - Allodial title -

Notable court cases and litigants

Baker v. He - Crawford v. Washington - Eisner v Macomber - Festo v. Shoketsu - Lau v. Nichols - Lansing v. Smith (1829) 4 Wend. 9,20 - Menashe v. William Hill - Texas v. White - United Mine Workers vs. United States, 330 U.S. 258 - Yick Wo v. Hopkins


Budapest Treaty (on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure and Regulations) - Crown attorney (or crown prosecutor) - Interference proceedings (US patent law) - Markush claim - Means-plus-function claim - Product-by-process claim - Strasbourg Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law on Patents for Invention (1963) - Swiss-type claim -Bayh-Dole Act / Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act

Crime & Law Enforcement

American Academy of Forensic Sciences - Child Abuse & Neglect - Willie Francis - Law enforcement in the United States - McDonald's Monopoly scandal - Menendez brothers - Ohio highway sniper attacks - The Portland Seven [28] - Alma Preinkert - prison cell - serial sexual predator - Theodore Streleski -thug life (concept) - Locard's theory of transfer - de-policing - R.M. Qualtrough - Grievous bodily harm & Actual Bodily Harm - Liquor laws - Body cavity search

Library Sciences

ANSI Z39.50 [29] - library circulation desk

Morgellons - Duke's disease

Uncategorized, but mostly oncology

This is a big dump of mostly oncology-related terms that have not yet been associated with articles.

defecography 10-propargyl-10-deazaaminopterin - 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate - 13-cis retinoic acid - 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin - 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging - 2-methoxyestradiol - 2IT-BAD monoclonal antibody 170 - 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone - 3-AP - 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy - 3-dimensional radiation therapy - 4-demethoxydaunorubicin - 4-hydroxytamoxifen - 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide - 4-NQO - 5-FU - 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid - 506U78 - 5Q- syndrome - 6-hydroxymethylacylfulvene - 9-cis retinoic acid - 90Y-DOTA-biotin -

A33 monoclonal antibody - abarelix - ABCD rating - abdominoperineal resection - ABI-007 - abnormal - ABT-510 - ABT-751 - ABX-EGF - accelerated phase - acitretin - acoustic neurofibromatosis - acridine carboxamide - actinic keratosis - action study - Activase - activate - acustimulation - acute leukemia - acute nonlymphocytic leukemia - AD 32 - adenoid cystic cancer - adenopathy - adjunct agent - adjunctive therapy - adjuvant therapy - adrenocortical - Adriamycin - adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma - adverse effect - AE-941 - AEE788 - aerodigestive tract - aerosolize - AG-013736 - AG2037 - AG3340 - AG337 - agent study - agglutinin - aggressive - aggressive lymphoma - agnogenic myeloid metaplasia - agranulocyte - AJCC staging system - alanine aminopeptidase - alanosine - alemtuzumab - alendronate sodium - alkalinization - all-trans retinoic acid - Allergy desensitization - allogeneic - allogeneic bone marrow transplantation - allogeneic stem cell transplantation - allogenic - Allovectin-7 - aloe-emodin - Alteplase - alteration - altretamine - aluminum sulfate - ALVAC-CEA vaccine - amelanotic melanoma - amifostine - amikacin - aminocamptothecin - aminoglutethimide - aminoglycoside antibiotic - aminolevulinic acid - aminopterin - amonafide - ampulla - amsacrine - anagrelide - anakinra - anaplastic thyroid cancer - androgen ablation - androgen suppression - androgen-independent - anecdotal report - anetholtrithione - Angelica root - angiogenesis inhibitor - angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor - anhydrovinblastine - anidulafungin - annamycin - ansamycin - antaphrodisiac - anterior mediastinotomy - anterior mediastinum - anthracenedione - anthracycline - anti-CEA antibody - anti-idiotype vaccine - antiandrogen therapy - antiangiogenesis - antiangiogenic - antibody therapy - anticachexia - anticancer antibiotic - anticarcinogenic - antiestrogen - antifolate - antigen-presenting cell - antigen-presenting cell vaccine - antiglobulin test - antihormone therapy - antimetabolite - antimicrotubule agent - antimitotic agent - antineoplastic - antineoplastic antibiotic - antineoplaston - antiparasitic - antiretroviral therapy - antisense c-fos - antithymocyte globulin - antituberculosis - antitumor antibiotic - APC vaccine - APC8015 - aplidine - apocrine gland - apolizumab - arctigenin - arctiin - arginine butyrate - aromatase inhibitor - arsenic trioxide - arterial embolization - arteriogram - asparaginase - Aspergillus - atamestane - ataxia-telangiectasia - ataxic gait - atelectasis - athymic, nude mouse - ATLL - atrasentan - attenuated - atypical hyperplasia - atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor - augmerosen - autoclave-resistant factor - autologous bone marrow - autologous bone marrow transplantation - autologous lymphocyte - autologous stem cell transplantation - autologous tumor cell - Avastin - axillary - axillary dissection - axillary lymph node - axillary lymph node dissection - azacitidine - azoxymethane - AZQ -

B3 antigen - B43-PAP immunotoxin - B7-1 - Bacillus Calmette Guérin - bacterial toxin - barium solution - barium swallow - basal cell - basal cell nevus syndrome - batimastat - BAY 12-9566 - BAY 43-9006 - BAY 56-3722 - BAY 59-8862 - BB-10901 - BBBD - BBR 2778 - BBR 3464 - BCG solution - bcl-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide G3139 - BCX-1777 - beclomethasone - Bellini duct carcinoma - bendamustine - benign proliferative breast disease - benign prostatic hypertrophy - benzoylphenylurea - benzydamine - Beriplast P - beta alethine - beta carotene - beta hemolytic streptococcus group B - beta-endorphin - beta-glucan - beta-human chorionic gonadotropin - bevacizumab - bexarotene - Bexxar regimen - BG00001 - BI-RADS - Biafine cream - BIBX 1382 - bicalutamide - bidi - bilateral cancer - bilateral nephrectomy - bilateral prophylactic mastectomy - bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - biliary - binding agent - bioavailable - biochanin A - biochemical reactions - biological response modifier - Biomed 101 - biopsy specimen - biotherapy - Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome - bispecific antibody - bispecific monoclonal antibody - bizelesin - BL22 immunotoxin - black snakeroot - blast crisis - blast phase - blessed thistle - blinded study - blood chemistry study - blood thinner - blood-brain barrier disruption - BMS-182751 - BMS-184476 - BMS-188797 - BMS-214662 - BMS-247550 - BMS-275291 - BMS-354825 - bolus infusion - bone marrow ablation - bone marrow aspiration - bone marrow biopsy - bone marrow metastases - bone metastases - bone scan - bone-seeking radioisotope - boron neutron capture therapy - boronophenylalanine-fructose complex - bortezomib - BPH - BPU - brachial plexopathy - brain metastasis - brain stem glioma - brain stem tumor - BRCA2 - breakthrough pain - breast cancer in situ - breast density - breast duct endoscopy - Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System - breast self-exam - breast-conserving surgery - breast-sparing surgery - Brief Pain Inventory - brivudine - bronchoscope - brostallicin - broxuridine - bryostatin 1 - budesonide - bugbane - bugwort - Burkitt's leukemia - burr hole - buserelin - busulfan - buthionine sulfoximine -

