Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Diskussjoni għajnuna:Wikiketta

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

The maltese of this web is horrible there are an infinite number of mistakes!!! you give a bad example.

Why not just go ahead, point out the mistakes, and correct them and give a good example  ;)) ?
By the way.. we have a place for such comments, they usually go here. --joelemaltais\talk 13:42, 10 Ġunju 2006 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Sur anonimu, missek ta' l-inqas tajtna eżempju u kellimtna b'Malti tajjeb. Imqar! Naħseb li kieku l-għorriefa biss jiftħu ħalqhom, id-dinja kollha taqa' fil-mutu. --Roderick Mallia 12:18, 13 Ġunju 2006 (UTC)[wieġeb]