Country Music Association Awards
De Country Music Association Awards (CMA Awards) worden jaarlijks uitgereikt door de Country Music Association (CMA). Er worden de succesvolste countrymuziekvertolkers en -songwriters van de afgelopen jaren onderscheiden, de meest begeerde prijs is die voor de «Entertainer of the Year».
Met uitzondering van 2005, toen de uitreiking in het Madison Square Garden in New York plaatsvond, worden de Awards in de late herfst van elk jaar uitgereikt in Nashville. sinds 1968 wordt de CMA Award Show landelijk uitgezonden door de televisie. In 1991 was met George H.W. Bush voor de eerste keer een zittende Amerikaanse president te gast.
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]De eerste CMA-awards werden uitgereikt tijdens een ceremonie die niet op televisie werd uitgezonden in het Nashville Municipal Auditorium in 1967. De prijs voor «Entertainer of the Year» die avond ging naar Eddy Arnold. De tweede jaarlijkse CMA-awards werden uitgereikt in oktober 1968. NBC nam de ceremonie op en zond het een paar weken later uit. Sindsdien werden de awards live uitgezonden, meestal in oktober of november, door NBC van 1969 tot 1971, door CBS van 1972 tot 2005 en door ABC vanaf 2006. Vanaf 1968 werden ze gehouden in de Grand Ole Opry in Nashville (aanvankelijk in het Ryman Auditorium en van 1974 tot 2004 in het nieuwe Grand Ole Opry House).
In 2005 werd de prijsuitreiking gehouden in Madison Square Garden in New York. Sinds 2006 worden ze gehouden in de Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. In 2020 werden, als gevolg van de COVID-19-pandemie, de 54e CMA Awards gehouden in het Music City Center van Nashville.
Voorafgaand aan 2017 werden de awards over het algemeen gehouden op de eerste woensdag in november. Sindsdien zijn de prijzen echter verplaatst naar later in de maand om conflicten met een mogelijke zevende wedstrijd van de Major League Baseball's World Series te voorkomen, aangezien de ceremonie van 2016 op dezelfde avond werd uitgezonden als Fox's uiteindelijke uitzending van game zeven van de 2016-serie, die de CMA Awards versloegen in de kijkcijfers.
In juni 2021 kondigde de Country Music Association aan dat ze haar uitzendcontract met ABC zouden verlengen tot 2026.
Na de COVID-19-pandemie heeft de Country Music Association aangekondigd dat voor de 55e CMA Awards op 10 november 2021, leden van het publiek met een ticket volledig moesten worden ingeënt tegen COVID-19 en dat ze geschikte gezichtsbedekkingen moesten dragen.
Geschiktheid en stemmen
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]Albums en liedjes die zijn uitgebracht tussen 1 juli van het voorgaande kalenderjaar en 30 juni van het jaar van de awardshow komen in aanmerking voor overweging. Meer dan 7.300 personen van de handelsgroep Country Music Association stemmen via drie stemrondes op de genomineerden en winnaars.
CMA Awards-presentatoren
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]De eerste ceremonie in 1967, die niet op televisie werd uitgezonden, werd mede georganiseerd door Sonny James en Bobbie Gentry. Vince Gill was gastheer van de awards van 1992 tot 2003. Brad Paisley en Carrie Underwood waren co-gastheren van de ceremonies van 2008 tot 2018. Voor de ceremonie van 2019 was Carrie Underwood gastheer samen met Reba McEntire en Dolly Parton. McEntire keerde terug om de ceremonie van 2020 te organiseren met Darius Rucker. Luke Bryan was de gastheer in 2021.
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]Charlie Rich 'verlicht' John Denver
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]Bij de uitreiking van de «Entertainer of the Year»-prijs tijdens de ceremonie van 1975 opende Charlie Rich, die dronken leek te zijn na het drinken achter de coulissen en naar verluidt pijnstillers slikte voor een gebroken voet, de envelop om de winnaar te onthullen. Toen hij zag dat de country-popster John Denver was gekozen, haalde Rich zijn aansteker tevoorschijn en verbrandde de envelop, waarbij hij sarcastisch verklaarde dat de winnaar 'mijn vriend, meneer John Denver' was. Velen zagen Rich' acties als een protest tegen popartiesten die overgingen op countrymuziek en het blijft een van de meest besproken momenten in de geschiedenis van CMA.