C cell - c-erbB-2 - c-kit receptor - CA 19-9 assay - CA-125 test - calcification - calcitriol - caloric intake - Campath-1H - camptothecin - camptothecin analog - Cancer Information Service - cancer of unknown primary origin - Cancer.gov - Candidosis - CAP-1 - capecitabine - carbogen - carbon-11 acetate - carboplatin - carboxyamidotriazole - carboxypeptidase-G2 - carcinoembryonic antigen - carcinoembryonic antigen peptide-1 - carcinogenesis - carcinoid - carcinoid syndrome - carcinomatosis - carcinosarcoma - carcinosis - carcinostatic - cardin - cardiopulmonary - cardiotoxicity - carmustine - carzelesin - case report - case series - caspofungin acetate - catechol - cBR96-doxorubicin immunoconjugate - CC-1088 - CC-49 monoclonal antibody - CC-5013 - CC-8490 - CCI-779 - CD34 antigen - CD40-ligand - CEA assay - cefepime - cefixime - cell motility - cell respiration - cellular adhesion - cellular adoptive immunotherapy - central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor - central venous access catheter - CEP-2563 dihydrochloride - CEP-701 - cephalexin - ceramide - cerebellar hemangioblastoma - cerebellopontine - cerebrospinal fluid diversion - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - cetuximab - cevimeline - CGP 48664 - Chamberlain procedure - chemoembolization - chemoimmunotherapy - chemoprevention - chemoprevention studies - chemoprotective - chemoradiation - chemoradiotherapy - chemosensitivity - chemosensitivity assay - chemosensitizer - chemotherapeutic agent - chest wall - chest x-ray - chiasma - child-life worker - Chinese rhubarb - chlorambucil - chloroma - chloroquinoxaline sulfonamide - cholangiosarcoma - cholelith - cholestasis - chondrocyte - chondrosarcoma - chordoma - chorioallantoic membrane - choroid plexus tumor - CHPP - chronic granulocytic leukemia - chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis - chronic leukemia - chronic lymphoblastic leukemia - chronic myeloid leukemia - chronic myelomonocytic leukemia - chronic phase - chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia - CHS 828 - CI-1033 - CI-958 - CI-980 - CI-994 - cidofovir - cilengitide - cisplatin - citric acid/potassium-sodium citrate - cladribine - clear cell adenocarcinoma - clear cell carcinoma - clear cell sarcoma of the kidney - cleaved - clinical breast exam - clinical practice guidelines - clinical resistance - clinical series - clinical study - clodronate - clofarabine - CMML - cnicin - CNS metastasis - CNS prophylaxis - CNS sanctuary - CNS tumor - co-culture - coactivated T cell - cobalt 60 - Cockayne syndrome - COL-3 - cold nodule - colectomy - collagen disease - collagenase - collecting duct - coloanal anastomosis - coloanal pull-through - colon polyp - colonoscope - colony-stimulating factor - colorectal - colposcope - combination chemotherapy - combretastatin A4 phosphate - comedo carcinoma - comfort care - compassionate use trial - complete hysterectomy - complete metastasectomy - complete remission - complete response - compound nevus - compression bandage - computed tomographic colonography - computed tomography colography - concurrent therapy - conditioned stimulus - condylomata acuminata - cone biopsy - conization - consecutive case series - consolidation therapy - contiguous - contiguous lymphoma - continent reservoir - contingency management - continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion - continuous infusion - contralateral - control animal - controlled clinical trial - controlled study - conventional therapy - conventional treatment - cooperative group - cordectomy - cordycepin - core biopsy - Corynebacterium granulosum - coumestan - coumestrol - COX-2 inhibitor - CP-358,774 - CP-609,754 - CP-724,714 - CP4071 - CpG 7909 - CPT 11 - CQS - craniopharyngioma (copyvio) - craniotomy - cribriform - crisnatol mesylate - cruciferous vegetable - cryotherapy - CT-2103 - CT-2106 - CT-2584 - cultured cell - cultured cell line - cumulative dose - curettage - cutaneous breast cancer - cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - cyanogenic glucoside - cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor - cyclophosphamide - cyproheptadine - cystectomy - cystosarcoma phyllodes - cytochlor - cytopenia - cytotoxic chemotherapy -

D-20761 - da-huang - DACA - dacarbazine - dacliximab - dactinomycin - daidzein - dalteparin - danazol - darbepoetin alfa - dark-field microscope - Data Safety and Monitoring Committee - daunorubicin - DCIS - decitabine - decortication - deferoxamine - defibrotide - delayed-type hypersensitivity response - dendritic cell vaccine - denileukin diftitox - DepoFoam-encapsulated cytarabine - depsipeptide - dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - deslorelin - desmoid tumor - desmoplastic - desmoplastic melanoma - desmoplastic small round cell tumor - dexrazoxane - dextroamphetamine-amphetamine - dextromethorphan acetic acid - DFMO - DHA-paclitaxel - di-dgA-RFB4 monoclonal antibody - diagnostic mammogram - diagnostic procedure - diagnostic trial - diaziquone - DIEP flap - difluoromethylornithine - digital mammography - dihematoporphyrin ether - dilator - dimesna - dimethylxanthenone acetic acid - diphosphonate - disease progression - disease-free survival - disease-specific survival - disseminate - distal pancreatectomy - distant cancer - DJ-927 - docetaxel - dolasetron - dolastatin 10 - dose-dense chemotherapy - dose-dependent - dose-limiting - dose-rate - dosimetrist - double-blinded - double-contrast barium enema - doubling time - doxercalciferol - doxorubicin - DPPE - DRE - DTGM fusion protein - ductal carcinoma - ductal carcinoma in situ - ductal lavage - Dukes' classification - duodenitis - DX-52-1 - DX-8951f - dysesthesia - dyspepsia - dysplasia - dysplastic nevi - dysplastic nevus -

