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List of Star Wars planets and moons

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The following are fictional planets set in the Star Wars universe.



see main article: Alderaan

Alderaan is the home of Princess Leia, Bail Organa and also, in 4000 BBY, Ulic Qel Droma, who fought in The Great Sith War. Its name is thought to be derived from that of the star Aldebaran. It was known for its peaceful and nature-conscious citizens and vibrant, melodic culture. It was tragically destroyed by the Death Star in 0 BBY.

Image : Alderaan (Revenge of the Sith)


Located in the Mid Rim, Ando is home to the aquatic Aqualish. Ando is an ocean world orbited by two moons. Ninty-five percent of the surface is covered in water, and what little land remains is complemented by Aqualish sailing ships used as mobile homes. Once the Aqualish discovered space travel, they explored Ando's sister world, though a series of inter-species wars left it decimated and barren.


Anoat is the name of both the star system and the planet. The star system lies between the Hoth and Bespin systems. The Millennium Falcon passes through the relatively deserted system while escaping from the Empire. The Anoat system consists of three inhospitable planets; Anoat, Gentes and Deyer. The three planets (including Gentes, home of the Ugnaughts) were abandoned sometime before the Galactic Civil War. Toxic waste infected Anoat and the terraformed planet Deyer, forcing the populations to move offworld.

Image : Anoat


Bakura is prominently featured in the Kathy Tyers novel The Truce at Bakura.

Bakura is a small, pastoral planet on the outskirts of known space, just outside the Modell Sector. Bakura was the site of the truce between the Empire and the New Republic. Bakura was also the site of the Battle of Bakura against the reptilian Ssi-Ruuk which used the life essences of their human captives to power their war machines.

Bakura's only native sentient species is the Kurtzen, although its most populous sentient species is Human. They are also known for their repulsorlift industry though the people are quite distrustful of droids.


see main article

Bespin is the planet in The Empire Strikes Back over which Cloud City hovers suspended by an antigravity pod. Bespin is also a major source of tibanna gas, which is refined for production and transport in Cloud City. It is home to several million individuals - including humans and Ugnaughts.

Image : Bespin (The Empire Strikes Back)


Bilbringi is featured in Timothy Zahn's The Thrawn Trilogy. The system is rich with minerals, and more importantly, it is a site of a large shipyard. The Super Star Destroyer Executor was built in Bilbringi. The Bilbringi Shipyards were equiped with a CGT array, which was the cause of a major battle during the Thrawn era.

The asteroids used by Thrawn to blockade Coruscant were equipped with cloaking devices here, and loaded into one of Thrawn's Star Destroyers. Because of the blockade, the New Republic were forced to acquire the CGT array to end the blockade.

During this battle, the Noghri traitor Rukh assasinated the Grand Admiral, and the New Republic captured the system.

During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the shipyards at Bilbringi produced Star Destroyers for the New Republic.


Bothawui is a cosmopolitan planet serving as the homeworld of the Bothan race as well as a major hub for information trafficking. The Bothan spy network is widely agreed-upon to be the best in the galaxy and much of the information it carries comes through Bothawui at some point. The Imperial name for the planet was Bothawui Proper. Bothawui is in the center of Bothan Space.

Image : Bothawui (Shadows of the Empire art)


Carida, first mentioned in the Expanded Universe series of Star Wars books as the site of an Imperial training academy. The planet was destroyed by Master Jedi Kyp Durron, using the Sun Crusher, a superweapon that fires missiles into a sun and causes it to go nova, destroying all planets within the system.

Kyp Durron was, at the time, under the control of the Sith Lord Exar Kun.

Carida is also the homeworld of Admiral Kendal Ozzel.

Cato Neimoidia

One of the Neimoidian 'purse-worlds', Cato Neimoidia is the location of Nute Gunray's secret redoubt. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Republic launches an attack on the fortress, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. This battle takes place in Labyrinth of Evil, by James Luceno.

Image : Cato Neimoidia (from StarWars.com)

Clak'dor VII

Home to the Bith, Clak'dor VII is located in the Colu system. The once-beautiful world was all but destroyed in a Bith chemical war

Image : Clak'Dor VII (Customizable Card Game)

Concord Dawn

Concord Dawn is an arid, sparsely populated world inhabited mainly by farmers. It was also home to a number of Mandalorians - Concord Dawn was the birthplace of Jango Fett as well as his mentor Jaster Mereel.


see main article
Corellia is the homeworld of the infamous Corellians, including Han Solo, Wedge Antilles and Garm bel Iblis. It is the capital planet of the Corellian sector, which included Corellia, Selonia, Drall and the double worlds of Talus and Tralus. In the days of the Galactic Republic, it was ruled by a Diktat while the sector had a seat in the Galactic Senate. The Corellian Security Force (CorSec) polices the planet.