Kathy Mattea's aids-speech
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]In een tijd waarin de rest van de entertainmentindustrie rode linten droeg om solidariteit aan te duiden en het bewustzijn van de aids-epidemie te bevorderen, in een poging om controverse te vermijden, moedigde de CMA gasten in plaats daarvan aan om groene linten te dragen om milieubewustzijn aan te duiden. Dit viel niet goed bij Kathy Mattea, die verschillende vrienden had verloren aan de ziekte, en ze vroeg de CMA om hulp bij het opstellen van een korte toespraak over de kwestie, maar ze negeerden haar verzoek en ze nam het heft in eigen handen. Tijdens de uitreiking van een prijs in 1992 droeg Mattea drie rode linten en een groene en maakte ze de namen bekend van haar vrienden die waren geslaagd en hield ze een gepassioneerde toespraak die een discussie op gang bracht en het aidsbewustzijn onder de Nashville-gemeenschap verhoogde. Mattea werd een fervent pleitbezorger voor de zaak en bracht twee jaar later het album Red Hot + Country uit om geld in te zamelen voor aids-liefdadigheidsinstellingen.
Alan Jacksons optreden uit 1999
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]Op 8 mei 1999 bracht countrylegende George Jones Choices uit, een lied geschreven door Mike Curtis en Billy Yates, met een begeleidende videoclip die zijn worsteling met middelenmisbruik uitbeeldde. Het nummer werd vervolgens een Top 30-hit voor Jones en werd genomineerd voor «Single of the Year» bij de CMA Awards 1999, waarbij de CMA hem uitnodigde om een verkorte versie uit te voeren tijdens de ceremonie. Jones voelde zich beledigd dat de CMA hem verzocht een deel van het lied te verwijderen en dus gaf hij de uitnodiging door. Alan Jackson, die gepland was om zijn huidige single Pop a Top uit te voeren, was beledigd dat de CMA Jones de kans had ontzegd om het volledige nummer te zingen en daarom stopte hij tijdens zijn optreden met zijn eigen band halverwege het nummer en zong in plaats daarvan een refrein van Choices, dat een staande ovatie van het publiek kreeg.
Dixie Chicks 50-jarig jubileum optreden
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]Bij de 50e CMA Awards in 2016 keerden The Dixie Chicks[1] voor het eerst terug op het CMA-podium sinds hun opmerkingen over George Bush ertoe leidden dat ze op de zwarte lijst van de industrie kwamen. Ze werden vergezeld door de wereldwijde superster Beyoncé om een medley uit te voeren van Daddy Lessons van haar album Lemonade uit 2016 en hun eigen hit Long Time Gone uit 2002. Hoewel veel kijkers en critici het optreden prezen, kreeg het kritiek van sommige country-traditionalisten, die beweerden dat Beyoncé, een pop/r&b-artiest, geen plaats had bij een countrymuziek-awardshow. De opmerkingen polariseerden de meningen, waarbij sommigen opmerkten dat ze konden worden gezien als een racistische aanval, aangezien eerdere samenwerkingen met artiesten uit andere landen niet dezelfde hoeveelheid kritiek hadden gekregen en sommigen suggereerden dat oude wrok tegen The Dixie Chicks de extreme reacties op The Dixie Chicks hadden aangewakkerd bij hun optreden. Veel artiesten, waaronder Dierks Bentley en Karen Fairchild, verdedigden de uitvoering, terwijl anderen dat niet deden, waaronder Alan Jackson die naar verluidt de arena verliet.
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]Jaarlijkse prijzen worden uitgereikt in de volgende twaalf categorieën: Entertainer, Male Vocalist, Female Vocalist, New Artist (voorheen bekend als de Horizon Award tot 2008), Vocal Group, Vocal Duo (geïntroduceerd in 1970), Single, Album, Song, Musical Event (afgesplitst van de Vocal Duo-prijs in 1988 als Vocal Event), Music Video (geïntroduceerd in 1985) en Musician. Het onderscheid tussen de Duo- en Event-awards is dat de eerste wordt uitgereikt aan twee artiesten die normaal samen optreden, terwijl de laatste speciaal is gemaakt om eenmalige samenwerkingen te eren. Negen onderscheidingen worden ook gegeven aan radio-omroepen voor Station of the Year en Personality of the Year (elk onderverdeeld in vier categorieën, op basis van marktomvang), evenals National Personality of the Year voor de gastheer van een nationaal gesyndiceerde show. Sinds 2012 is de ceremonie voorzien van een Lifetime Achievement Award. Vince Gill en Alan Jackson zijn de enigen die in hetzelfde jaar Entertainer of the Year, Male/Female Vocalist of the Year of Group/Duo of the Year, Album of the Year en Song of the Year hebben gewonnen.
