Disputatio Usoris:UV/2006
[fontem recensere]Willkommen in der lateinischen Wikipedia! :-) --Roland2 10:31, 14. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Ob salutationem gratias ago. ;-) --UV 02:14, 15. Mai 2006 (CEST)
Latina mercatoria
[fontem recensere]... für diesen Fall habe ich kürzlich Plan B vorgeschlagen: Seiten, die es in anderen Wikipedias nicht (oder noch nicht) gibt, sollte man auch irgendwie mit einem (speziellen) Template markieren. Sind ja was Besonderes ... Was hältst Du davon? --Roland2 00:15, 16. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Sehr gute Idee, denn dann erkennt man die Seiten, bei denen schon einmal jemand (erfolglos) nach passenden Interwikilinks gesucht hat und hat zugleich auf einen Blick die „Alleinstellungsmerkmale“ der la.wp.
- Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob man diese Gruppe noch einmal differenzieren muss:
- in Seiten, die zwar derzeit noch in keiner anderen Wikipedia existieren, wo es aber durchaus möglich wäre, dass diese Seiten zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erstellt werden (und die man daher nach einiger Zeit wieder überprüfen sollte) und
- in Seiten, die in aller Zukunft niemals in anderssprachigen Wikipedias aufscheinen werden.
- Ich glaube eher nicht, dass es Seiten gibt, die in die letztgenannte Kategorie fallen, aber vielleicht übersehe ich da etwas?
- Herzlich, --UV 01:03, 16. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Ja, so habe ich das gemeint. Ioshus Rocchio hat's auch gut gefunden, ich dachte zuerst, es wäre übertrieben ... oder sagen wir so: Man würde es als übertrieben ansehen. Ob es Seiten gibt, die in aller Zukunft ... nein, das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. Vor allem, wenn man Seiten wie "la:Die Geschichte der lat. WP" und "fr:Die Geschichte der frz. WP" als zu verlinkende Seiten ansieht. Jetzt bräuchten wir noch einen Titel, einen Text und eine Kategorie für ein solches Template ... ;-) Übrigens: Ich glaube, das regelmäßige Kontrollieren könnten wir uns auch sparen, denn alleine die Behauptung, "diese Seite hat keiner", könnte bei anderen Wikipedianern den Sportsgeist wecken und schon haben wir einen Interwikilink. ;-) --Roland2 01:39, 16. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- P. S.: Deine Änderungen sind in den "Letzten Änderungen" irritierend rot, weil nix auf Deiner Userseite steht. ;-)
- Was den Sportsgeist betrifft, hast Du sicherlich recht, aber das wäre ja – für die Wikipedias in allen Sprachen zusammengenommen gesehen – nur positiv!
- zur roten Benutzerseite: muss man denn immer so viel über sich selbst offenbaren? ;-) --UV 01:50, 16. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Es würde z. B. {{Nuntii latine placent}} genügen, dann weiß man, wie Du's gern hast. :-) --Roland2 01:54, 16. Mai 2006 (CEST)
Nexus emendandi
[fontem recensere]Georgius usori, c.n. "UV", salutem plurimam dicit. Noli, amabo, nimis temere nexus Slovachiae, sit venia verbo, quasi emendare; ego enim homines doctos sententiam rogare velim. Itaque fieri potest, ut nomen Slovaciae restituam et hanc emendationem meam argumentis satis bene affirmem. Valeas quam optime. -- 09:29, 16. Mai 2006 (CEST) Georgius ex Vicipaedia Latina
- Georgium UV salutem dicit.
- I am sorry that I did not look on the discussion page and thus I did not notice that the move was disputed. I just came across a double redirect on Specialis:DoubleRedirects (Slovacia -> Slovakia -> Slovachia) and I fixed not only the double redirect but a few other links as well, not knowing the move had taken place without much reasons given and without discussion. Of course I will not change any further links to Slova[k|ch]ia. Feel free to move the article back if you think Slovakia is more appropriate. Greetings, --UV 00:42, 17. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht auf die Diskussionsseite geschaut habe und dass ich daher nicht gesehen habe, dass die Verschiebung umstritten ist. Ich habe unter Specialis:DoubleRedirects einen doppelten Redirect gefunden (Slovacia -> Slovakia -> Slovachia) und bei dieser Gelegenheit nicht nur den doppelten Redirect, sondern gleich auch ein paar weitere Links geändert – in guter Absicht. Selbstverständlich werde ich keine weiteren Links auf Slova[k|ch]ia ändern. Gerne kannst Du den Artikel zurückverschieben, wenn Du meinst, dass Slovakia das richtige Lemma ist. Herzliche Grüße, --UV 00:42, 17. Mai 2006 (CEST)
Gratias multas tibi ago omniaque bona tibi precor. Thanks and I wish you everything good. Vielen Dank und ich wünsch dir alles gute. Georgius ex Vicipaedia Latina, -- 14:37, 17. Mai 2006 (CEST)
[fontem recensere]Hallo, sollten die Commons-Verweise nicht besser (nur) im Artikel stehen, statt (auch) in der Kategorie? Ich meine, sie stören nicht, aber es ist ein zusätzlicher Aufwand. Ich finde, auf der Kategorie-Seite sollte eher nur stehen, was in diese Kategorie kommen soll und eventuell was nicht. --Roland2 17:42, 21. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Du hast natürlich recht, dass man den Commons-Link auch dann finden wird, wenn er im Hauptartikel der Kategorie untergebracht ist. Daher ist der Commons-Link in der Kategorie sicherlich nicht besonders wichtig.
- Andererseits aber finde ich die Interwiki-Links (von einer Kategorie in einer Sprache zu den entsprechenden Kategorien in anderen Sprachen) schon sehr hilfreich. Und gehört da dann nicht logisch eigentlich auch der Commons-Link dazu (der sich halt leider nicht bei den anderen Interwiki-Links unterbringen lässt)?
- Was meinst Du dazu? Herzlich, --UV 18:12, 21. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Wie gesagt, es stört mich nicht, ich glaube aber, daß es nicht viel bringt, vorausgesetzt, - tja ... - jede Kategorie hat einen "Hauptartikel", also "Poetae" hat "Poeta" usw. Das ist leider derzeit nicht immer der Fall, da ist es dann schon gut, wenn der Link auf Commons auf der Kategorienseite steht. Jetzt gibt es sogar Artikel, die selbst keinen Commons-Link haben, aber die zugehörige Kategorie hat einen. ;-)
- Interwiki-Links zwischen Kategorien sind theoretisch sogar wichtiger als Interwiki-Links zwischen Artikeln, aber um diese Art Interwiki-Links habe ich mich bis jetzt noch nicht sehr gekümmert. In der Praxis bleiben die Leser wahrscheinlich meist im Artikelbereich ... sofern genügend weiterführende Links angeboten werden.
- Halt! Jetzt dämmert mir, was Du meinst ...
- Meinst Du der Artikel-Commons-Link soll auf die Artikel-Seite, der Kategorien-Commons-Link soll auf die Kategorien-Seite? Die mische ich nämlich durcheinander, muß ich gestehen ...
- Wenn Du das meinst, hast Du 100 % recht.
- --Roland2 21:48, 21. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Also ich gehe so vor:
- (selbstverständlich) von Kategorien nur Interwiki-Links zu Kategorien
- (selbstverständlich) von Artikeln nur Interwiki-Links zu Artikeln
- (noch immer logisch) von Kategorien einen Link nur auf Commons-Kategorien (nicht auf Commons-Artikel)
- (zugegebenermaßen etwas uneinheitlich) von Artikeln vorzugsweise einen Link auf einen Commons-Artikel, in begründeten Fällen aber setze ich auch von Artikeln einen Link auf eine Commons-Kategorie (z. B. es gibt keinen Commons-Artikel, oder der Commons-Artikel ist wesentlich schlechter als die Commons-Kategorie). So geschehen z. B. heute hier.
