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Doon Arbus

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Doon Arbus
Tavalludi 3-aprel 1945-yil (1945-04-03) (79 yosh)
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Yozuvchi, jurnalist
Otasi Allan Arbus
Onasi Diana Arbus

Doon Arbus (talaffuzi: Dun Arbus; 1945-yil 3-aprelda tugʻilgan) — amerikalik yozuvchi va jurnalist. Uning debyut romani — The Caretaker (Yangi yoʻnalishlar, 2020) deb nomlanadi[1][2]. Arbusning „Third Floor, Second Door on the Right“ nomli spektakli 2003-yilda New Yorkdagi Xalqaro Fringe festivalida Cherry Lane teatrida namoyish etilgan[3][4].

Doon Arbus — aktyor Allan Arbus va fotograf Diana Arbusning katta qizi. U 26 yoshligida onasi oʻz joniga qasd qilgan[5] va Doonga onasining mulki meros boʻlib qolgan[6]. U Diana Arbusning ishiga oid beshta kitobga, jumladan, "An Diafragma monografiyasi" (Aperture, 1972)[7] va "Revelations"ga (Random House, 2003) mualliflik qilgan va ularga hissa qoʻshgan[8]. Doon shuningdek, boshqa muassasalar qatorida The Metropolitan Museum of Art[9], San-Fransisko zamonaviy sanʼat muzeyi[10][11] va Jeu de Paume[12]lar bilan hamkorlikda koʻplab fotokoʻrgazmalar tashkil etgan.

1960-yillarning oʻrtalarida mustaqil jurnalist sifatida Tom Wolf, Jimmy Breslin va Robert Benton kabi boshqa yozuvchilar qatorida u ham New York Herald Tribuneʼda New-Jurnalismning eng dastlabki tarafdorlaridan biri boʻlib unga oʻz hissasini qoʻshgan. Uning maqolalari Rolling Stone, The Nation va Cheetah (jurnal)larda chop etilgan. Arbusning 1966-yildagi „James Brown Is Out of Sight“[13] nomli maqolasi R&B afsonasining birinchi sahifalaridan biri boʻlib, The James Brown Reader (Plume, 2008) jurnaliga kiritilgan[14][15]. Arbus Richard Avedonning uzoq yillik hamkori, u bilan birga "Alisa moʻjizalar mamlakatida: Kompaniyaning shakllanishi, oʻyinning yaratilishi"[16] (EP Dutton, 1973) va Avedon: The Sixties (Tasodifiy uy, 1999) kitoblariga mualliflik qilgan[17][18][19][20].

Chop etilgan ishlari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Tanlangan maqolalar va tanqidlar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

"James Brown Is Out of Sigh", New York / The Sunday Herald Tribune jurnali, 1966[13].

"The Man in the Paper Suit: James Rosenquist", New York / The Sunday World Journal Tribune jurnali,(1966)[21].

"In Person: The Mothers of Invention", Gepard, 1967[22].

"The Autobiography of Michael J. Pollard", Gepard, 1968[23][24].

„Dustin Hoffman: I'm Sorry I Couldn't Be Here Tonight“, Gepard, 1968[25][26]

"How Fat Alice Lost 12 Stone (Yes 12 Stone—the Weight of An Average Man!) and Found Happiness, God, and the Chance of a Husband", The London Sunday Times jurnali, 1969[27].

"Diane Arbus Photographer", Ms. Magazine, 1972[28].

"Walker Evans: Allusions to a Presence", The Nation, 1978[29].

"The Collector: Photographer Peter Beard's Wild Life and Times", Rolling Stone, 1978[30].