- Entertainer of the Year
- Male Vocalist of the Year
- Female Vocalist of the Year
- Vocal Group of the Year
- Vocal Duo of the Year
- New Artist of the Year
- Musician of the Year
- Album of the Year
- Single of the Year
- Song of the Year
- Musical Event of the Year
- Video of the Year
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- International Achievement Award
Beëindigde categorieën
- Comedian of the Year (1967-1970)
- Instrumental Group of the Year (1967-1986)
- National Personality of the Year
- Major Market Personality of the Year
- Large Market Personality of the Year
- Medium Market Personality of the Year
- Small Market Personality of the Year
- Major Market Station of the Year
- Large Market Station of the Year
- Medium Market Station of the Year
- Small Market Station of the Year
Jaren 1960
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]1967
- Entertainer of the Year: Eddy Arnold
- Song of the Year: There Goes My Everything – Dallas Frazier
- Single of the Year: There Goes My Everything – Jack Greene
- Album of the Year: There Goes My Everything – Jack Greene
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Jack Greene
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Group of the Year: The Stoneman Family
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Instrumental Group of the Year: The Buckaroos
- Comedian of the Year: Don Bowman
- Entertainer of the Year: Glen Campbell
- Song of the Year: Honey – Bobby Russell
- Single of the Year: Harper Valley P.T.A Jeannie C. Riley
- Album of the Year: At Folsom Prison – Johnny Cash
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Glen Campbell
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Tammy Wynette
- Vocal Group of the Year: Porter Wagoner / Dolly Parton
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Instrumental Group of the Year: The Buckaroos
- Comedian of the Year: Ben Colder
- Entertainer of the Year: Johnny Cash
- Song of the Year: Carroll County Accident – Bob Ferguson
- Single of the Year: A Boy Named Sue – Johnny Cash
- Album of the Year: At San Quentin – Johnny Cash
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Johnny Cash
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Tammy Wynette
- Vocal Group of the Year: Johnny Cash / June Carter
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Danny Davis & Nashville Brass
- Comedian of the Year: Archie Campbell
Jaren 1970
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]1970
- Entertainer of the Year: Merle Haggard
- Song of the Year: Sunday Morning Coming Down – Kris Kristofferson
- Single of the Year: Okie from Muskogee – Merle Haggard
- Album of the Year: Okie from Muskogee – Merle Haggard
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Merle Haggard
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Tammy Wynette
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Porter Wagoner / Dolly Parton
- Vocal Group of the Year: Glaser Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Jerry Reed
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Danny Davis & Nashville Brass
- Comedian of the Year: Roy Clark
- Entertainer of the Year: Charley Pride
- Song of the Year: Easy Loving – Freddie Hart
- Single of the Year: Help Me Make It Through the Night – Sammi Smith
- Album of the Year: I Won’t Mention It Again – Ray Price
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Charlie Pride
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Lynn Anderson
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Porter Wagoner / Dolly Parton
- Vocal Group of the Year: Osborne Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Jerry Reed
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Danny Davis & Nashville Brass
- Entertainer of the Year: Loretta Lynn
- Song of the Year: Easy Loving – Freddie Hart
- Single of the Year: The Happiest Girl in the Whole U.S.A. – Donna Fargo
- Album of the Year: Let Me Tell You About a Song – Merle Haggard
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Charley Pride
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Conway Twitty / Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Charlie McCoy
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Danny Davis & Nashville Brass
- Entertainer of the Year: Roy Clark
- Song of the Year: Behind Closed Doors – Kenny O’Dell
- Single of the Year: Behind Closed Doors – Charlie Rich
- Album of the Year: Behind Closed Doors – Charlie Rich
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Charlie Rich
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Conway Twitty / Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Charlie McCoy
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Danny Davis & Nashville Brass
- Entertainer of the Year: Charlie Rich
- Song of the Year: Country Bumpkin – Don Wayne
- Single of the Year: Country Bumpkin – Cal Smith
- Album of the Year: A Very Special Love Song – Charlie Rich
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Ronnie Milsap
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Olivia Newton-John
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Conway Twitty / Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Charlie McCoy
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Danny Davis & Nashville Brass
- Entertainer of the Year: John Denver
- Song of the Year: Back Home Again – John Denver
- Single of the Year: Before the Next Teardrop Falls – Freddy Fender
- Album of the Year: A Legend in My Time – Ronnie Milsap
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Waylon Jennings
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Dolly Parton
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Conway Twitty / Loretta Lynn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Don Rich
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Roy Clark & Buck Trent
- Entertainer of the Year: Mel Tillis
- Song of the Year: Rhinestone Cowboy – Larry Weiss
- Single of the Year: Good Hearted Woman – Waylon Jennings / Willie Nelson
- Album of the Year: Wanted! The Outlaws – Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Tompall Glaser, Jessi Colter
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Ronnie Milsap
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Dolly Parton
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Waylon Jennings / Willie Nelson