- Hältst Du das für sinnvoll? Herzlich, --UV 23:00, 21. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- Also ich gehe so vor:
- Ich mach's genauso, außer beim letzten Punkt, da hab ich bisher oft gar nicht nachgedacht und einfach den Link genommen, wo di e meisten Bilder waren. Also eigentlich auch dasselbe wie Du getan, aber halt ohne speziell darüber nachgedacht zu haben. Ich denke, wir sollten solche Überlegungen auch den anderen mitteilen. Wie waere es mit einer neuen Seite Vicipaedia:Communia? Analog zu Vicipaedia:Categoria. --Roland2 23:16, 21. Mai 2006 (CEST)
- ok! --UV 23:39, 21. Mai 2006 (CEST)
Sorry but I have to use English, I'm just starting with Latin... how I can comminicate with other people in this site? I don't really know to do it...
- I responded on your talk page. --UV 22:30, 21 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Further discussion moved to Disputatio Usoris:Sergio. --UV 01:05, 22 Maii 2006 (UTC)
indices urbum
[fontem recensere]Rationem bonam mihi praetulisti de qua ante non ego quam putavissem...si accipiamus modum indices adhibendi, acta facienda sunt nobis in nomina indicium unificandi, et fortasse categoriam sicut [[Categoria:Indices urbum in nationibus mundi]] creamus (tametsi nomen ille longiorest).--Ioshus ( 04:24, 22. Mai 2006 (CEST))
opera tua
[fontem recensere]Macte, et gratias ago, quia opera sordida facebas! Quaeso te ut continues vigile laborare. Vale!--Ioshus Rocchio 02:28, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
You have marked Categoria:Auctores for deletion and I believe you have reasons why you think we should not use Categoria:Auctores. In this case it is not obvious to me why it should not be used. Even if we had discussed the reasons anywhere, this would not keep people from creating it again. This is the reason why I am generally looking for other solutions than deleting something. It's a similar discussion as I had about {{move ad victionarium}} with Ioshus Rocchio. Alternatives which cross my mind, depending on the reasons:
- a REDIRECT to Categoria:Auctores
- a template saying that this is an unwanted category and categorizing the category below Categoria:Unwanted categories
- a REDIRECT to Categoria:Scriptores and adding a remark there, saying that Categoria:Scriptores is the preferred name for Categoria:Auctores
- etc.
Maybe the categorization pages should keep some hints for categorizing, I mean: what should go into that category and what not.
What do you think?
BTW ... shouldn't we better discuss this on the talk page of Vicipaedia:Categoria?
--Roland2 06:31, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Discussion continues at Disputatio Vicipaediae:Categoria. --UV 13:09, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
Deletion of 178. dec. et al
[fontem recensere]I think the situation is more complicated. These pages are referenced many times, see "Nexus ad hanc paginam" on those pages. First we should know, if we want pages about decennia at all. See e. g. the navigation on page 1837. There was a discussion in the taberna before (maybe in January 2006?), however, I cannot find it now. And the discussion stopped before we had a result ... --Roland2 07:06, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- I have found it: [1] --Roland2 07:54, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
The use of the form "196. dec." seems to be discouraged over the form Decennium 196. I only proposed “broken redirects” (i. e. redirects leading to a non-existing page) for deletion.
What would you think of Formula:Decennium (see 1995 where I applied this formula for purposes of testing)? Feel free to change this formula if you dislike the way it looks. I would be ready to add this formula to all year and decennium pages, and I believe it would ease any further changes of whatever kind.
Greetings, --UV 19:08, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Wow! Great. --Roland2 21:22, 25 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Your Formula:Decennium works as designed :-) It does even more than I expected: Decennium pages are not categorized as "Anni". That's nice. Ich möchte nicht unverschämt sein, but ... could you make a Formula:Annus which takes a year as input and shows the same output? Since your decennium template works - in fact - for decennia and years, it might be even possible to code a generic template (in English maybe "time-navigation", "timenav", ...) which does not need a parameter because it analyses the pagename: "1970", "214 a.C.n.", "Decennium 210", "Saeculum 14", ... maybe it would suffice to make Formula:Decennium work without the parameter. There is also another template which would be really useful, see section "5 Martii" on Disputatio Usoris:Sinister Petrus. Maybe formula:dies. Thanks for Formula:Decennium --Roland2 07:40, 26 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Finally I managed to add Formula:Decennium to all decennium and year pages. I think this template (which shows all years of a given decennium) can serve for both decennia and years.
- I do not know how a generic template that analyzes the pagename might be coded: While MediaWiki template syntax allows to concat strings and to test strings for equality (in their entirety), I have not found a possibility to split strings or to match parts of strings, which would IMHO be necessary for properly analyzing the pagename.
- Calendars: Sorry, I do not know a good way to produce a calendar either. I looked at the calendar at the English wikipedia and it is not only complicated but also needs to be manually changed for every year. The only thing I could offer (but that is an easy thing to do) is just a list of March 1 to March 31, without any indication of the weekdays.
- Greetings, --UV 02:05, 28 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Good work! I think we should either wait until the templates will be more powerful or try to code a bot in a "real" programming language. If someone had a server where we could install such a thing, it would be easier, since - as I was told - the bot has to be installed locally. There are frameworks for Python and Perl, but I think it could be done without a framework as well. --Roland2 06:59, 28 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Just wanted to iterate the praise of your work on this endeavor. As for the algorithm necessary to make a self-updating calendar, I don't know much about programming, but I used to have a tiny old pill-box on my family's boat which had a calendar on it's top, that just by turning it would give you an accurate calendar for 200 years forward or backward. Surely we can get some 1s and 0s to do the same =].--Ioshus Rocchio 18:54, 28 Maii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Thanks for cleaning up. Ok, I'll have a look at Categoria:Deletiones propositae ... --Roland2 17:57, 26 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- I thank you as well...I didn't really know how to proceed after the vote. Thanks for the initiative., I'll be having a look, too.--Ioshus Rocchio 18:06, 26 Maii 2006 (UTC)
Discussion moved to Disputatio Vicipaediae:Redirectio. --UV 14:13, 27 Maii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Done. --Roland2 16:26, 28 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Um, sorry … I do not know what you mean … --UV 00:00, 29 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- I thought I had changed civitas-stipula to natio-stipula in article Chilia. However, it seems that it did not work. Did it again. Now Formula:Civitas-stipula is not referenced any more. --Roland2 20:29, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Great, thanks! --UV 21:10, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]OOPS! Good eye =]. I did a bunch of babel formulae one night, and was kind of zombied out.--Ioshus Rocchio 18:38, 4 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- ;-) --UV 18:41, 4 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Quaeso, inspice Cobaltum#De nomine, ne qua scripsi rationem non habet germano.--Ioshus Rocchio 03:27, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Looks good! I capitalized Kobold, as nouns are always capitalized in German, and changed the second occurrence to Kobolde (nominative plural).
- I found sources supporting the first two sentences. Kobold is probably related to the old word kobe or kove or koven, cf. the English word cove.
- I did not, however, find any sources for the third sentence (κόβαλος), and although the meaning of the two words is similar, I have some doubts here whether Kobold is in fact etymologically related to κόβαλος or whether the words just sound similar but are in fact unrelated.
- Greetings, --UV 21:07, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
I see...look here, here (first and last paragraphs) and en:Talk:Cobalt there about cobalt. This surprised me about cove, but I don't suppose it excludes what you have said. I'm going to do a little more research before I change anything.--Ioshus Rocchio 22:11, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I should add, this whole thing came about because of what is written in en:Cobalt#History.--Ioshus Rocchio 22:14, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- In my view, it is possible that Kobold and goblin do not exactly share the same etymology.
- Your first source, in my view, only describes two possibilities for goblin (one, Kobold, two, κόβαλος), but does not say anything about whether the two might be related to one another.
