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Шаблон:IMDb име

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

IMDb име на сајту IMDb (језик: енглески)

Документација шаблона[прикажи] [уреди] [историја] [освежи]

This template is used to generate an external link to a web page for a person in the Internet Movie Database. It should only be used in the "external links" section of an article.

For a work (film/movie, TV or Web program/series, video game, etc.), use {{IMDb title}}.
For a specific TV episode or Web series episode, use {{IMDb episode}}.
For an episode list, use {{IMDb episodes}}.
For a company, use {{IMDb company}}.
For a character, use {{IMDb character}}.
For an award, use {{IMDb award}}.

The required parameter is the ID number. The template then uses the article title as the anchor text:

* {{IMDb name | ID }}
* {{IMDb name | id= ID }}

To have the link text be other than the article name, use second parameter:

* {{IMDb name | ID | Name }}
* {{IMDb name | id= ID | name= Name }}

This is necessary when adding an IMDb link to an article about somebody or something other than the linked person (for example, if you include the IMDb link for Bette Davis in the Joan Crawford article, you must specify Bette Davis's name as the text for the link).

The parameter |section= can be set to award (alternatively awards) or bio (alternatively biography) to link to the awards or biography section for that person.

  • {{IMDb name | 0000008 | Marlon Brando | section= awards }} gives:
Awards for Marlon Brando на сајту IMDb (језик: енглески)
  • {{IMDb name | 0000008 | Marlon Brando | section= bio }} gives:
Biography for Marlon Brando на сајту IMDb (језик: енглески)

Detailed instructions

[уреди извор]
  1. Copy and paste one of the options above into the article
  2. Go to IMDb.com and search for the person you want (say, Marlon Brando; you'll reach http://www.imdb.com/find?q=Marlon+Brando&s=all)
  3. Click on the correct Marlon Brando in the list; this will bring up the page:
    1. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000008/
  4. Copy only the 7-digit number (here, "0000008"), omitting the "nm" but keep all the leading zeros (although IMDb seems to add missing leading zeroes in desktop mode [www.imdb.com], but in mobile mode [m.imdb.com] all 7 digits are needed or an error page is served)
  5. Replace "ID" in the template code with the number
    1. For the first option above, you'll then have
      * {{IMDb name | 0000008 }} resulting in:
      Note that the link text is the same as the title of the page the template is used on; outside the page "Marlon Brando", use the second option:
    2. Replace "ID" with the number and "Name" with "Marlon Brando"
      * {{IMDb name | 0000008 | Marlon Brando }} results in:


[уреди извор]
Ово је TemplateData за овај шаблон, која се користи у TemplateWizard, Визуелном уређивачу и другим алаткама. Погледајте месечни извештај о употреби парамера за овај шаблон у чланцима заснованим на овом TemplateData.

TemplateData за IMDb име

This template is used to generate an external link to a web page for a person in the Internet Movie Database.

Параметри шаблона[Уреди податке о шаблону]

IDid 1

The IMDb ID for the target page.

Namename 2

Name that you want to have displayed. Defaults to article title.


IMDb article section. Set to "award" or "awards" to link to the awards section. Set to "bio" or "biography" to link to the biography section.


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