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Hargus Robbins
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Roy Clark & Buck Trent
- Entertainer of the Year: Ronnie Milsap
- Song of the Year: Lucille – R.Bowling / H.Bynum
- Single of the Year: Lucille – Kenny Rogers
- Album of the Year: Ronnie Milsap Live – Ronnie Milsap
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Ronnie Milsap
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Crystal Gayle
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Jim Ed Brown / Helen Cornelius
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Roy Clark
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Original Texas Playboys
- Entertainer of the Year: Dolly Parton
- Song of the Year: Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue – Richard Leigh
- Single of the Year: Heaven's Just a Sin Away – The Kendalls
- Album of the Year: It Was Almost Like a Song – Ronnie Milsap
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Don Williams
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Crystal Gayle
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Kenny Rogers / Dottie West
- Vocal Group of the Year: Oak Ridge Boys
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Roy Clark
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Oak Ridge Boys Band
- Entertainer of the Year: Willie Nelson
- Song of the Year: The Gambler – Don Schlitz
- Single of the Year: The Devil Went Down to Georgia – Charlie Daniels Band
- Album of the Year: The Gambler – Kenny Rogers
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Kenny Rogers
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Barbara Mandrell
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Kenny Rogers / Dottie West
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Charlie Daniels
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Charlie Daniels Band
Jaren 1980
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]1980
- Entertainer of the Year: Barbara Mandrell
- Song of the Year: He Stopped Loving Her Today – B. Braddock / C. Putman
- Single of the Year: He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones
- Album of the Year: Coal Miner's Daughter – Soundtrack
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Jones
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Emmylou Harris
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Moe Bandy / Joe Stampley
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Roy Clark
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Charlie Daniels Band
- Entertainer of the Year: Barbara Mandrell
- Song of the Year: He Stopped Loving Her Today – B. Braddock / C. Putman
- Single of the Year: Elvira – Oak Ridge Boys
- Album of the Year: I Believe in You – Don Williams
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Jones
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Barbara Mandrel
- Vocal Duo of the Year: David Frizzell / Shelly West
- Vocal Group of the Year: Alabama
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Horizon Award: Terri Gibbs
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Alabama
- Entertainer of the Year: Alabama
- Song of the Year: Always on My Mind – J. Christopher / W. Carson / M. James
- Single of the Year: Always on My Mind – Willie Nelson
- Album of the Year: Always on My Mind – Willie Nelson
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Ricky Skaggs
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Janie Fricke
- Vocal Duo of the Year: David Frizzell / Shelly West
- Vocal Group of the Year: Alabama
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Horizon Award: Ricky Skaggs
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Alabama
- Entertainer of the Year: Alabama
- Song of the Year: Always on My Mind – J. Christopher / W. Carson / M. James
- Single of the Year: Swingin – John Anderson
- Album of the Year: The Closer You Get – Alabama
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Lee Greenwood
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Janie Fricke
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Merle Haggard / Willie Nelson
- Vocal Group of the Year: Alabama
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Horizon Award: John Anderson
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Ricky Skaggs Band
- Entertainer of the Year: Alabama
- Song of the Year: Wind Beneath My Wings – L. Henley / J. Silbar
- Single of the Year: A Little Good News – Anne Murray
- Album of the Year: A Little Good News – Anne Murray
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Lee Greenwood
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Reba McEntire
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Willie Nelson / Julio Iglesias
- Vocal Group of the Year: Statler Brothers
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Horizon Award: The Judds
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Ricky Skaggs Band
- Entertainer of the Year: Ricky Skaggs
- Song of the Year: God Bless the U. S. A. – Lee Greenwood
- Single of the Year: Why Not Me – The Judds
- Album of the Year: Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind – George Strait
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Strait
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Reba McEntire
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Anne Murray / Dave Loggins
- Vocal Group of the Year: The Judds
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Horizon Award: Sawyer Brown
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Ricky Skaggs Band
- Music Video of the Year: All My Rowdy Friends – Hank Williams, Jr.
- Entertainer of the Year: Reba McEntire
- Song of the Year: On the Other Hand – Paul Overstreet / D.Schlitz
- Single of the Year: Bop – Dan Seals
- Album of the Year: Lost in the Fifties Tonight – Ronnie Milsap
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Strait
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Reba McEntire
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Dan Seals / Marie Osmond
- Vocal Group of the Year: The Judds
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Johny Gimble
- Horizon Award: Randy Travis
- Instrumental Group of the Year: Oak Ridge Boys Band
- Music Video of the Year: Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes – George Jones
- Entertainer of the Year: Hank Williams, Jr.