- Your second source (last paragraph, I tried the link that is given in the last paragraph, but the site was not reachable) links Kobold and κόβαλος. So we do have one source, but I still have some doubts.
- What if you rephrase the third sentence along the following lines: “Some people think the name may derive from Greek κόβαλος, which may have common roots with goblin.” and avoid mentioning Kobold in the third sentence?
- Meaning of κόβαλος: I found meanings similar to the ones you found, I did not find “mine” either.
- cove: Kobold is probably a composition of kobe/kove/koven and either -hold or -walt. The first part means shed, pigsty, stable, little house, hut, cage, cavity, and cove should mean shed according to my sources. Kobold in total would then etymologically mean stable-ghost, house-ghost, stable-friend, house-friend, or stable-administrator, house-administrator.
- Greetings, --UV 23:24, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Take a look now. Better? Thanks for your suggestions.--Ioshus Rocchio 22:06, 7 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Perfect! --UV 22:13, 7 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I had a hunch that genitive was wrong =]. Thanks again.--Ioshus Rocchio 22:26, 7 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Grammatically, the genitive was correctly formed (der Fluch des Kobolds = the curse of the goblin). However, the word would require an article in such a phrase, and even with the article, the phrase would not really be correct, as we are speaking about the word here, not about the object designated by the word.
- Good article! Greetings, --UV 22:35, 7 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
You are right. :-) --Roland2 21:45, 5 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Hi, what is the difference between natio, populus, gens? — Because we have Categoria:Populi, too ... -Roland2 23:49, 7 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- My guess is that
- Categoria:Nationes should encompass States (it is in Categoria:Geographia)
- Categoria:Gentes is in Categoria:Ethnologia and should encompass ethnic groups and peoples
- Categoria:Populi is maybe redundant to Categoria:Gentes.
- What do you think? Greetings, --UV 22:22, 8 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Vide etiam Disputatio:Hunni. --UV 19:25, 5 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]I have read about this and saw that other Wikipedias are requesting such a ticker. I think we should have it since someone might find it useful. I personally will probably not do much with it. I mostly include ancient looking images just as a decoration. I've put your information on page Vicipaedia:Praefatio. --Roland2 12:39, 10 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Ok, if I can help, I will. Are there any risks when we request such a ticker? I'll have a look. :-) --Roland2 15:08, 10 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I had this look. Seems straight. Tell me when I shall do something. --Roland2 15:40, 10 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Presse quid cum hac significare temptas? Eam lego ita: "Type of actions of the Vicimedia community"? Vere legone? Si vere lego, quaeso te ut magis videam clariter mihi sententiam explicare...pro quo erit haec formula? Meo animo, duae illae aliae sunt rectae, ambo [[Vicipaedia:Acta Vicimediae Communium, et Formula:Actum Vicimediae Communium. CommonsTicker ratio bona est, ita macte pro opere tuo!--Ioshus Rocchio 02:33, 11 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Formula:Reges Romae
[fontem recensere]Gratias propter formulam in omnem regem ponitam tibi ago. Sinister Petrus 16:51, 11 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- De nihil. Opus magnum non feci. Salve! --UV 17:00, 11 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
this wiki
[fontem recensere]Fortasse quaestione una sine termino, at ex quibus viserim, tu vir optimus labori. Quispiam putaturus sim ut habemus plurimos errores, qed nexus rubrus ad fundum paginae Vicipaedia:Verba privata. Quae etiam absunt nobis paginarum Vicipaedicarum perutilium tentu vel non simulatarum vel non conversarum a Wikipedia. Noli timere mihi notificare de paginis taedentibus translatu! =]
A perhaps endless question to ask, but from what I have seen youre the man for it. Presumably there are a lot of things that still need fixed around here, for instance on the bottom of my screen is a red link for Vicipaedia:Verba_privata. What, if any, essential Vicipaedia pages do we still have uncopied/translated from Wikipedia? Don't be afraid to tell me about ones that are boring to translate! =]--Ioshus Rocchio 03:35, 13 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Thank you for your offer! Actually, quite a lot of messages are untranslated or wrongly translated. You can take a look at Specialis:Allmessages (everyone can view those messages, but only administrators can change them). If you come across any interface message that needs translation or improvement, you can search for it on this page and edit it.
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To name just a few of my personal “favorites”:
- MediaWiki:Addedwatchtext change to proposed text or improve further
- MediaWiki:Emailforlost grammar: oblitus es
- MediaWiki:Emailuser grammar: usori
- MediaWiki:Istemplate inclusio
- MediaWiki:Recentchangestext throw out all clutter, including all interwiki links (all MediaWiki wikis have their recent changes page at Special:Recentchanges, therefore no need to specify this)
- MediaWiki:Showingresults and MediaWiki:Showingresultsnum is monstrens correct?
- Move MediaWiki:Nogomatch to MediaWiki:Noexactmatch (then delete the resulting redirect MediaWiki:Nogomatch as it is no longer needed) and check grammar
- Any message that has “Wikipedia” in it (in this spelling)
Messages that do not belong into the MediaWiki namespace and that should be deleted:
Interface messages that specify a wrong number of parameters (source: [2]): These should be changed, with the English messages serving as a model.
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MediaWiki:Sitestatstext | [[:MediaWiki:Sitestatstext]] |
message userstatstext is missing variable $4 | |
en | There are '''$1''' registered users, of which '''$2''' (or '''$4%''') are administrators (see $3). |
MediaWiki:Userstatstext | [[:MediaWiki:Userstatstext]] |
message whitelistedittext is missing variable $1 | |
en | You have to $1 to edit pages. |
MediaWiki:Whitelistedittext | Necesse est tibi $1 priusquam paginas recenseas. |
In the back of my head, I do have an idea on how make it easier to improve the translation of the MediaWiki software. If I have some time, I'll try to put that idea into practice …
If I notice any further interface messages that need attention, I will gladly importune you with these! ;-)
Greetings, --UV 23:56, 13 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Ok...this will take me some time =]. It is important to me that this wiki run smoothly, and as much of the interior is in proper latin as is the exterior. It's embarassing to lag behind other wikis, especially when we have such diverse talents from which to draw!--Ioshus Rocchio 02:36, 14 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Ok, the ones in the table are done, first drafts at least. A proofread please? =]--Ioshus Rocchio 22:43, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Great! I marked most of the issues done in the above table and lists. Thanks a lot for bearing out my pedantry! --UV 23:48, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Where do I go to change this:
Subter 500 mutationes recentissimae sunt in 7 diebus proximis, ad 18:26, 18 Iunii 2006 tempus. Monstrare 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 mutationes recentissimas in 1 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 diebus proximis. celare minor edits | monstrare bots | celare anonymous users | celare logged-in users | celare my edits Monstrare mutationes novas incipiens ex 18:26, 18 Iunii 2006
to this:
Subter 500 mutationes recentissimae sunt in 7 diebus proximis, ad 18:26, 18 Iunii 2006 tempus. Monstrare 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 mutationes recentissimas in 1 | 3 | 7 | 14 | 30 diebus proximis. Celare emendationes parvas | monstrare bots | celare usores ignotos | celare usores notos | celare conlationes meas Monstrare mutationes novas ad tempus 18:26, 18 Iunii 2006
??--Ioshus Rocchio 18:32, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Search for the text you want to change in Specialis:Allmessages:
MediaWiki:Rcshowhideminor | |
MediaWiki:Rcshowhidebots | |
MediaWiki:Rcshowhideanons | |
MediaWiki:Rcshowhideliu | |
MediaWiki:Rcshowhidemine | |
MediaWiki:Rclistfrom | Monstrare mutata nova incipiens ab $3 $2 |
translatio hebdomadalis
[fontem recensere]Cum nomine novo Pontis Americarum nexus correxisse in translatione hebdomadali te monstrat virum memoriae optimae! Nexus apud meta correxi etiam.--Ioshus Rocchio 23:51, 15 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Non meae memoriae, sed paginae Specialis:Whatlinkshere/Pons Americarum ("nexus ad hanc paginam") causa nexum correxi! ;-) Non memor fui nexus apud meta (et eum non monstrabat Specialis:Whatlinkshere), gratias ago pro eius rectificatione. --UV 00:00, 16 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]I took the liberty of checking your stats at [3]...I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the date of your first edit. You have made quite an impact and helped an extraordinary amount in a month and a half. Macte virtute!--Ioshus Rocchio 01:21, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- ;-)
- Well, it's fun!