Image : Corellia (Customizable Card Game)


see main article

Coruscant was the capital of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, and the Yuuzhan Vong occupation at various times. It is generally agreed that Coruscant is the most important world in the galaxy, evidenced by the fact that its hyperspace cordinates are (0,0,0.)

Image : [Coruscant] (The Phantom Menace)


see main article

Dagobah is both a planet and the system in which it resides. It appears in the films The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

After Darth Vader hunted down nearly all of the Jedi, Jedi Master Yoda hid in a swamp on Dagobah where a cave strong with the dark side of the Force hid him from detection by the Emperor. In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Luke Skywalker is visited on the ice planet Hoth by the ghost of Ben Kenobi, who tells him to go seek Yoda on Dagobah to be trained as a Jedi.


see main article
Dantooine was mentioned only once in the Star Wars films. In A New Hope, Princess Leia tries to fool Grand Moff Tarkin into believing that the Rebel base is located there. Tarkin replies that Dantooine is "too remote" to use the Death Star on (the deciding factor here seems to be a political and social impact rather than military necessity).


Dathomir is the planet on which Yoda's Jedi Academy Ship the Chu'unthor crashed. The planet was inhabited by force sensitive "witches", who were descendents of a Jedi Knight banished to the planet, and wild Rancors.


Duro is home to the alien race of the same name. Duros are interested in exploration and have ventured off their homeworld to explore the galaxy, leaving Duro in a state of ruin. The Empire has ruined the planet's ecosystem and forced all the remaining Duros to move off the planet. The Yuuzhan Vong overtook Duro, but the New Republic won it back.

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems spearheaded Durge's Lance, a co-ordinated and major campaign that lead to the capture of Duro. General Grievous was commander of the operation. The swift success of the campaign sent shockwaves throughout the Galactic Republic, and even neutral Corellia began to tighten its defences.

Neimoidians, such as Nute Gunray, are descendents of Duro colonists of Neimoidia.


Endor is the gas giant to the forest moon of Endor, featured in Return of the Jedi. Endor is located in the remote Moddell Sector.


Fondor is a Mid Rim world famous for its orbital shipyards. Darth Vader's Executor-class Super Star Destroyer was constructed over Fondor. The planet became a target during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, though a blast from Centerpoint Station destroyed a portion of the enemy fleet, saving Fondor at the cost of the Hapan war fleet also caught in the blast. Fondor continued to supply the Galactic Alliance with starships in the war.


One of the planets of the Anoat system.


see main article
Geonosis is the home planet of the Geonosians, and the site of the Battle of Geonosis. Geonosis is ruled by Poggle the Lesser.

The planet was located less than one parsec from Tatooine. In many ways the planet was similar to Tatooine, as in that it was a rocky, desert world. One notable difference was that the planet had large and dense rings in orbit. When Jango Fett was being chased by Obi-Wan Kenobi he went into the rings in order to loose Kenobi amongst the rocks that made up the belt.

Haruun Kal

see main article
Haruun Kal (Above the Clouds in the language of its natives), was the homeworld of the the famed Jedi Master Mace Windu.

The first and only habitable world in the Al'har system, Haruun Kal appeared to be an oceanic world from space. However this "ocean" was in fact a sea of toxic gases brought to the surface by volcanic activity, and broken by mountains and plateaus. Only the landmasses which reached into the atmosphere could support life, and thus it was high in these mountains and plateaus where native life evolved.


Planet colonized by the Gran


Home to the Noghri


see main article
Hoth is the sixth planet of a remote system. It is a world covered in snow and ice, with numerous moons, and pelted by meteorites from a nearby asteroid belt. Native creatures include the wampa and tauntaun.

The Rebel Alliance relocated to Hoth after their victory in the Battle of Yavin. However, an Imperial probe droid discovered the base on Hoth, before being discovered itself. The Rebels began preparations to leave, but Darth Vader's Death Squadron arrived too soon, and the Rebels were forced into combat to cover their escape. The Empire wins the Battle of Hoth.


Home to the Zabraks


see main article
The Clone Army for the Republic was generated on Kamino. It is inhabited by a race of tall, elegant creatures, called Kamionans, who keep to themselves and are known for their cloning technology. Obi-Wan Kenobi was directed here to follow a lead on the whereabouts of Senator Amidala's would-be assassin through a single poison dart. During Obi-Wan's stay on Kamino, he discovered the source of the Clone Army's genetic code, one Jango Fett and his "son," Boba Fett.