- Song of the Year: Forever and Ever, Amen – Paul Overstreet / D. Schlitz
- Single of the Year: Forever and Ever, Amen – Randy Travis
- Album of the Year: Always and Forever – Randy Travis
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Randy Travis
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Reba McEntire
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Ricky Skaggs / Sharon White
- Vocal Group of the Year: The Judds
- Instrumentalist of the Year: Johny Gimble
- Horizon Award: Holly Dunn
- Music Video of the Year: My Name Is Bocephus – Hank Williams, Jr.
- Entertainer of the Year: Hank Williams, Jr.
- Song of the Year: 80's Ladies – K. T. Oslin
- Single of the Year: Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses – Kathy Mattea
- Album of the Year: Born To Boogie – Hank Williams, Jr.
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Randy Travis
- Female Vocalist of the Year: K. T. Oslin
- Vocal Duo of the Year: The Judds
- Vocal Group of the Year: Highway 101
- Musician of the Year: Chet Atkins
- Horizon Award: Ricky Van Shelton
- Vocal Event of the Year: Trio
- Entertainer of the Year: George Strait
- Song of the Year: Chiseled in Stone – M. D. Barnes / Vern Gosdin
- Single of the Year: I'm No Stranger to the Rain – Keith Whitley
- Album of the Year: Will the Circle Be Unbroken Vol. II – Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Ricky Van Shelton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Kathy Mattea
- Vocal Duo of the Year: The Judds
- Vocal Group of the Year: Highway 101
- Musician of the Year: Johny Gimble
- Horizon Award: Clint Black
- Vocal Event of the Year: Hank Williams jr. / Hank Williams
- Music Video of the Year: There's a Tear in My Beer – Hank Williams, Jr. / Hank Williams
Jaren 1990
[bewerken | brontekst bewerken]1990
- Entertainer of the Year: George Strait
- Song of the Year: Where've You Been – J.Vezner / D.Henry
- Single of the Year: When I Call Your Name – Vince Gill
- Album of the Year: Pickin' on Nashville – Kentucky HeadHunters
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Clint Black
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Kathy Mattea
- Vocal Duo of the Year: The Judds
- Vocal Group of the Year: Kentucky HeadHunters
- Musician of the Year: Johny Gimble
- Horizon Award: Garth Brooks
- Vocal Event of the Year: Lorrie Morgan / Keith Whitley
- Music Video of the Year: The Dance – Garth Brooks
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: When I Call Your Name – Vince Gill / Tim DuBois
- Single of the Year: Friends in Low Places – Garth Brooks
- Album of the Year: No Fences – Garth Brooks
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Vince Gill
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Tanya Tucker
- Vocal Duo of the Year: The Judds
- Vocal Group of the Year: Kentucky HeadHunters
- Musician of the Year: Mark O'Connor
- Horizon Award: Travis Tritt
- Vocal Event of the Year: Mark O'Connor & The New Nashville Cats
- Music Video of the Year: The Thunder Rolls – Garth Brooks
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: Look at Us – Vince Gill / M. D. Barnes
- Single of the Year: Achy Breaky Heart – Billy Ray Cyrus
- Album of the Year: Ropin' the Wind – Garth Brooks
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Vince Gill
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Mary Chapin Carpenter
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Diamond Rio
- Musician of the Year: Mark O’Connor
- Horizon Award: Suzy Bogguss
- Vocal Event of the Year: Marty Stuart / Travis Tritt
- Music Video of the Year: Midnight in Montgomery – Alan Jackson
- Entertainer of the Year: Vince Gill
- Song of the Year: I Still Believe In You – Vince Gill / J. Jarvis
- Single of the Year: Chattahoochee – Alan Jackson
- Album of the Year: I Still Believe In You – Vince Gill
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Vince Gill
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Mary Chapin Carpenter
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Diamond Rio
- Musician of the Year: Mark O'Connor
- Horizon Award: Mark Chesnutt
- Vocal Event of the Year: I Don't Need Your Rockin' Chair versch. vertolkers
- Music Video of the Year: Chattahoochee – Alan Jackson
- Entertainer of the Year: Vince Gill
- Song of the Year: Chattahoochee – Alan Jackson / Jim McBride
- Single of the Year: I Swear – John Michael Montgomery
- Album of the Year: Common Thread: The Songs of the Eagles – versch. vertolkers
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Vince Gill
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Pam Tillis
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Diamond Rio
- Musician of the Year: Mark O’Connor
- Horizon Award: John Michael Montgomery
- Vocal Event of the Year: Reba McEntire en Linda Davis – Does He Love You
- Music Video of the Year: Independence Day – Martina McBride
- Entertainer of the Year: Alan Jackson
- Song of the Year: Independence Day – Gretchen Peters
- Single of the Year: When You Say Nothing at All – Alison Krauss en Union Station
- Album of the Year: When Fallen Angels Fly – Patty Loveless
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Vince Gill
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Alison Krauss
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: The Mavericks