- I do not think the number of edits tells much – quite a lot of my edits come from inserting Formula:Decennium into the year pages, and that activity cannot be compared to other users adding content in perfect Latin. Still, I enjoy it very much, and as long as • my worklife, • my need for sleep and • the persons around me permit (please do not deduce any priority from the order given ;-) ), I'll be happy to be around!
- At the same time, you are doing a great job in many respects! Thank you for the efforts you invest!
- Greetings, --UV 01:37, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Please see Disputatio_Formulae:Delenda#Where_to_give_the_reasons_... --Roland2 10:14, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]My idea: We should have a page "Vicipaedia:XXX" for each term we need to work with Vicipaedia. See Vicipaedia:Index. If the term is good for the main namespace as well ... fine! However, we mostly should avoid redirects from "Vicipaedia:XXX" to "XXX", since there might be hints, tips, tricks we would like to mention but which are not appropriate for the main namespace. Redirects from "XXX" to "Vicipaedia:XXX" should exist in most cases. I have not done this yet, but I have it in mind. What do you think? --Roland2 13:42, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I agree we should avoid redirects from the Vicipaedia namespace to the article namespace. (I am not sure about redirects from the main namespace to the Vicipaedia namespace either.)
- Perhaps we might end up with an encyclopedic article MediaWiki (just as we might have encyclopedic articles about other wiki software products) and a page Vicipaedia:MediaWiki with practical aspects, how-tos etc.? --UV 13:49, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Support. One article for each aspect and these two articles should be linked together. --Roland2 14:14, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Oneratio imaginum
[fontem recensere]De comuniis scio. Gratias proper nuntium tuum tibi ago. Difficilis mihi uti Communia est, ita arbitror. Numquam cognosco si bene agerem. At ego communia utar ut ceteri quoque comuniis utantur. Futuro ego tempore conabor. Sinister Petrus 23:22, 17 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Hi - I have just completed a test run of commons ticker. Please see if it#s OK and tell me if I can activate it now.
I have fixed a bug in the entry template, btw. -- de:Benutzer:Duesentrieb 14:51, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Ok, ich hab' den Ticker aktiviert - nächstes update so gegen 04:13 CEST -- de:Benutzer:Duesentrieb 23:15, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Super, danke! --UV 23:16, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Would you like to provide the information about uploading images on page Vicipaedia:Imago? That page has some information about uploading, however, maybe it needs some emphasis on the important details. ;-) --Roland2 21:27, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- OK, I will, but I won't be able to do this tonight. --UV 21:31, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Not tonight? Hopefully it will not be too late tomorrow. ;-) --Roland2 21:52, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Well, I am taking that risk on my shoulders. ;-) --UV 21:55, 18 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Done, please take a look. --UV 21:12, 24 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]... the ticker obviously helps us to edit the same files ... ;-) --Roland2 06:28, 19 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- ;-)
- The formatting of the ticker is not yet optimal. I will play around with the CSS a bit and then get back to you and ask you to add the CSS to the general style sheet. --UV 06:32, 19 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Google Talk
[fontem recensere]BTW ... I use http://www.google.com/support/talk ... interested? --Roland2 06:48, 19 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- sorry, I do not have a microphone attached to my computer. It is quite an old model.
- but … would you be ready and willing to invite me to Gmail? I do not have a Gmail account yet and people keep telling me it's good. I am sending you an e-mail via “Mittere cursum …” so that you can reply by e-mail. --UV 20:42, 19 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
It can be used without a microphone as well ... than it acts like a chat client. Ioshus uses it as well. --Roland2 21:02, 19 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I will give it a try. --UV 21:05, 19 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
CommonsTicker: new version to fix some problems
[fontem recensere]Hi - you may have noticed some problems with CommonsTicker lately - namely, some entries about deletions went missing, and some entries arrived several days late (messing up the date headings for ticker pages using append mode). This is caused by the massive replication lag we currently see on the toolserver (it's more than a day behind). While I hope this will not happen again in the future, I have been working on improving CommonsTicker so it handles out-of-sync entries gracefully.
I plan to activate a new version of CommonsTicker tonight or tomorrow - so look out for any new problems. Here are the most relevant changes:
- fix handling of out-of-sync records (see above); added "latecomer" parameter to TickerEntry template (may be ignored)
- deleted images can be restored now. To reflect this, I have added a "restored" action to CommonsTicker. To use it, you need to change your templates and/or CSS like this.
- for pages in append-mode, there an empty "status" parameter is now handed to the TickerEntry template - this parameter can be set manually to trigger some type of marking or highliting, depending on how you set up your template and CSS. See here for an example that strikes out the entry if status is set to "done".
For the future, I'm planning to let CommonsTicker post warnings to the talk page of articles that use an image das is (about to be) deleted. I'll post another announcement when that feature is ready.
This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 14:52, 20 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]I have determined you are more correct...licentia seems to mean more like "libertas" than permission. I would use "permissio" or "potestas iuris".--Ioshus Rocchio 01:14, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks! I think I will use “permissio” then, for the simple reason that it is shorter ;-) Thanks again for doing research on this! --UV 01:18, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
CommonsTicker CSS
[fontem recensere]I've added the section and it seems to work. Thanks for your efforts! --Roland2 04:54, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
" (pagina imaginis)" in CommonsTicker
[fontem recensere]Is there a reason that "pagina" and "imaginis" are linked to the same (?) target, using different linking techniques? --Roland2 06:05, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
well … yes: Both parts link to the local image description page (= the image page on the Latin wikipedia, not the image page on commons).
- The first part will usually be blue. It will only be red (and link to the "edit/create local image description page") when
- there is no image (neither locally nor on commons) and
- there is no local image description page.
- What's this good for? When the entry states "image was deleted" but the link is still blue, this means there is still a local description page which should probably be deleted as well.
- The second part always links to the image description page, never to the edit page. This link is useful for "live" checking which pages still use the image (heading "nexus ad imaginem" near the bottom).
Sorry if I did not explain this in very clear terms now. If I confused you now, please tell me to explain it again. --UV 22:47, 21 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- The reasons are good ... maybe we could rename the links to something like "local image" and "local description"? Or "(local: image/description)". However, either I have not understood some things or there are bugs. Example:
- DELE Image:Large_map_of_Hokkaido_within_Japan.png ... and the commons link is ok.
- DELE Image:Hyogo_Awaji_island.png ... the picture is missing on commons (as expected)
- I'll try to check this page/image thing again ;-) --Roland2 05:04, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Renaming the links: no problem, it's in Formula:Actum Vicimediae Communium, so it can be changed easily. The problem is how to call the links: both pages link to the local image description page, and I am not sure how to translate “local” either.
- Image:Large_map_of_Hokkaido_within_Japan.png: This image was indeed deleted from commons but was restored yesterday (see commons log). As the toolserver currently has major problems, it may well be that some log entries are dropped and that the CommonsTicker entries are incomplete. --UV 21:34, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Ok, I'll be patient ... ;-) --Roland2 21:51, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Many latin pages here that have already been "translated" appear without default text...and many of them are both horribly terrible in grammar, or attempt to say nothing remotely close to what the corresponding page at en says. Can you advise?--Ioshus Rocchio 02:40, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Let me see what I can do here. --UV 21:37, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Sorry! I tried to draw up a quick solution, but this did not work out as I intended.