E7070 - E7389 - ecteinascidin 743 - ectocervical - edatrexate - edotecarin - edrecolomab - EF5 - efaproxiral - effector cell - eflornithine - EGb761 - EGFR - EKB-569 - electrodesiccation - electrolarynx - electroporation therapy - eligibility criteria - embolization - embryoma - embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - embryonal tumor - EMD 121974 - emitefur - emodin - encapsulated - enchondroma - endocervical curettage - endocrine cancer - endocrine pancreas cell - endocrine therapy - endometrial - endometrial biopsy - endometrial disorder - endometrial hyperplasia - endorectal ultrasound - endoscopic ultrasound - endostatin - endothelin receptor antagonist - endothelin-1 protein receptor antagonist - eniluracil - enoxaparin - enterostomal therapist - enucleation - enveloped virus - environmental tobacco smoke - EP-2101 - ependymal tumor - epidermal growth factor receptor - epidermoid carcinoma - epidural block - epigastric - epipodophyllotoxin - epirubicin - epithelial - epithelial carcinoma - epithelial ovarian cancer - EPO906 - epoetin alfa - epoetin beta - epothilone - epothilone B - epothilone D - epratuzumab - EPT - ER- - ERA-923 - erb-38 immunotoxin - ErbB1 - erlotinib - ERUS - erythrodysplasia - erythroid dysplasia - erythroleukemia - erythroleukoplakia - erythroplakia - esophagectomy - esophagitis - esophagoscopy - esophagram - essential thrombocythemia - estramustine - estrogen receptor - estrogen receptor negative - estrogen receptor positive - estrogen receptor test - estrogen replacement therapy - etanidazole - ethynyluracil - etidronate - etoposide - etoposide phosphate - evaluable disease - evaluable patients - Ewing's family of tumors - Ewing's sarcoma - exatecan mesylate - excisional biopsy - exemestane - exisulind - exocrine pancreas cell - expanded access trial - experimental - extensive-stage small cell lung cancer - external radiation - external-beam radiation - extrahepatic - extrapleural pneumonectomy -

false-negative test result - false-positive test result - familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome - familial cancer - familial dysplastic nevi - familial polyposis - FAMMM syndrome - Fanconi's anemia - Fanconi's syndrome - fatty-replaced breast tissue - fazarabine - fenretinide - fibrin sealant - fibroid - fibromatosis - fibrosarcoma - fibrous - fifth cranial nerve - filgrastim-SD/01 - finasteride - fine-needle aspiration - first-line therapy - FK463 - flavopiridol - floxuridine - flt3L - flucytosine - fludarabine - fludeoxyglucose F 18 - fluoropyrimidine - fluorouracil - flutamide - FOBT - focal - folate antagonist - FOLFOX - follicular large cell lymphoma - follicular mixed cell lymphoma - follicular thyroid cancer - follow-up - FR901228 - freeze-dried - fulguration - fulvestrant - fundus - fungating lesion -

Gail model - gallium nitrate - gallium scan - gamma irradiation - gamma knife - ganciclovir - ganglioside - garden heliotrope - garden valerian - gastric atrophy - gastrinoma - gastroesophageal junction - gastroscope - gastroscopy - geldanamycin analog - GEM 231 - gemcitabine - gemtuzumab ozogamicin - gene deletion - gene expression profiling - gene transfer - gene-modified - genetic analysis - genetic markers - genetic susceptibility - genistein - germ cell tumor - germ-free - German Commission E - germinoma - Gerota's capsule - Gerota's fascia - gestational trophoblastic disease - gestational trophoblastic neoplasia - gestational trophoblastic tumor - GI14721 - giant cell fibroblastoma - gimatecan - Gleason score - Gliadel Wafer - glial tumor - glioblastoma - gliosarcoma - glossectomy - glufosfamide - glutathione S-transferase - glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase inhibitor - glycopeptide - glycoprotein 100 - GM2-KLH vaccine - GnRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist - Gonzalez regimen - Gorlin syndrome - goserelin - gp100 - gp209-2M - GPX-100 - grade IV astrocytoma - graft-versus-tumor - granulocyte colony-stimulating factor - granulocytic sarcoma - granulosa cell tumor - gray elm - green tea extract - GTI-2040 - GVHD - GW572016 - GW786034 - gynecologic - gynecologic cancer - gynecologic oncologist -

halofuginone hydrobromide - Halsted radical mastectomy - hamartoma - hand-foot syndrome - happy major - hawthorn fruit - Hedyotis diffusa - helical computed tomography - hemagglutinin-neuraminidase - hemangiopericytoma - hematogenous - hematologic malignancy - hematologist - hematopoietic growth factor - hematopoietic tissue - hematoporphyrin derivative - hemilaryngectomy - hepatectomy - hepatic arterial infusion - hepatic portal vein - hepatic veno-occlusive disease - hepatoblastoma - hepatomegaly - HER1 - HER2/neu - HER2/neu gene - herba scutellaria barbatae - hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome - hereditary mutation - hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer - heterogenic - heterogenous - hexyl 5-aminolevulinate - high grade - high-dose chemotherapy - high-dose-rate remote brachytherapy - high-dose-rate remote radiation therapy - high-energy photon therapy - high-grade lymphoma - high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion - high-risk cancer - highly active antiretroviral therapy - hilar - histamine dihydrochloride - histiocytic lymphoma - histologic examination - histone deacetylase - historic cohort study - historical control subject - HIV antibody - HIV positive - HNPCC - holmium Ho 166 DOTMP - holy thistle - homoharringtonine - hormone receptor test - hormone responsive - hormone treatment - Horner's syndrome - host cell - hot nodule - HPPH - hu14.18-interleukin-2 fusion protein - Huang Lian - human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 - human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 - humidifier - Hürthle cell neoplasm - hydrazine sulfate - hydronephrosis - hydroureter - hydroxychloroquine - hyperbaric oxygen - hyperfractionation - hypernephroma - hyperplasia - hyperthermia therapy - hyperthermic perfusion - hypervascular - hypopharynx - hypoxic -