- Musician of the Year: Mark O’Connor
- Horizon Award: Alison Krauss
- Vocal Event of the Year: Shenandoah en Alison Krauss – Somewhere in the Vicinity of the Heart
- Music Video of the Year: Baby Likes to Rock It – The Tractors
- Entertainer of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Song of the Year: Go Rest High on That Mountain – Vince Gill
- Single of the Year: Check Yes or No – George Strait
- Album of the Year: Blue Clear Sky – George Strait
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Strait
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Patty Loveless
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: The Mavericks
- Musician of the Year: Mark O'Connor
- Horizon Award: Bryan White
- Vocal Event of the Year: Dolly Parton en Vince Gill – I Will Always Love You
- Music Video of the Year: My Wife Thinks You're Dead – Junior Brown
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: Strawberry Wine – Matraca Berg / Gary Harrison
- Single of the Year: Strawberry Wine – Deana Carter
- Album of the Year: Carrying Your Love with Me – George Strait
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Strait
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Trisha Yearwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Diamond Rio
- Musician of the Year: Brent Mason
- Horizon Award: LeAnn Rimes
- Vocal Event of the Year: Tim McGraw en Faith Hill – It's Your Love
- Music Video of the Year: 455 Rocket – Kathy Mattea
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: Holes in the Floor of Heaven – Steve Wariner / Billy Kirsh
- Single of the Year: Holes in the Floor of Heaven – Steve Wariner
- Album of the Year: Everywhere – Tim McGraw
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Strait
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Trisha Yearwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Dixie Chicks
- Musician of the Year: Brent Mason
- Horizon Award: Dixie Chicks
- Vocal Event of the Year: Patty Loveless en George Jones – You Don’t Seem to Miss Me
- Music Video of the Year: This Kiss – Faith Hill
- Entertainer of the Year: Shania Twain
- Song of the Year: This Kiss – B. Chapman / A. Roboff / R. Lerner
- Single of the Year: Wide Open Spaces – Dixie Chicks
- Album of the Year: A Place In The Sun – Tim McGraw
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Tim McGraw
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Martina McBride
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Dixie Chicks
- Musician of the Year: Randy Scruggs
- Horizon Award: Jo Dee Messina
- Vocal Event of the Year: Vince Gill met Patty Loveless – My Kind of Woman, My Kind of Man
- Music Video of the Year: Wide Open Spaces – Dixie Chicks
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- Entertainer of the Year: Dixie Chicks
- Song of the Year: I Hope You Dance – Lee Ann Womack
- Single of the Year: I Hope You Dance – Lee Ann Womack
- Album of the Year: Fly – Dixie Chicks
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Tim McGraw
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Faith Hill
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Montgomery Gentry
- Vocal Group of the Year: Dixie Chicks
- Musician of the Year: Hargus Robbins
- Horizon Award: Brad Paisley
- Vocal Event of the Year: George Strait en Alan Jackson – Murder on Music Row
- Music Video of the Year: Goodbye Earl – Dixie Chicks
- Entertainer of the Year: Tim McGraw
- Song of the Year: Murder on Music Row – Larry Cordle / Larry Shell
- Single of the Year: I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow – The Soggy Bottom Boys
- Album of the Year: O Brother, Where Art Thou? – versch. vertolkers
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Toby Keith
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Lee Ann Womack
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Lonestar
- Musician of the Year: Dann Huff
- Horizon Award: Keith Urban
- Vocal Event of the Year: Brad Paisley/George Jones/Bill Anderson/Buck Owens – Too Country
- Music Video of the Year: Born to Fly – Sara Evans
- Entertainer of the Year: Alan Jackson
- Song of the Year: Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) – Alan Jackson
- Single of the Year: Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) – Alan Jackson
- Album of the Year: Drive – Alan Jackson
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Alan Jackson
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Martina McBride
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Dixie Chicks
- Musician of the Year: Jerry Douglas
- Horizon Award: Rascal Flatts
- Vocal Event of the Year: Willie Nelson en Lee Ann Womack – Mendocino County Line
- Music Video of the Year: I'm Gonna Miss Her – Brad Paisley
- Entertainer of the Year: Alan Jackson
- Song of the Year: Three Wooden Crosses – Dough Johnson / Kim Williams
- Single of the Year: Hurt – Johnny Cash
- Album of the Year: American IV: The Man Comes Around – Johnny Cash
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Alan Jackson
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Martina McBride
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts
- Musician of the Year: Randy Scruggs
- Horizon Award: Joe Nichols