- Note: The English messages may be outdated just like the latin ones.
- The only thing I can advise at the moment is to look here (URL was changed to here on July 26 by the MediaWiki developers --UV 12:21, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)) for the recent English version (updated automatically). --UV 23:59, 22 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Ok, Thanks.--Ioshus Rocchio 18:56, 28 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Thank you very much for helping to correct the grammar. I will do my best to improve my latin.--Jondel 01:18, 24 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- No problem! I do not remember having done much work on the Philippine pages … Greetings, --UV 22:18, 24 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Wouldn't it be better to write "Haec pagina iocum putata est."? ... Yes, it's not a good joke. But let us see iocus as all sort of nonsense untill we have some of them. ;-) --Roland2 18:56, 25 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I would prefer to get rid of nonsense rather sooner than later ;-) --UV 19:37, 25 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- On the long run it might be better to have honey pots. --Roland2 21:26, 25 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Deleted "FIFAe Certamen Mundiale Pediludii MMVI"
[fontem recensere]... as you requested. --Roland2 20:00, 26 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- gratias ago! --UV 20:06, 26 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
Please have a look ... I can explain my opinion. --Roland2 20:20, 26 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
NowCommons images
[fontem recensere]I have deleted a few images. Did I do it right? --Roland2 21:09, 27 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Looks perfect! --UV 22:26, 27 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I've deleted all those. --Roland2 17:31, 29 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Yes, I sat down to do some more, and...none to do! Thanks, Rol!--Ioshus Rocchio 17:34, 29 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- That's just great! Thanks a lot, Roland! I will try to identify some more NowCommons images in the next few days … ;-) --UV 22:34, 29 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I've deleted all those. --Roland2 17:31, 29 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
imagines iam in vicimediam communiam oneratae
[fontem recensere]Me paenitet spatium temporis ab petitione tua ad hanc horam! Si, opem huic labori dabo statim...ut soleo tibi dicere: gratias iterum ob acta strenua tua!--Ioshus Rocchio 18:55, 28 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- No problem at all, thanks! --UV 00:13, 29 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Wouldn't a template be helpful?
{{xxx |licence={{PD}} |auctor=Silvio Bacchetta |fons=[[:it:Immagine:Caorle campanile.jpg]] }}
Then I am missing title, description, ... --Roland2 05:20, 30 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- well, I hope that after the cleanup not too many images will remain … (optimistic)
- Something like commons:Template:Information?
- descriptio, fons, dies, auctor, permissio? --UV 22:40, 30 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- I cannot say anything about the translation of the terms but such a template would be ok for me. --Roland2 10:58, 1 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
Fons abbreviationis
[fontem recensere]Scribere fontem rei debuerim. Sciveram ut intervici satis esset. Sed tuae quaestioni dico fontem ex anglice vicipaedia esse. Proximo tempore fontem meum monstrabo. Re vera, ego delere paginas orbatas volebam. Sinister Petrus 16:27, 1 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
Please have a look. --Roland2 16:26, 2 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]This is a work in progress...what I ultimately want to say is this: "This user can read french without any difficulty at all, but cannot write a word of it, and doesn't understand how so many letters can go unpronounced." I have been customizing my babel template, because I don't think any of them acurately describe my proficiency. If you can help me, please do, feel free to directly update =]. I just have not gotten around to asking a french speaker for the correct pronunciation. Thanks for correcting the error!--Ioshus Rocchio 00:57, 8 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks! I have copied your suggestion, and will now see if there is a native speaker around who can proof. Thanks, again.--Ioshus Rocchio 14:18, 8 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
not here
[fontem recensere]I will not be here in the Latin Vicipaedia for a number of days, but I will definitely return here. All the best until then! --UV 00:05, 10 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Back now! --UV 23:31, 29 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
Imago:Summa paginarum 2006-07-13.gif
[fontem recensere]This image:
... is - more or less - a test. Would you like to keep it here? --Roland2 22:14, 13 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Just as you like.
- You might try a logarithmic scale for the y-axis, as this makes it easier to compare the growth rates of the individual wikipedias. You might as well upload the image to commons:Category:Wikipedia statistics. --UV 23:31, 29 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
Wikibook: Latin
[fontem recensere]Hi, I hope you speaks German very well: Bitte schau dir mal foldende Diskussion unter Disputatio:Ars docendi an. Ich komme von den deutschen Wikibooks (de.wikibooks.org) und wollte mal anfragen, ob jemand von euch Interesse hätte, sich bei uns einmal das Latein-Buch anzuschauen. Unter dem Link findest du das aktuelle Angebot, die Seiten sind leider nahezug verwaist, uns fehlen schlicht die Latein-Cracks, die Lust und Zeit und vielleicht Verwendung für ein Online-Lehrbuch Latein haben.
Falls du die Seiten besuchst, hinterlass doch auf der Diskussionsseite einen Kommentar, was du vom bisherigen Angebot hältst. -- 07:33, 19 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Danke für den Hinweis, leider habe ich derzeit zuwenig Zeit, an diesem Projekt mitzuarbeiten; ich wünsche Euch aber viel Erfolg! --UV 23:31, 29 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
welcome back
[fontem recensere]Good to see you around, again. We've missed you.--Ioshus Rocchio 03:18, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks for the flattery ;-) I enjoy being here again. --UV 11:15, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Hi, welcome back! I have something for you: Disputatio_Usoris:Roland2#.references-small ;-) I edited MediaWiki:Common.css and I am sure it worked, but it does not work any more. --Roland (disp.) 12:48, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Hm, not sure why it does not work. Perhaps the browser does not like some of the characters in the comment (thinking particularly of
). You might want to try to revert this edit and force-refresh (Ctrl+F5 or something similar, depending on your browser). Let's see whether it works then. --UV 19:56, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)- Hm, without the comment it works again, Mr. Holmes. ;-) --Roland (disp.) 20:32, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- ;-) --UV 21:14, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
- Hm, without the comment it works again, Mr. Holmes. ;-) --Roland (disp.) 20:32, 30 Iulii 2006 (UTC)
fair use
[fontem recensere]I more or less agree with you. Let's move this to the taberna.--Ioshus Rocchio 00:09, 10 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Gratias ago. Iam miratus sum quomodo hoc vitium vitandum esset. Alex1011 21:04, 11 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
- No problem! --UV 21:11, 11 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
Tellus (planeta)
[fontem recensere]I have "prepared this page for a move" (i. e. deleted). ;-) --Roland (disp.) 07:44, 14 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
Gesperrte Seiten
[fontem recensere]Hallo UV/2006,
hab' dir auf meiner Benutzerdisku.-Seite geantwortet. --DaB.
- Danke! --UV 22:33, 15 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
Andres Bonifacio
[fontem recensere]In horrible latin:Gratias ago corrixiste res Andres Bonifacio. Doleo latine meius.--Jondel 06:13, 19 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
- You are welcome! It was just that I noticed a few issues there that were easy to fix. --UV 15:43, 19 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
CommonsTicker: new version, new features
[fontem recensere]Hello. A new version of CommonsTicker will be rolled out soon (probably tomorrow). Please have an eye on what the bot is doing, and report any problems to m:User_talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker. Some of the changes are:
- the ticker can now post warnings to the talk page of articles that are using "endangered" images. This is not enabled per default, and you can select for which namespaces it is done. If you want this feature, please request it at m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Change_Requests.
- in append mode, there are now three empty template parameters: status, editor, and notic. The ticker does not use them itself, but you can use them in the TickerEntry template, for example to strike through entries that have been fixed. en:wikinews has already been using this for a while now.
- if the ticker fails to post an update, a warning is posted to your and the ticker's talk page. In append mode, the ticker will also re-try to post the update on the next pass. Until now, failed updates where simply ignored.