  1. Arbus, Doon. The Caretaker. New York: New Directions, 2020 — 144-bet. ISBN 978-08112294-9-4. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel. 
  2. „The Caretaker book official website“. The Caretaker. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 4-dekabr.
  3. Tolkoff, Esther. „Third Floor, Second Door on the Right“. Backstage (2003-yil 17-sentyabr). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  4. Thurman, Judith. „Exposure Time“. The New Yorker (2003-yil 6-oktyabr). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  5. Lubow, Arthur. „Arbus Reconsidered“. The New York Times (2003-yil 14-sentyabr).
  6. Elisabeth Sussman. Diane Arbus: A Chronology. New York: Aperture Foundation, 2011 — 147-bet. ISBN 978-1-59711-179-9. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 14-aprel.  (Wayback Machine saytida 2012-05-17 sanasida arxivlangan)
  7. Arbus, Diane. Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph, 40th Anniversary, New York: Aperture, 1972 — 184-bet. ISBN 978-1-59711-174-4. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.  (Wayback Machine saytida 2020-09-18 sanasida arxivlangan)
  8. Arbus, Diane. Diane Arbus Revelations. New York: Random House, 2003 — 352-bet. ISBN 978-0-3755062-0-8. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel. 
  9. Staff. „Exhibitions Listings“. metmuseum.org. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  10. Staff. „SFMOMA Presents Diane Arbus Retrospective“. sfmoma.org. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  11. DeCarlo, Tessa. „A Fresh Look at Diane Arbus“. Smithsonian Magazine (2004-yil may). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  12. Staff. „Diane Arbus Fotomuseum Winterthur“. jeudepaume.org. Jeu de Paume. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  13. 13,0 13,1 Fraden, Angel E.. „Editorial: Out of Sight, Out of Mind—How America Failed James Brown“. Indie Current (2014-yil 28-noyabr). 2022-yil 17-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  14. George, Nelson. The James Brown Reader. New York: Plume, 2008 — 368-bet. ISBN 978-0-4522894-6-8. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel. 
  15. Smith, RJ. „'The James Brown Reader,' edited by Nelson George and Alan Leeds“. Los Angeles Times (2008-yil 11-may). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  16. Avedon, Richard. Alice in Wonderland: The Forming of a Company, The Making of a Play. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1973 — 176-bet. ISBN 978-0-8830650-0-6. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel. 
  17. Avedon, Richard. The Sixties. New York: Random House, 1999 — 240-bet. ISBN 978-0-6794092-3-6. 
  18. Avedon Foundation. „The Sixties 1999 Interviews by Doon Arbus“. www.avedonfoundation.org. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 7-dekabr.
  19. Middleton. „January Magazine: The Best of Times, the Worst of Times“. Collections Canada. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 7-dekabr.
  20. Aletti. „The Village Voice: Fully Booked“. vvstaging.villagevoice.com. The Village Voice. 2022-yil 5-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 7-dekabr.
  21. Arbus. „The Man in the Paper Suit“. New York/The World Journal Tribune Magazine (1966-yil 6-noyabr). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  22. Arbus. „In-Person: The Mothers of Invention“. afka.net (1967-yil oktyabr). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  23. Staff. „Michael Pollard (Alternate with cigarette), NYC“. philiips.com. Phillips. 2023-yil 27-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.
  24. Worthopedia. „Cheetah Magazine“. Worthpoint.com. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 7-dekabr.
  25. Arbus, Doon. „Dustin Hoffman: I'm Sorry I Couldn't Be Here Tonight“. Cheetah Magazine (1968-yil may). Qaraldi: 2020-yil 4-dekabr.
  26. Worthpedia. „Cheetah Magazine“. Worthpoint. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 7-dekabr.
  27. Arbus, Diane. Magazine Work. New York: Aperture, 1984 — 176-bet. ISBN 978-0-89381-233-1. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.  (Wayback Machine saytida 2020-09-21 sanasida arxivlangan)
  28. Arbus, Diane. Diane Arbus: A box of ten photographs. Washington, D.C. & New York: Smithsonian American Art Museum & Aperture, 2018 — 110-bet. ISBN 978-1-59711-439-4. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel. 
  29. Lowenthal, David. The Past Is a Foreign Country. London: Cambridge University Press, 1978 — 676-bet. ISBN 978-0-5216168-5-0. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel. 
  30. Staff. „Peter Beard Selected Articles“. artnet.com. ArtNet. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 18-aprel.