- Vocal Event of the Year: Alan Jackson en Jimmy Buffett – It's Five O'Clock Somewhere
- Music Video of the Year: Hurt – Johnny Cash
- Entertainer of the Year: Kenny Chesney
- Song of the Year: Live Like You Were Dying – Tim McGraw
- Single of the Year: Live Like You Were Dying – Tim McGraw
- Album of the Year: When the Sun Goes Down – Kenny Chesney
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Keith Urban
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Martina McBride
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts
- Musician of the Year: Dann Huff
- Horizon Award: Gretchen Wilson
- Musical Event of the Year: Brad Paisley en Alison Krauss – Whiskey Lullaby
- Music Video of the Year: Whiskey Lullaby – Brad Paisley en Alison Krauss
- Entertainer of the Year: Keith Urban
- Song of the Year: Whiskey Lullaby – Bill Anderson en Jon Randall
- Single of the Year: I May Hate Myself in the Morning – Lee Ann Womack
- Album of the Year: There's More Where That Came From – Lee Ann Womack
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Keith Urban
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Gretchen Wilson
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts
- Musician of the Year: Jerry Douglas
- Horizon Award: Dierks Bentley
- Musical Event of the Year: George Strait en Lee Ann Womack Good News, Bad News
- Music Video of the Year: As Good As I Once Was – Toby Keith
- Entertainer of the Year: Kenny Chesney
- Song of the Year: Believe – Craig Wiseman en Ronnie Dunn
- Single of the Year: Believe – Brooks & Dunn
- Album of the Year: Time Well Wasted – Brad Paisley
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Keith Urban
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Carrie Underwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brooks & Dunn
- Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts
- Musician of the Year: Randy Scruggs
- Horizon Award: Carrie Underwood
- Musical Event of the Year: Brad Paisley en Dolly Parton When I Get Where I’m Going
- Music Video of the Year: Believe – Brooks & Dunn
- Entertainer of the Year: Kenny Chesney
- Song of the Year: Give It Away – Bill Anderson / Buddy Cannon / Jamey Johnson
- Single of the Year: Before He Cheats – Carrie Underwood
- Album of the Year: It Just Comes Natural – George Strait
- Male Vocalist of the Year: George Strait
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Carrie Underwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland
- Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts
- Musician of the Year: Jerry Douglas
- Horizon Award: Taylor Swift
- Musical Event of the Year: Tracy Lawrence ft. Tim McGraw/Kenny Chesney Find Out Who Your Friends Are
- Music Video of the Year: Online – Brad Paisley
- Entertainer of the Year: Kenny Chesney
- Song of the Year: Stay – Jennifer Nettles
- Single of the Year: I Saw God Today – George Strait
- Album of the Year: Trobadour – George Strait
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Brad Paisley
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Carrie Underwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland
- Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- Horizon Award: Lady Antebellum
- Musical Event of the Year: Robert Plant/Alison Krauss Gone Gone Gone
- Music Video of the Year: Waitin' on a Woman – Brad Paisley ft. Andy Griffith
- Entertainer of the Year: Taylor Swift
- Song of the Year: In Color – Jamey Johnson, Lee Thomas Miller en James Otto
- Single of the Year: I Run to You – Lady Antebellum
- Album of the Year: Fearless – Taylor Swift
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Brad Paisley
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Taylor Swift
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland
- Vocal Group of the Year: Lady Antebellum
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Darius Rucker
- Musical Event of the Year: Start a Band – Brad Paisley en Keith Urban
- Music Video of the Year: Love Story – Taylor Swift
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- Entertainer of the Year: Brad Paisley
- Song of the Year: The House That Built Me – Tom Douglas en Allen Shamblin
- Single of the Year: Need You Now – Lady Antebellum
- Album of the Year: Revolution – Miranda Lambert
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Blake Shelton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland
- Vocal Group of the Year: Lady Antebellum
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Zac Brown Band
- Musical Event of the Year: Hillbilly Bone – Blake Shelton en Trace Adkins
- Music Video of the Year: The House That Built Me – Miranda Lambert
- Entertainer of the Year: Taylor Swift
- Song of the Year: If I Die Young – Kimberly Perry
- Single of the Year: If I Die Young – The Band Perry
- Album of the Year: My Kinda Party – Jason Aldean
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Blake Shelton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland
- Vocal Group of the Year: Lady Antebellum
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: The Band Perry
- Musical Event of the Year: Don’t You Wanna Stay – Jason Aldean en Kelly Clarkson
- Music Video of the Year: You and Tequila – Kenny Chesney feat. Grace Potter
- Entertainer of the Year: Blake Shelton
- Song of the Year: Over You – Miranda Lambert & Blake Shelton