- edit summaries become a bit more informative.
I hope these changes will help to make CommonsTicker more used and more useful.
On a related note: you may have noticed that on long pages, entries near the bottom of the page are sometimes not expanded but rendered just as {{TickerEntry}} or similar. This is due to a new limit to template expansion - see bugzilla:7005. To avoid it, try to keep the page short and/or try to simplify the TickerEntry template.
This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 23:21, 20 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Die Begriffe habe ich alle aus dem Gedächtnis. Einige wie "pastor" oder "parochia" müßten vielleicht überprüft werden, inwieweit sie "amtlich" sind. Das Glossar sollte auch nur ein Anfang sein. (Auf die Idee kam ich über meine Seiten zu den Diözesen. Eigentlich müßten sämtliche Begriffe lateinisch vorliegen, aber wo? Daher habe ich mit dem Glossar mal eine Sammlung angefangen.)
Bei der Gelegenheit: Ist es irgendwie festgelegt, ob man auf "Nuntiis" auf der eigenen Seite oder auf der des Anfragers antwortet?
Viele Grüße, Alex1011 07:04, 21 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Well I uploaded the one you said would be okay. It's there now if you wish to delete that image, as for the other if you feel it is dangerous to the latin wikipedia please delete it, but I won't upload it at common because even if there is a chance I don't want to get in trouble again. Alexanderr 00:13, 22 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
Well I uploaded the 2columb1.jpg at wikipedia commons so if it is capable of staying I think the columba icon can be deleted without a problem. :-) Alexanderr 00:33, 22 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
reduced activity
[fontem recensere]For a number of days, I will only occasionally be able to come here, but I will resume activity thereafter. All the best until then! --UV 00:16, 27 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Hello UV, you've been nominated for adminship. Please see your nomination on page Vicipaedia:Petitio magistratus. Thanks! --Roland (disp.) 20:21, 30 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
steps and letters
[fontem recensere]First Let me extend my wish again that you join us with more responsibility/power than before. Take a look at the petitio. Secondly, as the most computer unsavvy person here, dow do I tell whether this site is remote loading or not, because if they are, wikimedia says they will take care of the block. The reason I ask is because it was said that one word was different in the copy, and the english policy page suggests that remote loaders generally change the text in a slight manner.--Ioshus Rocchio 02:15, 31 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
- It is not doing "remote loading". If it were, it would always show the current content from the vicipaedia article. (Everytime someone views their page, it would fetch the content from the vicipaedia article and present it to the user.) However, the content it shows corresponds to the article some time before the August 29 revisions (I am sorry I did not have the time now to check to which revision exactly, if any, it corresponds), so it is definitely not doing "remote loading". Greetings, --UV 20:18, 31 Augusti 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Dehinc magistratus es! Adam Episcopus 05:53, 12 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Pro collato honore gratias multas ago. --UV 11:49, 12 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Bonum est ut tu nobiscum es!--Ioshus (disp) 11:50, 12 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Ich schließe mich an. :-) --Roland (disp.) 20:17, 12 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Bonum est ut tu nobiscum es!--Ioshus (disp) 11:50, 12 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Ahh, I'm assuming the "link fix" was because I deleted uniti status americae. Should have looked myself as to what linked there, sorry to give you extra work. But I see you updated the main page, flexing your sysop muscles ;]. It's for things like that that we thought you would be useful. You think about things that most of us,including fellow sysops don't. Macte!--Ioshus (disp) 20:24, 12 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- I started to fix the cfa links in order to avoid that someone recreates a redirect (or even en article) after following the red link.
Some of the links are still to be fixed (I did not have enough time yesterday, maybe I will manage later today).done --UV 22:14, 13 Septembris 2006 (UTC) - pagina prima: yes, there was a wailing entry concerning a superseded image on the CommonsTicker page ;-)
- Greetings, --UV 12:02, 13 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Your suggestion to delete the page is correct. The voice is only a pseudo latin version of a lot of italian bad words (e.g troia in italian = whores;scacciaFICAs FICA=pussy and so on)--Massimo Macconi 18:43, 13 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks for the information! I am sorry that my Italian is not good enough, so I did not recognize the bad words - I thought the article might be about a means of public transportation, but I did not recognize the details … Vale! --UV 21:14, 13 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
De Vicipaedia Latina
[fontem recensere]Salve UV,
Scribere volo relationem de Vicipaedia latina (pro commentario periodico nomine "vox latina"). Mihi gaudio est, si alias quaestiones respondere vis:
- 1) Quid est Vicipaedia?
- 2) Quomodo Vicipaedia differt ab lexicis aliis?
- 3) Quomodo Vicipaedia latina differt ab Vicipaediis aliarum linguarum?
- 4) a) Quomodo lemmata cum argumento falso vel ficto scripta prohiberi possunt? b) Quomodo lemmata in falsa lingua latina scripta prohiberi possunt?
- 5) Quam utilitatem Vicipaedia mihi dat?
- 6) Quas alias paginas latinas in interrete commendare potes?
- 7) Ullam quaestionem desideras? Aliquas annotationes facere vis?
Gratias tibi ago pro labore tuo, --Lupambulus 16:37, 15 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Respondi in pagina disputationis tua. Vale! --UV 16:44, 17 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Salve et tibi gratias ago...I really just want to copy the one used in English Wikipedia in articles like Cornell University. We don't really have a lot of infoboxes around here, and if I can get a template set up I'll run through and expand a bunch of articles. Cheers! Bellemichelle 22:03, 21 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- If we manage to gather correct Latin translations for the following terms, I can copy the template. These are the terms we need that may appear on en:Template:Infobox University:
- Latin name = Latine nomen
- Motto = Elogium
- date of establishment|Established = Dies fundatus
- Type = Modus (privatus an publicus)
- Financial endowment|Endowment = Dos universitatis
- Current financial debt|Debt = Debitio
- Rector = Rector
- Chancellor (education)|Chancellor = Chiliarchus
- University President|President = Praesidens
- Vice-President (education)|Vice-President = Vice Praesidens
- Provost (education)|Provost = Praepositus
- Principal (university)|Principal = Princeps
- Vice-Chancellor = Vice Chiliarchus
- Dean (education)|Dean = Magister rerum scholasticarum
- Director (education)|Director = Rector
- Faculty (university)#North American usage|Faculty = Numerus Professorum
- Employee|Staff = Administri
- Students = Studentes (omnes)
- Undergraduates = Studentes prae-gradientes
- Postgraduate education|Postgraduates = Scholastici post-gradientes
- Doctorate|Doctoral students = Scholastici doctorati
- Alumnus|Alumni = Alumni
- Location = Locus
- Address <-Assume under "Locus" above
- Telephone = Numeri telephoni
- Campus = Campus
- Sports = Ludi
- School colors = Colores
- Athletic nickname|Nickname = Cognomen athleticum
- Mascot = Mascottis
- Fight song = Carmen pugnans
- Affiliations = Coniunctiones
- Website = Nexus
- Alternatively, we might decide to skip some of these elements. Greetings, --UV 22:23, 21 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- I've added what I *think* these should be translated as, but feel free to get other input! Some of them are quite loose translations (e.g. nomen facetum = facetious name). Vale! Bellemichelle 17:00, 23 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Cognomen althleticum! That makes a lot more sense! Bellemichelle 17:28, 23 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- See Formula:Universitas and Universitas Cornelliana. Greetings, --UV 21:35, 24 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
I think a lot of those translations could be improved. In fact Terentius Tunberg is always bringing up university terminology as his standard example of somethign for which there is a large body of Medieval vocabulary, and thus no need for neologisms. When I get home, maybe I can look some of this up in David Morgan's lexicon (I have a more recent draft than the online one). If I can't find anything in there, I'll contact Dr. Tunberg directly, and see if he has time to help. --Iustinus 02:14, 25 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Great! Please feel free to make any changes directly to Formula:Universitas, of course. --UV 21:02, 25 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Salve et gratia. Non posso scriptum res in lingua Latina, sed disco .. und damals ich werden schrieben :) --Trulala 23:17, 21 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
- Enjoy! --UV 08:35, 22 Septembris 2006 (UTC)
Fontes desiderandi
[fontem recensere]Ave UV
Pour ce qui est des noms des grandes villes, je me réfère à "Orbis latine" de l'Allemand Grasse (je ne suis pas sûr du titre exact et de l'orthographe correct du nom de l'auteur, mais je ne suis pas le seul à l'utiliser, c'est comme ça que je l'ai découvert).