ibandronate - ICI 182780 - ICI D1694 - idarubicin - IDEC-Y2B8 monoclonal antibody - idiopathic myelofibrosis - idoxifene - idoxuridine - ifosfamide - IH636 grape seed extract - IL-1-alfa - IL-11 - IL-12 - IL-3 - IL-4 - IL-6 - ileostomy - iloprost - ILX-295501 - ILX23-7553 - IM-862 - imaging procedure - imipenem - imiquimod - immune adjuvant - immune function - immune system tolerance - immunoassay - immunocompetence - immunocompromised - immunodeficiency syndrome - immunological adjuvant - immunomodulation - immunophenotyping - immunoscintigraphy - immunostimulant - immunosuppressive therapy - implant radiation - implantable pump - in situ cancer - incision - incisional biopsy - incomplete Freund's adjuvant - incubated - Indian cress - Indian elm - Indian rhubarb - Indian valerian - indinavir - indium In 111 ibritumomab tiuxetan - indium In 111 pentetreotide - indole-3-carbinol - indolent - indolent lymphoma - indomethacin - induction therapy - infertile - infiltrating cancer - infiltrating ductal carcinoma - infrared coagulation - inguinal orchiectomy - inoperable - inositol hexaphosphate - instillation - Institutional Review Board - intensification therapy - intensity-modulated radiation therapy - intercalator - interleukin-1 - interleukin-1-alpha - interleukin-11 - interleukin-12 - interleukin-3 - interleukin-4 - interleukin-4 PE38KDEL cytotoxin - interleukin-4 PE38KDEL immunotoxin - interleukin-6 - interleukin-7 - intermediate-grade lymphoma - internal radiation - interstitial radiation therapy - intervention group - intestinal villi - intoplicine - intracarotid infusion - intracavitary - intracavitary radiation - intracolonic - intradermal - intraductal carcinoma - intraepithelial - intrahepatic - intrahepatic bile duct - intrahepatic infusion - intralesional - intraluminal intubation and dilation - intramuscular - intraocular - intraocular melanoma - intraoperative radiation therapy - intraperitoneal - intraperitoneal chemotherapy - intraperitoneal infusion - intraperitoneal radiation therapy - intrapleural - intrathecal - intrathecal chemotherapy - intratumoral - intravenous injection - intravenous pyelography - intraventricular infusion - intravesical - invasive cancer - invasive cervical cancer - invasive procedure - inverted papilloma - investigational - inviable - iodine I 131 tositumomab - iododoxorubicin - ionomycin - IORT - IP6 - ipsilateral - irinotecan - irofulven - irradiated - irreversible toxicity - iseganan hydrochloride - ISIS 2503 - ISIS 3521 - ISIS 5132 - islet cell - islet cell cancer - islets of Langerhans cell - isoflavone - isointense - isolated hepatic perfusion - isolated limb perfusion - isolated lung perfusion - ixabepilone -

J-107088 - J-pouch coloanal anastomosis - Jewett staging system - JM 216 - junctional nevus - juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia -

karenitecin - Karnofsky Performance Status - keratan sulfate - keratinocyte growth factor - keratoacanthoma - ketorolac - keyhole limpet hemocyanin - KGF - killer cell - KOS-862 - KPS - kretek - KRN5500 - KRN7000 - KW2189 -

L-377,202 - L-778,123 - laboratory study - laboratory test - lacrimal gland - LAK cell - laparoscopic prostatectomy - laparoscopic-assisted colectomy - large cell carcinoma - large granular lymphocyte - laryngectomee - laryngoscopy - laser surgery - laser therapy - LCIS - leflunomide - leiomyoma - leiomyosarcoma - lentinan - lepirudin - leptomeningeal - leptomeningeal cancer - leptomeningeal metastases - leridistim - lerisetron - letrozole - leukapheresis - leuprolide - leuvectin - levamisole - levocarnitine - LGD1069 - LH-RH - Lhermitte's sign - liarozole - ligation - light microscope - light-emitting diode therapy - lignan - limb perfusion - limited-stage small cell lung cancer - liothyronine sodium - liposarcoma - liposomal - lisofylline - liver metastases - liver scan - LMB-1 immunotoxin - LMB-2 immunotoxin - LMB-7 immunotoxin - LMB-9 immunotoxin - lobaplatin - lobectomy - lobradimil - lobular carcinoma in situ - lobule - local cancer - local therapy - localized - localized gallbladder cancer - locally advanced cancer - lometrexol - lomustine - lonafarnib - loop electrosurgical excision procedure - loop excision - losoxantrone - low grade - low-grade lymphoma - lower GI series - LU 79553 - LU-103793 - lumpectomy - lung metastases - lurtotecan - luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone - luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist - lutetium texaphyrin - LY231514 - LY293111 - LY317615 - LY335979 - LY353381 hydrochloride - lymph gland - lymph node dissection - lymph node drainage - lymph node mapping - lymphadenectomy - lymphangiogram - lymphangiography - lymphangiosarcoma - lymphatic fluid - lymphatic mapping - lymphatic vessel - lymphocytic - lymphocytic leukemia - lymphoepithelioma - lymphography - lymphoid - lymphokine-activated killer cell - lymphomatoid granulomatosis - lymphoproliferative disorder - lymphosarcoma - lymphoscintigraphy - Lynch syndrome - lytic - lytic lesion -