- Single of the Year: Pontoon – Little Big Town
- Album of the Year: Chief – Eric Church
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Blake Shelton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Thompson Square
- Vocal Group of the Year: Little Big Town
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Hunter Hayes
- Musical Event of the Year: Feel Like a Rock Star – Kenny Chesney en Tim McGraw
- Music Video of the Year: Red Solo Cup – Toby Keith
- Entertainer of the Year: George Strait
- Song of the Year: I Drive Your Truck – Lee Brice
- Single of the Year: Cruise – Florida Georgia Line
- Album of the Year: Based on a True Story – Blake Shelton
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Blake Shelton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Florida Georgia Line
- Vocal Group of the Year: Little Big Town
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Kacey Musgraves
- Musical Event of the Year: Highway Don’t Care – Tim McGraw en Taylor Swift en Keith Urban
- Music Video of the Year: Highway Don’t Care – Tim McGraw en Taylor Swift en Keith Urban
- Entertainer of the Year: Luke Bryan
- Song of the Year: Follow Your Arrow – Kacey Musgraves, Shane McAnally, Brandy Clark
- Single of the Year: Automatic – Miranda Lambert
- Album of the Year: Platinum – Miranda Lambert
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Blake Shelton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Florida Georgia Line
- Vocal Group of the Year: Little Big Town
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Brett Eldredge
- Musical Event of the Year: We Were Us – Keith Urban en Miranda Lambert
- Music Video of the Year: Drunk on a Plane – Dierks Bentley
- Entertainer of the Year: Luke Bryan
- Song of the Year: Girl Crush – Little Big Town
- Single of the Year: Girl Crush – Little Big Town
- Album of the Year: Traveller – Chris Stapleton
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Chris Stapleton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Florida Georgia Line
- Vocal Group of the Year: Little Big Town
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Chris Stapleton
- Musical Event of the Year: Raise ’Em Up – Keith Urban & Eric Church
- Music Video of the Year: Girl in a Country Song – Maddie & Tae
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: Humble and Kind – Lori McKenna
- Single of the Year: Die a Happy Man – Thomas Rhett
- Album of the Year: Mr. Misunderstood – Eric Church
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Chris Stapleton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Carrie Underwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brothers Osborne
- Vocal Group of the Year: Little Big Town
- Musician of the Year: Dann Huff
- New Artist of the Year: Maren Morris
- Musical Event of the Year: Different for Girls – Dierks Bentley met Elle King
- Music Video of the Year: Fire Away – Chris Stapleton
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: Better Man – Taylor Swift
- Single of the Year: Blue Ain't Your Color – Keith Urban
- Album of the Year: From a room – Volume 1 – Chris Stapleton
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Chris Stapleton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Miranda Lambert
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brothers Osborne
- Vocal Group of the Year: Little Big Town
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Jon Pardi
- Musical Event of the Year: Funny How Time Slips Away – Glen Campbell met Willie Nelson
- Music Video of the Year: It Ain't My Fault – Brothers Osborne
- Entertainer of the Year: Keith Urban
- Song of the Year: Broken Halos – Mike Henderson en Chris Stapleton
- Single of the Year: Broken Halos – Chris Stapleton
- Album of the Year: Golden Hour – Kacey Musgraves
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Chris Stapleton
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Carrie Underwood
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Brothers Osborne
- Vocal Group of the Year: Old Dominion (Band)
- Musician of the Year: Mac McAnally
- New Artist of the Year: Luke Combs
- Musical Event of the Year: Everything's Gonna Be Alright – David Lee Murphy met Kenny Chesney
- Music Video of the Year: Marry Me – Thomas Rhett
- Entertainer of the Year: Garth Brooks
- Song of the Year: Beautiful Crazy – Luke Combs, Wyatt B. Durrette III, Robert Williford
- Single of the Year: God's Country – Blake Shelton
- Album of the Year: Girl – Maren Morris
- Male Vocalist of the Year: Luke Combs
- Female Vocalist of the Year: Kacey Musgraves
- Vocal Duo of the Year: Dan + Shay
- Vocal Group of the Year: Old Dominion (Band)
- Musician of the Year: Jenee Fleenor
- New Artist of the Year: Ashley McBryde
- Musical Event of the Year: Old Town Road (Remix) – Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus
- Music Video of the Year: Rainbow – Kacey Musgraves
- ↑ (en) The Chicks Biography, Songs, & Albums. AllMusic. Gearchiveerd op 7 maart 2022. Geraadpleegd op 7 maart 2022.
- Dit artikel of een eerdere versie ervan is een (gedeeltelijke) vertaling van het artikel Country Music Association Awards op de Duitstalige Wikipedia, dat onder de licentie Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen valt. Zie de bewerkingsgeschiedenis aldaar.