

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ハプスブルク帝国 ハプスブルク帝国
グレートブリテン王国の旗 グレートブリテン王国
ブラウンシュヴァイク=リューネブルク選帝侯領 ハノーファー選帝侯領
ネーデルラント連邦共和国の旗 ネーデルラント連邦共和国
フランス王国の旗 フランス王国
ハプスブルク帝国 フィリップ・フォン・モルトケ(Philipp von Moltke
グレートブリテン王国の旗 トマス・ブライ英語版
フランス王国の旗 ニコラ・ジョゼフ・バルタザール・ド・ラングラード英語版[1]
4,000[2]-6,000[3] 6,000-8,000[4]

メレの戦い(メレのたたかい、英語: Battle of Melle)は、オーストリア継承戦争中の1745年7月9日フォントノワの戦いの後に戦われた、国事詔書を承認する諸国の同盟軍とフランス王国軍の間の戦闘。モルトケ中将率いる同盟軍は主な補給基地であるヘントに軍を送って守備を強化しようとした[8]。デュ・シャイラ(Du Chayla)中将率いるフランス軍はスヘルデ川の南、メレの近くに橋頭堡を作ってヘントを孤立させようとした。同盟軍は多大な損害を出して撃退され、ヘントは直後にフランス軍に占領された




サックスはデュ・シャイラをヘントとアールストの間にあるメレという小さな町へ偵察に派遣した。彼はノルマンディーとクリヨン(Crillon)旅団からの4個大隊ずつ、グラサン(Grassins)の分遣隊、軽歩兵、ベリー、ロワイヤル・エトランジェ(Royal Étranger)、デュ・ロワ(Du Roy)騎兵旅団からの計24個大隊を率いた[11]。アールストとヘントを繋ぐ道の周りに軍営が立てられ、大砲約20門とポンツーン20隻があった。ノルマンディー旅団からの2個大隊とクリヨン旅団の一部はスヘルデ川沿岸とヘントへの道に散らばっていた。デュ・シャイラは軽部隊のグラサンをアールストへ派遣、偵察を行った。




7月9日、グラサンの軽部隊は東のアールストへ進み、アールストから西8マイルほどでメレ近くの要塞シャトー・ド・マッセマン(Château de Massemen)を占領した。モルトケはロイヤル・スコッツを派遣してそれを攻撃、激しい戦闘が起こったが、大砲がなかったためグラサンを追い出すことができなかった。ロイヤル・スコッツは同盟軍に合流し、モルトケはブライに知らせずに[16]グラサンを顧みずヘントへの道を進むことを決定した[17]