Pour les noms de petits villages, notamment "Froissy", où j'habite, c'est un peu plus compliqué : ce nom, je l'ai trouvé sur le site du Quid (c'était le nom de Froissy dans les années 1200, il me semble). Et c'est à force de chercher sur différents sites que je finis par mettre la main sur un nom latin ou latinisé du village. Ainsi, je pense que je vais bientôt créer "Bretolium" pour Breteuil (60) et "Vindolium" dès que j'aurai trouvé un équivalent pour Caply pour la commune de Vendeuil-Caply (60). Le problème, c'est que, n'étant pas très rigoureux dans mes recherches, j'écris ce nom sur un bout de papier et j'oublie immédiatement d'où il vient...
Quant à l'appellation de "pagus" pour canton, cela me semblait plus que nécessaire de changer le terme de "canton" qui n'avait rien de latin. J'ai alors effectué des recherches : c'est le terme employé pour les cantons suisses, de plus, c'est la traduction que j'ai trouvé à "canton" dans le dictionnaire Hatier Français latin de 1957 (par E. Decahors, docteur ès lettres). J'ai été relativement peiné de ne pas y retrouvé l'étymologie de "canton" (du provençal "canto" : coin, angle), mais je pense que c'est une traducton convenable.
Quant aux noms latinisés qui se calquent sur le français (je parle notamment de Parisius pour Paris, et non pas Lutetia), je me suis expliqué notamment sur la page "Francia".
Si tu veux plus de renseignements, recontacte moi.
message by Usor:Ricardus --UV 22:11, 1 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- English translation by UV for the convenience of other wikipedians:
- Concerning the names of large cities, my reference is {{Graesse}}.
- For the names of small villages like Froissy/Frissiacum, where I live, it is a bit more complicated: I found this name on the site of Quid (which was, as it seems to me, the name of Froissy in the 13th century). I do much searching in different places until I finally get to a Latin or Latinized name of a village. That way, I think I will soon create "Bretolium" for fr:Breteuil (Oise) and "Vindolium" as soon as I shall have found a title for Caply in the municipality of fr:Vendeuil-Caply. The problem is, being not too rigorous in my research, I write the name on a piece of paper and forget immediately where it comes from …
- Regarding the name "pagus" for canton, it seemed to me more than necessary to change the term "canton" which had nothing to do with Latin. So I did some research: "pagus" is the term employed for the Swiss cantons, and moreover it's the translation given for "canton" in the Hatier French-Latin dictionary of 1957 (by E. Decahors). I wondered that I did not find the etymology of "canton" there (from provencal "canto": corner, angle) but I think that it is an appropriate translation.
- Regarding the Latinized names taken from French (in particular Parisius and not Lutetia for Paris), I have explained my reasons on the page "Francia".
- If you would like more information, do contact me again.
- Merci pour tes explications! Pour des articles que tu créeras ou modifieras, peut-être tu pourrais indiquer la source où tu as trouvé le nom latin ou latinisé (si possible, non seulement "un bout de papier à moi" ;-) )? Ca serait génial! Merci de contribuer à la vicipaedia! --UV 22:11, 1 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Thank you for the detailed explanation you gave. If you manage to indicate your source for articles you might create or change in the future (and, if possible, not just "I found that I had scribbled it on some piece of paper" ;-) ) that would be great! Thanks for contributing to vicipaedia! --UV 22:11, 1 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
The Doc
[fontem recensere]Ave tibi, UV! I think I'm non good enough in languages as you, so please take a look on books when you got time, bye! The Doc
- Salve! Others know Latin much better than me, like Usor:Ioshus Rocchio, Usor:Iustinus or Usor:Mycēs, to name but a few. But I will take a look at vicilibri from time to time, and I think of moving some pages there that are more appropriate in vicilibri than in vicipaedia. Vale! --UV 23:00, 11 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Ok, I asked to enable import function, in few days I will import the pages The Doc 10:09, 13 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks! --UV 22:51, 13 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Res perfecta! The Doc 18:22, 15 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Gratias multas tibi ago! --UV 20:36, 15 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Ich danke dichdir für deine prompte Korrektur. Ciao aus Lugano --Massimo Macconi 17:20, 15 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Ich danke dir für deine Beiträge! - grazie per gli contribuzioni tue! (sorry, my Italian is bad …) --UV 17:25, 15 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
historia imaginis
[fontem recensere]In paginis quarumpiam imaginum, nexus "Historia imaginis" fractus videtur...quid putas?--Ioshus (disp) 03:11, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- could you give me an example of what is not working? "Historia imaginis" should link to the heading further down on the same page. E. g. on Imago:Summa paginarum 2006-07-13.gif, if I click on the "Historia imaginis" link, I jump to the appropriate heading. --UV 23:35, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Very odd... that is exactly what I had expected it to do, but it wasn't doing it last night. Today it works fine...--Ioshus (disp) 23:53, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]I blocked two accounts (for 1 week ... it should be infinite, I think). Is there a method to revert these edits in another way than doing it by hand? --Roland (disp.)
- Or even a way to delete the ratio?--Ioshus (disp) 19:43, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- It (sic!) should be blocked for some hundred years ... please do it ;-) --Roland (disp.) 20:27, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- It's too bad we can't make special blocks, like: "Fatfucker has been blocked until he is a man, and no longer a little boy (which, in our estimation, might take the better part of a millenium)." Seriously, though, it would be nice if the wiki software allowed you to highlight several entries and perform the same operation on all of them. It took an unfortunately long time to undo all of Fatfucker's nonsense today.--Ioshus (disp) 20:31, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- What about 99 years? --Roland (disp.) 21:27, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- I fear that there is no good way to undo a lot of edits at once … --UV 23:31, 17 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]ich danke dich. Es gibt aber noch viel Arbeit zu machen. Jetzt möchte ich ein wenig um die italienischen Städten bekümmern. Ciao--Massimo Macconi 15:45, 22 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Cappella Sixtina
[fontem recensere]Bravo! Wonderful clean-up job. Thank you so very much. Multas [multos? multus?] gratias tibi. GiovaneScuola2006 00:54, 24 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]I made you a template... =] --Ioshus (disp) 19:47, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Wow, this is truly great! Thanks a lot! --UV 19:53, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]... sounds better :-) but what is the difference beetween
- http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?urbarum and
- http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?urbium ?
