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This page is about the race. For the language, see Klingon language.
Klingon Empire
Capital First City, Qo'noS
Chancellor Martok (2375)
Founding circa 900
Currency darsek

Klingons (tlhIngan in the Klingon language), are a race of humanoids in the fictional Star Trek universe. They were the main antagonists in Star Trek: The Original Series and later became the uneasy allies of the United Federation of Planets. They were introduced in the episode Errand of Mercy.

It is commonly believed that the Klingons were written to resemble what Americans of that time commonly believed the Japanese Empire and the Samurai to be like: belligerent, mannerless, and lacking finesse. Like the Japanese, the Klingons would later become cultural icons admired by Americans and the United Federation of Planets.

General Martok, a Klingon, on the eve of battle.

Klingon biology

Roughly humanoid in appearance, Klingons typically sport long manes of luxuriant hair, and for males, mustaches, and beards. Perhaps their most prominent external feature is their ridged forehead. These intricate, bony patterns vary by family line and are an evolutionary remnant of their prehistoric forms, when Klingons had a more extensive exoskeleton and a decidedly crustacean appearance.

Most body functions incorporate multiple redundancies, such as redundant stomachs, lungs, livers, an eight-chambered heart, and twenty-three ribs. This characteristic, known as "brak'lul," makes Klingons incredibly resilient. Other features of Klingon anatomy include a lack of tear ducts, and lavender/pink blood, based on the metal ion manganese according to some unofficial sources. The Klingon lifespan is at least 150 years. Interbreeding is possible with humans (B'Elanna Torres, K'Ehleyr) and Romulans (Ba'el).

At some point between the voyages of the first starship Enterprise NX-01 in the mid-22nd Century and the events of Star Trek: The Original Series about a century later, Klingons had external features resembling Humans and wore their hair in a more conservative fashion. (Klingons are notably embarrassed about this period of their history and as yet the reason for this change of appearance has not been revealed.) It should also be noted that there were two different "races" of the "original" Klingons, some who were pale with neatly groomed hair and others much darker with thick eyebrows. The two never appeared together. The differences in the two phenotypes may explain, in part, Dr. McCoy's immediate lack of knowledge of Klingon anatomy when he tried to save Chancellor Gorkon in 2293. Several non-canon novels and comic books have attempted to suggest reasons for the change, including the suggestion that the human-like Klingons were a different race. However, several Klingons who appeared human-like in Star Trek: The Original Series made appearances on later Trek series with full ridges. (It has been suggested that the character of General Chang in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, whose features are less severe than other Klingons, might be a remnant of the human-like Klingons.)

The Star Trek Role playing game published by FASA in the 1980s suggested that the Klingons of the original series were actually human/klingon 'fusions' (hybrids) based on the premise that Klingons took 'know thine enemy' to its logical extreme in that incorporating human DNA and presumably human characteristics into Klingons would make them much more effective in combating them. The 'movie' Klingons were 'Imperial Race' Klingons, i.e. purebred. This is not canon, but as reasonable an explanation as any.

Template:Spoiler In December 2004, it was announced that a two-part episode of Star Trek: Enterprise scheduled to air in early 2005 will provide a definitive canonical answer as to why the Klingons changed their appearance. Although the reason has yet to be revealed, the fact that the first episode carries the title "Affliction" would seem to suggest some form of virus or disease will be responsible. This means that the human-like appearance of the Klingons lasted for about 125 years, since Enterprise takes place approximately 110-115 years prior to The Original Series, and the Klingons had reverted back (been cured?) within a couple of years of the end of Captain Kirk's five-year mission, as established by Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Klingon religion

According to legend, Kortar, the first Klingon, along with his mate, destroyed the gods who created them and turned the heavens into ashes. This event is recounted in marriage ceremonies.

Klingons value honor above all else. Those who die honorably are said to join the spirit of Kahless in Sto-Vo-Kor. Dishonorable deaths hold the destiny of the underworld of Gre'thor, guarded by Fek'lhr. Gre'thor is reached by passage on the Barge of the Dead, eternally piloted by Kortar, over the River of Blood. The dead are not mourned, but celebrated, and the body is viewed as an empty shell to be disposed of.

History of the Klingon Empire

Ancient Times

The Klingon Empire was founded around 900 on the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS by Kahless the Unforgettable.

The Empire went through several dynasties of rulers, experiencing a period between the 2nd and 3rd known as the "Dark Time," a 10-year experiment in democracy.

Around the 14th century, Qo'noS was invaded by the Hur'q, who pillaged many treasures, including the sword of Kahless.

By 2069 a High Council was formed, eliminating the position of Emperor until 2369.