Kashyyyk is the lush, tree-filled home planet of the Wookiees in the fictional Star Wars universe. Its ecology can be politely described as a "layered deathtrap", the planet's surface being covered with trees that are multiple miles high. The dangerous and hostile animals increase as you descend to the forest floor. The frame story of The Star Wars Holiday Special was set on this planet. The original scripts for Return of the Jedi called for the Death Star to be built in orbit around Kashyyyk by Wookiee slave labor. It wasn't until later drafts that the setting and characters were changed to Endor and Ewoks.

Kashyyyk's runaway plant growth is the result of a malfunctioning terraforming machine left by the Rakata.

The planet will finally appear in a feature film in 2005, when Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith airs.

Image : Kashyyyk (Revenge of the Sith)


Kessel is home to the galaxy's largest spice mining operation. Located in the Outer Rim, Kessel was administered by Moruth Doole. Kessel is located in the Kessel Sector, near Hutt Space. Nearby is The Maw.


Home to the Gran


see main article
Korriban is the sole planet in the Horuset System, located across the galaxy from Cinnagar and Koros Minor. This remote, forbidding planet was the seat of the ancient Sith race, and has long been a sacred planet for the Sith order.It is orbited by seven moons, and was unknown to the Old Republic before the rise of Naga Sadow. It was to Korriban that the ancient Dark Jedi fled, after they were exiled by the Jedi Knights.


Kuat is home to Kuat Drive Yards. The yards, used to build ships for both the Republic and later the Empire, circle the planet for miles.

Kuat is located in Kuat Sector, near the Deep Core.

During Imperial control, Kuat could only be accessed via three ports within the main Kuat Traffic Zone, which was along the Hydian Way; a passenger port, a freight port, and a Imperial transfer port.

Accessable to the passenger port were the systems of Redrish, Drurish, Ulion, and Kidir. Accessable to the freight port were the systems of Monadin, Renegg, Venir, and Horthav. All systems accessable to the Imperial transfer port were classified.


Malastare is referred to several times in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones it has not been, and likely will not be, seen on screen. According to the Expanded Universe, Malastare is the homeworld of the quadruped Dug race. The Dugs were enslaved by the three-eyed Gran who first landed on and colonized Malastare in 8,000 BBY. There is podracing on Malastare, a pastime referred to by Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace as "very fast, and very dangerous".

In the Old Republic, Malastare was represented in the Galactic Senate exclusively by Gran politicians such as Aks Moe, Ainlee Teem and Ask Aak.


Manaan was last seen in the 2003 videogame Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The planet is completely covered in water, except for Ahto City, a large city made by the Selkath, the native species on Manaan. It is the sole planet where kolto, a plant with natural healing properties, is found; kolto harvesting and shipping is the planet's central industry. The Selkath exploit this resource to ensure their safety from both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, who are unable to attack the planet for fear of damaging the kolto. The planet features an oceanic swoop-racing course, several hotels and cantinas, both Sith and Republic embassies and an underwater research station guarded by a giant mutant shark. It was also the location of a Rakatan Star Map.

Image : Ahto City on Manaan (KotOR)


Home to the Coway. Also known as Circapous V

Mon Calamari

Mon Calamari is the home planet of the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. Mon Calamari is the name given to the planet by humans. The native species both refer to the planet as Dac.

These two species have struggled to claim the planet. The Mon Calamari live comfortably on the surface and below although the Quarren live in the depths of the oceans. The planet looks like a blue marble from space because of its ocean-covered surface. The cities are like those of Kamino.

During the Clone Wars, the world was attacked twice by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. First, Count Dooku devastated the world with the Dark Reaper. Later, the Quarren Isolation League attempted to overthrow the Mon Calamari Council.

The Mon Calamari Cruiser, the main cruisers of Rebel Alliance/New Republic are build in Mon Calamari. An example of these ships are the great Home One, used by the Rebel in the Battle of Endor.


A member world of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Muunilinst is home to the InterGalactic Banking Clan. It later becomes the financial centre of the Empire, and is known as 'Moneyland'


Mustafar is a young volcanic planet to be featured in Revenge of the Sith. Mustafar is a double world on the Outer Rim, and home to a secret Separatist base On it, the characters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker engage in a duel, where Anakin suffers severely at the hands of Obi-Wan. The resulting injuries require his master Palpatine to have much of his anatomy replaced by prosthetics. Following this treatment, he becomes known as Darth Vader.