M protein - macroglobulinemia - mafosfamide - MAGE-3 - magnetic resonance perfusion imaging - magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging - magnetic-targeted carrier - maintenance therapy - malabsorption syndrome - malignant ascites - malignant fibrous cytoma - malignant fibrous histiocytoma - malignant meningioma - malignant mesothelioma - malignant mixed Müllerian tumor - malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor - malondialdehyde - MALT lymphoma - mammary - Mammotome - mantle field - marimastat - mastocytoma - MDL 101,731 - MDX-060 - mean survival time - measurable disease - mechlorethamine - MEDI-507 - medial supraclavicular lymph node - median survival time - mediastinal pleura - mediastinoscopy - mediastinum - medical castration - medical oncologist - medroxyprogesterone - medullary breast carcinoma - medullary thyroid cancer - medulloblastoma - mega-voltage linear accelerator - megestrol - melanoma vaccine - melphalan - MEN-10755 - MEN1 syndrome - meningeal - meningeal metastases - menopausal hormone therapy - mental health counselor - mercaptopurine - Merkel cell cancer - mesenchymal - mesenteric membrane - mesonephroma - metabolic acidosis - metabolic disorder - metabolic therapy - metaplasia - metaplastic carcinoma - metastasectomy - metastatic cancer - metasynchronous - meteorism - methoxsalen - methoxypolyethylene glycol epoetin beta - methyl-5-aminolevulinate - methylprednisolone - metronomic therapy - Mexican valerian - MG98 - microcalcification - micrometastases - micromolar - microsatellite instability - microstaging - microwave therapy - microwave thermotherapy - mindfulness relaxation - Miraluma test - mistletoe lectin - mitolactol - mitomycin - mitotane - mitotic activity - mitotic index - mitotic inhibitor - mitoxantrone - mivobulin isethionate - mixed glioma - MLN2704 - modified radical mastectomy - Mohs surgery - molecular risk assessment - molecularly targeted therapy - monoclonal antibody 3F8 - Montanide ISA-51 - Morinda citrifolia - motexafin gadolinium - moxifloxacin - MPNST - MRSI - MS 209 - MS-275 - mucin/peptide - mucinous - mucinous carcinoma - mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma - mucositis - muJ591 monoclonal antibody - Müllerian tumor - multicenter study - multicentric breast cancer - multidisciplinary - multidisciplinary opinion - multidrug resistance - multidrug resistance inhibition - multifocal breast cancer - multimodality treatment - multiple endocrine adenomatosis - multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome - multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome - muromonab-CD3 monoclonal antibody - musculoskeletal - mycosis fungoides - mycostatin - myeloablation - myelofibrosis - myelogenous - myelogram - myeloid - myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia - myelosuppression - myelosuppressive therapy - myometrium -

N-acetyldinaline - N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine - nasoscope - nasoscopy - NB1011 - NBI-3001 - NCI - neck dissection - needle biopsy - needle-localized biopsy - negative axillary lymph node - negative test result - nelarabine - nelfinavir mesylate - neoadjuvant therapy - neoplasia - neoplastic meningitis - nephrectomy - nephrologist - nephrotomogram - nephrotoxic - nephroureterectomy - nerve block - nerve grafting - nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy - nerve-sparing surgery - neuro-oncologist - neurobehavioral - neuroblastoma - neuroectodermal tumor - neuroendocrine - neuroendocrine tumor - neuroepithelial - neurofibroma - neurofibromatosis type 1 - neurofibromatosis type 2 - neurologic - neurological exam - neuroma - neuropathologist - neuroradiologist - neurotropism - NF1 - NG-monomethyl-L-arginine - nilutamide - nimodipine - nitrocamptothecin - nitrosourea - node-negative - node-positive - nodular parenchyma - nolatrexed - non-small cell lung cancer - nonblinded - nonconsecutive case series - noncontiguous lymphoma - nonhematologic cancer - nonlytic - nonmalignant - nonmalignant hematologic disorder - nonmelanoma skin cancer - nonmelanomatous - nonmetastatic - nonopioid - nonprescription - nonrandomized clinical trial - nonseminoma - nonspecific immune cell - nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor - nontoxic - novobiocin - NR-LU-10 antigen - nuclear grade - nuclear magnetic resonance imaging - nuclear medicine scan - nutraceutical -

O(6)-benzylguanine - oat cell cancer - objective improvement - objective response - oblimersen - observational study - obstruction - obtundation - occult stage non-small cell lung cancer - octreotide - ocular melanoma - ofloxacin - OGX-011 - olbimersen - oligoastrocytoma - oligodendroglial tumor - oltipraz - omentectomy - Ommaya reservoir - oncology nurse - oncology pharmacy specialist - oncolysate - oncolysis - oncolytic - Onconase - onset of action - ONYX-015 - open biopsy - open colectomy - open label study - operable - oral and maxillofacial surgeon - oral surgeon - OSI-7904L - osteogenic sarcoma - osteolytic - ostomy - otolaryngologist - outpatient - ovarian ablation - ovarian epithelial cancer - ovarian suppression - overactive thyroid - overall survival - overexpress - overgrowth syndrome - oxaliplatin - oxandrolone - OXi-104 - oxidative metabolism - oxidative stress -

P-32 - Pacific valerian - pack year - pain threshold - PALA - palatine uvula - palliative therapy - palmar-plantar erythodysthesia - palpable disease - palpation - pamidronate - Pancoast's tumor - pancreatectomy - pancreatic duct - pancreatic enzyme - pancreatic juice - papillary serous carcinoma - papillary thyroid cancer - papillary tumor - paracentesis - parageusia - paraneoplastic syndrome - paresthesias - paricalcitol - parietal pericardium - parotidectomy - paroxetine hydrochloride - partial cystectomy - partial laryngectomy - partial mastectomy - partial nephrectomy - partial oophorectomy - partial remission - partial response - passive antibody therapy - Paterson-Kelly syndrome - pathologic fracture - pathological staging - pathology report - patient advocate - peau d'orange - pediatric hematologist - pediatric nurse specialist - pediatric surgeon - PEG-interferon alfa-2a - PEG-interferon alfa-2b - PEG-MGDF - pegaspargase - pegfilgrastim - PEITC - peldesine - pelvic exam - pelvic exenteration - pelvic lymphadenectomy - pemetrexed disodium - penclomedine - penicillamine - penile implant - pentetic acid calcium - pentosan polysulfate - pentostatin - pentoxifylline - peptide 946 - percutaneous ethanol injection - percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage - percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage - percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography - perfusion magnetic resonance imaging - pericardial effusion - perifosine - perillyl alcohol - perimenopausal - perineal colostomy - perineal prostatectomy - perineural - perioperative - peripheral blood - peripheral blood lymphocyte therapy - peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor - peripheral stem cell - peripheral stem cell support - peripheral stem cell transplantation - peritoneal - peritoneal cancer - peritoneal infusion - peritoneal perfusion - pertuzumab - phase I trial - phase I/II trial - phase II trial - phase II/III trial - phase III trial - phase IV trial - phenethyl isothiocyanate - phenobarbital - phenoxodiol - phenylacetate - phenylbutyrate - pheresis - photoactivity - photofrin - photopheresis - photosensitizer - phyllodes tumor - Physician Data Query - physiologic - phytic acid - phytoestrogen - phytosterol - PI-88 - pilocytic - pilot study - pineal organ - pineal region tumor - pineoblastoma - pineocytoma - piperacillin-tazobactam - pirfenidone - piritrexim - pixantrone - PJS - PKC412 - placebo-controlled - placental blood transplantation - plant sterol - plasmacytic - plasmacytoma - plastic surgeon - Plenaxis - pleomorphic - plexiform neurofibroma - plexopathy - pluripotent stem cell - pM-81 monoclonal antibody - PNET - pneumatic larynx - pneumonectomy - PNU 166148 - PNU-93914 - polifeprosan 20 carmustine implant - poly-ICLC - polyglutamate camptothecin - polyglutamate paclitaxel - polyneuritis - polypectomy - Polyphenon E - pontine - porfimer sodium - porfiromycin - port-a-cath - positive axillary lymph node - positive test result - positron emission tomography scan - postmortem - postoperative - postprandial - postremission therapy - potentiation - PR- - precancerous - precancerous dermatitis - precancerous dermatosis - precancerous polyps - preclinical study - predictive factor - preleukemia - premalignant - premenopausal - pretracheal space - prevascular space - preventive - preventive mastectomy - primary care doctor - primary central nervous system lymphoma - primary endpoint - primary myelofibrosis - primitive neuroectodermal tumor - prinomastat - pro-oxidant - probenecid - procarbazine - prochlorperazine - proctoscopy - proctosigmoidoscopy - progesterone receptor negative - progesterone receptor positive - progesterone receptor test - prognostic factor - progression-free survival - progressive disease - proliferating - proliferative index - prolymphocytic leukemia - promegapoietin - promyelocytic leukemia - prophylactic - prophylactic cranial irradiation - prophylactic mastectomy - prophylactic oophorectomy - prophylactic surgery - prospective - prospective cohort study - Prost 30 monoclonal antibody - prostate-specific antigen test - prostatectomy - prostatic acid phosphatase - prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia - prosthodontist - proteomic profile - proton beam radiation therapy - proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging - protozoal - PS-341 - PSC 833 - pseudomyxoma peritonei - psoralen - PTCD - PTK787/ZK 222584 - pulmonary sulcus tumor - purple clover - PV701 - pyrazine diazohydroxide - pyrazoloacridine - pyroxamide -