Around the early part of the 22nd century, the warrior class begins exerting a greater influence throughout Klingon society, corrupting, notably, the justice system.

In 2151, a faction in the Temporal Cold War from the 28th century attempted to alter the timeline by using the Suliban Cabal to incite unrest within the Klingon Empire. This resulted in the first contact between Klingons and Humans.

23rd century

Around 2223, relations between the Empire and the Federation degenerated substantially, with intense hostility lasting until 2293.

In 2266, war between the Federation and Klingon Empire is stopped before it can begin by the interference of the Organians. The Organian Peace Treaty forced on both sides holds each to a non-aggression pact and an establishment of a neutral zone in which each side must nonviolently compete for trade ageements with any planets. The Organian influence completely disappears by the time of the Khitomer conference, for reasons that have yet to be explained.

In 2267 it is believed that the Klingons and the Romulans forged a military alliance and the Klingons traded several D7 battlecruisers in exchange for some cloaking devices. (It's more likely that the Romulans – whose ships were far slower than those of the Klingons and the Federation – stole the ships from the Klingons, and the Klingon counter-stole the cloaking devices. This would support the hostility that exists between the Klingons and Romulans) The basis for this alliance was grounded in real-world economics; the script of the episode "The Enterprise Incident" called for a Romulan ship to appear, but the original Romulan ship model was not available so rather than go to the expense of building a new one the Klingon D7 model was substituted.

In 2293 the atmosphere of Qo'noS was contaminated when Praxis, one of its moons, exploded. This event was a turning point in relations between the Klingons and the United Federation of Planets, as the Klingon Empire couldn't afford to maintain their excessive military activities and deal with this new problem (parallels with the breakdown of the Cold War and the relationship between the United States and the cash-strapped former Soviet Union were obvious). Thus the two entered into an alliance which was maintained for many years until it was suspended for a couple of years after 2372 due to the issue of the Cardassian invasion. It has yet to be explained how the alliance with the Federation saved Qo'noS, however the planet is shown to still be inhabited and still the Empire's seat of power well into the 24th Century.

24th century

In 2342 the Klingons and Romulans began a violent war after the Romulans attacked the Klingon outpost Narendra III. The Enterprise-C cemented friendly relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation by sacrificing itself to protect the outpost from the Romulans.

In 2357, Worf (played by Michael Dorn), Son of Mogh became the first Klingon to enter the Starfleet Academy and in 2364 he was assigned to the Enterprise-D as relief conn and tactical officer. (Rank: Lieutenant j.g)

In 2367 the Klingon Civil War began after Chancellor K'mpec was murdered. Prior to his murder, K'mpec had named Captain Jean-Luc Picard his Arbiter of Succession. Gowron was selected, but the House of Duras opposed this decision and the war began. It was later revealed that the Romulans were backing Duras and Duras quickly lost all support, ending the war and leaving Gowron as undisputed leader of the empire.

In 2372, relations between the Klingons and the Federation soured over the issue of the Klingon invasion of Cardassia. When the Federation refused to support the Klingon invasion, Chancellor Gowron withdrew from the Khitomer Accords. For the next year, relations between the two powers were hostile. In 2373 fighting broke out between the two powers. However when the Federation and Klingons discovered that they were being manipulated by the Dominion, an uneasy cease-fire was declared. In mid-2373, when the Cardassians and the Dominion became allies, the Cardassians drove the Klingons from their space. Captain Sisko was able to convince Gowron to reinstate the Alliance.

Again allies, the Klingons and Federation turned their attention to the Dominion and the Cardassians as war against them became inevitable.

When the war began, both the Federation and Klingons fought side-by-side against the Dominion, even though the odds were against them. However, once the Romulans joined them the tide eventually turned against the Dominion. In 2375 the Federation-Romulan-Klingon fleet defeated the Dominion with the assistance of the Cardassian fleet during a final assault on Cardassia Prime. Despite the refusal of Sisko and Ross to drink bloodwine with Martok in the Cardassian Central Command, the two powers remained strong allies after the war.

Shortly before the end of the Dominion War, Worf killed Gowron for using bad tactics in the war simply to hurt General Martok's political position. Worf then granted the role of Chancellor to Martok rather than taking it himself.

Possible Future

In Daniels' timeline, the Klingons join the Federation by about 2554.

