According to the Law 13714 (1961), under the administration of the Manuel Prado government, and article 4.3 of the Universal Copyright Convention this photograph entered the public domain in Peru before 1996 because it was taken and performed from negative to paper or similar before 31 December 1975 and was protected for 20 years from its first copy disclosed as of January 1 of the following year.
In the case of copies disclosed for first time since 1976 by other person, D.L. 822 (1996) establishes that the shots made before 31 December 1953 automatically enter the public domain, 70 years after their creation from January 1 of the following year. For more information see the Peru copyright page.
It is understood that simple photograph is when the author did not include exclusively for his/her literary or scientific work. Not apply for reproduction of copyrighted artistic work "of private domain" or documentary work . If the photo is assigned by a publisher, also photojournism, the exclusive rights of circulation by this one are for 5 years without extending the duration. Indicate the name of the author or owner of the photo is necessary with the date of publication. Warining: D.L. 822 says that some works "enjoying the longest terms of protection recognized by this Law" but denies retroactivity for expired works. A template is necessary explaining why they are in the public domain in the United States.
Exceptions: those published for first time between 1976 and 1996 protection may vary, except those were not renewed in this year and URAA date of 1996 if: the owner was never known or did not carry the "prohibition of reproduction" tag for material published before 1981 (use {{PD-Peru-anonymous}} if required), unpublished media created before 1926 or material from an author who died before 1931 (use {{PD-Peru-1961law}} if required).
Dit werk bevindt zich in het publiek domein in landen en gebieden waar de auteursrechttermijn het leven van de auteur plus 70 jaar of minder is.
Je dient ook een Amerikaans publiek domein-tag in te voegen om aan te geven waarom dit werk zich in het publiek domein bevindt in de Verenigde Staten.
Merk op dat enkele landen een auteursrechtentermijn hebben die langer is dan 70 jaar: Mexico heeft een termijn van 100 jaar, Jamaica 95 jaar, Colombia 80 jaar, en Guatemala en Samoa 75 jaar. Deze afbeelding kan mogelijk zich niet in het publiek domein bevinden in deze landen, die bovendien niet de regel van de kortere termijn hanteren. Auteursrechten kunnen langer berusten op werken gemaakt door Fransen die voor Frankrijk stierven in de Tweede Wereldoorlog (meer informatie), Russen die dienden aan het oostfront van de Tweede Wereldoorlog (bekend als de Grote Patriottische Oorlog in Rusland) en postuum gerehabiliteerde Russen (meer informatie).