Q10 - QS21 - quadrantectomy -

R-flurbiprofen - r-tPA - R101933 - R115777 - radiation fibrosis - radiation nurse - radiation physicist - radiation surgery - radical cystectomy - radical hysterectomy - radical lymph node dissection - radical mastectomy - radical nephrectomy - radical perineal prostatectomy - radical prostatectomy - radical retropubic prostatectomy - radioactive drug - radioactive fallout - radioactive iodine - radioactive palladium - radioactive seed - radiofrequency ablation - radioimmunoguided surgery - radioimmunotherapy - radiolabeled - radiologic exam - radionuclide scanning - radiosensitization - radiosensitizer - radiosurgery - raloxifene - raltitrexed - randomized clinical trial - ranpirnase - rapid hormone cycling - rapid-onset opioid - ras gene - rasburicase - rattlesnake root - ravuconazole - rebeccamycin - recombinant tissue plasminogen activator - reconstructive surgeon - reconstructive surgery - rectal - recur - recurrent cancer - red clover - red date - red elm - refractory cancer - regimen - regional cancer - regional chemotherapy - regional enteritis - regional lymph node - regional lymph node dissection - rehabilitation specialist - relapse - relative survival rate - relaxation technique - remission induction therapy - remote brachytherapy - renal artery - renal cell cancer - renal collecting tubule - renal fascia - renal glomerulus - renal tubular acidosis - replicate - replication cycle - reproductive cell - resectable - resected - resection - residual disease - resorption - response rate - resting - retinyl palmitate - retropubic prostatectomy - retrospective - retrospective cohort study - retrospective study - retroviral vector - RevM10 gene - rhabdoid tumor - rhinoscope - rhinoscopy - rhizoxin - ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor - risedronate - ritonavir - rituximab - RK-0202 - RMP-7 - Ro 31-7453 - Ro 50-3821 - RPI.4610 - RPR 109881A - RSR13 - RU21