Klingon leadership

  • Molor
  • Kahless the Unforgettable (Founds Empire c. 900)
  • Emperor Reclaw (last of the 2nd Dynasty)
  • "Dark Time" (10-year democratic period between 2nd & 3rd dynasties)
  • Emperor Reclaw [II] (last of the 2nd Dynasty)
  • Emperor Sompek
  • Chancellor M'Rek (2154)
  • Chancellor Gorkon (died 2293)
  • Chancellor Azetbur (beginning 2293)
  • Chancellor Mow'ga (2nd Empire)
  • Chancellor K'mpec (died 2367)
  • Chancellor Gowron (2367-2375)
  • Emperor Kahless (ceremonial ruler from 2369 coregent with chancellor)
  • Chancellor Martok (beginning 2375)

Klingon Ranks

(around ~2300's)

Klingon Rank Translation Equivalent Starfleet Rank
mangHom Cadet Cadet
ne' Yeoman Ensign
lagh Ensign Lieutenant j.g.
Sogh Lieutenant Lieutenant
la' Commander Commander
HoD Captain Captain
'ech Brigadier Commodore
totlh Commodore Rear Admiral
Sa' General Vice Admiral
'aj Admiral Admiral
la'quv Supreme Commander Fleet Admiral (Not a Rank, simply a title)

Klingon hand weapons

To many Klingons, battle is sacred, and treated with much ceremony. Therefore, many advances have been made by Klingons in the field of weaponry.

  • Disruptor Pistol This is the main weapon all Klingons carry. It has a power cell and fires a bolt of pure energy at a target, vaporizing it. Whether sneaking into enemy territory or going to the market to buy some heart of targ, this is a tried-and-true choice.
  • Disruptor Rifle This is a weapon used mainly by Klingon shock troops, but it is also favored by weapons merchants and terrorists due to its point-and-shoot simplicity. It is a deadly weapon, similar in construction to the pistol, except with a larger power cell, shoulder stock, and larger appearance.
  • betleH (bet-LEKH - Eng: bat-LETH) The Bat'leth symbolizes the Klingon Empire to much of the quadrant. Made of a crescent with four points, the Bat'leth is an imposing two-handed sword. This weapon has been receding from use in open battle, but is still used in "modern" times for ceremonial rites and challenges of power or authority. The first Bat'leth was said to have been made by Kahless.
  • meqleH (mek-leKH - Eng: mek-LETH) By all accounts, the Mek'leth is similar to the Bat'leth in many ways, but it is not so much a sword as a large knife. It has a curved blade approximately 30 cm long, and is an imposing sight. Another staple of the average Klingon's weapons closet, this is a formidable blade.
  • Daqtagh (dak-TAGH) The Klingon D'k tagh is a small knife by Klingon standards, mainly used in ceremonies, but also used when concealment of the weapon is highly needed. It has a 20 cm blade length, with two small blades that snap out of the sides at the push of a button. This weapon is highly favored, both for its throwing capacity, and for its relatively small size and easy concealment.
  • 'oy'naQ (oi-NAKKH - Eng: Painstick) The Klingon painstick is a rod about 1 meter in length. It has a grip on one end and a port on the other end to discharge energy. It is also mainly used in ceremonies of endurance, but is sometimes used for torture. It does not incapacitate an enemy unless used repeatedly. It has little or no range, and must be placed close to the target to inflict damage.
  • chonnaQ (chon-NAKKH - Eng: chon-NAK) Not much is known about the archaic chonnaQ. It is a hunting spear once used in the great Klingon wars; it predates the original Kahless in age.
  • jejtaj (jedge-TAHJ) The jejtaj is a weapon wielded like a pair of brass knuckles. However, with enough practice, one can parry bladed attacks and use it as a rudimentary throwing star.

Extent of the Klingon Empire

Planets and moons currently considered to be, or to have been, under Klingon jurisdiction include Elas, Khitomer, Morska, Narendra III, Neural, Nimbus III (jointly held with the Romulan Empire and the United Federation of Planets), Praxis, Qo'noS, Rura Penthe, Ty'Gokor, and Troyius. Little is known about much of the Empire's holdings, but it is believed to extend almost as far as that of the Federation.


  • Tribbles (a small furry alien animal) shriek in the presence of Klingons, as demonstrated in an original series episode. Conversely, Klingons are also allergic to tribbles. The Klingons went on to exterminate the popular pet throughout the galaxy and into extinction.
  • A fanon name for the Klingon homeworld Qo'noS is 'Klinzai'.
  • The larger, ridged forehead Klingons (of the movie era and after) are sometimes unofficially referred to as Imperial Klingons.
  • Klingon (tlhIngan Hol) is also the language spoken by the Klingons, created by Marc Okrand. See Klingon language.
  • There is also a programming language based on Klingon called var'aq.
  • Klingon and Klingonsmith are also last names. Usually seen in Utah.
  • Klingon Fire Wine is a Klingon alcoholic beverage, once called "fancy European stuff" by a character in a holodeck.

See also