Image : Mustafar (Revenge of the Sith)


see main article
Myrkr is a largely forested world, home to the ysalamiri, creatures which create bubbles which push back the Force. This ability has evolved to protect them from pack animals called vornskrs, the only known animals that hunt exclusively by sensing the Force.


see main article
Naboo is located in the Chommell sector, Naboo is the home planet of Queen Amidala and Jar Jar Binks, as well as Senator (later Chancellor and then Emperor) Palpatine. In The Phantom Menace, it was the site of a blockade by the Trade Federation, and a battle, the Battle of Naboo between the Federation and the native inhabitants.

Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta is the current Hutt key world. It is the capital of Hutt Space and is located in the Y'Toub System.

Nar Shaddaa is the moon that orbits Nal Hutta.


Home to the Neimodians


Nubia is located on the outer edge of the Core Worlds. The Nubians developed parts for star ships, including the hyperdrive for the Naboo cruiser in The Phantom Menace.


see main article
Onderon is one of three planets in the Japreal system, Onderon has a temperate climate, and was once home to a primitive race of humanoids. Like many other fringe worlds, the Onderonians have a distrust of aliens.

Peragus II

Peragus II is a location featured in the videogame Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. When someone is talking about Peragus, they are most likely referring to the Peragus Mining Colony located on an asteroid that orbits the planet.

Peragus II's main export was fuel until a horrible accident that left a big crater in the planets surface. Peragus still mines fuel, not from the planet, but from the asteroid belt that the accident on the main planet spawned.

Raxus Prime

Raxus Prime is packed with toxic debris and has a poisonous surface. It is where Count Dooku found the Force Harvester. There are many ancient secrets hidden in this planet. Three missions in the video game Star Wars: The Clone Wars take place on Raxus Prime.

Rhen Var

Rhen Var has an icy surface similar to that of Hoth, being covered with snow and ice. Ancient Jedi monuments are buried beneath the surface of Rhen Var. Rhen Var was once a fertile paradise filled with vegetation and wild life. Millions of years ago, an atmospheric cataclysm turned it into an icy hibernal surface. During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or the Separatist army, seized Rhen Var with an army so big that the Republic base had to evacuate the planet. Obi-Wan Kenobi informed the Jedi Council about the seizure of the planet. After the Liberation of Kashyyyk Moon, the Galactic Republic retook Rhen Var. After the The Great Sith War (4,000 BBY), Ulic Qel Droma sought refuge on Rhen Var, and he is buried there.


Home world to the Rodians and the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo


Ruusan is where the Battle of Ruusan occurred in 1,000 BBY. Ruusan was a temperate, pleasant world, inhabited by both humans and a strange sentinent species known as Bouncers. During the battle, between the Jedi under Lord Hoth, and the Sith under Lord Kaan, much of the planet's surface, including several cities, were destroyed. After the battle had ended, a Jedi Knight, named Johun Othone, constructed a grand memorial to the fallen warriors called The Valley of the Jedi. Despite this, the world was quickly forgotten, as the Galactic Republic turned inwards.

By the time of the Empire's reign, Ruusan was forgotten and used by independent spacers and merchants as a base of operations.


Ryloth is the home planet of the race of the Twi'lek. In the years before the fall of the Republic, Ryloth was represented by Orn Free Taa. Twi'leks have integrated windmills and turbines to power their homes and industries carved into the mountains. Ryloth was also the source of much ryll.

Ryloth is the homeworld of Bib Fortuna.


A member world of the Confederacy of Independent Systems


The surface of the Sullust is barren and volcanic, forcing the native Sullustan inhabitants to live in underground caves. The planet is the headquarters of the galaxy-spanning SoroSuub corporation.

The planet was briefly mentioned on-screen when Darth Vader asked the Emperor "What of the reports of the Rebel Fleet massing near Sullust?" in Return of the Jedi. Sullust has also been featured in the Rogue Squadron video game, and Kyle Katarn, the hero from the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight series of video games, hails from one of Sullust's moons.

Sy Myrth

A member world of the Confederacy of Independent Systems


Taris is the first planet visited by the player of the 2003 videogame Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic after he or she escapes from a transport ship which comes under attack from Sith forces.

