Santa Rosa High School (Santa Rosa, California)
Santa Rosa High School (SRHS) is a secondary school located in Santa Rosa, California. It is part of the Santa Rosa High School District, which is itself part of Santa Rosa City Schools. The principal is Dr. Anton Negri as of September 2006. During the 2005-2006 School year, SRHS had 2052 students.
Santa Rosa High School is one of the oldest high schools in all of California, having been the ninth high school chartered in the state's history. SRHS was the only public high school for Santa Rosa from 1874 to 1958. Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), located on the adjacent property, was actually a part of Santa Rosa High School from 1918 to 1927. [1]
The Santa Rosa High School Foundation is a special group of alumni who take an active interest in SRHS. [2] The Foundation helps raise money for school programs and other services.
Santa Rosa High School is an academic leader, having had for nine consecutive years the district's highest SAT scores. Santa Rosa High School has a high API rating of 696. On campus tutoring is available through an arrangement with Sonoma State University. [3]
Santa Rosa High School is well known for its ArtQuest program. This district-supported program, with specialty course work in Visual Fine Arts, Dance, Drama, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Multimedia, and the multi-award winning Video program. It was recently awarded the prestigious Jack London Award for Educational Excellence.
Santa Rosa High School has several student-organized and teacher-supervised clubs, ranging from many different subjects. The following is a list of clubs at Santa Rosa High as of September, 2006 [4]:
- Academic Decathlon
- Art
- Asian
- Astronomy
- Bicycle Club
- Black Student Union
- California Scholarship Federation
- Celtic Nations
- Dance
- Dodgeball
- Drama
- Dungeons & Dragons (fags)
- Environmental
- Folk Dance
- French
- Future Farmers of America
- Gay-Straight Alliance
- Gifted and Talended Education Program (GATE)
- Interkey
- International
- Martial Arts
- Math
- Outdoor Club
- Bike
- Photography
- Poetry
- Rugby
- Safe Schools Alliance
- Spanish
- Speech & Debate
- Swing