S-phase fraction - safingol - salvage therapy - samarium 153 - saponin - saquinavir mesylate - sarCNU - sarcoid - sarcosinamide nitrosourea - sargramostim - satraplatin - SC-70935 - SCH 54031 - SCH 66336 - SCH-58500 - Schiller test - schwannoma - scintimammography - screening - screening mammogram - Scutellaria barbata - SDX-102 - SDX-105 - second primary cancer - second-line therapy - second-look surgery - secondary cancer - sedoxantrone trihydrochloride - segmental cystectomy - segmental mastectomy - semaxanib - seminal vesicle biopsy - seminoma - semiparasitic - semustine - senega root - senile keratosis - sentinel lymph node - sentinel lymph node biopsy - sentinel lymph node mapping - seocalcitol - septate - sequential treatment - serum albumin - serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase - serum tumor marker test - sesquiterpene lactone - sestamibi breast imaging - severe myelosuppression - Sézary syndrome - SGN-00101 - SGN-15 - SGOT - SGPT - sham therapy - shave biopsy - sheep sorrel - Sho-saiko-to - sialyl Tn-KLH - side-to-end coloanal anastomosis - sideropenic dysphagia - signal transduction inhibitor - signet ring cell carcinoma - significant - silymarin - simple mastectomy - simple nephrectomy - single blind study - single-photon emission computed tomography - siplizumab - skin patch - skin stimulation - skin test - slippery elm - small cell lung cancer - smoldering leukemia - SMT-487 - SnET2 - SNX 111 - soblidotin - sodium borocaptate - sodium salicylate - sodium sulfite - sodium thiosulfate - soft diet - solar keratosis - solid tumor - somatic mutation - somnolence syndrome - sorivudine - specific immune cell - speech pathologist - sperm banking - sperm retrieval - spiculated mass - spindle cell cancer - spindle cell sarcoma - spiral CT scan - spotted thistle - sputum cytology - squalamine lactate - squamous intraepithelial lesion - SR-29142 - SR-45023A - SR49059 - St. Benedict's thistle - stable disease - stage 0 bladder cancer - stage 0 cervical cancer - stage 0 chronic lymphocytic leukemia - stage 0 colorectal cancer - stage 0 esophageal cancer - stage 0 gastric cancer - stage 0 melanoma - stage 0 nasopharyngeal cancer - stage 0 non-small cell lung cancer - stage 0 skin cancer - stage 0 testicular cancer - stage I adrenocortical cancer - stage I adult Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage I adult non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage I adult primary liver cancer - stage I anal cancer - stage I bladder cancer - stage I breast cancer - stage I cancer of the uterus - stage I cancer of the vulva - stage I cervical cancer - stage I childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage I chronic lymphocytic leukemia - stage I colorectal cancer - stage I cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - stage I endometrial cancer - stage I esophageal cancer - stage I gastric cancer - stage I hypopharynx cancer - stage I kidney cancer - stage I laryngeal cancer - stage I lip and oral cavity cancer - stage I melanoma - stage I mesothelioma - stage I multiple myeloma - stage I nasopharyngeal cancer - stage I non-small cell lung cancer - stage I oropharynx cancer - stage I ovarian cancer - stage I pancreatic cancer - stage I prostate cancer - stage I skin cancer - stage I testicular cancer - stage I Wilms' tumor - stage IA soft tissue sarcoma - stage IB soft tissue sarcoma - stage II adrenocortical cancer - stage II adult Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage II adult non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage II adult primary liver cancer - stage II anal cancer - stage II bladder cancer - stage II breast cancer - stage II cancer of the uterus - stage II cancer of the vulva - stage II cervical cancer - stage II childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage II chronic lymphocytic leukemia - stage II colorectal cancer - stage II cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - stage II endometrial cancer - stage II esophageal cancer - stage II gastric cancer - stage II hypopharynx cancer - stage II kidney cancer - stage II laryngeal cancer - stage II lip and oral cavity cancer - stage II melanoma - stage II mesothelioma - stage II multiple myeloma - stage II nasopharyngeal cancer - stage II non-small cell lung cancer - stage II oropharynx cancer - stage II ovarian cancer - stage II pancreatic cancer - stage II prostate cancer - stage II skin cancer - stage II testicular cancer - stage II Wilms' tumor - stage IIA soft tissue sarcoma - stage IIB melanoma - stage IIB soft tissue sarcoma - stage IIC soft tissue sarcoma - stage III adrenocortical cancer - stage III adult Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage III adult non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage III anal cancer - stage III bladder cancer - stage III breast cancer - stage III cancer of the uterus - stage III cancer of the vulva - stage III cervical cancer - stage III childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage III chronic lymphocytic leukemia - stage III colorectal cancer - stage III cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - stage III endometrial cancer - stage III esophageal cancer - stage III gastric cancer - stage III hypopharynx cancer - stage III kidney cancer - stage III laryngeal cancer - stage III lip and oral cavity cancer - stage III melanoma - stage III mesothelioma - stage III multiple myeloma - stage III nasopharyngeal cancer - stage III non-small cell lung cancer - stage III oropharynx cancer - stage III ovarian cancer - stage III pancreatic cancer - stage III prostate cancer - stage III skin cancer - stage III soft tissue sarcoma - stage III testicular cancer - stage III Wilms' tumor - stage IIIA adult primary liver cancer - stage IIIA anal cancer - stage IIIA breast cancer - stage IIIB adult primary liver cancer - stage IIIB anal cancer - stage IIIB breast cancer - stage IIIC breast cancer - stage IV adrenocortical cancer - stage IV adult Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage IV adult non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage IV adult primary liver cancer - stage IV anal cancer - stage IV bladder cancer - stage IV breast cancer - stage IV cancer of the uterus - stage IV cancer of the vulva - stage IV cervical cancer - stage IV childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - stage IV chronic lymphocytic leukemia - stage IV colorectal cancer - stage IV cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - stage IV endometrial cancer - stage IV esophageal cancer - stage IV gastric cancer - stage IV hypopharynx cancer - stage IV kidney cancer - stage IV laryngeal cancer - stage IV lip and oral cavity cancer - stage IV melanoma - stage IV mesothelioma - stage IV nasopharyngeal cancer - stage IV non-small cell lung cancer - stage IV oropharynx cancer - stage IV ovarian cancer - stage IV pancreatic cancer - stage IV prostate cancer - stage IV skin cancer - stage IV soft tissue sarcoma - stage IV Wilms' tumor - stage IVA pancreatic cancer - stage IVB pancreatic cancer - stage V Wilms' tumor - standard of care - standard therapy - staurosporine - stellate - stem cell factor - stem cell transplantation - stereotactic biopsy - stereotactic body radiation therapy - stereotactic external-beam radiation - stereotactic injection - stereotactic radiation therapy - stereotactic radiosurgery - stereotaxic radiosurgery - stereotaxis - steroid therapy - STI481 - stomatitis - stool test - streptavidin - streptozocin - Stromagen - stromal tumor - study agent - Sturge-Weber syndrome - SU011248 - SU101 - SU5416 - SU6668 - subcutaneous - subcutaneous port - subependymal - suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid - subglottis - subjective improvement - subset analysis - subtenon - sucralfate - sulindac - superior vena cava syndrome - supplementation - supportive care - supraclavicular lymph node - supraglottic laryngectomy - supraglottis - surgical castration - surgical oncologist - survival rate - sweet elm - symptom management - synergistic - syngeneic bone marrow transplantation - syngeneic stem cell transplantation - synovial sarcoma - synthetic protegrin analog - synthetic retinoid - systemic - systemic chemotherapy - systemic disease - systemic therapy -