  1. ^ Dictionnaire de la noblesse, contenant les généalogies, l'histoire ...., Volume 1,Paris, MDCCLXX, p.275.
  2. ^ Skrine and Smollet give 4,000. Their numbers are mostly drawn from reports from the field such as Abercromby's and Bligh's. These reports normally state rank and file which technically excludes: officers, ensigns, NCOs etc. usually another 10% see: Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783, London, 1804, Appendix p.176 which shows the differentiation between 'rank and file' and others in a regiment in the Louisburg expedition.
  3. ^ Pichat, H. La campagne du maréchal de. Saxe dans les Flandres; de Fontenoy. (mai 1745) à la prise de Bruxelles (février 1746) suivi d'une correspondance inédite de Maurice de Saxe pendant cette campagne, Paris 1909, Saxe gives the allies 6,000 at Alost. Essay on the art of war..., London, MDCCLXI, p.391 gives 6,000. This seems to be the absolute upper limit, given the units known to be there.
  4. ^ Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, p. 89, gives 7,500: 4,500 infantry in two brigades and 3 brigades of cavalry, 24 squadrons totaling 3,000. Similarly, Pichat, H. La campagne du maréchal de. Saxe dans les Flandres; de Fontenoy. (mai 1745) à la prise de Bruxelles (février 1746) suivi d'une correspondance inédite de Maurice de Saxe pendant cette campagne, Paris 1909, gives 4,500 infantry in two brigades and 3,000 cavalry in 24 squadrons.
  5. ^ Chrystin, Jean-Baptiste. Les délices des Pays-Bas, Paris, MDCCLXXXVI, Vol.II., p. 323
  6. ^ Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 229
  7. ^ Pichat, H. La campagne du maréchal de. Saxe dans les Flandres; de Fontenoy. (mai 1745) à la prise de Bruxelles (février 1746) suivi d'une correspondance inédite de Maurice de Saxe pendant cette campagne, Paris 1909, gives 200.
  8. ^ The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. XV, July, 1745, London, pp. 390–391
  9. ^ Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 226.
  10. ^ Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, MacMillan, London, 1899, Vol. II, p. 122.
  11. ^ a b Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, p. 89.
  12. ^ Townshend, Charles, Townshend, Sir Charles Vere Ferrers. The military life of Field-Marshal George first marquess Townshend ... p.74, seems to indicate that there were four British regiments and includes the Welsh Fusiliers 23rd Foot. Skrine puts the 23rd already in Ghent. Most sources of the time show only 3 British regiments.
  13. ^ ハンダサイドの連隊は第16(ロジャー・ハンダサイド)と第31(ウィリアム・ハンダサイド)と2つあったため混乱が生じたが、文献の大半は第16連隊とした。
  14. ^ The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. XV, July, 1745, London, pp. 362–363
  15. ^ Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, p.88. Screen gets Cumberland's 10 squadrons by not counting any of the Austrians, which are a minimum of 4 (2 Dragoon, 2 Hussar) for a total of 14 squadrons, however, Bligh's letters give 7 to Moltke and, at least 7 or 8 ("five or six squadrons of the Dutch..") to his force in his letter from Dendermonde and 5 squadrons to Styrum and Ligne in his letter from Aalst. Furthermore, Bligh's Dendermonde letter states: "... with the Hanoverian squadrons that joined us that day (the 9th)...". 16 or 17 squadrons would seem the most likely total.
  16. ^ Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, p.90.
  17. ^ Letter from Lt. Col. Abercromby to Gen. St. Clair, 10 July 1745.
  18. ^ Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 227.
  19. ^ Digitalisierungsprojekt Wilhelmshöher Kriegskarten (WHK) Map of the Battle of Melle. This map shows the general disposition of the troops.
  20. ^ Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, p.89.
  21. ^ Letter Lieutenant General Moltke to HRH Cumberland 9, July 1745.
  22. ^ Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 230 Moltke states he still has 450 rank and file of the cavalry that got to Ghent with him, this number includes the Hanoverian cavalry and possibly the Hussars.
  23. ^ Letter from Lt. Col. Abercromby to Gen. St. Clair, 10 July 1745. In his letter, Abercromby reports only 220 rank and file made it to Ghent out of 600, he has some 20 officer casualties and is later informed by a paroled doctor that some 200 rank and file of the 1st are prisoners as are a number of officers, additionally at least 500 others and 30 officers are prisoner.
  24. ^ Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, p.96, the Hanoverians and hussars each lost 100, or 200 of a total 600. Rich's Dragoons lost 240 over half the regiment, with the nearly 400 of the Royals, a total of 840 out of 1700.
  25. ^ Screen, J.O.E., The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999, gives over 600 for Bligh's 20th and 800 for Handasydes' 16th
  26. ^ Letters Brigadier Bligh to HRH Cumberland, 10 July 1745 from Aalst and Dendermond. Bligh gives the cavalry as 8 to 10 squadrons.
  27. ^ Letter Brigadier Bligh to HRH Cumberland, 10 July 1745. Bligh reports his equipment losses and includes some casualties: 129 missing from the 20th, "Handysides 160 men and three officers killed and two wounded."
  28. ^ Letter Brigadier Bligh to HRH Cumberland, 10 July 1745.
  29. ^ Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 229.
  30. ^ Chrystin, Jean-Baptiste. Les délices des Pays-Bas, Paris, MDCCLXXXVI, Vol.II., p.324
  31. ^ a b Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 231.


  • Digitalisierungsprojekt Wilhelmshöher Kriegskarten (WHK) Map of the Battle of Melle
  • Chrystin, Jean-Baptiste. Les délices des Pays-Bas, Paris, MDCCLXXXVI, Vol.II.
  • Pichat, H. La campagne du maréchal de. Saxe dans les Flandres; de Fontenoy. (mai 1745) à la prise de Bruxelles (février 1746) suivi d'une correspondence inédite de Maurice de Saxe pendant cette campagne, Paris 1909.
  • Browning, Reed.The War of the Austrian Succession, St. Martin's Press, New York, (1993): ISBN 0-312-12561-5
  • Chandler, David. The Art of Warfare in the Age of Marlborough. Spellmount Limited, (1990): ISBN 0-946771-42-1
  • Skrine, Francis Henry. Fontenoy and Great Britain's Share in the War of the Austrian Succession 1741–48. London, Edinburgh, 1906.
  • Fortescue, J. W. A History of the British Army, MacMillan, London, 1899, Vol. II.
  • Smollett, Tobias. History of England, from The Revolution to the Death of George the Second, London, 1848, Vol.II.
  • d' Espagnac, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Damarzit de Sahuguet. Histoire de Maurice, comte de Saxe, duc de Courlande et de Semigalle, Paris, 1775, Volume 2, pp. 77 – 81.
  • Screen, J.O.E..The Action at Melle 9 July 1745, Society for Army Historical Research. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research..., Volume 77, Issues 309–312, London, 1999.