The genus? Hm ... --Roland (disp.) 20:04, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Sorry – I do not know. Maybe I was too quick in correcting, but I had never seen the form urbarum. (I do not quite understand the abbreviations in the output of the "words" dictionary.) I tried to find urbarum in Stowasser but I did not find it there. Maybe someone else reads this and knows? --UV 20:11, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- I am sure that you are right, but I had been unsure and had looked up the word in the "Words" before I used it ;-) I think "urbar.um N 3 4 GEN P N" means a "Noun" in "Genetive Plural" and "Neutrum" (?) which is in contradiction to "urbs, urbis N F [XXXAX]" (F = feminine) --Roland (disp.) 20:17, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- For the record, never have I encountered urbarum...--Ioshus (disp) 22:49, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- The help of the "Words" says: These will generate tens of thousands of additional words - some of which are recognized Latin words, ... and some are nonsense. "urbium" is split up into "urb" and "ium". "urbarum" is split up into "urbar" and "um" where "ar" is listed as a suffix. Maybe "urbarum" is just an example for a constructed word which is nonsense? --Roland (disp.) 23:14, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Check this out: it's listed as a wrong answer in a question about the genitive plural of urbs. Although, if you google it, there are a few listings. I'll ask.--Ioshus (disp) 23:47, 25 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Four of them are for a plant called Geum urbarum, but that's an obvious typo for Geum urbanum, which gets 159,000 hits. The next one that Google turns up is from a disputatio right here in Vicipaedia, this bit of illiteracy: "Nomines urbarum Americae sunt conversi" (the first word has the wrong form & presumed gender, the second word is this urbarum, and the last word fails to agree with the wanted nomina); given that context, I shouldn't be surprised if urbarum is Just Plain Wrong. IacobusAmor 00:01, 26 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Formula:Movendam ad vicilibros
[fontem recensere]I have created {{Movendam ad vicilibros}} ... ok? --Roland (disp.) 07:42, 27 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot! Honestly, I had hoped that b:Usor:The Doc would quickly export and import the pages to vicilibri, so we would not need to tag the pages here and then remove the tag again once that pages are there… Greetings, --UV 22:29, 27 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Uploading images
[fontem recensere]See Disputatio_Usoris:GiovaneScuola2006#Uploading_images. --Roland (disp.) 08:37, 28 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Quid iam facis? Obstruisti me quia considerabas iniuria meas modificationes. Igitur, offensus sum. :(
- Quis es? Non neminem obstruemus nisi iniurias fecerit. Dissertemus rem.--Ioshus (disp) 19:53, 28 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- About what edits are you talking? --Roland (disp.) 19:55, 28 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- UV usori s. d. Te obstruxi quia addidisti verba "Etiam magnus stultus fuit." in paginam scriptoris Aulus Gellius. Quare Gellium "magnum stultum" fuisse credis? Hoc non intellexi. Si re vera vis adiuvare Vicipaediam emendandam, gratus sis apud nos! Vale! --22:04, 28 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- non sciebam quid "stultus" significaret. // by Usor: --Roland (disp.) 08:26, 29 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
-, the first question is, whether you made this edit or not. If it was you, then, well, what shall I say? If it was not you, then it was another user with the IP you are using. In this case I ask you to take an account and to come back. You will be welcomed. {{invitatio}} provides some hints on how to take an account. --Roland (disp.) 08:39, 29 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- intellexi nihil ex quo dixisti.
- Vide paginam disputationem tuam: Haec est pagina disputationis usoris anonymi, solum a loco IP suo noti. Memento locos IP aliquando mutaturos, et a usoribus multis fortasse adhibitos. Si es usor ignotus, et tibi querulae sine ratione datae sunt, conventum aperi vel crea ad confusionem solvendam. Nota locum Ip tuum concelatum esse convento aperto si de rebus privatis tuis es sollicitatus. Invito te ut rationem crees. Nunc intellegis? --Roland (disp.) 12:59, 29 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- Etiam.
- Etiam.
- Vide paginam disputationem tuam: Haec est pagina disputationis usoris anonymi, solum a loco IP suo noti. Memento locos IP aliquando mutaturos, et a usoribus multis fortasse adhibitos. Si es usor ignotus, et tibi querulae sine ratione datae sunt, conventum aperi vel crea ad confusionem solvendam. Nota locum Ip tuum concelatum esse convento aperto si de rebus privatis tuis es sollicitatus. Invito te ut rationem crees. Nunc intellegis? --Roland (disp.) 12:59, 29 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- intellexi nihil ex quo dixisti.
-, the first question is, whether you made this edit or not. If it was you, then, well, what shall I say? If it was not you, then it was another user with the IP you are using. In this case I ask you to take an account and to come back. You will be welcomed. {{invitatio}} provides some hints on how to take an account. --Roland (disp.) 08:39, 29 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
- non sciebam quid "stultus" significaret. // by Usor: --Roland (disp.) 08:26, 29 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
cursus-us, m
[fontem recensere]Ita...gratias ago ut me stultum correxeris.--Ioshus (disp) 01:43, 30 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
Alanus García non est Praesidens Chiliae, sed Peruviae. Michaëla Bacheletia Jeria Praesidens Chiliae est. Corregire Chilia. Help me
[fontem recensere]Chilia : Alanus García non est Praesidens Chiliae, sed Peruviae. Michaëla Bacheletia Jeria Praesidens Chiliae est. -- 15:26, 30 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]My computer is broken, from the workplace I can do only a limited number of operations due to internal filters, ill do it as soon as possible, please delay the deletion if possible, bye -- 12:34, 31 Octobris 2006 (UTC) (message probably left by b:Usor:The Doc)
- Thanks for the info! --UV 23:14, 31 Octobris 2006 (UTC)
I know that the title is incorrectly formed. It is from a mistake that novice Latin speakers might make by using the wrong case. Thanks for your concern. --Phocoena Glauca 00:12, 7 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
- I did not doubt you knew. It's just that I believe that, in general, we should not allow incorrectly formed titles, in order not to confuse users about what is right and what is wrong. Greetings, --UV 00:22, 7 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
- I agree wholeheartedly. I fear we have a good many things around here that mislead by example. Like the page of the month for October, which had Roman numerals in it...--Ioshus (disp) 01:03, 7 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
Is there any way that the template takes into account the years B.C. when determining the categories? Currently, all decades B.C. fall in Categoria:Anni. Robin des Bois ♘ ➳ ✉ 07:05, 18 Novembris 2006 (UTC) P.S. Maybe if there is a way to get the abs() of the {{{1}}} value you could insert it in an ifeq expression Decennium {{{1}}} a.C.n.|{{PAGENAME}}. I'm not that familiar with the possibilities of this programming.
- Thanks for pointing this out, I have fixed it. Greetings, --UV 21:57, 18 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
... to add these meanings. I should have written: ... that these meanings can be added. ;-) --Rolandus 13:11, 26 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
Homines /Biographia
[fontem recensere]Für die Kategorie "homines" bin ich einverstanden aber eine obere Kategorie "Biographie" kann meiner Meinung nach nützlich sein, z.Bs wenn jemand unsicher ist, ob jemand ein Künstler oder ein Schriftsteller war.--Massimo Macconi 16:45, 26 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
- I answered on Disputatio Vicipaediae:Categoria#About Categoria:Homines and Categoria:Biographia. Greetings, --UV 19:08, 26 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Oh dear, you're right...--Ioshus (disp) 16:15, 27 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Please, can you have a look at en:User:Josh Rocchio/William Whittaker's Words? It has been speedily deleted in the English (!) WP before. Thanks. --Rolandus 23:57, 12 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- en:Wikipedia:Notability (software)#Criteria: Josh, while you are in e-mail contact with the author, can you perhaps ask him whether there has been any publication coverage of this software? --UV 00:31, 13 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- Sure, I was wondering that myself, as I could find little at google.--Ioshus (disp) 04:55, 13 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
Ok, guys, it's been two days and I haven't heard from Mr. Whitaker, who describes his reply policy as "prompt". Do you think the en version needs more work, or can we relaunch?--Ioshus (disp) 03:20, 15 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- I'm sorry, I am not familiar with the deletion policy at en.wikipedia. But if you think it is worth trying, do go ahead! Greetings, --UV 00:59, 16 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Merci pour ta prévenance (et ta promptitude à donner l'alerte). Hégésippe | ±Θ± 23:30, 14 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- De rien! --UV 23:38, 14 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
[fontem recensere]Please have a look at Vicipaedia:Quid_est_Taberna?#Moving_results_to_the_Vicipaedia_namespace. --Rolandus 11:06, 16 Decembris 2006 (UTC)