T-cell depletion - T-cell lymphoma - T138067 - T4N5 liposomal lotion - T900607 - TAC-101 - TAG-72 antigen - talampanel - talaporfin sodium - tamoxifen - targeted therapy - tariquidar - taurolidine - taxane - technetium Tc 99m dextran - technetium Tc 99m sulfur colloid - tegafur - telangiectasia - temoporfin - temozolomide - teniposide - terminal disease - tetanus toxoid - tetrahydrouridine - TG4010 - thermal ablation - thioguanine - thiotepa - third-line therapy - thoracentesis - thoracoscopy - thrombohemorrhagic event - thrombophlebitis - thymidylate synthase inhibitor - Thyrogen - thyroid follicular cell - thyrotropin alfa - tiazofurin - time to progression - tin ethyl etiopurpurin - tin Sn 117m DTPA - tinidazole - tipifarnib - tirapazamine - tissue flap reconstruction - TLK286 - TNFerade - TNM staging system - TNP-470 - tocladesine - topical chemotherapy - topoisomerase inhibitor - topotecan - toremifene - tositumomab - total androgen blockade - total estrogen blockade - total hysterectomy - total laryngectomy - total mastectomy - total nodal irradiation - total pancreatectomy - total-body irradiation - TP-38 immunotoxin - trabecular cancer - trach tube - tracheoesophageal puncture - tracheostomy button - tracheostomy tube - transabdominal ultrasound - transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation - transdermal - transferrin-CRM107 - transitional cell - transitional cell carcinoma - transperineal biopsy - transplant surgeon - transrectal biopsy - transrectal ultrasound - transurethral biopsy - transurethral needle ablation - transurethral resection - transurethral resection of the prostate - transvaginal ultrasound - trastuzumab - Traumeel S - treatment field - treosulfan - tretinoin - triacetyluridine - triamcinolone - Triapine - tributyrin - trichothiodystrophy - trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole - trimetrexate glucuronate - triptorelin - tropisetron - troxacitabine - TRUS - tubulovillous adenoma - tumor antigen vaccine - tumor board review - tumor burden - tumor debulking - tumor infiltrating lymphocyte - tumor load - tumor marker - tumor model - tumor-derived - tumor-specific antigen - TUR - Turkish rhubarb - tympanites - tyrosinase peptide - tyrosine kinase inhibitor - TZT-1027 -

UCN-01 - UGT1A1 - ulceration - ultrasound energy - ultrasound transducer - ultrasound-guided biopsy - ultraviolet radiation therapy - umbilical cord blood - umbilical cord blood transplantation - uncontrolled study - unconventional cancer treatments - undifferentiated - unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - unresectable - unresectable gallbladder cancer - unsealed internal radiation therapy - urachus - urea nitrogen - ureteronephrectomy - ureteroscopy - urine cytology - urokinase - urologic oncologist - urostomy - urothelium - ursodiol -

vaccinated - vaccine adjuvant - vaccine therapy - vaccinia CEA vaccine - vaginal - valacyclovir - Valerianae radix - valganciclovir - vapreotide - vascular endothelial growth factor - vasomotor - VEGF - VEGF Trap - video-assisted resection - video-assisted surgery - villous adenoma - vinblastine - vinca alkaloid - vindesine - vinorelbine - viral vector - virtual colonoscopy - Virulizin - virus replication cycle - virus-neutralizing antibody - viscotoxin - visilizumab - visual pathway glioma - vitamin Q10 - VNP20009 - VNP40101M - von Hippel-Lindau syndrome - voriconazole - vorozole - vulvar cancer - VX 853 - VX-710 -

Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia - watchful waiting - wedge resection - Wermer's syndrome - Whipple procedure - Whitmore-Jewett staging system - whole cell vaccine - wild clover - Wobe-Mugos E -

x-ray therapy - xeroderma pigmentosum - xerogram - xeroradiograph - xeroradiography - xerostomia - XK469 - XR9576 -

YM598 - yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan - yttrium Y 90 SMT 487 - yttrium Y 90-DOTA-tyr3-octreotide -

ZD 1839 - ZD0473 - ZD6474 - ziconotide - zoledronate - zosuquidar trihydrochloride -

Traditional Values Coalition - GlobalSecurity.org (Where cited?)[30] - Leviathan state - Karl August Offman - Andrew Tobias[31][32][33] National Prayer Breakfast- Arnold Picker - New International Economic Order - - "we campaign in poetry but we must govern in prose"

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives

Douglas Applegate - Carl G. Bachmann - Robert Bauman - Thomas M. Bell - Patrick J. Boland - John W. Brademas - Charles H. Burke - Joseph W. Byrns - Charles Dent (incoming member) - John W. Dwight - Dennis Eckart - Ed Feighan - Jeff Fortenberry (incoming member) - Finis J. Garrett - Frederick Huntington Gillett - William H. Gray, III - Arthur H. Greenwood - Charles A. Halleck - Charles M. Hamilton - Brian Higgins (incoming member) - Asa Hutchinson - Bob Inglis (incoming member) - Joseph Warren Keifer - Michael Crawford Kerr - Claude Kitchin - Dan Lungren (incoming member) - Harold Knutson - Randy Kuhl (incoming member) - Del Latta - James R. Mann - Kenny Marchant (incoming member) - John McDuffie - John J. McFall - Robert H. Michel - Frank W. Mondell - Gwen Moore (incoming member) - Sereno E. Payne - Don Pease - Robert Ramspeck - Samuel Jackson Randall - John J. Rhodes - John Salazar (incoming member) - Bertrand H. Snell - Mike Sodrel (incoming member) - Charles Phelps Taft - John Q. Tilson

AC machines - autopen- Audio environment - biomaterials, collagen - Carbon-fibre reinforced plastic - Caterpillar belt - Central locking - Database trigger - DC machines - electric energy meter[34] - Gold mining (also redir Gold mine to it) - Group Blogging[35] - Handle-o-Meter - Handheld PC - Hyperbrowser Searching Interrupt 13h [36] - JavaCard - Mind Machine var Light Sound Machine - Neurophone (I would like to know if this is an urban legend or a real device [37]) - Oldham coupling - Quantitative phase imaging [38] [39] - Scroll compressor - Shrinkwrap - hardware verification - Wiegand interface - Microwave system - polyaxial screw- Remote locking - Spinal Fixation Devices- Spimes - SPRAY - First Underwater Autonomous Vehicle To Cross Gulf Stream [40] [41] Stream (computing) (generic term in addition to Standard streams) - tire-pressure gauge[42] - TeleSync- Twine- uRPF (unicast reverse path filtering) - variable envelope return path - watt meter[43] (aka electrodynamometer[44]) - ballistic transistor - metallin (apparently some sort of metal plating) - Vanadium Redox Flow Battery - Quake Army Knife - Data encryption software -

- buchi automata

American Association of Port Authorities / AAPA - Aurora Expressway - Barcelona Free Port - Biscúter - Dinan - Hand luggage - hub-centre steering mechanism - Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal - International Ship and Port Facility Security code (or ISPS, treaty on anti-terror measures) - LDV - Port of South Louisiana - Stout Scarab - Trans-Amazonian Highway - VALP[45] - V Line - Turntable (railroad) -

Air Macau


Educational Visualization - Interactive Visualization


orensic - Society of Experimental Test Pilots - John Stringfellow [46] - Beriev A-50 Mainstay - passive radar-detection (VERA,TAMARA devices) -

