Discussione:Il giorno del Dottore

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Oltretutto mi sembra troppo approfondita e da fansite, non adatta a Wikipedia. Magari se ne potrebbe usare una sintesi. --Titore (msg) 01:22, 4 apr 2018 (CEST)[rispondi]

=== Continuity ===
As the show's 50th anniversary special, the episode contains multiple references to previous episodes. It opens with the title sequence and theme arrangement used at the series' debut in 1963. Echoing the opening of ''An Unearthly Child'', the first episode of the first ''Doctor Who'' story, a policeman is shown walking past the sign for I.M. Foreman, the scrap merchant in whose yard the TARDIS was located, and its first few seconds are in monochrome (as had been the case in ''The Two Doctors'', the last time more than one Doctor had featured in an official story). Coal Hill School, which the Doctor's granddaughter [[Susan Foreman]] attended when they were on Earth in 1963 in the very first story, also featured in the 1988 serial ''Remembrance of the Daleks''. According to the school sign, the chairman of the school governors is now [[Ian Chesterton]], one of the First Doctor's original three companions and a science teacher at the school, and the headmaster is W. Coburn, a reference to [[Waris Hussein]] and Anthony Coburn, who respectively directed and wrote ''An Unearthly Child''.<ref name="callbacks">{{Cita web|url=http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2013/11/doctor-13-best-callbacks-references-day-doctor/}}</ref> Clara rides out of Coal Hill School on the Eleventh Doctor's anti-gravity motorcycle from "The Bells of Saint John" at 5:16, the time ''An Unearthly Child'' originally aired on [[BBC One|BBC TV]] (the first broadcast began 1 minute 20 seconds after its scheduled time of 17:15 [[Greenwich Mean Time|GMT]] on 23 November 1963).<ref>Howe, Stammers, Walker (1994), p. 54</ref><ref>{{Cita web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/episodeguide/unearthlychild/detail.shtml|titolo=Doctor Who Classic Episode Guide - An Unearthly Child|sito=www.bbc.co.uk|lingua=en|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref>

When the TARDIS is picked up by UNIT, the call sign used by the helicopter to refer to UNIT is "Greyhound leader", reflecting that of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart,<ref name=":9">{{Cita news|lingua=en|autore=Dan Wilson|url=http://metro.co.uk/2013/11/24/15-nostalgic-classic-doctor-who-hat-tips-in-the-day-of-the-doctor-what-did-you-spot-4199273/|titolo=15 nostalgic classic Doctor Who hat-tips in the Day of the Doctor – what did you spot?|pubblicazione=Metro|data=24 novembre 2013|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref> whose daughter Kate is now portrayed as having his role as commander of UNIT. Lethbridge-Stewart was a central character in the [[Terzo Dottore|Third Doctor]]'s era and also several of his successors', originally appearing in the [[Secondo Dottore|Second Doctor]] serial ''The Web of Fear'' and making his last appearance in ''Doctor Who'' in [[Settimo Dottore|Seventh Doctor]] serial ''Battlefield'', which is also referenced. An image of the Brigadier is seen alongside images of various companions of the Doctor. The UNIT dating controversy, regarding whether the [[Terzo Dottore|Third Doctor]] era stories took place in the 1970s or 1980s, is alluded to in dialogue by Kate Stewart, when she mentions that events occurred in "the '70s or '80s depending on the dating protocol used".<ref name=":9" />

The Tenth Doctor's era is also heavily revisited.  His marriage to Queen Elizabeth I, mentioned in "The Shakespeare Code" and ''The End of Time'', is finally depicted.<ref name=":10">{{Cita news|lingua=en-US|url=http://kassyapple.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/list-of-references-and-easter-eggs-in-the-day-of-the-doctor/|titolo=List of References and Easter Eggs in “The Day of the Doctor”|pubblicazione=kassy|data=26 novembre 2013|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref> The Tenth Doctor mentioned the Fall of Arcadia in "Doomsday". When the Eleventh Doctor tells Clara that the situation is "timey-wimey stuff," and the War Doctor ridicules him for it, the Tenth Doctor remarks, "I have no idea where he picks that stuff up"; the Tenth originally used the phrase in "[[Colpo d'occhio (Doctor Who)|Blink]]".<ref name=":10" /> When he leaves after learning of Trenzalore, the Tenth Doctor remarks, "I don't want to go…", his incarnation's final words from ''The End of Time''; the Eleventh Doctor tells Clara that "he always says that" after his TARDIS leaves. The Moment device was originally mentioned in ''The End of Time'',<ref>''Doctor Who (nuova serie)'': [[Episodi speciali di Doctor Who (nuova serie)#La fine del tempo (prima parte)|''The End of Time'' [''La fine del tempo'']]], Episodi speciali.</ref> but had not been explored in depth until now, where it takes the form of "Bad Wolf", a seemingly omnipotent being and personalisation of the Time Vortex itself, which manifested in [[Rose Tyler]] when she absorbed the Time Vortex in the [[Episodi di Doctor Who (nuova serie) (prima stagione)|first series]] finale, "The Parting of the Ways". During the negotiations with the Zygons Kate mentions the Sycorax from "The Christmas Invasion".

