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Daftar wahana antariksa nirawak menurut program

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Berikut adalah daftar wahana antariksa nirawak menurut programnya yang belum lengkap.

Program Wahana antariksa
Astro Astro-A - Astro-B - Astro-C - Astro-D - Astro-EII - Astro-F - Astro-G - Astro-H
A-Train OCO-2 - Shizuku - Aqua - CloudSat - CALIPSO - Aura
Program Buran BOR-5 - Buran - OK-GLI
Program Penjelajahan Bulan Tiongkok Chang'e 1 - Chang'e 2 - Chang'e 3 - Chang'e 4 - Chang'e 5-T1 - Chang'e 5 - Chang'e 6
Chandrayaan Chandrayaan-1 - Chandrayaan-2
Program Canyon Canyon 1 - Canyon 2 - Canyon 3 - Canyon 4 - Canyon 5 - Canyon 6 - Canyon 7
Program Copernicus Sentinel-1 - Sentinel-2 - Sentinel-3 - Sentinel-4 - Sentinel-5 Precursor - Sentinel-5 - Sentinel-6
Cosmic Vision CHEOPS - Solar Orbiter - Euclid - PLATO - Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer - Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
Discoverer (Corona) Corona (satelit)
Program Discovery MESSENGER - Mars Pathfinder - Lunar Prospector - Deep Impact - EPOXI - Stardust - NExT - Genesis - MMM
Misi Sistem Bumi-Matahari NASA Jason 1 - TIMED - TOPEX/Poseidon - Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
Earth Observing System (EOS) ACRIMSAT
Program Explorer Explorer 1 - Explorer 2 - Explorer 3 - Explorer 4 - Explorer 5 - Explorer 6 - Explorer 7 - Explorer 8 - Explorer 9 - Explorer 10 - Explorer 11 - Explorer 12 - Explorer 13 - Explorer 14 - Explorer 15 - Explorer 16 - Explorer 17 - Explorer 18 - Explorer 19 - Explorer 20 - Explorer 21 - Explorer 22 - Explorer 23 - Explorer 24 - Explorer 25 - Explorer 26 - Explorer 27 - Explorer 28 - Explorer 29 - Explorer 30 - Explorer 31 - Explorer 32 - Explorer 33 - Explorer 34 - Explorer 35 - Explorer 36 - Explorer 37 - Explorer 38 - Explorer 39 - Explorer 40 - Explorer 41 - Explorer 42 - Explorer 43 - Explorer 44 - Explorer 45 - Explorer 46 - Explorer 47 - Explorer 48 - Explorer 49 - Explorer 50 - Explorer 51 - Explorer 52 - Explorer 53 - Explorer 54 - Explorer 55 - Explorer 56 - Explorer 57 - Explorer 58 - Explorer 59 - Explorer 60 - Explorer 61 - Explorer 62 - Explorer 63 - Explorer 64 - Explorer 65 - Explorer 66 - Explorer 67 - Explorer 68 - Explorer 69 - Explorer 70 - Explorer 71 - Explorer 72 - Explorer 73 - Explorer 74 - Explorer 75 - Explorer 76 - Explorer 77 - Explorer 78 - Explorer 79 - Explorer 80 - Explorer 81 - Explorer 82 - Explorer 83 - Explorer 84 - Explorer 85 - Explorer 86 - Explorer 87 - Explorer 88 -Explorer 89 - Explorer 90 - Explorer 91 - Explorer 92 -
ExoMars ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter - Schiaparelli EDM lander - Rosalind Franklin - Pendarat ExoMars 2020
Program Flagship Mars Science Laboratory - Cassini-Huygens - Galileo
Program Foton Foton-1 - Foton-2 - Foton-3 - Foton-4 - Foton-5 - Foton-6 - Foton-7 - Foton-8 - Foton-9 - Foton-10 - Foton-11 - Foton-11
Program Foton-M Foton-M1 - Foton-M2 Foton-M3 Foton-M4
Program Gravity Gravity Probe A - Gravity Probe B
Program GRAB GRAB-1 - GRAB-2
Obsevatorium Besar NASA Observatorium sinar-X Chandra - Compton Gamma Ray Observatory - Teleskop luar angkasa Hubble - Teleskop Angkasa Spitzer
Program Helios Helios 1 - Helios 2
Program ISIS Alouette 2 - ISIS 1 - ISIS 2
Program Landsat Landsat 1 - Landsat 2 - Landsat 3 - Landsat 4 - Landsat 5 - Landsat 6 - Landsat 7 - Landsat 8