Situated on a hyperspace transport hub, Taris was once an important galactic presence but at the time of the game is decaying rapidly. One sprawling city covers the entirety of the planet surface. The less affluent citizens live underground, in the Undercity or Lower city. After the player rescues the Jedi Bastila, who has been taken prisoner by lower city gangs, the group flee the planet. Shortly after it is obliterated by the Sith forces under the command of the Dark Lord Malak.The player steals the Ebon Hawk, Davik's prized possesion, and leaves the planet to find Lord Malak destroying it although unlike the destruction of Alderaan, the planet itself survives though its surface is completely devastated by spatial bombardment.


see main article
Tatooine is the home planet of the Skywalker family and the setting for much of the action in the saga's films (as well as several of the novels and other pieces of written fiction). The planet is not actually named in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope; according to Lucas he named it retrospectively after the movie's desert location, Tataouine (French spelling) in Tunisia. Tatooine's indigenous inhabitants are the pygmy and intelligent Jawas and the nomadic Tusken Raiders.

Tatooine is a desert world in a binary star system, inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living. The planet has been the site of repeated and failed attempts at colonization. During the prequel-era, it was ruled for a long period by the Hutts, being beyond the reach of the Galactic Republic. After the fall of the Republic, the Galactic Empire established a token presence on Tatooine, but the crime lord Jabba the Hutt still retained de facto control of the planet.


Telos is shown in the Lucasarts videogame Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Telos was mentioned in the first game as the homeworld of character Carth Onasi, which he fled after it was bombed by the Sith fleet. During the game, restoration efforts are underway to help return the planet to what it was before being destroyed.

Thousands of years later, Telos has recovered and become a popular destination for intergalactic tourists. About twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, the former padawan Xanatos turned the planet upside down in his pursuit for personal power. Only the intervention of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi thwarted Xanatos' plans, and helped return the planet to its rightful government.


Thule is a semi-arid planet known for its rich savannas, continually bombarded by lightning storms, Thule was a hidden Sith stronghold. The rocky outcroppings which broke the plains were charred black from being hit by lightning. This charred rock later served as a form of sustenance for unusual, bioluminescent moss that made the rocks glow with an eerie light.

Ulic Qel Droma fought on Thule during The Great Sith War, during which the Dark Reaper was buried on the world. Thousands of years later, Count Dooku went to Thule to revive the Dark Reaper to attempt to destroy the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. A planetary shield enveloped the planet Thule, projected by a small moon orbiting it.

The Battle of Thule is the last battle featured in the video game Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The battle was divided into four phases. At phase one, Anakin Skywalker and his strike force took out the planetary shield on the Thule Moon. At phase two, Obi-Wan Kenobi used the Low Altitude Assault Infantry Gunship to perform an aerial attack on significant strategic locations across planet Thule and destroyed the Communications Installation in order to cripple the Separatists' communications. At phase three, Mace Windu commanded the ground forces around Thule's capital city Kessia. Upon his arrival to Kessia, Cydon Prax destroyed Mace Windu's TX-150 Saber-class fighter tank. Mace Windu had to travel on foot to open the gates to the Sith Temple. At the final phase, Anakin Skywalker and his strike force went through the Sith Temple, defeated Cydon Prax and then re-defeated the Dark Reaper.


Thyferra is a hot, humid planet located in the Polith system. Here is where almost all of the galaxy's bacta is produced. This is the homeworld of the Vratix race who discovered how to create the bacta from the alazhi and kavam plants. The Vratix shared the secret of bacta production to their human neighbors, the result of which is that Thyferra is almost completely controlled by two human-run corporations: Zaltin and Xucphra. These two corporations were chosen by Emperor Palpatine to supply the Empire's bacta, thusly eliminating any real competition in the bacta market.


Home to the Trandoshan


Utapau is a planet to be featured in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith with large sinkholes covering much of the surface (which is otherwise quite grassy). Entire cities are built in cracks and crevasses in the sides of the massive sinkholes, which extend inwards in perpetual twilight.

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, General Grievous travels to this world to re-group and to trap Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Port Administrator Tion Medon aids Obi-Wan in tracking down the General.

Image : Utapau (Revenge of the Sith)


Varl was the homeworld of the Hutts. According to Hutt legend, the two suns, represented by the gods Evona and Ardos, used to illuminate the system. Evona was drawn into a black hole and Ardos became angry and erupted. The gaseous shell of Ardos destroyed all the other planets, but Varl barely survived. The race then went to colonize other planets in the galaxy.


Wayland first appeared in Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire" novel. The planet was home to the Emperor's Mount Tantiss storehouse, which contained a cloaking device and cloning chambers that Grand Admiral Thrawn used in his war against the New Republic. Wayland was also home to the insane clone of the Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth. The Mount Tantiss storehouse was eventually destroyed and C'baoth killed.


Yavin is a gas giant known for its moon of Yavin 4, where the Rebel Alliance's base was in Star Wars: A New Hope. In the Expanded Universe, Yavin has two other habitable moons, Yavin 8 and Yavin 13.


Home to the Yevetha

See also