Luettelo televisiosarjan Digimon Tamers jaksoista
(Ohjattu sivulta Luettelo Digimon Tamersin jaksoista)
Tämä on luettelo Digimon Tamersin jaksoista. Kaikkien jaksojen englanninkielinen nimi näkyy listassa.
Jaksot 1–26 esitettiin Suomessa Nelosella 17.11.2008 – 22.12.2008 välisenä aikana ja jaksot 27–51 puolestaan esitettiin 5.2.2009 – 11.3.2009 aikana. Sarjaa sivuvia elokuvia ei Nelosella tulla esittämään.
# | Nimi suomeksi | Nimi englanniksi | Nimi japaniksi | Suomen ensiesitys |
1 | Guilmon syntyy | Guilmon Comes Alive | Guilmon is Born! The Digimon that I Created | 17.11.2008 |
2 | Terriermon ilmestyy | Digimon, Digimon Everywhere | You're my Friend! Introducing Terriermon | 18.11. |
3 | Guilmon vastaan Renamon | To Fight or Not to Fight | Renamon VS Guilmon! Battle is a Digimon's Life | 19.11. |
4 | Painajaisten Digimon | It Came From the Other Side | A Tamer's Trial! Defeat Gorimon! | 20.11. |
5 | Calumon pitää hauskaa | Dream a Little Dream | Kuru-Kuru! Let's Play with Culumon! | 21.11. |
6 | Renamon kehittyy | Oh Partner, Where Art Thou? | The Meaning of Parters! Renamon Evolves | 24.11. |
7 | Katoavat kumppanit | Now You See it, Now You Don't | Crisis for Guilmon! The Adventure in my Town | 25.11. |
8 | Guilmon kehittyy | A Quest of Trust | Guilmon Evolves! Decisive Battle in Nishi Shinjuku (Länsi-Shinjuku) | 26.11. |
9 | Ylisuuri Growlmon | Not as See on TV | Please Revert to Guilmon! The Growmon Incident | 27.11. |
10 | IceDevimon kidnappaaja | The Icemon Cometh | Renamon is my Friend! Ruki's Hesitation | 28.11. |
11 | Taistelu rautatiesillalla | Much Ado About Musyamon | Shinjuku Railroad Bridge...Duel for a Minute and a Half! | 1.12. |
12 | Ystävyys kriisissä | Divided They Stand | Ruki and Renamon, The Crisis of the Bond! | 2.12. |
13 | Paha aavistus | Juggernaut | The Order to Capture the Digimon! The Sinister Foreboding | 3.12. |
14 | WarGrowlmon syntyy | Grow Mon, Grow | Tamers Stand! MegaloGrowmon Super Evolution! | 4.12. |
15 | Paniikkia metrossa | Snakes, Trains and Digimon | Giant Snake Appearance! Ōedo Line Great Panic | 5.12. |
16 | Takaisin luontoon | Back to Nature, Back to Battle | Protect the Light of the Town! Dangerous Camp of the Digimon | 8.12. |
17 | Devojen hyökkäys | Duel With the Deva | Chase the Blue Card! The Rapidmon Moment | 9.12. |
18 | Digitaalinen kaunotar | Digital Beauty | Beautiful Evolution! Taomon Dances in the Moonlight | 10.12. |
19 | Impmonin taistelu | Impmon's Last Stand | I Would Like to Become Strong! Rise, Impmon! | 11.12. |
20 | Näkymätön uhka | Out of the Blue | The last resort is This! Blue Card of Friendship | 12.12. |
21 | Jen, kesyttäjä | Jeri's Quest | Juri's Partner!? My Mr. Leomon | 15.12. |
22 | Vastus kovenee | The Boar Wars | Vikaramon Appears! Protect Our Town! | 16.12. |
23 | Jakautunut maailma | A World Apart | Digimon Total sortie! Advancing while Facing the Wind | 17.12. |
24 | Matka alkaa | The Journey Begins | To the Digital World... The Day of Departure | 18.12. |
25 | Uusi uljas maailma | Brave New Digital World | Enter the Digital World! Goodbye to Our City | 19.12. |
26 | Tuulilaaksossa | Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure | Little World! Jijimon and Babamon in the Strong Wind Valley | 22.12. |
27 | Rautapeto | Motorcycle Madness | Impmon Evolves! The Shudder of Beruzebumon the Dark Lord | 5.2. 2009 |
28 | Ryo, mestarikesyttäjä | Blame it on Ryo | The Legendary Tamer | 6.2. |
29 | Kohtaaminen | Goliath | Here is the Ghost Castle! The Great Escape of Stray Culumon | 9.2. |
30 | Myrskyn silmässä | The Imperfect Storm | Urgent Message from the Digital World! Culumon is... | 10.2. |
31 | Kazu löytää kumppaninsa | Kazu's Upgrade | Friendship with Guardromon! Tamer Hirokazu, "I also want to fight!" | 11.2. |
32 | Shibumin tarina | Shibumi speaks | The Mystery of Guilmon's Birth! The Mystic Water Space | 12.2. |
33 | Jäniksen aika | Rabbit Transit | Where is Terriermon? Shiuchon goes to the Digital World! | 13.2. |
34 | Leijonansydän | Lionheart | The Kind-Hearted Hero, Leomon Dies | 16.2. |
35 | Luopumisia | Give a Little Bit | The Name is Dukemon! Holy Mega Evolution | 17.2. |
36 | Sisäinen taistelu | The Battle Within | Final Fight! Dukemon vs. Beelzebmon | 18.2. |
37 | Urheat taistelijat | No Mon is an Island | Battle with Zhuqiaomon! SaintGalgomon, Mega Evolution | 19.2. |
38 | Azulongmonin tarina | Azulongmon Explains it All | True Enemy Gets to Move! Battle the Four Holy Beasts | 20.2. |
39 | Sakuyamonin laulu | Song of Sakuyamon | Whirling Ultimate Flower! Sakuyamon Evolves | 23.2. |
40 | Arkki | Janyu's Ark | Shining Evolution! Culumon's Release | 24.2. |
41 | Kotimatka | Homeward Bound | The Return to the Real World | 25.2. |
42 | D-Reaper nousee | Reunion | A City Attacked by the D-Reaper | 26.2. |
43 | Impmonin kumppanit | Beelzemon's Big Day | Connected Minds, Resurrected Beelzebmon | 27.2. |
44 | Viesti | The Messenger | The Mysterious Girl! Bringer of Miracles, Dobermon | 2.3. |
45 | Kaikki yhden puolesta | The D-Reaper's Disguise | Stand Up to the D-Reaper! Charge into the Zone | 3.3. |
46 | Mahtava Justimon | When a Mon is Justimon? | New Ultimate Warrior! Justimon Appears! | 4.3. |
47 | Ritarin ratsu | His Kingdom for a Horse | Save Dukemon! Grani Scramble | 5.3. |
48 | Beelzemon ja vanki | Shadow of the Beast King | The Power to Save Juri! Beelzebmon's Fist | 6.3. |
49 | Kohtalon hetket | D-Reaper's Feast | Destruction of the Capitol! Culumon's Wish | 9.3. |
50 | Matkan pää | Jeri Fights Back | Crimson Knight Dukemon! Save the People you Love | 10.3. |
51 | Jäähyväiset | Such Sweet Sorrow | Dreaming Power is our Future! The Biggest Dreamer | 11.3. |
Sarjakuvat | |||||||||||||
Animesarjat |
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Web novelit | Seekers | ||||||||||||
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