Program Living Planet Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer - Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity - CryoSat - Swarm - ADM-Aeolus - EarthCARE - BIOMASS
Program Luna Luna 1 - Luna 2 - Luna 3 - Luna 4 - Luna 5 - Luna 6 - Luna 7 - Luna 8 - Luna 9 - Luna 10 - Luna 11 - Luna 12 - Luna 13 - Luna 14 - Luna 15 - Luna 16 - Luna 17 - Luna 18 - Luna 19 - Luna 20 - Luna 21 - Luna 22 - Luna 23 - Luna 24
Program Lunar Orbiter Lunar Orbiter 1 - Lunar Orbiter 2 - Lunar Orbiter 3 - Lunar Orbiter 4 - Lunar Orbiter 5
Program Lunokhod Lunokhod 1 - Lunokhod 2
Program Mariner Mariner 1 - Mariner 2 - Mariner 3 - Mariner 4 - Mariner 5 - Mariner 6 - Mariner 7 - Mariner 8 - Mariner 9 - Mariner 10
Program Mars Mars 1 - Mars 1960A - Mars 1960B - Mars 2 - Mars 3 - Mars 4 - Mars 5 - Mars 6 - Mars 7 - Mars 96
Program MiDAS MiDAS 1 - MiDAS 2 - MiDAS 3 - MiDAS 4 - MiDAS 5 - MiDAS 6 - MiDAS 7 - MiDAS 8 - MiDAS 9 - MiDAS 10 - MiDAS 11 - MiDAS 12 - Discoverer 19 - Discoverer 21
JAXA LUNAR-A - Hiten - Nozomi - Hayabusa - Kaguya - Yohkoh - Akatsuki - IKAROS - Hayabusa 2
Misi Mars Mars Climate Orbiter - MER-A - MER-B - Mars Express - Mars Global Surveyor - Mars Odyssey - Mars Pathfinder - Mars Polar Lander - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - Mars Science Laboratory - Mars Telecommunications Orbiter
Program Mars Scout Phoenix - MAVEN
Program Nimbus Nimbus 1 - Nimbus 2 - Nimbus 3 - Nimbus 4 - Nimbus 5 - Nimbus 6 - Nimbus 7
Program New Frontiers New Horizons - Juno - OSIRIS-REx
Program New Millennium Deep Space 1 - Deep Space 2 - Earth Observing-1 - Space Technology 5
Program Phobos Phobos 1 - Phobos 2
Program Pioneer Pioneer 0 - Pioneer 1 - Pioneer 3 - Pioneer 4 - Pioneer 5 - Pioneer 6 - Pioneer 7 - Pioneer 8 - Pioneer 9 - Pioneer 10 - Pioneer 11
Program Planetary Observer Mars Observer
Program Poppy Poppy-1 - Poppy-2 - Poppy-3 - Poppy-4 - Poppy-5 - Poppy-6 - Poppy-7
Program Ranger Ranger 1 - Ranger 2 - Ranger 3 - Ranger 4 - Ranger 5 - Ranger 6 - Ranger 7 - Ranger 8 - Ranger 9
Program Rhyolite/Aquacade Rhyolite 1 - Rhyolite 2 - Aquacade 3 - Aquacade 4
Solar Solar-A - Solar-B - Solar-C - Solar-D
Observatorium angkasa COBE - Hipparcos - Infrared Space Observatory - International Ultraviolet Explorer - IRAS - SOHO - Uhuru - XMM-Newton - Teleskop luar angkasa James Webb - Solar Dynamics Observatory - Teleskop luar angkasa Hubble
Program Sputnik Sputnik 1 - Sputnik 2 - Sputnik 3 - Sputnik 4 - Sputnik 5
Program Surveyor Surveyor 1 - Surveyor 2 - Surveyor 3 - Surveyor 4 - Surveyor 5 - Surveyor 6 - Surveyor 7
Program Tiros Tiros 1 - Tiros 2 - Tiros 3 - Tiros 4 - Tiros 5 - Tiros 6 - Tiros 7 - Tiros 8 - Tiros 9 - Tiros 10
Proyek Vanguard Vanguard 1 - Vanguard 2 - Vanguard 3
Program Vega Vega 1 - Vega 2
Program Venera 1VA - Venera 1 - Venera 2 - Venera 3 - Venera 4 - Venera 5 - Venera 6 - Venera 7 - Venera 8 - Venera 9 - Venera 10 - Venera 11 - Venera 12 - Venera 13 - Venera 14 - Venera 15 - Venera 16
Program Viking Viking 1 - Viking 2
Program Vortex/Chalet Chalet-1 - Chalet-2 - Chalet-3 - Vortex-4 - Vortex-5 - Vortex-6
Program Voyager Voyager 1 - Voyager 2
Program Zond Zond 1 - Zond 2 - Zond 3 - Zond 4 - Zond 5 - Zond 6 - Zond 7 - Zond 8
Lainnya Alouette 1 - DART - Magellan - METEOR - SMART-1 - Ulysses

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