The Black Archive, containing alien artefacts collected by UNIT, has photographs of the Doctor's many companions. Additionally, River Song's high heels from "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone", the mass canceler from [[Episodi di Doctor Who (nuova serie) (seconda stagione)|second series]] finale "Doomsday",<ref>{{Cita web|url=http://www.hypable.com/2013/11/25/doctor-who-day-of-the-doctor-easter-eggs/|titolo=Fourteen hidden details you may have missed in ‘Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor’|autore=Marama Whyte|data=25 novembre 2013|lingua=en|accesso=24 marzo 2018|urlarchivio=https://web.archive.org/web/20141209103749/http://www.hypable.com/2013/11/25/doctor-who-day-of-the-doctor-easter-eggs/|dataarchivio=9 dicembre 2014|urlmorto=sì}}</ref> a Supreme Dalek head from [[Episodi di Doctor Who (nuova serie) (quarta stagione)|fourth series]] finale, "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End", a Dalek [[Thompson Submachine Gun|tommy gun]] from "Daleks in Manhattan"/"Evolution of the Daleks", the restraining chair which held both the Master and the Doctor in ''The End of Time'', and a Cyberman head are contained within the Archive. The vortex manipulator in the Archive was donated to UNIT by Captain Jack Harkness, a companion of the [[Nono Dottore|Ninth Doctor]] who was reunited with the [[Decimo Dottore|Tenth Doctor]] on multiple occasions. The Black Archive was also seen in ''[[Le avventure di Sarah Jane|The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'' episode "Enemy of the Bane".<sup class="noprint" id="cx" tabindex="0">[''[[wikipedia:Uso_delle_fonti|senza fonte]]'']</sup>

Other references are made to previous multi-Doctor anniversary stories, ''[[The Three Doctors]]'' and ''[[The Five Doctors]].''<ref name=":9" /> The Eleventh Doctor's dismissal of the Tenth Doctor and War Doctor as "Sandshoes and Grandad" to mock their respective footwear and age echo the First Doctor's description of his two successors in ''The Three Doctors'' as "a dandy and a clown".<ref name=":9" /> (The War Doctor's initial incredulous reaction upon seeing his future selves also reflects this moment.) Likewise, a Time Lord says, "I didn't know when I was well-off. All twelve of them." which recalls the Brigadier's line from ''The Three Doctors'': "Three of them, eh? I didn't know when I was well off."<ref>{{Cita news|lingua=en|autore=Rich Johnston|url=http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/11/23/fifty-thoughts-about-doctor-who-the-day-of-the-doctor/|titolo=Fifty Thoughts About Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor (UPDATE)|pubblicazione=Bleeding Cool News And Rumors|data=23 novembre 2013|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref> More of the Brigadier's dialogue from the latter serial is alluded to when Kate asks for an incident report code-named "[[Cromer]]";<ref>{{Cita news|lingua=en-US|nome=Alasdair|cognome=Wilkins|url=http://www.avclub.com/review/the-day-of-the-doctor-105925|titolo=Doctor Who: “The Day Of The Doctor”|pubblicazione=TV Club|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref> in the earlier story, upon being transported to another universe, the Brigadier initially believes himself to be near the coastal Norfolk town. A line from the First Doctor from ''The Five Doctors'' is also reused near the end as the Tenth Doctor tells the Eleventh, "It's good to know my future is in safe hands" (which the First told the Fifth in the earlier story).<ref name=":11">{{Cita news|lingua=en-US|autore=|url=http://slouchingtowardstv.com/2013/11/24/doctor-who-50th-anniversary-special-the-day-of-the-doctor-whoniverse-references/|titolo=Doctor Who 50th anniversary special: The Day of the Doctor – Whoniverse references|pubblicazione=Slouching towards TV|data=24 novembre 2013|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref> When the War Doctor appears, Clara remarks, "I think there's three of them," to which Kate responds, "There's a precedent for that," in reference to ''The Three Doctors''.<ref name=":9" />

Lines from past serials reappear in the special.  The Eleventh Doctor resurrects the phrase "[[Terzo Dottore|reversing the polarity]]" associated with the [[Terzo Dottore|Third Doctor]], to comical effect.  In trying to compensate for the presence of three Doctors who utilise different console rooms, the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS console briefly changes to the War Doctor's console room, seen again later in the episode, before settling on the Eleventh's.<ref name=":11" /> The Tenth Doctor comments upon the Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS console, "Oh you've redecorated! I don't like it", a line originally used by the [[Secondo Dottore|Second Doctor]] speaking to the Third in ''The Three Doctors'' and later reused by the Second and Eleventh Doctors respectively in ''The Five Doctors'' and "Closing Time". One of the War Doctor's final lines of dialogue prior to regenerating is "....wearing a bit thin", echoing some of the First Doctor's final words prior to regenerating at the end of ''[[The Tenth Planet]]'', "this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin".

The description of the TARDIS's sound as a "wheezing, groaning sound" by "The Moment" (Rose Tyler) is a reference to its description in the Terrance Dicks novels.<ref>{{Cita news|lingua=en|autore=|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8113603.stm|titolo=The Tome Lord|pubblicazione=BBC News Magazine|data=23 giugno 2009|accesso=24 marzo 2018}}</ref>

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