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The Games of the New Emerging Forces (GANEFO) were the games set up by Indonesia in late 1962 as a counter to the Olympic Games. Established for the athletes of the so-called "emerging nations" (mainly newly independent socialist states), GANEFO made it clear in its constitution that politics and sport were intertwined; this ran against the doctrine of the International Olympic Committee, which strove to separate politics from sport. The IOC decreed that the athletes attending GANEFO would be ineligible to participate in the Olympic Games.

Indonesia established GANEFO in the aftermath of IOC censure for the politically charged 4th Jakarta Asian Games in 1962 which Indonesia hosted and for which Taiwan and Israel were refused entry cards. The IOC's eventual reaction was to indefinitely suspend Indonesia from the IOC. This was the first time the IOC suspended one of its members.

The first edition of GANEFO was held in Jakarta, Indonesia on November 10, 1963 where in total over 2,000 athletes participated from approximately 51 nations in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America such as Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, Ceylon, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Guinea, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, People's Republic of China, the Philippines, Poland, Republic of Mali, Rumania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, USSR, North Vietnam, the United Arab Republic (Egypt), Uruguay, etc.

The USSR, in a show of solidarity, did send athletes to the first GANEFO, but in order not to jeopardize their position in the IOC, the Soviet athletes were not of Olympic caliber.

The second edition of GANEFO had been planned to be held in Cairo, Egypt in 1967, but this was canceled due to political considerations.

The second edition of GANEFO was restricted to Asia, except Guinea, after the qualifying tournament in Pyongyang, North Korea in August 1~11, 1965 in which Guinea participated. Consequently, the second tournament in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in November 25~December 6, 1966 was named 'First Asian GANEFO'. The second Asian GANEFO was planned to be held in North Korea in 1970. But the second Asian GANEFO never happened.

Meanwhile African nations organised the first African Games in Brazzaville, Congo in 1965.