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Claw finding problem

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The claw finding problem is a classical problem in complexity theory, with several applications in cryptography. In short, given two functions f, g, viewed as oracles, the problem is to find x and y such as f(x) = g(y). The pair (x, y) is then called a claw. Some problems, especially in cryptography, are best solved when viewed as a claw finding problem, hence any algorithmic improvement to solving the claw finding problem provides a better attack on cryptographic primitives such as hash functions.



Let be finite sets, and , two functions. A pair is called a claw if . The claw finding problem is defined as to find such a claw, given that one exists.

If we view as random functions, we expect a claw to exist iff . More accurately, there are exactly pairs of the form with ; the probability that such a pair is a claw is . So if , the expected number of claws is at least 1.



If classical computers are used, the best algorithm is similar to a Meet-in-the-middle attack, first described by Diffie and Hellman.[1] The algorithm works as follows: assume . For every , save the pair in a hash table indexed by . Then, for every , look up the table at . If such an index exists, we found a claw. This approach takes time and memory .

If quantum computers are used, Seiichiro Tani showed that a claw can be found in complexity

if and

if .[2]

Shengyu Zhang showed that asymptotically these algorithms are the most efficient possible.[3]



As noted, most applications of the claw finding problem appear in cryptography. Examples include:


  1. ^ Diffie, Whitfield; Hellman, Martin E. (June 1977). "Exhaustive Cryptanalysis of the NBS Data Encryption Standard" (PDF). Computer. 10 (6): 74–84. doi:10.1109/C-M.1977.217750.
  2. ^ Tani, Seiichiro (November 2009). "Claw Finding Algorithms Using Quantum Walk". Theoretical Computer Science. 410 (50): 5285–5297. arXiv:0708.2584. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2009.08.030.
  3. ^ Zhang, Shengyu (2005). "Promised and Distributed Quantum Search". Computing and Combinatorics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3595. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 430–439. doi:10.1007/11533719_44. ISBN 978-3-540-28061-3.