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Niðerlendisc sprǣc

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Niðerlandisc sprǣc)
Niðerlandisc (Nederlands)
Gelōmlicu in:Niðerland, Belgice, Suriname, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, Francland
Folc:23 million

Cynnlicu Endebyrdung:

  Ƿest Germanisc
   Niðere Seaxisc
    Niðere Þēodisc
     Niðere Franconisc

Ambihtlic Stede:
Ambihtlicu sprǣc in:Aruba, Belgice, Þā Niðerland, Netherlands Antilles and Suriname
Geregolod fram:Gemot þāra Niðerlendiscan Sprǣcena
Sprǣce Begīemung:
ISO 639-1:nl
ISO 639-2:dut, nld

Sēo Niðerlendisce sprǣc (Nīƿenglisce: Dutch, Niðerlendisce: Nederlands) is Ƿestgermanisc sprǣc, þē fram Niðerlande ārās. Hēo is sēo eahta-and-fēoƿertigoðe mǣste gelōmlice "ǣreste sprǣc", and hit hæfþ 23 millionan folces in 2007. Gelōmlice is þæt cynn Niðerlandiscre sprǣce, þe is on Belgican gesprecen, þēo is Flemisc gehāten. In Norþeastum dǣle þæs landes biþ sēo Niðerseaxisce sprǣc gesprecen, Achterhoeks, Drents, Gronings, Sallands, Stellingƿerfs and Tƿents.

Oft ƿierþeþ hit gesægd, þæt Niðerlendisc bē Englisce and Þēodsce tƿēonum stendeþ, forþǣm þe hit lǣssa grammatisca anƿendednessa þanne Englisc underēode, ac māra þanne Þēodsc. Eac underēode Þēodsc grēate anƿendedness stefnhlyda þe nāhƿæðer ge Englisc ge Niðerlendisc næfde tōgehrinen ; þus mæh mann secgan, þæt Niðerlendisc nēara Englisc is þanne Þēodsc.

Þā mǣstan Niðerlendiscan ƿord cumað of þǣre Ealdan Germaniscan sprǣce. Sum cumað of Lǣdene and Crēacisce and fēaƿa of Nīƿenglisce and Frencisce. Þæt ƿord schip cymð of seolfre orsprunge sƿā Englisc scip.

  1. ]]senunga:==
  • sprǣc – spraak (taal)
  • ofer – over
  • and – en
  • burh/burg – burg
  • fisc – vis
  • "gōdne morgen" – „goedemorgen“
  • hātan – heten
  • ic – ik
  • sƿeart – zwart
  • ƿeald – woud
  • ƿeorðan – worden
  • ġē - je
  • biddan- bidden
  • ƿeorpan - werpen
  • stede - stad (pl: steden)
  • helpan - helpen


[adiht | adiht fruman]
  • Sē mann hǣteþ Ƿilhelm, he hæfþ mē gesægd þæt ic ǣghƿæt dēores hæfde gestolen
De man heet Willem, hij heeft mij gezegd dat ik wat duurs had gestolen
  • Mē þyncþ hit, þæt mann bē þǣre gemǣnþe grēatru ƿununga hæfþ þanne up þǣm būrlande. Ic þence þæt þā ne gelīc sind
Mij dunkt het, dat men bij de gemeente grotere woningen heeft dan op het platteland (boerenland). Ik denk dat die niet gelijk zijn
  • Ƿē habbaþ ofer nānum hūse gesprecen, ānlice habbaþ hīe mē geƿune fortæld þæt þǣr midƿeorcere bē ƿunodon
We hebben over geen huis gesproken, noch hebben ze mij gewoon verteld dat daar medewerkers bij woonden

Eald niðerlendisc

[adiht | adiht fruman]

Eald niðerlendisc byð sēo ylce sprǣc sƿa sēo niðere Franconisc hātte (eastern and ƿestern).
Lange se niðerlendisc þōhton hira ieldeste ƿriting ƿǣre:

Hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan hinase hic enda thu uuat unbidan uue nu. (ca. 1100)
Oððe: Habbaþ ealle fugolas nest begunnon nymþe īċ and þū hƿæt ġebīdaþ ƿē nu?

Nū hycgeþ man þa þes cȳma cƿide bēo eald Centisc and nis þæs ealdan niðerlendiscan gereordes. Ac þenden sind gifundan oðre cƿidas (on Hloðƿices rihtbēc be naman Lege Salica). Se ieldest byð:

Maltho thi afrio lito (ca. 510)
Oððe: Mǣle þē: frēoġe, healfǣhtemann.

Þēah eac sīe mihtelīce þæt ieldest niðerlendiscne bēon þās rún-stæfas læs lēoðlican under-neoþan:

þā rún-stæfas Bergakkeres

haþuþȳwas ann kusjam logūns (425-450)
Oððe: Heaðu-þēoƿes ann cyrum līeġes.
Ƿikipǣdian geƿritu geƿriten in þisse sprǣce sind gefunden æt þǣm

Ūtanƿearde bendas

[adiht | adiht fruman]