Benutzer:Pavel krok/Maulana Fazlullah

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Maulana Fazlullah, * 1974 als Fatal Hayat, auch der "Radio Mullah" genannt, ist ein militanter Islamist, der als Anführer einer pakistanischen, islamisch-fundamentalistischen und militanten Gruppe, der Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) die Scharia in Pakistan stärken wollte. Er ist auch Anführer der Tehreek-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan im Swat Tal.

Der Vater Fazlullahs, Biladar Khan, war Paschtune des Yusufzai Stamms aus dem Swat Distrikt der Provinz Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. Fazlullah heiratete die Tochter von Sufi Muhammad, dem Gründer von TNSM.

Militärische Aktivitäten

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Operationen in Pakistan

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TNSM im Swat Tal

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Als Fazlullah aus Afghanistan mach Pakistan einreiste, wurde er angeblich verhaftet. Während er im Gefängnis war, soll seine Schwiegervater Sufi Muhammad seinen Namen von Fazal Hayat in Fazlullah geändert haben und him den Koran und andere religiöse Bücher zum Studum gegeben haben.

Nachdem Pervez Musharraf, der ehemalige Präsident Pakistans, das Verbot der Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) durchsetzte, wurde auch Sufi Muhammad verhaftet und Fuzlullah wurde am 12 January 2002 ihr neuer Anführer

Fazlullah baute die Organisation wieder auf und konnte dabei auf die Angst der Bevölkerung nach dem Erdbeben vom 8. Oktober 2005. Durch Hilfsmaßnahmen von islamistischen Extremistengruppen, die schneller waren als die der Regierung, konnte sich die Organisation weiter verbreiten.

Mit der Unterstützung von mehr ale 4500 Bewaffneten errichtete Fazlullah Ende Oktober 2007 "Parallelregierungen" in 59 Dörfern Im Saat Tal mit Islamischen Gerichten, die die Sharif durchsetzten.

Berichte über Verwundung

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BBC berichtete am 10. Juli 2009, Fazlullah sei schwer verwundet worden. Pakistanische Regierungsbeamte bestätigten diese Meldung.

Fazlullah's madrasa at Imam Dherai, Swat. Pakistani security forces bombed and destroyed the compound in early June 2009.[1]

Mit 2,5 Millionen $ und Unterstützung der Taliban baute Fazlullah eine Madrasa, eine Schule der Islamwissenschaften, die ihm als Basis seiner Aktivitäten diente.

Operationen aus Afghanistan

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Nachdem Pakistanische Sicherheitskräfte am 29. November 2007 Fazlullahs Hauptquartier einnahmen und seinen Bruder gefangennahmen, floh er angeblich nach Afghanistan, wo er sich in der Provinz Konar verstecken soll. Von dort soll er Angriffe auf Pakistan ausführen.

Am 3. Oktober 2013 wurde dutch den Sprecher der TTP bekanntgegeben, dass Fazullah die Grenze nach Pakistan überschritten, die Streitigkeiten zwischen den Taliban-Anführern beigelegt habe und zum neuer Anführer der TTP ernannt worden sei.

Misinterpretation der Scharia

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Maulana Fazlullah started an illegal local FM channel in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa's Swat Valley in 2006. He preaches forcing vice and virtue and has an anti-Western Jihadi stance. He is considered pro-Taliban and a very powerful figure in the area. Though he considers most communication based electronics as "major sources of sin" he transmits broadcasts of his sermons on an illegal local FM radio channel, hence the nickname "Radio Mullah" or "Maulana Radio".

FM signals are relayed from mobile transmitters mounted on motorcycles and trucks. During nightly broadcasts, prohibited activities are routinely declared and violators' names announced for assassination, which often includes beheading.

Einführung der Scharia

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With Swat under Fazlullah's control he and his followers quickly moved to set up the Sharia Courts as primary judicial courts instead of when he was running them parallel to the Pakistani National Judicial Courts.

Kampf gegen "Sünden" und Angriffe auf Musikläden

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He leads a drive of eradicating vices such as music, dancing, of what he calls "major sources of sin" such as TVs, CDs, computers and other video equipment by burning the electronics or the shops in which they are housed. Fazlullah has threatened barbers who shaved their customers' beards and warned against girls attending schools.

Anti-polio vaccination stance

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He opposed a polio vaccination drive in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa claiming that aid workers were seeking to proselytise in the region, as well as spy for foreign forces, a claim which had later been vindicated. In some sermons he had also considered it against Islamic norms. He considered Hepatitis C as a more important health issue than Polio and questioned the West's intentions. The propaganda had hindered the drive immensely as the local people saw volunteers and workers for the World Health Organization vaccination program as a threat and in some cases the immunization teams were physically beaten.

Opposition to women voting

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In 2001 many seats reserved for women in northern Pakistan went unfilled due in large part to the actions of the TNSuuuM. In 2005, Fazlullah was quoted as saying: We have our tradition that bars women from taking part in the elections and violators will be punished.

Kampf gegen Bildung von Frauen

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A 21 January 2009 issue of the Pakistan daily newspaper The News, reports Taliban enforcement of a complete ban on female education in the Swat District. Some 400 private schools enrolling 40,000 girls have been shut down. At least 10 girls' schools that tried to open after the 15 January 2009 deadline by the Fazlullah-led Taliban were blown up by the militants in the town of Mingora, the headquarters of the Swat District.[2]Vorlage:Failed verification "More than 170 schools have been bombed or torched, along with other government-owned buildings."

Army Public School attack in Peshawar

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On 16 December 2014, six militants reportedly dressed as Pakistani Army soldiers entered the school through the graveyard situated on the backside of school and killed around 141 people including 132 students and the principal. In reaction to this massacre, Pakistan gevornment faced major strikes and demonstrations. Some Pakistani officials claim that Fazlullah masterminded the attack and is hiding on the Afghan side of the Durand Line. He narrowly escaped a U.S. drone strike on 25 November 2014.

  1. Security forces blow up Fazlullah’s HQ: officials (Seite nicht mehr abrufbar, festgestellt im November 2013.)
  2. The News, Pakistan, 21 January 2009.